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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
Never say never. My point was that I hope GAF grows positively over time, and doesn't slip as numbers increase, staff turns over, etc. Era had a catastrophic shift in moderation in 2018. In mid 2018, bans skyrocketed after founding members quit, new mods were promoted, etc. It happened in the space of a few weeks. You could argue the site was just showing its true face, but I think any site can go sour quite quickly under the right circumstances if the wrong people get into power positions.

Something that stood out to me about Era as 2018 led into 2019 and beyond was that a lot of aggressive, spiteful users didn't have an actual argument to give. They didn't join Era to defend their self-righteous opinions, after all. What they had instead was a report button, "yikes", and a moderation team who didn't care about the ToS. As far as I know, people on modern GAF get banned for breaking rules. And there's transparency there. I think there's a public ban list somewhere? I know there's always murky ground around "trolling" bans. But at least you can discuss bans on here. On Era, questioning a ban is grounds for banning. That destroys all pretense of transparency, openness, and honest from the community. A community is held together with rules that are enforced consistently and fairly.

The problem isn;t necessarily the replacement mods there, the problem is the small group of power hungry, insane mods have gone up in the halls of power/influence. How the f do you read anything of Nepenthes and think they are stable enough to be a moderator or facilitator to any discussion? Here we have actual footage of Evilore approaching the new mod Soapy Wooder Soapy Wooder to join GAFs team.

'Lore said 'do you accept this great honour and position of power?' and then soapy replied


Then 'lore was like



I’m gonna be real here. I do not think I’ve actually visited the political part of this forum - haven’t felt pressured to do so in any way. I am only vaguely aware of its existence. I posted like one or two things on resetera before I asked to be permanently banned when suddenly realizing how dogmatic and serious it took itself. I didn’t say anything offensive there and get backlash, it just was super clear what it was and I don’t want to associate with that in my life.

Maybe it’s my personal preference, maybe it’s just me, but I just feel like the internet is a terrible place to discuss subjects that are actually heavily important to me - we’ve never met, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. We don’t see each other or hear each other speaking or tone of voice. I don’t know your story, you don’t know mine, I dunno - it’s a pretty limited way of communicating, especially on a videogame forum.

The internet is a place where a bunch of people with actual mental conditions that believe they have chips implanted in their brains are able to find each other and convince each other that they are actually the sane ones. This just isn’t real. Like I barely recognize my own friends lives on social media compared to their reality how am I supposed to have any actual accurate approximation of who you really are with the insanely limited information I have.

I dunno it just, taking it too seriously would drive me insane. I got outlets in my life for that shit, people I actually know. The resetera situation was an obvious echo chamber from the word go. This place? Do people say weird inappropriate shit from time to time, sure. I guess? YouTube comments are way worse and I somehow survive seeing those so yeah. I dunno what I’m saying I’m just kinda over this whole narrative of NeoGAF growing into anything it isn’t already. Like it’s fine, it’s been fine. It is a site on the internet that provides an outlet to talk about video games - as long as it is treated with the appropriate amount of importance it’ll continue to be so - I mean what exactly are we expecting to get here?

Maybe I’m insane I actually don’t know anymore I have never posted so much on a forum in my entire life.

The second you start taking stuff on an Internet forum too seriously is the second you’re fucked. A lot of folks at Reee (and even a few here) would do well to learn that lesson.
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I’m gonna be real here. I do not think I’ve actually visited the political part of this forum - haven’t felt pressured to do so in any way.

It's a bugbear of mine that actual non politics news stories get posted there too often rather than Off Topic which instantly politicizes the discussions and so any comment you make will be read with a left/right slant even if one is not intended.
The problem isn;t necessarily the replacement mods there, the problem is the small group of power hungry, insane mods have gone up in the halls of power/influence. How the f do you read anything of Nepenthes and think they are stable enough to be a moderator or facilitator to any discussion? Here we have actual footage of Evilore approaching the new mod Soapy Wooder Soapy Wooder to join GAFs team.

