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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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CliffyB's Cock Holster

Another example.of absolute stupidness!

Yep. Proves once again no matter how "woke" your game is, it'll never be enough for these retarded baby dipshits.


Yep. Proves once again no matter how "woke" your game is, it'll never be enough for these retarded baby dipshits.

So is Naughty Dog now on the chopping block next to CDPR?


Daffy Duck

Yui's Empire Yui's Empire they got you huh?

The reaper comes for everyone eventually, sounds pretty shit the way they banned you but it’s just how they are over there, the mods are not rational people, don’t let it eat at you, it took me a while to get to the acceptance stage of my ban and that as a straight white dude i ain’t wanted there and was probably pretty hated, you’ll get passed it and be thankful they banned you, you don’t need that aggravation in your life. Your card was marked with the previous bans, once you cop one ban you thats it, it’s held over you like a sword of Damocles and any chance they get to use it against you in the future you can bet your ass they will.

I’m intrigued though, what are the 2 of the 4 main gaming communities that left? Xbox and?
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
What an absolutely fucked forum.

If its not a 100% left handed red-headed muslim lesbian non-binary overweight furry disabled depressed trans woman of colour protagonist then it is oppressive... and one more thing if that person dies at any stage then the developer should be cancelled, even if it resulted in a game over screen can save the developer, they coded the death of this minority so they hate minorities by default.

P.S. if after pressing the start button to start the game could it play itself so the player is not shamed by accessibility issues.

Other than that, there shouldn't be any issues for developers if they follow these vague guidelines.

TDS on REE has gotten so bad they are writing fan fiction to One-Up each other now.

(He's still not dead)

Nooooo no no that can't be real. My brain can't fathom this level of lunacy. It has to be a Kiwi Farms shit stirrer or something. Don't worry Kiwi person, we won't blow your cover.

Or I'm wrong and this person really believes everything that pops up on their alt-left Facebook feed.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

Sometimes a little self awareness bleeds through the cracks. I feel like this person is so close to figuring it out!


Neo Member
Got banned on REEEEE about a week ago in the Trump covid thread. I said it’s terrible to wish death upon anyone, even if you don’t like them as a political opponent.

I got banned permanently for trolling lol.

they said stuff like “Im happy when Nazis die” “say that to the kids who died in cages”

absolute morons lol. I knew I’d eventually be banned there for not being woke lol

Sometimes a little self awareness bleeds through the cracks. I feel like this person is so close to figuring it out!

I can get on board with this. It is weird.

I post on another forum and what tends to happen is people post news, other people comment on that and then a discussion/argument begins that progresses through the pages, with different strands emerging but all moving forward and people tending to jump in on the more recent comments.

On Resetera, it's like the guy says. People just read the OP (or just the title) and comment on that, whether it is the first page or page twenty. Which leads to a never ending cycle of the same points being made and countered again and again. The only exception is if someone makes a post that is 'wrong' and then that gets quoted, and new people see the quote and react to that, making the same arguments repeatedly. If you happen to be that quoted person, it's extremely frustrating. Because you end up with fifteen different people all trying to have the same argument with you. Even when you reply to one, the rest don't read it and demand that you reply to them specifically. I guess this is the problem that Reddit tries to solves with that multi-threaded comment system but it's weird how that problem doesn't even occur on other sites.


Wanna guess how this thread ended?

Bullet Club

Wanna guess how this thread ended?
I just came in here to post about that thread.


Imagine a Ree porno. A lesbian film where everyone involved has a penis.


Got banned on REEEEE about a week ago in the Trump covid thread. I said it’s terrible to wish death upon anyone, even if you don’t like them as a political opponent.

I got banned permanently for trolling lol.

they said stuff like “Im happy when Nazis die” “say that to the kids who died in cages”

absolute morons lol. I knew I’d eventually be banned there for not being woke lol


Gold Member
Couldn't be clearer with this fucking post lol.

I've beaten the game 3 times and not once did any of this nonsense go through my head. Like this person had to have been sitting there looking for something they deem offensive. Unreal.
You hit a black child with something white you insensible moron.


Gold Member
Can't have too much hate and anger directed at their beloved Naughty Gods.

Yeah it's a 40 year old virgin making up stories for sure. Next he'll say they felt like a bag of sand.
Yeah but at what pro?? Does he enjoy being considered a loser on the internet??

