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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
To be clear by we, I meant society and the broader gaming community in general and not strictly GAF by itself, but that's reassuring to hear nonetheless.

And I don't want someone to take me out of context and think i'm against safe spaces as a concept or that I want people to buckle down and just "take things like a man", but I do fundamentally agree that ResetEra's approach these issues is consistently awful and (dangerous) for its userbase.

Like 95% of my complaints about Era would go away if they just came out and said "okay we're not a gaming or a generalist forum but rather just a place meant for minorities to talk about stuff - including games".

It's like they want to be that while still pulling in from the mainstream but they're never really satisfying anyone and looking like giant hypocrites all the time.
Trans people are totally welcome on GAF, and some of our most popular and well-liked users are trans. Our users (lgbt or otherwise) are also clearly much more well-adjusted on average, and not enabling and amplifying mental illness in one another like they are on ResetEra, which has very likely led to avoidable deaths within their userbase. We also don't tolerate racists here.

Safe spaces do real harm to the people inside them. You build fragility, not resilience, by being coddled at every turn and prevented from seeing the world as it is. It may be challenging to come to terms with that fact after being made to believe that you were part of a higher, righteous purpose over there, but it sounds like you're on the way to figuring it out.

Wait a minute. Isn’t this a alt-right nazi forum? How can we be this and not be racist. Hmmm something isn’t right here.
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He'll be banned soon.
I was curious so went back to check. Yep, of course he was lol
"User Banned (duration pending): inflammatory false equivalence regarding race "
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This is a ...thing
Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.
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Gold Member
Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.
Suicidal my ass, people with actual depression hide themselves away, they don't post a lame arse thread on a videogame forum pushing F5 wanking off to every "supportive" post, which is prob just virtue signalling anyway because they're all narcisistic arseholes an don't do anything that won't make them look good to the rest of their phoney ass niggas



No idea how to embed shit, so I'll quote:

This little girl is always so full of hyperbole, acting so tough. Saved the world....lol. I think Trump is a bad president....but he didn't threaten the world whatsoever. He didn't start wars and shit..it was just some 'tough' talk to a few nations.

I think Biden might do better as a president. But in no way I feel 'saved' as a Yuropean bc Trump didn't get re-elected

Edit: And of course she gets quoted over and over again....
LOL, what a piece of shit. I guess we'll never hear her complain about race or white people or the thing black people go through since she literally FUCKING SAVED THE WORLD

Celebrate world peace, all evil is gone, the world is saved by America!


Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.

Only 600 posts since that place opened. Odd place for a meltdown but he's outed himself as doing the same thing on other forums.


Thats the third documented case recently of someone roaming forums with suicidal posts.


For me beside being perma baned on era and being able to post on gaf is that gaf has a discussion culture, when you write something stupid one will call you out and explains why your thoughts could harm feeling etc. On era peoplr do not discuss stuff outside the bubble they ban in an instant. And beware even thinking about trans people in games being the opposit sex without knowing couse stuff got mentioned in a tweet 5 seconds ago. You'll get permaed!
So in summary GAF=Normal, ERA=Cult
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Veelk being fat makes a lot of sense.
Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.

Only 600 posts since that place opened. Odd place for a meltdown but he's outed himself as doing the same thing on other forums.


Thats the third documented case recently of someone roaming forums with suicidal posts.
Only the third? You're tripping, this is probably number 20 just this week.


Veelk being fat makes a lot of sense.
Yeah like anyone at reeeeee ever works out. Wanking doesn’t count.
And to tell you the truth guys If I had a account on reeeee I would probably be on suicide watch too.


Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.

Only the third? You're tripping, this is probably number 20 just this week.

You missed the point, they are doing this across multiple forums at the same time. Hugbox multiplier.

PK Gaming

Another day, another suicidal person. One might think that the safe spaces and hugboxes REEEE promotes might take away from one's resilience and character building. Nah, that can't be it. No sir.

Only the third? You're tripping, this is probably number 20 just this week.

