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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Totally normal title


"Everything is political! Centrists are terrible people too. Not taking a stance is not acceptable in current year!"

Actress has political views and opinions. Expresses them.

"Reeeeeeeee! She'll never work in this town again! She needs to be demonised for the rest of her career!"



"Everything is political! Centrists are terrible people too. Not taking a stance is not acceptable in current year!"

Actress has political views and opinions. Expresses them.

"Reeeeeeeee! She'll never work in this town again! She needs to be demonised for the rest of her career!"

They say people need to take a stance politically, but only if it's the stance they approve of. In which case, what's the point of even expressing political views on that site? To further stroke their egos by validating their narrative? Call me crazy, but that sounds like something a fascist dictatorship would do.


Joe Biden’s crackhead son dropped off his MacBook for repair and forgot about it. The repair shop found 40,000 emails proving Biden used his position to get his son a job in Ukraine.

Oh yea, there are also pics and video of Hunter Biden smoking crack and fucking a minor.
Why the fuck were they going through his emails?


I'm gonna laugh so hard if Digital Foundry's Cyberpunk videos have some silly ass disclaimer on them because that one dude is afraid Era is going to yell at him again

I'm going to laugh even harder if they do and that video gets disliked to hell. Ree is a vocal minority, people just want to play thier games as escapism and not have social justice shoved into them by that vocal minority that does not even play games.


They know Claven is an admin, right? They gon git disappeared.
Nice to see some pushback.




Kyuji has had knives out for this game for tRaNsPhObE cRiMe for a long time now
He a massive doo doo head.

Bullet Club

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I'm gonna laugh so hard if Digital Foundry's Cyberpunk videos have some silly ass disclaimer on them because that one dude is afraid Era is going to yell at him again

I dunno why those lads don't just say "fuck off, we do tech analysis, not politics, so please leave us alone."

Hi everyone, this is Cuckly McSimp with Digital Foundry and today we are going to talk about the resolution and whatnot for the newest game from KKK All Lives Matter Not All Men Studios but first let me say Orange Man Bad and Proud Boys get off our streets. As you can see the game runs at a steady 30 fuck Trumps per second dropping to 20 fuck Trumps per second in some areas. Also one of the developers once went on a date with a woman who is a suspected TERF so let's keep that in mind as we count the pixels and also remember that no matter how many pixels the game has there are more genders than that number. ResetEra please don't harm us!


Gold Member
PC repair shops go through all your shit. Bored low paid tech nerds looking for lols or porn.
Back when film photography was still pretty big i used to do shifts in the photo developing part of my kmart store
The senior guy had a special draw that we used to place the not so good photos where we used to request the machine for a reprint......the draw was usually full of 18-25 year old girls doing various things you would not want other people seeing
this went on for quite a while and i thought it was a one off thing but one day a technician did an audit on the machine and it was in negative thousands of prints and questions started to be asked

it was never revealed and when digital came along it pretty much dried up but it was pretty funny to see how dumb some people were in front of a camera not realising this guy basically saw everything

He did spend a fair amount of time in his car on his breaks so I'm guessing his interior was well oiled


it was never revealed and when digital came along it pretty much dried up but it was pretty funny to see how dumb some people were in front of a camera not realising this guy basically saw everything

That's why you had special mail in services for personal photos. Going to a retail photo shop was pure stupidity for that stuff.

Daffy Duck




Can someone explain what’s vile?
Kyuuji is just like Diggeh defending Ms Galaxy in any THQ topic right now. It's his thing for attention and he's mostly ignored but you know he's just smashing that report button all day.



Can someone explain what’s vile?

People are getting hyped for a game instead of getting hyped for more outrage?



Can someone explain what’s vile?
I think he's implying someone can play dress up as a girl like him to win a contest.


The thread is locked now but boy do we always have the ban baiters/sjw to the rescue!


You know what the funny thing is with all these "trans/woke trenders" and people with 100 genders? They go on and on about LITERALLY being killed on the streets like RIGHT NOW (please go check your nearest window/computer screen, it is a massacre), they also are so god damn toxic to other people like gay, trans (people that suffer gender dysmorphia), black, you name it, jesus christ. They go on about understanding and love and shit like that but say something that does not fit their box and it's straight to the fucking GULAG for you.

Daffy Duck



I'm curious what renowned "game localization" team he works on. Wonder if it's more asset flip mobile games with microtransactions.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Totally normal title

I’m old enough to remember when criticizing her character could have gotten you a ban for sexism because “journalists” were complaining that there were no female characters in the first two episodes of the Mandalorian.

