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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The girl who was in charge of watching the security monitors was a Navy brat and was a total rat to the boss if anyone so much as glanced at their phone and she caught you. So you were left there for eight to twelve hours staring at water stained ceiling tiles. Nothing to do, nobody to talk to. Making $10.25 an hour and being told you're getting paid more than people who had been there for years.
Why is it that these shitty dead end jobs always seem to hire the most jobsworth, snitching backstabbing employees? I've had no problem doing shitty jobs, just put my head down and get on with it, but there always has to be one of your colleges making the job just that bit shitter.

I've done a few office jobs temping, easy stuff like data entry. I worked in this one office processing expenses forms for a week, and there wasn't that much work to do. So as you do, you go on the internet (I'm temping because I didn't have a full time job so kinda important for me to check emails and job opening). This one fucker who sat behind me who incidentally looked like an Indian Milton from Office Space would be on me like a flash "You're only allowed to use the internet on your lunchbreak or tea break!".

This dude had absolutely nothing to do with me or the task I was being hired to temp for. Not only that but the PCs all were against the wall and so we sat with our backs to each other. So he just had to have been turning round constantly checking if I was breaking "The rules". There was this other temp working there at the time sitting on the far side of the office and I could see he was browsing the web in the smallest window possible, so I guess he was getting the same shit.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Or yknow you could get some skills and market yourself as a more valuable asset to an employer who isnt your father? If your dad is your boss and thinks you're only with $11.50 an hour... you've got problems, kid.

Love the other poster here complaining he cant live off $8 an hour.

Like dudes, find something better then
11.5$ per hour does not seems bad from perspective of my country, thats 42 200CZK per month. Average pay is like 27 000CZK on the top of that we have 21% VAT and shit like that. For what these home dwelling idiots needs more. What is the average mandatory expenses like rent?

I don't understand, in this topic we joke and talk shit about all the weak minded\fake virtue signaling over there, why he get a free pass? only because he has a yt channel? or because a couple of guys were mean to him on the internet, do i have to post the south park video about the safe space to remind you how absurd cyber bullying is?? especially this type of cyber bulling that comes from a minority of fanboys?! how thin skinned you have to be?

i don't know man, i don't want to pass for a jackass and tbh i don't care enough about the guy to start a dispute (even a small one) with one of you guys :lollipop_blowing_kiss:
I am going to take a bait. We make fun of people who haven't done single good thing in their life, which is not a case of him. Those virtue signallers, who are most likely terrible people in their lives. I would wager that his analysis is more important then any review of the game (sans Karak Karak ) . Because you can kind of make your mind about what you want to play or not, but if the game runs shittily, I simply don't want to bother with it. The issue I think is that, REEE wasn't like this from begining and since he was part of the site from day 1, you can kind of make connection to the community and if you get accused of horrible shit, because you had the nerve to cover game which is not from politically correct devs, I guess it matters to him, because some people simply care™. One thing is getting shit on for being shill and other thing is being accused that you support devs who likes to kill trans people or something like that. That's not nice and I would probably be in same position, but let's say I would give up sooner than to post like what is in his last post. One thing is being shit on by some randoms on youtube and other thing is being shit on by community which you grew accustomed to and on the top of that in a way which paints you like a shitty person.

And with that said, REEE is big source of drama for clickbaity sites and I too would worry, that something like Kotaku making piece about how "DF is transfobic" and risking to look bad and also risking livelyhood. The environment is pretty shit nowadays, which wasn't like that 5 years ago. In my head I understand him.

It's just a sad thing he was "exiled" from this site, by some Sony fanbois. Shitting on work which could take week of work and being accused that you do it bad must be for some people (I guess myself included) pretty tough.

People like D dark10x and NXGamer NXGamer serves community a great deal and I don't think this people deserved to be shit on. Obviously constructive critisim is must, because no one is perfect. And I feel the need to defend him, because both od those do a good shit and it's great that they are enganged with gaming community.

All in all I don't think is healthy for him to be on Reee and he should know better. However if the games are you passion, you probably want to discuss it further on forums, because you may not have such people around you. I think many of us are like that in here.

And I guess I also want to write this, because in his post I see, what I was before and what made me drunk my liver off. Human mind could be really toxic shit, even by itself and if you get shit on, it's obviously even worse. People around you or in your community where you want to just go and be part of, absolutely matters.