Tuff McNutt

Yeah but at what pro?? Does he enjoy being considered a loser on the internet??

He's just desperate for any sort of attention. Look at how he wrote about the single mom he was trying to date - a literal wall of text about someone he knows really next to nothing about. Even important details like the situation with her ex he got second-hand. This indicates to me that he's never had a real conversation with her.

More than likely, the mom is just making chit-chat to make work go by, but he is interpreting that as sexual/relationship/dating interest. It's typical for a lot of people on that forum. They have basically zero IRL social interaction, so they cling on to each and every crumb and get way over-invested while creating grandiose fantasies - he was planning on taking her on some huge Valentine's Day date, even though she said (again, through second-hand information) she would only go out with him if she could bring her kid (i.e., use him to get a free meal for her and her kid).
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
He's just desperate for any sort of attention. Look at how he wrote about the single mom he was trying to date - a literal wall of text about someone he knows really next to nothing about. Even important details like the situation with her ex he got second-hand. This indicates to me that he's never had a real conversation with her.

More than likely, the mom is just making chit-chat to make work go by, but he is interpreting that as sexual/relationship/dating interest. It's typical for a lot of people on that forum. They have basically zero IRL social interaction, so they cling on to each and every crumb and get way over-invested while creating grandiose fantasies - he was planning on taking her on some huge Valentine's Day date, even though she said (again, through second-hand information) she would only go out with him if she could bring her kid (i.e., use him to get a free meal for her and her kid).
NGL it sounds like the subplot in Joker.


NGL it sounds like the subplot in Joker.

It really does. The post about offering her tits to him for a feel for 20 bucks per tit, to 20 for both and then for free, only to have to drag him to the toilet and force him to feel them.

Is that sexual assault by the lass?

I wonder how 'Cupid' in his story feels about that? Has cupid succeeded?

He's full of shit.
Got banned on REEEEE about a week ago in the Trump covid thread. I said it’s terrible to wish death upon anyone, even if you don’t like them as a political opponent.

I got banned permanently for trolling lol.

they said stuff like “Im happy when Nazis die” “say that to the kids who died in cages”

absolute morons lol. I knew I’d eventually be banned there for not being woke lol

I consider myself pretty woke, and I still got banned. As do a lot of people. The problem with resetera is you have to in the upper 0.0001% percentile of wokeness, and if you introduce any hint of nuance or complexity to a subject at all, that is almost a certain ban. They're too fucking stupid and self-righteous to realize all its counter productive to their "cause", because no reasonable, sane, functional human being can possibly maintain the threshold that they require. I probably fundamentally disagree with the opinions of a lot of people in this place on a wide variety of topics, but at least I probably won't get banned for voicing them in a respectful and justified way, like I always try to do.
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I consider myself pretty woke, and I still got banned. As do a lot of people. The problem with resetera is you have to in the upper 0.0001% percentile of wokeness, and if you introduce any hint of nuance or complexity to a subject at all, that is almost a certain ban. They're too fucking stupid and self-righteous to realize all its counter productive to their "cause", because no reasonable, sane, functional human being can possibly maintain the threshold that they require. I probably fundamentally disagree with the opinions of a lot of people in this place on a wide variety of topics, but at least I probably won't get banned for voicing them in a respectful and justified way, like I always try to do.

Socially and politically speaking, I'm mostly on board with what ResetEra generally stands for, but two things stand out:
  1. They have to take it to such extremes that so much as discussing its mere existence is a no-no. I understand not wanting to signal boost certain actors, themes and arguments, but there's unpleasant things in the world that exist. Closing our eyes and pretending they don't isn't gonna help - in fact, I say that banning any discourse about them makes it more likely for someone to seek out more info on them elsewhere. Yeah, this game's creator or this artist turned out to be a pretty dumb person, but banning users for talking about their existence? Really?
  2. They look at problems from a very USA-centric (or at the very least West European) POV. The challenges minorities face, the political spectrum, the matter of genders, drugs/alcohol/smoke - you can't pretend all of these things are literally the same in the USA, the UK, Hungary, Russia, Argentina, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, Iran, Japan, Morocco and so on. Other than a generic "respect everyone", you simply can not put the same guidelines and discussion goalposts as if everyone faced the exact same circumstances as those you find in the USA.
This means that nuance is not an option. When you talk about a serial killer or a government taking basic human rights away, you don't really need much nuance to call out a wrongdoing. But when you start discussing social discrimination, sexual encounters, genders, economy and whatnot, you can no longer just decide which side is right and no deviation from it is allowed. You need to allow nuance, you need to allow people to express perplexities over things even if, at the very core, we all agree about the same basic principles. That's what a discussion is. 100 people shouting the same thing at each other and applauding each other for saying it is not a discussion, it's just seeking validation for one's own views.