Like I said before, people aren't equipped to deal with a culture that promotes a warped and insincere sense of morality and perfect behavior

Not to mention the fact that the sense of community on Era is nonexistent. Mods openly hate most of the userbase, people, even those you're familar with, will snipe you and try to dogpile you if you even remotely try to step out of line.

Gaf might have had flaws, but it had so many ridiculously absurd and memorable threads because there was an underlying sense of camraderie. Like, even if I hated a ton of posters (And I fucking did), you still got the sense that most of the people frequenting this site are adults with lived in experiences, so it was easy for us to all laugh at stupid shit. No such chance now

Not for lack of trying though. Lots of people try to funny irrevent threads but it almost always comes across as cringeworthy


In what ways could "we" do better in "terms of " Trans acceptance, mental health, racism, etc" other than to incentivize critical thinking and promote open honest rational debate in the free marketplace of ideas? Or do you have something more legislative in mind?

Nobody likes being dog-pilled, and it's no secret that GAF has a right wing bent. If you're a liberal or leftist it's not fun being called an idiot or crazy if you state your opinions. Now yes the same happens at Era, but the other away, and I'm sure the people being dog-pilled there don't find it fun either.

People prefer to hang out with fellow individuals of similar opinions. We're social creatures who want to be accepted by others. Not get into pointless arguments with strangers on small websites.

Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks. Same with a conservative and the politic threads on Era.

Really the only way to fix that is for a website to have diverse demographics of different people so that no one ideology/world view doesn't dominate it and push others out. But even on much bigger websites with people of all backgrounds, and not niche shit like GAF/Era, still tend to have people segregate into bubbles.

You can't force people to interact with people they don't want to interact with. Especially when most social media websites makes it so easy to segregate into bubbles. At least in the days before the internet you were forced to interact with people of different backgrounds if you wanted to have social interactions.

I mean take a look at America right now. It's divided into 2 different countries that if they actually went to war or separated would doom both to massive chaos and destruction. They depend on each other that much and yet despise each other. Shit's crazy.


Gold Member
Nobody likes being dog-pilled, and it's no secret that GAF has a right wing bent. If you're a liberal or leftist it's not fun being called an idiot or crazy if you state your opinions. Now yes the same happens at Era, but the other away, and I'm sure the people being dog-pilled there don't find it fun either.

People prefer to hang out with fellow individuals of similar opinions. We're social creatures who want to be accepted by others. Not get into pointless arguments with strangers on small websites.

Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks. Same with a conservative and the politic threads on Era.

Really the only way to fix that is for a website to have diverse demographics of different people so that no one ideology/world view doesn't dominate it and push others out. But even on much bigger websites with people of all backgrounds, and not niche shit like GAF/Era, still tend to have people segregate into bubbles.

You can't force people to interact with people they don't want to interact with. Especially when most social media websites makes it so easy to segregate into bubbles. At least in the days before the internet you were forced to interact with people of different backgrounds if you wanted to have social interactions.

I mean take a look at America right now. It's divided into 2 different countries that if they actually went to war or separated would doom both to massive chaos and destruction. They depend on each other that much and yet despise each other. Shit's crazy.

There is a fair amount of the more intellectual left wing here, but the mainstream has too big a cognitive dissonance to be able to participate.

See, the mainstream left have been indoctrinated to not be able to tolerate people supporting Trump / Conservatives / Tories. They call people with differing opinions “literal nazis”, so there is no way they could discuss with such people, who they claim are committing “literal genocide”.

The right, on the other hand, seems to deal with different opinions just fine. People have spoken, Biden won, that’s democracy. I very much doubt there is going to be a four year impeachment charade instigated by the right.

Thus, we have the tolerant right and intellectual left here. The puritan mainstream left cancels themselves out here.
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the tolerant left


Trump leads in several key states on election night. Then all of a sudden, counting stops, 150,000+ Biden votes come in at once. Polling stations block conservative supervisors, board up windows to prevent people from seeing in, and states like Michigan having more votes than registered voters.

Look, I'm not saying Trump won, but there are WAY too many red flags for this result to be legit. I think at the very least, this does deserve to be challenged in the courts.
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Hold on, you mean nothing IN the game triggered them? They are fine with the lines being rerecorded? That's the most pettiest thing I've ever seen, those people are lunatics.
Lets look through every person in the credits and see if we can find wrongthink on their personal accounts, pathetic.