And for the record I don't disagree with your posts about this topic, however since we are not on dead cult far left-wing forum, I wanted to provide some different perspective.
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11.5$ per hour does not seems bad from perspective of my country, thats 42 200CZK per month. Average pay is like 27 000CZK on the top of that we have 21% VAT and shit like that. For what these home dwelling idiots needs more. What is the average mandatory expenses like rent?
Banned: 5 days for whataboutism, dismissing plight of minorities and lgbtq folx

Reading that post about the person realizing there's no real discussions and it's an echo chamber reminds me of this.

Tuff McNutt

11.5$ per hour does not seems bad from perspective of my country, thats 42 200CZK per month. Average pay is like 27 000CZK on the top of that we have 21% VAT and shit like that. For what these home dwelling idiots needs more. What is the average mandatory expenses like rent?

It varies a lot depending where you live, as will the pay you get for certain jobs. But in general for a single young person, that should be enough to live on. The issue is (like posted above) many people on Era (and similar outlets) confuse living with living "well". Like they think a job flipping burgers should have you entitled to a nice apartment, new car, eating out every night, the newest phone, all the games/movies they want, streaming services, etc.

I've had plenty of jobs at $11.50/hour and less and it was enough to live off of. I lived in a small studio apartment, bought and cooked my own food, only went out every couple of weeks, bought used games, had a pay as you go phone, etc. to save money. I didn't have much, but I was still fairly happy.

If the OP is not satisfied with their pay, there are more options out there. Like around here, Target pays $13-15/hour and Amazon pays $18-20/hour. But that would require some effort into finding a different job rather than whining on Era that Trump isn't paying for them to sit on their ass all day.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
It varies a lot depending where you live, as will the pay you get for certain jobs. But in general for a single young person, that should be enough to live on. The issue is (like posted above) many people on Era (and similar outlets) confuse living with living well. Like they think a job flipping burgers should have you entitled to a nice apartment, car, eating out every night, the newest phone, all the games/movies they want, streaming services, etc.

I've had plenty of jobs at $11.50/hour and less and it was enough to live off of. I lived in a small studio apartment, bought and cooked my own food, only went out every couple of weeks, bought used games, had a pay as you go phone, etc. to save money. I didn't have much, but I was still fairly happy.

If the OP is not satisfied with their pay, there are more options out there. Like around here, Target pays $13-15/hour and Amazon pays $18-20/hour. But that would require some effort into finding a different job rather than whining on Era that Trump isn't paying for them to sit on their ass all day.
Yeah I suspect as much, thank you for clarification : )


I'll be honest, I don't know anyone who actually makes the minimum wage Era always mentions (depending on state). Most lower paid workers I know make at least 15hr.

I mean just driving around all the hiring signs are 'starting @13hr and up to 20hr' and these are not jobs that require a certain skill. I'm sure if you went to Home Depot or Lowes or even a fast food restaurant, they probably pay you 15hr.


$11 an hour is much lower than what I make now but would still be decent. That’s $1,760 a month at full time, which should easily cover rent and bills.

Really there is no excuse unless you just can’t handle money and spend it on frivolous things.


I'll be honest, I don't know anyone who actually makes the minimum wage Era always mentions (depending on state). Most lower paid workers I know make at least 15hr.

I mean just driving around all the hiring signs are 'starting @13hr and up to 20hr' and these are not jobs that require a certain skill. I'm sure if you went to Home Depot or Lowes or even a fast food restaurant, they probably pay you 15hr.

If you're looking at jobs with an hourly rate they are often bottom rung positions. Once you start looking at jobs that are salaried (Not retail manager jobs) then you'll be much better off. I'd assume most of them complaining are just applying for low skilled jobs that do have an advertised hourly rate.

Step up your game, if you know your way around a PC and office software you'll be able to get an entry level office job in a lot of cases.
$11 an hour is much lower than what I make now but would still be decent. That’s $1,760 a month at full time, which should easily cover rent and bills.

Really there is no excuse unless you just can’t handle money and spend it on frivolous things.

The guy works for his dad, so he probably lives under his roof and doesn’t even pay rent.

