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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Sigh. We have another one. Get the fuck off that hate forum dude.

"Combine this with the current state of the world that we live in: where the planet is melting, the world is being taken over by racist fascists, and my rights as a PoC are continuing to be eroded day after day... I've become more and more okay with making a quick & early exit for good. "

Qualify any of this dude and you'll realize these feelings aren't necessary.

This post was from February, pre-pandemic. He also posted it during ANOTHER suicide thread and that took precedence. I actually was still a member there and DM'd this guy to tell him it gets better and he responded to me saying he was just having a rough day and thanked me.

Sadly the reason it popped up again was because someone bumped it to say he's gone MIA and wasn't responding to any messages in the last several days....

edit: Oops sorry I didn't see the nush nush post saying he's been found. Good to hear.
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I also got banned a week or so ago from ERA for going against the tide.

That TW3 thread is a fucking disaster, they do anything they can to try and demolish CDPR. No idea why anyone would have anything against Ciri in that game, she has a great storyline and her character design (as most female and male characters in the game) is spot on. So many people like her that a bunch of cosplayers, from well known to completely new to the hobby, love to dress up as her.
I also got banned a week or so ago from ERA for going against the tide.

That TW3 thread is a fucking disaster, they do anything they can to try and demolish CDPR. No idea why anyone would have anything against Ciri in that game, she has a great storyline and her character design (as most female and male characters in the game) is spot on. So many people like her that a bunch of cosplayers, from well known to completely new to the hobby, love to dress up as her.



The Jewish question, also referred to as the Jewish problem


Holy fuck and they don't even realize they sound like that. How can you be so far up your own ass?

Also no, most younger generations have not been radicalized, that person just hangs in a radical echo chamber, most people don't talk to their crazy asses, so they wouldn't know about it.


Gold Member
That's an old topic bumped becuse OP realised he'd get more attention on Twitter by ignoring @'s and DMs. Turns out he was fine browsing the forum earlier today.
You could tell from the “planet is melting” line. COVID somehow turned that into a non-issue.
This would be all well and good if it actually represented the userbase. Era is still majority white males.

And it's not like Era was even organically created with the intention of being a safespace. It was a wholesale community transfer, including people that were around before wokeness was in vogue. It's not "Progressive Gamer Forum" or whatever other fitting title, it's a spiritual successor to a big video game forum that for most of its life was nonpartisan.

It's very much a "have their cake and eat it too" kind of situation, where the staff know their ideal site would require the purge of 95% of their userbase, but they can't do that because the issues they care about would never get any traction and they'd have the activity levels of r/gamerghazi. That's why there's consistently issues with marginalized groups feeling like their voice isn't heard, or the hardcore leftists getting upset that it's still a site based around a facet of capitalism. Basically, the place doesn't know what it wants to be, which is entirely intentional.
Era is not a gaming forum
First and foremost

secondly it is true a majority of their userbase are not the preferred minorities of the people who run it but many of these people are dumb or oblivious to what’s going on around them...if they start to realise and question things they get culled


Dang that was some tasty ReeeeBuking on the bans page today.
I'm saying it here because I don't want to post in politics and it's Resettyboii-related but that 2016 500+ page vote thread was a delicious read. Not because I was happy with the outcome but how the vicious belief was given a solid 'nope' and I from what I read skimming a thread, happening upon a TaySan post where Biden has already won 2024 aswell and what I feel is gonna happen there will be some entertainment to be had.

Guess who?
Itsa me, Walrusio!
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Tuff McNutt

Guess who?

At this point, I'm convinced EW is a troll. I'm waiting for the inevitable "I'm transgender, that's why I was sad, look at me now" post any day now.
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I agree with the MTF part.

But the other group I think are white knighting virgins.

Incels are like.....a whole nother level. I saw the shit they believe on reddit a couple of years ago....and goddayum. It is sickening.

I dunno. I always thought white Knight types are just incels who know better than to openly state that crazy shit.

PUAs are incels who at least think "oh shit I need to act or I'll never get laid".

Regular incels have just given up thinking about self improvement and blame it all on women. Openly expressing that they feel entitled to women etc.

White Knight incels are regular incels on the inside but they know better than to express those views. So they play up the "ally to women everywhere" thing while secretly believing that such nice behaviour should at least entitle them to something. Even if it's just being allowed to get likes for "supporting" women. Look how they react when a woman doesn't fall in line though. The mask slips, the gendered slurs come out and they go into full crazed woman hater mode.


I dunno. I always thought white Knight types are just incels who know better than to openly state that crazy shit.

PUAs are incels who at least think "oh shit I need to act or I'll never get laid".

Regular incels have just given up thinking about self improvement and blame it all on women. Openly expressing that they feel entitled to women etc.

White Knight incels are regular incels on the inside but they know better than to express those views. So they play up the "ally to women everywhere" thing while secretly believing that such nice behaviour should at least entitle them to something. Even if it's just being allowed to get likes for "supporting" women. Look how they react when a woman doesn't fall in line though. The mask slips, the gendered slurs come out and they go into full crazed woman hater mode.

Don't get me wrong... Nice Guy, PUA and Incel are all part of one shitty big family. But true incels (or trucel as they actually like to call themselves) are the bottom of the barrel.
Opinions like putting women in concentration camps, distributing 14 year old virgins to incels etcetera are not uncommon at all.

The Nice Guy/White Knight seems a starting point. Most of them grow the fuck up but a small percentage either becomes a PUA probably with some modicum of 'succes' and another smalle percentage slides into that black pit of inceldom.
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Don't get me wrong... Nice Guy, PUA and Incel are all part of one shitty big family. But true incels (or trucel as they actually like to call themselves) are the bottom of the barrel.
Opinions like putting women in concentration camps, distributing 14 year old virgins to incels etcetera are not uncommon at all.

