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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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There's a pyramid of credibility. At the very bottom are cis males, who are harassed and banned by mods by virtue of of that fact, regardless of post content. At the very top are trans, non-binary, 2-spirited lesbians (the more words the better) who are completely untouchable, protected by a shield of light no matter what they post, and can get away with viciously attacking any member they disagree with and using whatever vile ad hominem attacks they wish.
Oppression Olympics 101 :)


I think Nepenthe said it best in that post someone shared here. She admitted that Era is intended to be a safe space for minorities, women, and trans people who feel outnumbered by cis white males on other gaming sites. It doesnt matter what your opposing viewpoint may be, or how valid it is. They want a community where their vantage point matters more regardless of merit.

Let them have that, doesnt mean we cant poke fun.

Astral Dog


Morrigan always says these things but honestly Resetera is majority straight white males, with a few really angry lgbt, its ALWAYS been the guys speaking about these issues, specially on the women threads, maybe she is not on the right forum
I think Nepenthe said it best in that post someone shared here. She admitted that Era is intended to be a safe space for minorities, women, and trans people who feel outnumbered by cis white males on other gaming sites. It doesnt matter what your opposing viewpoint may be, or how valid it is. They want a community where their vantage point matters more regardless of merit.

Let them have that, doesnt mean we cant poke fun.

Is that the definition of a safe space? I thought being safe literally meant that, ie. from the fear that people will attack and denigrate you with no consequence. Nobody did that in that thread, or any other thread. Summary:

1- He/she/zey/ makes a post rambling about W3 mysogyny
2- A couple people (tiny minority) respectfully disagree with some of the points, and include well constructed and nuanced arguments
3- The OP claims to be a victim, puts all that disagrees on ignore, and states that this is why NB woman "go through" online (wtf?)
4- These people are permanently banned, and shamed by mod for being male (or assumed to be)
5- Now that any worthwhile discussion is nuked out of orbit, all is good, and the thread can continue on with 100% of posts validating, celebrating, and agreeing with the OP.

Most fucked up place I've ever seen. "Videogame forum".
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I think Nepenthe said it best in that post someone shared here. She admitted that Era is intended to be a safe space for minorities, women, and trans people who feel outnumbered by cis white males on other gaming sites. It doesnt matter what your opposing viewpoint may be, or how valid it is. They want a community where their vantage point matters more regardless of merit.

Let them have that, doesnt mean we cant poke fun.
Thats entirely ok if they came clean about that, but they pretend its an all inclusive/welcoming gaming site, when its a completely racist cult site that shits on gamers.


Is that the definition of a safe space? I thought being safe literally meant that, ie. from the fear that people will attack and denigrate you with no consequence. Nobody did that in that thread, or any other thread. Summary:

1- He/she/zey/ makes a post rambling about W3 mysogyny
2- A couple people (tiny minority) respectfully disagree with some of the points, and include well constructed and nuanced arguments
3- The OP claims to be a victim, puts all that disagrees on ignore, and states that this is why NB woman "go through" online (wtf?)
4- These people are permanently banned, and shamed by mod for being male (or assumed to be)
5- Now that any worthwhile discussion is nuked out of orbit, all is good, and the thread can continue on with 100% of posts validating, celebrating, and agreeing with the OP.

Most fucked up place I've ever seen. "Videogame forum".

Haven't read the thread, but judging by your summary, it'd make me think the OP's argument wasn't very strong.

If people find holes in your position and rather than double down and correct them, you jump to "Hey you're mansplaining and I'm non-binary so I'm correct!!" then your argument is shit. Isn't that referred to as a strawman or whataboutism or whatever hippety hop millennial slang they use there?


At the very bottom are cis males, who are harassed and banned by mods by virtue of of that fact, regardless of post content. At the very top are trans, non-binary, 2-spirited lesbians

Who ironically are just cross-dressing failures of CIS white men who are lesbians. Cross dressers rebranded as trans so they can go and cosplay in the real world and scream transphobia when they don't get their own way or are just plain wrong.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

God she's such a miserable, narrow person. I honestly legit feel sorry for her because you know her life is absolute shit, and that King of Internet Cringe forum is her only form of social interaction (there is no way she has friends).

I bet half the other mods hate her and know she's only still around as a mod and not banned is because she's friends with Cerium. Morrigan is what happens when a woman can't find love - even from a big fat neckbeard.