'Lore said 'do you accept this great honour and position of power?' and then soapy replied


Then 'lore was like

Glad you used that version of Crowe and not this one



I was a member of old-GAF who got banned when the mods started going absolutely insane towards the end. I think I got banned in mid-2017? Can't recall. I joined Era hoping that it would be better than late-stage-GAF, and to be fair it was for a while. But after mid-2018 it started degrading rapidly and never stopped. There's a revisionist narrative prominent on Era that heavily downplays that a major reason people left GAF over time was disagreements with the site culture and moderation. I was there when GAF was disintegrating. The revisionist narrative is spread by people who were problematic members on GAF enjoying free reign on Era.
You can merge your new account with your old one if you message the mods.
As for Era, I remember that one of the things they wanted was a transparent moderation policy, which is why they started with the public ban messages. Didn't last very long.
I missed all the Cyberpunk drama and I've been trying to catch up. I've seen dozens of references to the "Pain caused" to trans people, but I don't know exactly what the pain is caused by. I'm not looking to bait the "It's nothing, they're all insane" comments, I'm genuinely curious because it's referred to as this abstract concept and I'm trying to understand the roots of it all. Is it just the pinned thread stuff?

playing devil's advocate:

- the 'did you assume my gender' tweet is shit, lazy banter and mocks trans people's right to assign themselves a different gender to the one they were born with. Having that mockery promoted by CDPR normalises it and encourages others to follow suit, leading to actual trans people being mocked. Sacking the person responsible does not really do anything to allay this harm.

- the 'mix it up' ad fetishizes trans people at a time when trans representation in media is still very low. Placing inappropriate emphasis on the sexuality of trans people reinforces the harmful view that transitioning is all about sex as in fucking rather than sex as in self-identification of gender. This is harmful, reductive and possibly incitement to sexual assaults. Doubling down on the ad with the cosplay thing just reinforces that as well as adding a freakshow element.

- not allowing more flexible voice and pronoun options will force some trans people to misgender themselves. At a time when they may have a fragile psychological state, playing 100 hours of first person videogame as a virtual, idealised yet misgendered version of themselves, could be damaging.

- CDPR's resistance to engage on issues raised has allowed the situation to escalate to the point we are in now, where people are being forced to pick sides over the game and one side has a 'amazing' new game as an incentive and the other just has vulnerable people. People who want to play the game but who previously had no ill opinion on trans people are being influenced against them by the situation that CDPR has allowed to develop.

Pulled that out of my arse


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Old-GafVer.1 user here that moved asap to ResetEra when shit happened. Recently being banned for the third time there - permanently - without really understanding why and no way to talk with the mods about it.

Just dropping by to say I fully support everyone returning here from that nest full of repressed fascists.
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they cancelled skillup? lol


Cancel em all I say resetera it’s the only way to be sure. Really you will only reach your true form when there is one single member babbling to him or herself or themself about god knows what but feeling completely safe about it. Ultimately leading to this single persons evolution into a social being that can interact with the outside world in a somewhat normal way. That’s the best case scenario I’m seeing right now.
they cancelled skillup? lol

Haha yes. I once posted a link from Skill Up and they said it's not allowed. When i asked why, they couldn't actually answer my question. They just said "no idea, but he is banned" and that i shouldn't post links from Skill Up. People are obeying and following rules, that they don't even understand and don't know why certain things are banned. But surely, it must be for a good reason, right? Pathetic.
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Okay, I can't stop staring into the abyss here and have become quite obsessed with ERA since last night, I've noticed two things that keep recurring.

1) "read the fucking room" or a variation of it is the go to way to turn people around from having an actual discussion instead of a one sided thread of people just agreeing with the OP. It often follows a ban of the person who went off script with weak reasoned comments on the banning from the mods.

2) There is a member called Kyuiji that the rest seem to flock around and this member seems to be the focal point of most of the problems on this site. If they wanted to help free up some of the in fighting, banning Kyuuji would be the place to start but I have to assume they are staff as they're getting a free pass on things that users were banned for just a post or a few, prior to them commenting. Either that or they're an industry insider.

3) Bonus, the word Chud when someone is proposed for the firing squad which seems to either be that Kyuuji alt accounting or something the rest of the sheep picked up from Kyuuji. Kind hard to believe as it's such a specific word and always gets thrown at someone who is about to get wiped off of the site.

