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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member


I'm darker than him during summer.


Gold Member
When I was with my Ex from Catania, she always came back super tanned when she went home. Her skin was very dark.

(she was always white leaving, Irish weather/Sicily).
Yeah catania is most often than not one of the hottest city in italy during summer, for people who love taking sunbath it's ideal, we become scary dark.


I visit era for the first time in weeks and this is the first thread I see:


Cancelling people as usual.
I believe Austin Walker in his impressions praised the radio/podcast content specifically.

Glad to hear that 1) she did not do the all recordings, 2) she did not write them, 3) they are being replaced (rerecorded?)
Hold on, you mean nothing IN the game triggered them? They are fine with the lines being rerecorded? That's the most pettiest thing I've ever seen, those people are lunatics.
Lets look through every person in the credits and see if we can find wrongthink on their personal accounts, pathetic.

Also love the line "Austin Walker specifically praised the podcast", which adds nothing to the topic but signaling the mob where to go next, all because they praised the podcast but 1 voice actor committed wrongthink on their personal account outside of the game.

Also love the hypocrisy of ERA, crunch BAD, but making Ubisoft staff work extra by having to deal with this nonsense, GOOD


they literally banned everyone in that thread taking exception to an entire country being generalised.

if you dont acknowledge that the country is transphobic, and that any UK poster is part of the problem, you are eliminated.

down-the-barrel-moderation. are we surprised?
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WTF!? I'm from the UK and certainly am not Transphobic or any kind of prejudice to anyone, I hate everyone the same

Then again, being banned from Era is not a bad thing


WTF!? I'm from the UK and certainly am not Transphobic or any kind of prejudice to anyone, I hate everyone the same

Then again, being banned from Era is not a bad thing
I bet they also think that every Brexiteer is automatically an asshole and every Remainer is automatically an enlightened luminary. (Or vice versa, I don't know what ERA considers evil and what not).


People getting banned for being Republicans and now you’re banned for being from the UK - UNLESS you agree that everyone in the UK is transphobic.

It's even worse than that, all he said was not everyone from the UK is like JK Rowling and got banned for it. So you have to agree that JK Rowling is a monolith that represents every single UK person with no exceptions (apparently even the blacks, trans, and other minorities) or you're a bigot and will be banned.
“Fragility” as a ban reason is fucking hilarious. Hahahaha they just hate everything and anybody.

Such a hate filled site.

A common thing I've seen on Era lately is adding one of the site's favorite catchphrases (like "still, that's a big yikes!") after a contrarian post, hoping to avoid the ban. It usually doesn't work!


“Fragility” as a ban reason is fucking hilarious. Hahahaha they just hate everything and anybody.

Such a hate filled site.

I love people getting banned there, the more insane the ban the better, its glorious, i may even enjoy it more than the mods in that dump


The new ban messages are truly a thing to behold.

Half the time they don't make sense.

Someone got banned for lying about his ban. (he was wrong though about his ban and probably confused)


“Fragility” as a ban reason is fucking hilarious. Hahahaha they just hate everything and anybody.

Such a hate filled site.

I love how you an get away with saying the whole UK is TERFs but you could never get away with calling all Americans Trump supporters.



Where is Cerium, B-Dubs (Racist), Hecht (A coward) and Nepenthe (another racist) in these trying times?

I wonder ...

PK Gaming

To be entirely honest, I think even the people in this thread undersell just how badly damaging Era is for a person's mental health

Don't get me wrong, I think the things it champions are important; we could honestly do better in terms of Trans acceptance, mental health, racism, etc. But ResetEra has an infantile and often hypocritical approach to such topics. There's never any nuance; they approach each issue with such black and white thinking, it borderline feels like i'm being trolled. Good fucking luck trying to discuss anything important when bad faith operators can literally jump in out of nowhere and attempt to shut down discussion with "well, so and so is problematic. Is it really okay to be talking about this sort of thing?"