Mansplaining is such an easy out for any argument. Lord forbid you disagree but also happen to be a dude.

Any adult who uses a word like that would and should be laughed out of any sensible debate.

The whole "mansplaining" thing was huge on Twitter a few years ago, and it's why I dropped many people on that platform. It became an excuse from too many women whenever someone corrected them, and they happened to be a man. Even in completely normal conversational, non confrontational ways.

Even my fiancé detests the term.
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Phew! I thought we had something in common and you referenced a GOAT game. Luckily it was just shitty Sonic.

If you ever start a thread on why Futurama and King of the Hill were both better Fox cartoons than The Simpsons was, I'd imagine the two of us would gladly fight side by side.

Until then The Adventures of Cookie and Cream remains Ribbit King tier PS2 fodder.


What time is it?
If you ever start a thread on why Futurama and King of the Hill were both better Fox cartoons than The Simpsons was, I'd imagine the two of us would gladly fight side by side.

Until then The Adventures of Cookie and Cream remains Ribbit King tier PS2 fodder.

There is an argument for the first 10 or so seasons of the Simpsons but Futurama had the benefit of being fucked over by Fox on time slotting and never reaching the point o stagnation. Even if you include the Futurama movies, the body of work easily eclipses the Simpsons while the Simpsons had a ton of quality episodes, nothing it produced ever reached the height of Godfellas. And that's okay because it's the greatest piece of content that television has ever produced.

I don't like King of the Hill.

Ribbit King was just too fucking weird for me and I love Golf and Japanese quirk. Adventures of Cookie and Cream is just a great co-op game. It's a shame it came out before online co-op was a standard. Now go write an email and apologize to Atsushi Taniguchi .

Daffy Duck


Amazing....engage in a conversation and end up getting permanently banned because you don’t group think.

Wow, great discussion forum

I think Nepenthe said it best in that post someone shared here. She admitted that Era is intended to be a safe space for minorities, women, and trans people who feel outnumbered by cis white males on other gaming sites. It doesnt matter what your opposing viewpoint may be, or how valid it is. They want a community where their vantage point matters more regardless of merit.

Let them have that, doesnt mean we cant poke fun.

Someone said something similar to me, as a straight white male you have to realise the forum isn’t for you, you are not welcome there.
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Permanently banned, for a well written post that is backed up by rational arguments and not a shred of animosity towards the OP.

I keep thinking that place can never surprise me anymore, I keep getting proven wrong. Holy fucking shit.
Just close every thread after the OP so we can take it as todays sermon.
I think Nepenthe said it best in that post someone shared here. She admitted that Era is intended to be a safe space for minorities, women, and trans people who feel outnumbered by cis white males on other gaming sites. It doesnt matter what your opposing viewpoint may be, or how valid it is. They want a community where their vantage point matters more regardless of merit.

Let them have that, doesnt mean we cant poke fun.

This would be all well and good if it actually represented the userbase. Era is still majority white males.

And it's not like Era was even organically created with the intention of being a safespace. It was a wholesale community transfer, including people that were around before wokeness was in vogue. It's not "Progressive Gamer Forum" or whatever other fitting title, it's a spiritual successor to a big video game forum that for most of its life was nonpartisan.

It's very much a "have their cake and eat it too" kind of situation, where the staff know their ideal site would require the purge of 95% of their userbase, but they can't do that because the issues they care about would never get any traction and they'd have the activity levels of r/gamerghazi. That's why there's consistently issues with marginalized groups feeling like their voice isn't heard, or the hardcore leftists getting upset that it's still a site based around a facet of capitalism. Basically, the place doesn't know what it wants to be, which is entirely intentional.

Living rent free etc.

I don't know what does it say about America? That they voted for him again?

But nah.



Gold Member
If Trump wins, I think it will be unequivocal fuck you to the far left radicals personally. A flat out rejection of all the bullshit people have seen this last year. Conversely I don't see Biden winning as an endorsement of it, but a reaction to the media campaigns, and a vote against Trump rather than a vote for the democrats.
Ciri is the best female character in video game history.

Please don't be offended by the following statement but...