Tuff McNutt

If you're looking at jobs with an hourly rate they are often bottom rung positions. Once you start looking at jobs that are salaried (Not retail manager jobs) then you'll be much better off. I'd assume most of them complaining are just applying for low skilled jobs that do have an advertised hourly rate.

Step up your game, if you know your way around a PC and office software you'll be able to get an entry level office job in a lot of cases.

Or you can learn a trade. I have friends that barely graduated high school that make six figures doing electrician, HVAC, plumbing, etc. Hell, I have one friend that didn't even do that and just started doing grunt unskilled construction work, and now runs his own crew. And all of these jobs are the union ones that Era is always whining every job should be.

But this would require physical effort and since many Era posters get winded getting up to get their chicken tendies from the microwave, it won't happen.

BTW, it's different here in the States. Usually you're not salaried unless you're a high-level manager. Like at my job, I'm a manager/analyst at a big Fortune 100 company, but am still paid hourly. TBH I would rather have it like that, because then if I have to work overtime, I get paid more.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
$11 an hour is much lower than what I make now but would still be decent. That’s $1,760 a month at full time, which should easily cover rent and bills.

Really there is no excuse unless you just can’t handle money and spend it on frivolous things.

Pre-tax. Drop 30% (at least) and you're at 1,353 a month. For instance, I've got a small apartment in New Jersey, and I pay 1,150 a month in rent, and my rent is _cheap_

So, it depends where you live, as well, but in my area, $11/hr would cover rent, and then basically nothing else.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I've always had salaried roles - but employment in the US compared to Europe is always an applies and oranges situation.

I also get 29 days annual leave and a two month notice period, whereas I understand in the US you get 30 minutes off (unpaid) a year, and your boss is legally allowed to punch you in the cock and immediately fire you.


I bought a house in 2004 making 10.50 an hour. Mortgage was 880 and I brought in one roommate. Wasn't living like MTV Cribs but I also wasn't in the ghetto or anything, just a normal 3 bedroom house in a subdivision in the burbs. And I was paying 300 a month in child support too.

And no I'm not clueless to the increase in rent over the last 15 years but people saw that coming and could have gotten ahead of the game by buying a roof over their head while things skyrocketed. I have a friend who rents one side of a duplex and it's around 1200 a month and goes up every year. We pay around 1500 for a 4 bedroom 3K sq/ft house that we bought in 2014 and the thing has gone up in value 33% in that time.


I bought a house in 2004 making 10.50 an hour. Mortgage was 880 and I brought in one roommate. Wasn't living like MTV Cribs but I also wasn't in the ghetto or anything, just a normal 3 bedroom house in a subdivision in the burbs. And I was paying 300 a month in child support too.

And no I'm not clueless to the increase in rent over the last 15 years but people saw that coming and could have gotten ahead of the game by buying a roof over their head while things skyrocketed. I have a friend who rents one side of a duplex and it's around 1200 a month and goes up every year. We pay around 1500 for a 4 bedroom 3K sq/ft house that we bought in 2014 and the thing has gone up in value 33% in that time.

Hey it's a new calendar year, so your rent is going up for absolutely no reason by an amount we have pulled out our ass. Fuck you renter that's no trouble and always pays on time.

I actually saw an extreme version of this where a whole 1000+ apartment complex lost 60% of it's renters because they knew they could replace them with new renters who would not have known what last years price was.


Or you can learn a trade. I have friends that barely graduated high school that make six figures doing electrician, HVAC, plumbing, etc. Hell, I have one friend that didn't even do that and just started doing grunt unskilled construction work, and now runs his own crew. And all of these jobs are the union ones that Era is always whining every job should be.

But this would require physical effort and since many Era posters get winded getting up to get their chicken tendies from the microwave, it won't happen.

BTW, it's different here in the States. Usually you're not salaried unless you're a high-level manager. Like at my job, I'm a manager/analyst at a big Fortune 100 company, but am still paid hourly. TBH I would rather have it like that, because then if I have to work overtime, I get paid more.

My family Business is Construction (Mason) and all of our Forman make close to 100k or over.

And our lowest payed Employee makes 22hr.


I bought a house in 2004 making 10.50 an hour. Mortgage was 880 and I brought in one roommate. Wasn't living like MTV Cribs but I also wasn't in the ghetto or anything, just a normal 3 bedroom house in a subdivision in the burbs. And I was paying 300 a month in child support too.

