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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Nobody likes being dog-pilled, and it's no secret that GAF has a right wing bent. If you're a liberal or leftist it's not fun being called an idiot or crazy if you state your opinions.

That's not just a misrepresentation of what typically happens, it would only be a problem if it applied one-sidedly, meaning conservatives being given free rein and so-called liberals being severely restricted or banned left and right.

Is that your impression? Can you provide examples?

Now yes the same happens at Era, but the other away, and I'm sure the people being dog-pilled there don't find it fun either.

I reserve my right to call an opinion irrational, unsubstantiated, inane, etc, and explain why indeed I think it's false, irrational, slanderous, unsubstantiated, etc. I focus on content and conduct. If, however, you insult me or other people unfairly, then it's an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I will make sure I turn the insult back at the insulter.

Don't come into a thread if your sensitivity is such that open criticism of your opinions hurts your feelings. You can discuss the topic with your relatives and friends in the conform and security of your circle.

People prefer to hang out with fellow individuals of similar opinions. We're social creatures who want to be accepted by others. Not get into pointless arguments with strangers on small websites.

So don't.

Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks. Same with a conservative and the politic threads on Era.

The key difference you and so many keep ignoring, in what can only be described as collective myopia, is that so-called liberals can and do post in GAF politics , that socialists can and do post in GAF politics , that communists can and do post in GAF politics section, where absolutely no one right of Bernie Sanders will ever survive more than one sentence on ResetEra, not because of being dogpiled upon, though that would also likely happen, but because the system - moderation - would make sure of that.

There is a systemic fundamental difference between Era and GAF that just keeps getting overlooked.

Anything else seems folklore and a distraction from this core issue.

Really the only way to fix that is for a website to have diverse demographics of different people so that no one ideology/world view doesn't dominate it and push others out.

Oh, look! It's equality of outcome day!

Because you don't like where freedom leads to, let's pass some obscure legislation that makes sure reality conforms to your liking. Let's establish quotas so that your sensibility is not offended.

"Push out"? You mean by successfully defeating their vacuous arguments?
Most definitely. I will try my very best to defeat bad arguments. It is a moral categorical imperative to defeat poor arguments in the free open marketplace of ideas.

If having your arguments defeated hurts your feelings, then work on your feelings.

Nobody is preventing anyone from posting here. Nobody is stopping liberals from starting threads on Trump, which they routinely do. You cannot possibly pretend the reverse is true over there with a straight face.

But even on much bigger websites with people of all backgrounds, and not niche shit like GAF/Era, still tend to have people segregate into bubbles.

You can't force people to interact with people they don't want to interact with.

Nor should you.
They must learn that lesson by themselves.


In the thread on how to stop someone like Trump getting into power again. Among the solutions put forward by this poster, eugenics.

Kind of mixed messages there on how to fight fascism, bud.

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I think it's pretty telling why industry insiders and developers don't post on REEE anymore, it's a leftist shithole and the witch hunts can damage your brand. The only real digging/scoops they get is through Jason Shreier, not through direct threads like CBOAT did for example. The turning point for me personally was when Lorne Lanning, the creator of Oddworld, was branded altright when all he did was like some conservative twitter posts. The leftist shithole really likes do dig through obscure twitter likes just to brand you. Lorne Lanning's games are/were anti-capitalist as fuck, with themes of slavery, exploitation, vile capitalism and pro-tribalism messages. It's really telling of the dangerous impact REEE has, that for example that Giant Bomb didn't invite him to the post-E3 couch talks when he essentially was default guest since 2015. I'm still baffled that talks of pedo/loli porn inside their inner circle didn't fucking ruin that website.
That election thread was a goldmine. Some guy posted he felt empowered by a black guy saying they went from picking cotton to picking presidents and soliloquy smth said he was white and had no right to feel empowered by it :messenger_beaming:

We need someone with an account to see how far the anti-white sentiment can be pushed.

Maybe someone can suggest mandatory race tags and then follow up with a suggestion for all white people to be banned.
That election thread was a goldmine. Some guy posted he felt empowered by a black guy saying they went from picking cotton to picking presidents and soliloquy smth said he was white and had no right to feel empowered by it :messenger_beaming:
Lmao, so you can't show empathy as a white person anymore? You can't say you feel good for black people (finally) getting a president into the White House? They really fucking hate white people over there. First insult them, then expect them to rally for your cause. Here's a hint: not all white people are the same 'race', an american is different from a german, a polish person different from a spaniard...


the tolerant left

hard ER and coon? And these are the people that constantly pat themselves on the back saying they're "on the right side of history". Disgusting people.