I also suspect that the mods on ERA, and once modded here when it too was insane, branch out to other places and gaming culture parts of the internet like sub-cultures on Twitter, VGcharts, large sub-reddits etc and actively try and succeed in gaining moderation abilities, popularity or some form of control and they pull the strings in the same way they do there. I can't prove it, it's just a hunch and I could be way off but after being part of those parts of the internet until I gave up on them a few months ago I see exactly what made me leave and come here as a last bastion of sanity, I seen the same shit, the same mannerisms and the way they speak on ERA just amplified. I have to assume they also spend their time on other sites with the intent of being mods, popular and intentionally direct those communities to there ideals and social views and it works. Something is certainly rotten in Denmark and I'd almost, very nearly call conspiracy at some higher level than it just organically happening with a bunch of nerd, power hungry psychos who have too much free time.

Fuck, there is a load of other things i've noticed or suspect and you could write a novel on some individual threads let alone the culture as a whole and someone should, but I can't stare into the abyss to long because I can feel it gazing back. At any rate, if albeit a little infuriating, It's extremely interesting trying to dissect what has happened there and how it all works because there is obviously sane people on that forum and they're the majority but they seem to bend and give in inches at a time as the mods and popular people push and push, it's mirroring modern establishment, leftist politics in places like California, Portland, Canada, Scotland and the UK and exaggerating it to an absurd degree, it's absolutely fascinating. Particularly the last 6 months or so, which seems to be where it went from insanity to something beyond insanity I can't find the words for.

How the fuck did you people who have left that place post there there and not want to jump out a bloody window, it definitely can't have been fun or even close to genuine. It's like watching people escape from North Korea into other countries but at least with them, I can understand it cause they couldn't just close the laptop on their life but to actively seem out that place as an escape from reality or a place to get ideas off, of your chest. Mind boggling.
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Okay, I can't stop staring into the abyss here and have become quite obsessed with ERA since last night, I've noticed two things that keep recurring.

1) "read the fucking room" or a variation of it is the go to way to turn people around from having an actual discussion instead of a one sided thread of people just agreeing with the OP. It often follows a ban of the person who went off script with weak reasoned comments on the banning from the mods.

2) There is a member called Kyuiji that the rest seem to flock around and this member seems to be the focal point of most of the problems on this site. If they wanted to help free up some of the in fighting, banning Kyuuji would be the place to start but I have to assume they are staff as they're getting a free pass on things that users were banned for just a post or a few, prior to them commenting. Either that or they're an industry insider.

I also suspect that the mods on ERA, and once modded here when it too was insane, branch out to other places and gaming culture parts of the internet like sub-cultures on Twitter, VGcharts, large sub-reddits etc and actively try and succeed in gaining moderation abilities, popularity or some form of control and they pull the strings in the same way they do there. I can't prove it, it's just a hunch and I could be way off but after being part of those parts of the internet until I gave up on them a few months ago I see exactly what made me leave and come here as a last bastion of sanity, I seen the same shit, the same mannerisms and the way they speak on ERA just amplified. I have to assume they also spend their time on other sites with the intent of being mods, popular and intentionally direct those communities to there ideals and social views and it works. Something is certainly rotten in Denmark and I'd almost, very nearly call conspiracy at some higher level than it just organically happening with a bunch of nerd, power hungry psychos who have too much free time.

Fuck, there is a load of other things i've noticed or suspect and you could write a novel on some individual threads let alone the culture as a whole and someone should, but I can't stare into the abyss to long because I can feel it gazing back. At any rate, if albeit a little infuriating, It's extremely interesting trying to dissect what has happened there and how it all works because there is obviously sane people on that forum and they're the majority but they seem to bend and give in inches at a time as the mods and popular people push and push, it's mirroring modern establishment, leftist politics in places like California, Portland, Canada, Scotland and the UK and exaggerating it to an absurd degree, it's absolutely fascinating. Particularly the last 6 months or so, which seems to be where it went from insanity to something beyond insanity I can't find the words for.