Also love the line "Austin Walker specifically praised the podcast", which adds nothing to the topic but signaling the mob where to go next, all because they praised the podcast but 1 voice actor committed wrongthink on their personal account outside of the game.

Also love the hypocrisy of ERA, crunch BAD, but making Ubisoft staff work extra by having to deal with this nonsense, GOOD
Didn’t they try to “cancel” Chris Pratt literally just because he followed some republican account on Twitter? It’s amazing that they try to say that cancel culture doesn’t exist lol.


Wow that's crazy. Hard R and everything. Fucking scumbags.

That has to Enzom21, I refuse to believe it isn't.

The white dude (who said he was on this site) who disappeared once someone just looked up his youtube.

Same dude, was white.

And Nepth basically banned the dude who pointed it out and called it false and a conspiracy theory.

Dude said he was white. This has gotta be him.

Used to keep demanding people call him a N*, that's the level of intelligence they possess.
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See, the mainstream left have been indoctrinated to not be able to tolerate people supporting Trump / Conservatives / Tories. They call people with differing opinions “literal nazis”, so there is no way they could discuss with such people, who they claim are committing “literal genocide”.

It wouldn't get to me as much if the same people would rally or pay attention to all the actual horrible shit that's happening in the world. Instead, at best, you get an uninformed, ignorant opinion about the most obvious shit packed with no actual solution and plenty of scapegoating (often to the people you described).

But hey, they cried 4 years about Trump. Literary saved half the world (made no fucking difference)
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Astral Dog

Trump leads in several key states on election night. Then all of a sudden, counting stops, 150,000+ Biden votes come in at once. Polling stations block conservative supervisors, board up windows to prevent people from seeing in, and states like Michigan having more votes than registered voters.

Look, I'm not saying Trump won, but there are WAY too many red flags for this result to be legit. I think at the very least, this does deserve to be challenged in the courts.
Dude its over, Biden won, and he seems like a classy guy far from the complete lunatic people on the far left and far right dream of, Joe is gonna be a good president 👍🇺🇲


Dude its over, Biden won, and he seems like a classy guy far from the complete lunatic people on the far left and far right dream of, Joe is gonna be a good president 👍🇺🇲

I'm still gonna wait until the supreme court makes a final decision, rather than the mainstream media. I, and many others feel something was off about this election before it even happened. There's too many suspicious events that happened for this to be a fair result, And I'm not even a big Trump fan, LOL.


Just wait until Biden is in office and none of their problems are any better... almost like they have to take initiative for their own lives or something. How queer

This is the thing - Biden isnt a far left candidate - in fact I think he aligns more with the typical British Conservative. He will not be able to apply the kinds of legislature that Era wants - especially considering he doesnt have control of both houses. I 100% expect Era to want him to quit in a couple of years due to his age/health and let Harris take over, in the belief she'll better represent them (she won't).

I can see a Biden administation being similar in ways to Obamas - lots of tokenism, with a lot less actual improvement to people's lives like that was promised or anticipated after the election. When the riots start again, with Biden as president, the left will only have themselves to blame.


Gold Member
There is this real trend of people hating themselves or what they do. It's fucking weird.

I'm from the UK and I hate the UK
I'm a white cis male and I hate being one
I'm a games journalist and I hate the games industry
I'm a game reviewer and I'm above these games that don't have profound meaning to my life

I have no idea what the endgame is for these people, probably why so many think an identity change can fix their issues. It's time to make peace that most of us don't really matter. We have a little sliver of time to enjoy shit while we're here. Try it.


Suicidal my ass, people with actual depression hide themselves away, they don't post a lame arse thread on a videogame forum pushing F5 wanking off to every "supportive" post, which is prob just virtue signalling anyway because they're all narcisistic arseholes an don't do anything that won't make them look good to the rest of their phoney ass niggas


I‘ve known two people who have killed themselves.

You‘re 100% right.
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