Jesus christ, they're listening to the guy who calls black people coons and nigg**s about how to treat the black community? Are they officially white supremacists now? What are the odds Dogge isn't even black?
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Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks.

Yeah, the Politics section is currently, extremely right-wing, though I suspect this too will pass. There's actually a sizable number of lefties here (myself included) but most of us just want to talk about games. Even the Trump/Infowars crowd who think that I'm a pinko imbecile still often post good, interesting stuff on the gaming side of things and they seem to like my OTs well enough. So we can all get along as fellow lovers of interactive electronic gaming.

I am pretty sure I would never get banned on ERA - I am wearing my Students for Mondale & Ferraro t-shit as I type this - but I disagree with a lot of their moderation policies. I genuinely believe that no enthusiast forum should prevent or forbid debate on any video game title, regardless if the game's creator is a monster, Hitler, or Satan himself.


REEEEEEE struggles on why it's not a blue wave when you win the presidency by a narrow margin that took days to decide and lost ground everywhere else. Apparently media should still be calling it a blue wave since it just so happened to collide with a red wave! Take that media!

I'll never understand why they'll need to be coddled so much even when they don't do a good job.






Definitely not extremely right wing, LOL. Not even close.

Yeah, most of what you're seeing is folks who are accepting Biden is President without much issue, but agreeing that the entire system of voting and counting those votes could use a little tuning up. If for no other reason than to avoid this exact argument in four years.


I'll never understand why they'll need to be coddled so much even when they don't do a good job.

Maybe we can start some sort of GoFundMe to develop some kind of tax-funded program to coddle them further!

Who is with me, gang?!




Nobody likes being dog-pilled, and it's no secret that GAF has a right wing bent. If you're a liberal or leftist it's not fun being called an idiot or crazy if you state your opinions. Now yes the same happens at Era, but the other away, and I'm sure the people being dog-pilled there don't find it fun either.

People prefer to hang out with fellow individuals of similar opinions. We're social creatures who want to be accepted by others. Not get into pointless arguments with strangers on small websites.

Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks. Same with a conservative and the politic threads on Era.

Really the only way to fix that is for a website to have diverse demographics of different people so that no one ideology/world view doesn't dominate it and push others out. But even on much bigger websites with people of all backgrounds, and not niche shit like GAF/Era, still tend to have people segregate into bubbles.

You can't force people to interact with people they don't want to interact with. Especially when most social media websites makes it so easy to segregate into bubbles. At least in the days before the internet you were forced to interact with people of different backgrounds if you wanted to have social interactions.

I mean take a look at America right now. It's divided into 2 different countries that if they actually went to war or separated would doom both to massive chaos and destruction. They depend on each other that much and yet despise each other. Shit's crazy.
Dude, im left leaning, this place accepts that view, it has all sorts but at least you can argue. On Era you just get banned for whatever the wrongthink of the day is.
A forum should allow views, discussion and have moderation to prevent it getting out if hand.
On Ree, no discussion, you have to predict what mods or protected members think and tag along.
That is not a normal forum!
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Nobody likes being dog-pilled, and it's no secret that GAF has a right wing bent. If you're a liberal or leftist it's not fun being called an idiot or crazy if you state your opinions. Now yes the same happens at Era, but the other away, and I'm sure the people being dog-pilled there don't find it fun either.

People prefer to hang out with fellow individuals of similar opinions. We're social creatures who want to be accepted by others. Not get into pointless arguments with strangers on small websites.

Yes the mods here are less harsh than those at Era, but that can't change the demographics of both sites. Most liberals will take one look at the politic section here and say no thanks. Same with a conservative and the politic threads on Era.

Really the only way to fix that is for a website to have diverse demographics of different people so that no one ideology/world view doesn't dominate it and push others out. But even on much bigger websites with people of all backgrounds, and not niche shit like GAF/Era, still tend to have people segregate into bubbles.