How the fuck did you people who have left that place post there there and not want to jump out a bloody window, it definitely can't have been fun or even close to genuine. It's like watching people escape from North Korea into other countries but at least with them, I can understand it cause they couldn't just close the laptop on their life but to actively seem out that place as an escape from reality or a place to get ideas off, of your chest. Mind boggling.

It’s classic cult behavior. Tale as old as time
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I also suspect that the mods on ERA, and once modded here when it too was insane, branch out to other places and gaming culture parts of the internet like sub-cultures on Twitter, VGcharts, large sub-reddits etc and actively try and succeed in gaining moderation abilities, popularity or some form of control and they pull the strings in the same way they do there. I can't prove it, it's just a hunch and I could be way off but after being part of those parts of the internet until I gave up on them a few months ago I see exactly what made me leave and come here as a last bastion of sanity, I seen the same shit, the same mannerisms and the way they speak on ERA just amplified. I have to assume they also spend their time on other sites with the intent of being mods, popular and intentionally direct those communities to there ideals and social views and it works. Something is certainly rotten in Denmark and I'd almost, very nearly call conspiracy at some higher level than it just organically happening with a bunch of nerd, power hungry psychos who have too much free time.

You're not wrong. For example there's pro-ERA mods on Reddit that shut down any negative discussions about them.


When this was posted today it had the content inside. then quickly became [removed]. The Pedoera scandal was the exact same thing.
You're not wrong. For example there's pro-ERA mods on Reddit that shut down any negative discussions about them.


When this was posted today it had the content inside. then quickly became [removed]. The Pedoera scandal was the exact same thing.
Wtf, did they actually plan on doing this?
Love the new CP2077 OT, it's fantastic. Definitely has hype off the charts, and will be a pleasant experience for anyone genuinely excited about the game.


"Beautiful OT". What a fucking wanker.

They should consider opening a 3rd and 4th OT to shit on CDPR. 2 doesn't really cut it, and I think silences the voices of the trans community.
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It’s classic cult behavior. Tale as old as time
Yeah, however one thing a cult does is get you in with a smile and really positive behaviour. There is none of that here, they actively attack people they want to re-educate. Can you imagine a cult in real life actually working, in where they start by putting you in a cage for a few days after a few sentences into a conversation after saying hello or shooting the people who want to join up who come in and say they voted for Trump. It's not cult behaviour on the surface level, it models something more like 1930's Germany or current day China.
Love the new CP2077 OT, it's fantastic. Definitely has hype off the charts, and will be a pleasant experience for anyone genuinely excited about the game.


"Beautiful OT". What a fucking wanker.

They should consider opening a 3rd and 4th OT to shit on CDPR. 2 doesn't really cut it, and I think silences the voices of the trans community.
I love the fact that they always say "gamers" are the worse. Like no shit, shitty people exist everywhere, but this doesn't mean that every gamer is like that. This pretty much equals to saying that every muslim is a radicalized terrorist.


Gold Member
So, how do the genital sliders work in Cyberpunk? If you've got the slider in the middle, does that mean you have a vagina and a penis?


Gold Member
Okay, I can't stop staring into the abyss here and have become quite obsessed with ERA since last night, I've noticed two things that keep recurring.

1) "read the fucking room" or a variation of it is the go to way to turn people around from having an actual discussion instead of a one sided thread of people just agreeing with the OP. It often follows a ban of the person who went off script with weak reasoned comments on the banning from the mods.

2) There is a member called Kyuiji that the rest seem to flock around and this member seems to be the focal point of most of the problems on this site. If they wanted to help free up some of the in fighting, banning Kyuuji would be the place to start but I have to assume they are staff as they're getting a free pass on things that users were banned for just a post or a few, prior to them commenting. Either that or they're an industry insider.

I also suspect that the mods on ERA, and once modded here when it too was insane, branch out to other places and gaming culture parts of the internet like sub-cultures on Twitter, VGcharts, large sub-reddits etc and actively try and succeed in gaining moderation abilities, popularity or some form of control and they pull the strings in the same way they do there. I can't prove it, it's just a hunch and I could be way off but after being part of those parts of the internet until I gave up on them a few months ago I see exactly what made me leave and come here as a last bastion of sanity, I seen the same shit, the same mannerisms and the way they speak on ERA just amplified. I have to assume they also spend their time on other sites with the intent of being mods, popular and intentionally direct those communities to there ideals and social views and it works. Something is certainly rotten in Denmark and I'd almost, very nearly call conspiracy at some higher level than it just organically happening with a bunch of nerd, power hungry psychos who have too much free time.