And no I'm not clueless to the increase in rent over the last 15 years but people saw that coming and could have gotten ahead of the game by buying a roof over their head while things skyrocketed. I have a friend who rents one side of a duplex and it's around 1200 a month and goes up every year. We pay around 1500 for a 4 bedroom 3K sq/ft house that we bought in 2014 and the thing has gone up in value 33% in that time.

Fair play to you, that's some feat. Takes brass balls to do that.

Here, rents have been locked down in favour of tenants for years. Nothing wrong with that, just a lack of accommodation. Supply and demand.

As for minimum wage, just remember the demographic of ERA and the fact the most vocal are still on it and squander their money on frivolous shit, whilst expecting hand-outs.

That in itself, is the humorous part.
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My family Business is Construction (Mason) and all of our Forman make close to 100k or over.

And our lowest payed Employee makes 22hr.

Tough work, a lot of downtime but serious grafters once it comes to the task. My uncle worked sites as a crane driver most of his life, mental money but jesus I wouldn't have the patience. His legs are kinda fucked now though, had to climb it every day and piss in bottles.


I bought a house in 2004 making 10.50 an hour. Mortgage was 880 and I brought in one roommate. Wasn't living like MTV Cribs but I also wasn't in the ghetto or anything, just a normal 3 bedroom house in a subdivision in the burbs. And I was paying 300 a month in child support too.

And no I'm not clueless to the increase in rent over the last 15 years but people saw that coming and could have gotten ahead of the game by buying a roof over their head while things skyrocketed. I have a friend who rents one side of a duplex and it's around 1200 a month and goes up every year. We pay around 1500 for a 4 bedroom 3K sq/ft house that we bought in 2014 and the thing has gone up in value 33% in that time.
I mean, that greatly depends on age. If you're 30, you couldn't have "seen it coming" and bought a house at 15.


I'm a big fan of "sweet summer child", "tell us what you really feel" and "boys club behaviour"

Just imagine a 'girls club behaviour' warning. Every single pajama pillow-fight thread would be ruined!

They the boys club would come out to defend the rights of girls that have pajama parties.

( It's just an anime bro )
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Anyone remember this post I made?

Looks like some of that resentment toward Jason Schrier has reached its boiling point with the CDPR crunch thing. I just wasn't expecting other journalists to be the thing that instigated it. We'll see who comes out on top.

And just to be clear, I'm not making any comments on crunch here. Just purely talking about the fight between Schrier and Gameinformer, and the people on the periphery it's brought in.

Dick Jones

Gold Member



Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Xaszatm having panic attacks and mental breakdowns over posts on a message board again. What's crazy is all the hositiliy and "how dare you tell me" is in response to a poster who wasn't even talking to him. Him losing his shit is the first post he made in the thread.




The biggest problem this person has is that they’re absolutely internalizing perceived criticism from strangers on the internet. Who cares what randoms think of you?

Also who is even comparing the horrors of working long shifts as a paramedic to making fucking video games? Like yeah maybe paramedics should have set hours because of the mental toll. Nobody is on the other side of that issue!


The biggest problem this person has is that they’re absolutely internalizing perceived criticism from strangers on the internet. Who cares what randoms think of you?

Also who is even comparing the horrors of working long shifts as a paramedic to making fucking video games? Like yeah maybe paramedics should have set hours because of the mental toll. Nobody is on the other side of that issue!

I'd want a factcheck on what this "Paramedic" job actually was, becuse you know it's not what you imagine anyone else would consider a paramedic.


Holy shit they're really circling the wagons to defend Jason Schreier


Looks like this poster was banned for posting contrary opinions. Nick Calandra is editor-in-chief of Escapist Mag and TJ Denzer works at Shacknews.

Don't you understand!? He's the biggest industry insider they have left after the permed Stinkles. Who's even left to validate them after that, some indie developers that's only put out one game or less?

Schreier has obviously pissed off a lot of other people from his Kotaku ivory tower well before Ree existed.



"Oh no, i'm working my dream job as a game designer, and being forced to work over time on a project which will likely be remembered for decades to come as the game which defined a generation, ultimately immortalizing my efforts into the cultural zeitgeist well after I'm dead - THIS IS NIGHTMARISH!!! "

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