There's so many arguments where there's reasonable doubt over events, where things aren't simply black or white, where you need to take a bit of info and arguments from both sides to reach a satisfying conclusion. The fact most of these threads end with a graveyard of bans because moderation decided that only one extreme of a very specific opinion is allowed is what kills these discussions. You either repeat what's been said 200 times, you risk a ban and getting piled on for saying something different (even if it's completely respectful), or you stay out of the thread altogether.
Yui's Empire Yui's Empire they got you huh?

The reaper comes for everyone eventually, sounds pretty shit the way they banned you but it’s just how they are over there, the mods are not rational people, don’t let it eat at you, it took me a while to get to the acceptance stage of my ban and that as a straight white dude i ain’t wanted there and was probably pretty hated, you’ll get passed it and be thankful they banned you, you don’t need that aggravation in your life. Your card was marked with the previous bans, once you cop one ban you thats it, it’s held over you like a sword of Damocles and any chance they get to use it against you in the future you can bet your ass they will.

I’m intrigued though, what are the 2 of the 4 main gaming communities that left? Xbox and?

The wall of text because I legitimately care about the community. I met a lot of great people, I was in a lot of great OTs, it was an excellent news aggregator and there were tons of very helpful people for when you needed recommendations and help, on top of various fun community activities like Secret Santa and so on. I'm not gonna stan for everything they've ever did, just like I'm not on board with tons of things going on here, but for many things it was definitely the gaming forum I got attached to the most. Them stealth-changing my already egregious 1 month ban into a permaban was infuriating, because it didn't even allow me to say goodbye to some communities, some folks I talked to in private and so on. The way they just got rid of a day 1 member with 21k+ posts and an extreme amount of contributions between threads, OTs, insider info, giveaways, etc. is pretty depressing, but I guess I saw the signs since I was already planning to slowly stop posting, I just didn't think they'd off me like that.

At least most of the good communities have Discords, alternative forums, etc. outside which I can continue using. The other big community that kinda left is PC - a lot of prominent members parted ways around the time a mod thought it to be a brilliant idea to start trolling the community by going "but epic store is literally just a storefront lulz" after a lot of already unpleasant incidents. While the PC community is still active as is the case for the Xbox one, many known names and faces, those who really contributed to the discussion just vanished, and started bringing the goods to other avenues instead.

That is, to me, the biggest loss Era is facing - the user numbers and interactions are still high enough, but nearly all major insiders, industry members, helpful community members, founders, etc. parted ways and are doing their thing elsewhere instead of doing it on ResetEra. We've been telling this to the staff for years but they never listened. Their loss now.
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Brah, you are on a video game forum. Not exactly the most enviromental friendly hobby.
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It's typical for a lot of people on that forum. They have basically zero IRL social interaction, so they cling on to each and every crumb and get way over-invested while creating grandiose fantasies

I think there are a lot of dudes there that are of a certain age that they kinda grew up on the internet, it became their substitute for real interaction, so they were never forced out of their comfort zone to learn the tools to move past that awkward adolescent phase. So here they are now hitting their 30s but still with the social skills of a 16 year old. In a way I get it, if I had been born ten, fifteen years later I might have fallen into that trap, but I had to get out there and be social and learn in the school of hard knocks because there was no alternate comfortable digital universe to live in instead at the time.
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Leaked photo of the girl who was hugging him

Pretty sure her penis was bigger than x-pacs in their video haha. That big female penis strikes again!

Yeah but at what pro?? Does he enjoy being considered a loser on the internet??
Any attention is good attention for those types of people. It’s why there are so many suicide threads yet not a single person has ever actually gone through with it. They just want people to talk to and about them.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Any attention is good attention for those types of people. It’s why there are so many suicide threads yet not a single person has ever actually gone through with it. They just want people to talk to and about them.
You're right, they do need social interaction and where there is none anything is better than nothing.We should also be thankful that none have gone through with it. They need help in those situations, help no poster on that forum could ever give. That hivemind is doing some serious mental harm to obviously fragile people that causes this destructive cycle. I'm just glad that there is no Statsi controls on this site and for the most part we have a good atmosphere. It is not a coincidence we don't have suicide threads.