Fucking pathetic, and the irony is that they push people into the opposite direction. Spite is a universal human emotion, so of course places like here and others will push back in the opposite direction. They're effectively creating their own enemy with their own fucked up approach to... everything. You have mods who openly insult people in the most petty ways, and the most spurious ban messages around. A level of corruption that doesn't even come 1/10th of as bad as Gaf moderation too. Again, pathetic

I tried my hardest to make that site work. I really did. But it was just too much. I can't even stand to look at how some posters act anymore, grovelling to the incompetent mods and putting on such a fake front and constantly being on their best behavior, while they look for any perceived slight and dogpiling on others. The worst part was that I didn't even notice my own behavior changing, the subtle desire to "defend" just about every problematic element in stuff I like, (ignoring the fundamental fact that we're human and of course people aren't going to get it right, no matter what).

I'm glad I still care about these issues, but ResetEra was making me look through everything I loved and was passionate about, through a lens of "is this problematic though?" and it honestly fucked me up. I'm glad I bailed, and could look at things in a more nuanced light (it's okay to both call out problematic stuff and admit to liking it, it turns out). Doesn't mean i'm okay with the direction GAF ultimately went in but it's honestly got nothing on ResetEra when it comes to being a damaging, thought-terminating nightmare website.
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No idea how to embed shit, so I'll quote:

Nepenthe said:
Four years.

Four fucking years of misery, bigotry, indecency, and terrorism have been rebuked. Right at the moment, I don't give a fuck how slim the margins were.

Trumpism lost. Fascism lost.

I can breathe again. I can feel some semblance of hope again that maybe, just maybe, America is not entirely a lost fucking cause of white-hot seething hatred.

To anyone who has lost family along the way to anything- separation policies, covid, alt-right terrorism, the unfortunate ripple effect of American politics in other countries- I am sorry, but know that their lives were not in vain and will not be forgotten.

To the Democratic party and its constituents as a whole: you owe black people. We showed up and showed out for a country that has always hated our mere existence. We saved this country, and by extension we saved the world. Our bill comes due. You will not sideline our issues anymore. You will not abandon us in our races anymore. You will give us the reins.

I'll give you all some time to mull on how you will make that happen. After all, the work doesn't stop. The people who voted for Trump are still there. They are still Republicans. How broken they are by having their Leader be the first modern president to be kicked out after one term remains to be seen, but they are not going away. They will still be there until we can enshrine in our legal and civil institutions laws and practices which can stymie the rise of fascism again. We did not gain the power to make that immediately happen. We have more to do.

But for now? For this weekend?

Celebrate. Breath. Sleep. Eat and drink. Hug someone. Do a kind deed. Be Merry.

We won.

This little girl is always so full of hyperbole, acting so tough. Saved the world....lol. I think Trump is a bad president....but he didn't threaten the world whatsoever. He didn't start wars and shit..it was just some 'tough' talk to a few nations.

I think Biden might do better as a president. But in no way I feel 'saved' as a Yuropean bc Trump didn't get re-elected

Edit: And of course she gets quoted over and over again....
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No idea how to embed shit, so I'll quote:

This little girl is always so full of hyperbole, acting so tough. Saved the world....lol. I think Trump is a bad president....but he didn't threaten the world whatsoever. He didn't start wars and shit..it was just some 'tough' talk to a few nations.

I think Biden might do better as a president. But in no way I feel 'saved' as a Yuropean bc Trump didn't get re-elected

Edit: And of course she gets quoted over and over again....

Damn that post made my eyes roll hard. What in the world is ‘she’ taking about? Saving the world...???


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
To be entirely honest, I think even the people in this thread undersell just how badly damaging Era is for a person's mental health

Don't get me wrong, I think the things it champions are important; we could honestly do better in terms of Trans acceptance, mental health, racism, etc.

Trans people are totally welcome on GAF, and some of our most popular and well-liked users are trans. Our users (lgbt or otherwise) are also clearly much more well-adjusted on average, and not enabling and amplifying mental illness in one another like they are on ResetEra, which has very likely led to avoidable deaths within their userbase. We also don't tolerate racists here.

Safe spaces do real harm to the people inside them. You build fragility, not resilience, by being coddled at every turn and prevented from seeing the world as it is. It may be challenging to come to terms with that fact after being made to believe that you were part of a higher, righteous purpose over there, but it sounds like you're on the way to figuring it out.