The Nice Guy/White Knight seems a starting point. Most of them grow the fuck up but a small percentage either becomes a PUA probably with some modicum of 'succes' and another smalle percentage slides into that black pit of inceldom.

OK, I didn't even know that this was a thing. That they took it this far.

Yeah, I will give white knights a fair assessment that they might be bad but they ain't THAT bad.


OK, I didn't even know that this was a thing. That they took it this far.

Yeah, I will give white knights a fair assessment that they might be bad but they ain't THAT bad.

Yeah it is horrible. Back when they had a subreddit I used to look at it sometimes. But they shit they said was too horrible for me to even stand. I started to look at the sub for some cringe.... but within no time I was fucking appaled. For example they really enjoyed and celebrated it if a girl who cheated got beaten up or even killed by their partner.

The answers may surprise you

Let me guess. Nepenthe
The answers may surprise you
"Who's dick you gotta suck to not catch a ban?" The Thread.



it seems like every single thread just devolves into these retards combing through the complete history of every person tangentially involved like some woke gestappo

I actually got the game for Switch at the weekend and it's a good laugh if you've ever actually watched the Youtube videos.
Not exactly the best game in the world but definitely fun and worth checking out, in my opinion.
It's completely juvenile humor but that's OK. You wouldn't be rolling around laughing but the swearing etc is just so needless and over the top you have to chuckle.

I dunno what those folks have such a problem with AVGN.
As far back as I can remember his humor has never really been "edgy" or "political" in any way.
Mostly jokes about pissing and shitting and asses and explosive diarrhea etc. Nothing that would really be sexist or racist even remotely.
I think you could watch all of his AVGN videos and not really know the guys political leanings or his stance on any of the hot button topics.
He even does a few episodes on bible games and I don't think you could even know his stance on religion at all after those.

You'd think he'd be almost perfect for ReeeeeesetEra. Safe, inclusive, comedy. A bit juvenile but you learn stuff about gaming and it's safe to share with your friends and nobody is going to feel offended or anything.

Nope. His friend made a dodgy comic 15 years ago and James didn't completely publicly end his relationship with the guy so that's it.
Oh and he didn't review that SHIT Ghostbusters movie cos he didn't want to deal with the hassle.

I wonder if they actually hate him because he's so neutral and apolitical that they have no way to force him to pander to them.
Since their issue with Mike is basically that. He hasn't repented for his sins from 15 plus years ago and he isn't making obvious SJW content to "make up for" his views. So their beef with James is "he didn't denounce Mike".

One poster called Red Mercury says, on people wanting to just discuss the game, "as long as people are comfortable they never have to think about this stuff, you know?".

So maybe that's the thing. AVGN is just to "comfortable".
He's out there just enjoying games and making videos that are meant to be entertaining but what the Reeeeeee crew actually want is political commentary and apologies and groveling.

The game is pretty cheap and worth playing and AVGN covers some really horrendous video games in a style that is largely apolitical.
His reviews of Big Rigs and Hong Kong 97 are brilliant.

ResetEra? More like ResetEnema!
Yeah it is horrible. Back when they had a subreddit I used to look at it sometimes. But they shit they said was too horrible for me to even stand. I started to look at the sub for some cringe.... but within no time I was fucking appaled. For example they really enjoyed and celebrated it if a girl who cheated got beaten up or even killed by their partner.

Let me guess. Nepenthe

Oh wow, AVGN is one of the most honest and down to earth guy there is. I bet the Wokestapo would find a way to cancel you if they found out the janitor that works in your building didn't use a pronoun once.
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Jimquisition, the guy that dresses like a clown and jumps on every irrelevant controversy in order to generate outrage for sensational clickbait and monetization opportunity, is the "backbone" of the industry :messenger_tears_of_joy:

In fairness Jim doesnt run adds but the amount of SJW shit hes including in the past 6 months is unbearable, the latest video made me unsubscribe

Fixed it.
You forgot 'shortass' :)
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In fairness Jim doesnt run adds but the amount of SJW shit hes including in the past 6 months is unbearable, the latest video made me unsubscribe
You forgot 'shortass' :)
The fact that Jim doesn't call them out on their bullshit says all you need to know about the guy. No respect left him despite appreciating some of his older work.

I really thought the Angry Joe nonsense would get him to consider putting out a take on how harmful these idiots are. Instead he goes to bat for Abby's unrealistic body which contrasts wonderfully with the video where he attacks Quiet for having, an unrealistic body.

It's okay to attack traditionally beautiful women but daring to even joke about an ugly one results in crucification. Fuck these hypocrites. It's all about lowering the standards because none of these motherfuckers can even cross the bar.
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The fact that Jim doesn't call them out on their bullshit says all you need to know about the guy. No respect left him despite appreciating some of his older work.

I really thought the Angry Joe nonsense would get him to consider putting out a take on how harmful these idiots are. Instead he goes to bat for Abby's unrealistic body which contrasts wonderfully with the video where he attacks Quiet for having, an unrealistic body.

It's okay to attack traditionally beautiful women but daring to even joke about an ugly one results in crucification. Fuck these hypocrites. It's all about lowering the standards because none of these motherfuckers can even cross the bar.
I really liked his older work but his pro SJW nonsense of late( he's kinda always had that but was mild ) i cant handle, and yes like you say he wouldn't call Reee out on all their BS which is just hypocritical.



Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
lmao Nepenthe, the racist retail worker, for president. Haha. Femcel Morrigan as Sec of State will force all women to grow their bush down their thighs and VP Hecht (did that fool finally die of alcohol poisoning? Haven't seen him in a while) will hold conferences in full leather gimp attire.

Edit: goddamn these motherfuckers are so easy to make fun of
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