Brah, you are on a video game forum. Not exactly the most enviromental friendly hobby.
Seems they finally let Dark1x out of the reee-eduction camps. He's atoned for his sins of liking Ion Fury and murdering millions


He really needs to stay away from that place, he doesn't seem to be able to handle the abuse of the internet and that place has been a cesspool with attacking people.


Gold Member
Seems they finally let Dark1x out of the reee-eduction camps. He's atoned for his sins of liking Ion Fury and murdering millions


He really needs to stay away from that place, he doesn't seem to be able to handle the abuse of the internet and that place has been a cesspool with attacking people.
He need to grow a fucking spine, this guy is both weak and woke, it's like the perfect combo for reeeee.


They look at problems from a very USA-centric (or at the very least West European) POV. The challenges minorities face, the political spectrum, the matter of genders, drugs/alcohol/smoke - you can't pretend all of these things are literally the same in the USA, the UK, Hungary, Russia, Argentina, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, Iran, Japan, Morocco and so on. Other than a generic "respect everyone", you simply can not put the same guidelines and discussion goalposts as if everyone faced the exact same circumstances as those you find in the USA.
FACT CHECK: Nepenthe has called the site "a space that errs on the side of minority and non-US perspectives"
Socially and politically speaking, I'm mostly on board with what ResetEra generally stands for, but two things stand out:
  1. They have to take it to such extremes that so much as discussing its mere existence is a no-no. I understand not wanting to signal boost certain actors, themes and arguments, but there's unpleasant things in the world that exist. Closing our eyes and pretending they don't isn't gonna help - in fact, I say that banning any discourse about them makes it more likely for someone to seek out more info on them elsewhere. Yeah, this game's creator or this artist turned out to be a pretty dumb person, but banning users for talking about their existence? Really?
  2. They look at problems from a very USA-centric (or at the very least West European) POV. The challenges minorities face, the political spectrum, the matter of genders, drugs/alcohol/smoke - you can't pretend all of these things are literally the same in the USA, the UK, Hungary, Russia, Argentina, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, Iran, Japan, Morocco and so on. Other than a generic "respect everyone", you simply can not put the same guidelines and discussion goalposts as if everyone faced the exact same circumstances as those you find in the USA.
This means that nuance is not an option. When you talk about a serial killer or a government taking basic human rights away, you don't really need much nuance to call out a wrongdoing. But when you start discussing social discrimination, sexual encounters, genders, economy and whatnot, you can no longer just decide which side is right and no deviation from it is allowed. You need to allow nuance, you need to allow people to express perplexities over things even if, at the very core, we all agree about the same basic principles. That's what a discussion is. 100 people shouting the same thing at each other and applauding each other for saying it is not a discussion, it's just seeking validation for one's own views.

There's so many arguments where there's reasonable doubt over events, where things aren't simply black or white, where you need to take a bit of info and arguments from both sides to reach a satisfying conclusion. The fact most of these threads end with a graveyard of bans because moderation decided that only one extreme of a very specific opinion is allowed is what kills these discussions. You either repeat what's been said 200 times, you risk a ban and getting piled on for saying something different (even if it's completely respectful), or you stay out of the thread altogether.

Excellent post, can't disagree with a word. The moderators are infuriating in their self-righteousness and instant nuking of any post that doesn't follow the agreed upon response for every thread. The bans are mind-boggling.

One of millions of examples below. The poster fundamentally agreed with the thread, did the requisite "fuck her", acknowledged her views are horrid, but took it TINY step further than and analyzed the current situation with a shred of rationality and wondered what the path forward is.

"This is not the thread for this". How the fuck is that NOT the thread for that?

That is a discussion point related DIRECTLY to the topic of the thread. But again, it was bannable because the only acceptable response was FUCK JK ROWLING, and nothing else. This is why I avoided 99% of the threads there, because I'm not someone to go in and post the exact same fucking 2 words as everyone else, because what the hell is the point?

Once a moderator decides on the acceptable response template, there is literally ZERO discussion to be had. You might as well copy and paste the 1st post for 500 pages. And they pretend this is virtuous and righteous. It's absolutely vile, and the irony is it probably converts people who were banned to the other direction.

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