I think
might actually be Alt-Right with all this "not all" rhetoric.
Pretty sure they got banned over there for post some other dubious right wing taking points.
"Guys, they are NOT ALL like this."
Hey now. We can't be having that kind of toxic worldview.
The saddest thing here is that
is, absolutely 100% correctly, using the "not all" argument to defend a forum and a group that would mostly not hesitate at all to criticise and slam him/her/them for using the same "not all" arguments to defend, say, men or white women.
Think of how much of a fucked up mental knot that is.
Fuckin, not all-ception
There would be no shortage of people over there piling on to you for saying "not all" and yet you'd still use the "not all" argument to defend them. Brilliant. It's so pure. So naive.