Why didn't u do more to disassemble that sensitive ass echo chamber when they were all over here?

like challenging their ridiculous ideas in the public arena and unban those who were literally banned for no reason at all other than having an opinion that didn't fall in line with that sensitive ass echo chamber.

or did you feel that it was just a lost cause and there was no point in attempting to reason with the unreasonable?

BTW, I don't know the full history so if you did attempt to fix it then I apologize in advance for being ignorant of that.
Just read the TW3 thread, the absolute delusion of these people is off the charts.

The most celebrated, awarded and critically acclaimed video game ever is misogynist and if you do anything other than confirm that, you are too. Also, if you're male, you're banned.

Here's the proof, right from the horse's mouth


If you were born a male or female and remain a male or female, you are decidedly second class on Reee. Your opinion simply doesn't hold the weight of these fucking weirdos who have a hissy fit because some video game character wears skintight clothes.

The whole forum has descended into a collective madness where it can no longer be accurately described as a video game community. It's a bunch of ultra-left nutjobs who seek to root out, and cancel, anyone who doesn't share their incredibly marginalized and bizarre outlook on life.
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Gold Member
Please don't be offended by the following statement but...

Why didn't u do more to disassemble that sensitive ass echo chamber when they were all over here?

like challenging their ridiculous ideas in the public arena and unban those who were literally banned for no reason at all other than having an opinion that didn't fall in line with that sensitive ass echo chamber.

or did you feel that it was just a lost cause and there was no point in attempting to reason with the unreasonable?

I thik you'll have to go through both the reset threads, there was a few loooooong ass posts explaining it. But basically a lot of shit was hidden because of old software (shadowbans) and activity masked it. Things just appeared as a surface level load of hot takes from what I can gather, but in the background nefarious shit was happening.


Gold Member
It's all just a scam for money and fame.

With GG dead years ago, neither she nor Anita can generate enough twitter noise to blackmail these companies into throwing them pity money. I wouldn't be surprised if Zoe goes back to sex work and opens up an onlyfans account, she's got nothing left but a dwindling patreon.
Who the fuck is gonna pay to see hoe quinn nudes?!


Gold Member
Everyone there are from ResetEra, happy reading. THANK YOU COMRADE!

"Democratic socialists earned some ridicule this weekend after video clips from their annual convention—which showed attendees objecting to clapping, disruptive chatter, and the use of gendered language on grounds that all of these things were triggering—appeared online."

That is the nicest asylum i ever saw in my life, it almost look like a big conference room, and people can dress as they want without ugly straitjackets?! Madness.
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is a non-binary woman someone who was born male or female?

Seems like a bit of an oxymoron
I have no fucking clue. Probably ca be either.

In this case she was born female. She is using this weird abbrevation and I looked it up and it meant born female.

This one: designated female at birth (DFAB)
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advanced basic bitch

Sigh. We have another one. Get the fuck off that hate forum dude.

"Combine this with the current state of the world that we live in: where the planet is melting, the world is being taken over by racist fascists, and my rights as a PoC are continuing to be eroded day after day... I've become more and more okay with making a quick & early exit for good. "

Qualify any of this dude and you'll realize these feelings aren't necessary.
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Sigh. We have another one. Get the fuck off that hate forum dude.

"Combine this with the current state of the world that we live in: where the planet is melting, the world is being taken over by racist fascists, and my rights as a PoC are continuing to be eroded day after day... I've become more and more okay with making a quick & early exit for good. "

Qualify any of this dude and you'll realize these feelings aren't necessary.

That's an old topic bumped becuse OP realised he'd get more attention on Twitter by ignoring @'s and DMs. Turns out he was fine browsing the forum earlier today.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
There's a pyramid of credibility. At the very bottom are cis males, who are harassed and banned by mods by virtue of of that fact, regardless of post content. At the very top are trans, non-binary, 2-spirited lesbians (the more words the better) who are completely untouchable, protected by a shield of light no matter what they post, and can get away with viciously attacking any member they disagree with and using whatever vile ad hominem attacks they wish.
Actually, resetera's mods are at the top of the pyramid as their most oppressed class. Trans are only untouchable as long as they don't dare to criticize those poor volunteer mods too much.
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"Rationalizing Transphobia" is the stupidest shit ever.
To discuss a problem, you need to rationalize it first.

That retarded mod who ban him basically say if you want to discuss don't use your brain, don't discuss.
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