Now people are free to say what they feel with all the “politics aside” posts.
That utter, vile piece of shit Claven finally got banned? I'm sure it's only for a couple days or so. All he does is shame anyone who's interested in a game he decided is "problematic". Shits up and derails every single thread because he's an intellectually dishonest, virtue signalling piece of shit to the max. When I was there I'm pretty sure he got me banned multiple times.


good. he's one of the worst posters. just a massive shithead always looking to stir the excrement.

does this asshole really work in game localization? not very professional to go around shitting on other games while you are in the industry.
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Banned for a whole week!? That sure showed him. Should've been permanent but what can you expect from Ree mods. Such insufferable cunts in every Ree CP/CDPR thread. Kyuuji is my candidate for the worst.


Oh yeah I remember this shitbird, he made this classic thread that got locked and re-opened multiple times and turned into a graveyard because of pussified bitches that kept hitting the report button.

good. he's one of the worst posters. just a massive shithead always looking to stir the excrement.

does this asshole really work in game localization? not very professional to go around shitting on other games while you are in the industry.

Na, I think he's a lying piece of shit. He kept shitting on CDPR cause crunch, calling them incompetent idiots who don't know how to manage timelines and budgets. I posted that it's impossible to set this stuff in stone from the beginning when projects change in scope, etc. He shat on me for DARING to respond to him, claiming how he has 2 decades of experience with that, implying he's some legend in managing budgets for massive projects.

Shortly after in another post, he claims he "doesnt play well with others", and "abhors" corporate environment, implying he has no idea how to actually work in a company or as a team, let alone have any kind of budgeting or management role. And he posts every 5 seconds, making it difficult to believe he holds any position/job or responsibility.

But yeah, he has the purple "verified!" badge, which I guess makes him credible! Love these anonymous "developers" who need us to know they're "verified", and yet post anonymously and we can't even ask who the fuck they actually are.

He's nasty, aggressive, sarcastic and insulting with almost every single post, yet he's teflon because of his never ending virtue signalling and shaming. When challenged on his hypocrisy, the fucking guy even claimed that he's "principled" bc he owns a Samsung phone and that isn't manufactured in China or something. When someone pointed out that they are manufactured in China, he then claimed that "they announced they were moving out of China". This is the level of intellectual dishonesty and fake virtue this guy holds.
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for all we know it could be he did a translation for a fan project

i once looked up another "verified" user listed as a game dev and the only thing they worked on was a Zelda fan mod

no wonder their own lives are bullshit when everything out of their mouths is the same
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Banned for a whole week!? That sure showed him. Should've been permanent but what can you expect from Ree mods. Such insufferable cunts in every Ree CP/CDPR thread. Kyuuji is my candidate for the worst.


Oh yeah I remember this shitbird, he made this classic thread that got locked and re-opened multiple times and turned into a graveyard because of pussified bitches that kept hitting the report button.

Yeah, that dude sucks. Imagine typing "It's just superficial, vacuous fetishization" without cringing.
for all we know it could be he did a translation for a fan project

i once looked up another "verified" user listed as a game dev and the only thing they worked on was a Zelda fan mod

no wonder their own lives are bullshit when everything out of their mouths is the same


Yet the piece of shit pretends he's some grizzled developer that has a clue about managing budgets etc.


Crunch is bad. No one should be forced to go through it. The entire industry needs a restricting or unions to right the ship. Shamming random gamers is not going to solve the problem through. Not only are most AAA games effected by crunch, but the entire industry is tainted with other moral stains. Like their enabling of unregulated gambling among children or their chummy business relations with an authoritarian country.

It would take millions of gamers boycotting to have an effect. And what happened after with TLOU2 and Pokemon SW/SH we know gamer boycotts are all hot air.

No random gamer should be shamed unless they say something akin to "I don't care if Uigher slave labour was involved, I'm so exited for my PS5!!!!" Now that person is an asshole with little empathy for others. But someone simply getting excited for a new game or console is okay.

If simply participating in something with unethical stains is 100% wrong, then no one who considers themselves a good person should be playing video games. That's insane. The world can be a shit place, but we can work to improve while not abounding society for a dessert island in the name of moral absolutism.
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This is a graveyard thread of the month in the making.



Yes, my favorite Kiwifarm troll is already on the warpath
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