PK Gaming

Trans people are totally welcome on GAF, and some of our most popular and well-liked users are trans. Our users (lgbt or otherwise) are also clearly much more well-adjusted on average, and not enabling and amplifying mental illness in one another like they are on ResetEra, which has very likely led to avoidable deaths within their userbase. We also don't tolerate racists here.

Safe spaces do real harm to the people inside them. You build fragility, not resilience, by being coddled at every turn and prevented from seeing the world as it is. It may be challenging to come to terms with that fact after being made to believe that you were part of a higher, righteous purpose over there, but it sounds like you're on the way to figuring it out.

To be clear by we, I meant society and the broader gaming community in general and not strictly GAF by itself, but that's reassuring to hear nonetheless.

And I don't want someone to take me out of context and think i'm against safe spaces as a concept or that I want people to buckle down and just "take things like a man", but I do fundamentally agree that ResetEra's approach these issues is consistently awful and (dangerous) for its userbase.
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Please feel free to reply elsewhere.

To be entirely honest, I think even the people in this thread undersell just how badly damaging Era is for a person's mental health

Don't get me wrong, I think the things it champions are important; we could honestly do better in terms of Trans acceptance, mental health, racism, etc.

In what ways could "we" do better in "terms of " Trans acceptance, mental health, racism, etc" other than to incentivize critical thinking and promote open honest rational debate in the free marketplace of ideas? Or do you have something more legislative in mind?

But ResetEra has an infantile and often hypocritical approach to such topics. There's never any nuance; they approach each issue with such black and white thinking, it borderline feels like i'm being trolled. Good fucking luck trying to discuss anything important when bad faith operators can literally jump in out of nowhere and attempt to shut down discussion with "well, so and so is problematic. Is it really okay to be talking about this sort of thing?"

Fucking pathetic, and the irony is that they push people into the opposite direction. Spite is a universal human emotion, so of course places like here and others will push back in the opposite direction. They're effectively creating their own enemy with their own fucked up approach to... everything. You have mods who openly insult people in the most petty ways, and the most spurious ban messages around. A level of corruption that doesn't even come 1/10th of as bad as Gaf moderation too. Again, pathetic

I tried my hardest to make that site work. I really did. But it was just too much. I can't even stand to look at how some posters act anymore, grovelling to the incompetent mods and putting on such a fake front and constantly being on their best behavior, while they look for any perceived slight and dogpiling on others. The worst part was that I didn't even notice my own behavior changing, the subtle desire to "defend" just about every problematic element in stuff I like, (ignoring the fundamental fact that we're human and of course people aren't going to get it right, no matter what).

I'm glad I still care about these issues, but ResetEra was making me look through everything I loved and was passionate about, through a lens of "is this problematic though?" and it honestly fucked me up. I'm glad I bailed, and could look at things in a more nuanced light (it's okay to both call out problematic stuff and admit to liking it, it turns out). Doesn't mean i'm okay with the direction GAF ultimately went

The way GAF ultimately went, as you call it, is, generally speaking, towards freedom to speak one's mind within the confines of civility.

What about it are you not okay with?


No idea how to embed shit, so I'll quote:

This little girl is always so full of hyperbole, acting so tough. Saved the world....lol. I think Trump is a bad president....but he didn't threaten the world whatsoever. He didn't start wars and shit..it was just some 'tough' talk to a few nations.

I think Biden might do better as a president. But in no way I feel 'saved' as a Yuropean bc Trump didn't get re-elected

Edit: And of course she gets quoted over and over again....

When I read stuff like that I just think they've watched too many Marvel movies and voting once every 4 years is their only chance to feel that kind of "heroism" in real life. Even then it's only possible if the media builds up a villain to "defeat".

Truly delusional stuff.

We defeated Fascism by... voting against the fascists...

Hm. Seems pretty easy to just save the world by voting against the bad people.

Why didn't they think about that before the war in Iraq? Just ask the politicians to not back the war.

Lets see how good they are at "saving the world" when Biden is sending troops to wherever.


For me beside being perma baned on era and being able to post on gaf is that gaf has a discussion culture, when you write something stupid one will call you out and explains why your thoughts could harm feeling etc. On era peoplr do not discuss stuff outside the bubble they ban in an instant. And beware even thinking about trans people in games being the opposit sex without knowing couse stuff got mentioned in a tweet 5 seconds ago. You'll get permaed!
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