You can't force people to interact with people they don't want to interact with. Especially when most social media websites makes it so easy to segregate into bubbles. At least in the days before the internet you were forced to interact with people of different backgrounds if you wanted to have social interactions.

I mean take a look at America right now. It's divided into 2 different countries that if they actually went to war or separated would doom both to massive chaos and destruction. They depend on each other that much and yet despise each other. Shit's crazy.

I think you should spend more time here before making judgements about the community. The majority of just wanna sniff Tulsi Gabbard's feet.


If it was a guys butt they'd be cheering him on.
Actually true. I've seen so many people get banned for "sexism" or "boys club behavior" when it comes to appreciating female beauty, and right below it there's a thread where people are doing the same with males, but the mods are suddenly too busy to do anything about it.


Like TaySan only got dogpiled on when he said dumb shit like how he hopes to meet a girl who will enjoy living with his parents as much as he does etc

You get dog piled on Era if you admit you still think Louis CK is funny or any similar stance ignoring their narrative

Theres a difference

Scotty W

There is this real trend of people hating themselves or what they do. It's fucking weird.

I'm from the UK and I hate the UK
I'm a white cis male and I hate being one
I'm a games journalist and I hate the games industry
I'm a game reviewer and I'm above these games that don't have profound meaning to my life

I have no idea what the endgame is for these people, probably why so many think an identity change can fix their issues. It's time to make peace that most of us don't really matter. We have a little sliver of time to enjoy shit while we're here. Try it.


This one has potential.

TLDR; 30 year old dental student turned to babysitting.

Completely true, completely.



let the lies and salt flow Taysan. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion with someone that drops hot takes and runs back to Era when challenged.

Irony, oh the sweet irony.

So you can have reasonable discussion on Resetera now?
You’re going to tell me you won’t get spammed to death by their warriors?

You mean Reee NPCs won’t reply with “Yikes” “Is this the hill you gonna die on”and other copy paste response all the time(no wonder their fav games are mostly from Nu-Ubi)

Last time I remember you would get harassed on Era for simply trying to avoid a conversation. Still remember those cunts esp Clovven shit posting every CP77 threads. I still remember their desperation to bait people into getting banned.

These Reeeee creatures are just sad. Bunch of blue haired neets.

At least here you don’t have to fake pander to psychos in fear of getting banned.
Also I’m not really into politics but I remember very open discussion being held there despite some jihadists bombing themselves.


This one has potential.

TLDR; 30 year old dental student turned to babysitting.

Completely true, completely.


Emblematic of the average Era user - thinks they have all the answers to the world's woes, happy to dictate how everyone should act, and cancel those who won't fall into line, yet can't look after a baby for 2 hours.

There seems to be a collective lack of any sort of experience or responsibility on that forum that doesn't include shouting at strangers on the internet.


Unconfirmed Member

let the lies and salt flow Taysan. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion with someone that drops hot takes and runs back to Era when challenged.
The drive bys he did in the election thread were ok though!


Gold Member
let the lies and salt flow Taysan. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion with someone that drops hot takes and runs back to Era when challenged.

These people are plain stupid. Whenever they are given free reign to come to their own conclusions they always fuck it up. They have no idea how to translate data or circumstance. They see what they want to see, or a couple of instances then that is the truth!!! I mean why the fuck would you come back to a game forum to only post in the politics section? They came here with an intent and motive and were snuffed out because they are sad no-lifers with the social graces of a public louse. The only reason they came and went was to drag the experience out to others as a pledge of loyalty. No wonder people hate them in real life - even their families - as they twist, manipulate, accuse others while being the biggest nobheads in the world.



When I see the thread for the election, there are a lot of left oriented posters and many people who think Trump is bad. And I saw a lot of good discussions and everybody could express his opinion. The thread is also the perfect example for why he is talking bullshit. There were many "revived" accounts of ERA users and even with these obvious trolls there is normal discussion, as long as they don't throw out racist crap.

And hey at all the ERA guys reading this. Just check the thread out (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-...vote-tracking-and-discussion.1574751/page-369). It can do you good and expand your own horizon if you just take a look for yourself. Enjoy! :messenger_peace:


Incel pity party



looks like he's 24 going on 40, khaki shorts and a dog that's not even his that he calls a "Fur nephew". "Just get a profile picture with a dog dude, women will flock to you". The soy is strong with this one.
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