Fuck, there is a load of other things i've noticed or suspect and you could write a novel on some individual threads let alone the culture as a whole and someone should, but I can't stare into the abyss to long because I can feel it gazing back. At any rate, if albeit a little infuriating, It's extremely interesting trying to dissect what has happened there and how it all works because there is obviously sane people on that forum and they're the majority but they seem to bend and give in inches at a time as the mods and popular people push and push, it's mirroring modern establishment, leftist politics in places like California, Portland, Canada, Scotland and the UK and exaggerating it to an absurd degree, it's absolutely fascinating. Particularly the last 6 months or so, which seems to be where it went from insanity to something beyond insanity I can't find the words for.

How the fuck did you people who have left that place post there there and not want to jump out a bloody window, it definitely can't have been fun or even close to genuine. It's like watching people escape from North Korea into other countries but at least with them, I can understand it cause they couldn't just close the laptop on their life but to actively seem out that place as an escape from reality or a place to get ideas off, of your chest. Mind boggling.

As nush nush said there's definite collusion, to what end or scale we can't be sure but there is a concerted effort to consolidate power on the pop culture sites of moderator positions. People have been probing various subs, urban dictionary, wikipedia etc. and noting the censorship against specific topics, redactions, submission rejections etc. There's no way to obviously prove all this because it's all surface level stuff, veneer style, but the signs are subtle and there.

Era is fun from a gaf history point of view, but it's a little view to what's happening across other communities on the web.
When they find out you can’t be a chick with a dick in Harry Potter they will go nuclear. No stopping this crazy train.
wait, what ? you saying you can't play as Hermoine in the game ?

I can't believe they don't allow skillup on Resetera. Seriously all the fucking hoops and bullshit you have to be aware of with that board. If you need all that shit to make the place "safe" then perhaps you shouldn't be on a fucking forum.
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Never say never. My point was that I hope GAF grows positively over time, and doesn't slip as numbers increase, staff turns over, etc. Era had a catastrophic shift in moderation in 2018. In mid 2018, bans skyrocketed after founding members quit, new mods were promoted, etc. It happened in the space of a few weeks. You could argue the site was just showing its true face, but I think any site can go sour quite quickly under the right circumstances if the wrong people get into power positions.

Something that stood out to me about Era as 2018 led into 2019 and beyond was that a lot of aggressive, spiteful users didn't have an actual argument to give. They didn't join Era to defend their self-righteous opinions, after all. What they had instead was a report button, "yikes", and a moderation team who didn't care about the ToS. As far as I know, people on modern GAF get banned for breaking rules. And there's transparency there. I think there's a public ban list somewhere? I know there's always murky ground around "trolling" bans. But at least you can discuss bans on here. On Era, questioning a ban is grounds for banning. That destroys all pretense of transparency, openness, and honest from the community. A community is held together with rules that are enforced consistently and fairly.

Something that is clearly tearing Era apart is this obsession with seeing trolls under every bed. I've seen collections of bans where users who've been reasonably active since 2018 or even earlier are being slammed with trolling permabans not for breaking any rule but because the mods think they might be secretly working to subvert the site with their friendly personalities, aversion to conflict, and positive outlook on life. The genuine, friendly users are being banned while genuine trolls are right there in plain sight, enjoying the protection of the mods. I've seen nothing like that on GAF. And that's one reason I've finally decided to rejoin. I'm very optimistic, and I hope to be an exemplary member. If I'm not, I hope people call me out. Like you say, that's what GAF tries to stand for.
The moment I realized something was seriously wrong was the release of MGSV and the Quiet debacle. So annoying.

I demand one thing. If Crossing Eden ever shows his face here, please ban him. I am not gonna call him names but I want to.

Sure, GoT only won the award, because the site got hacked. And the only reason it got hacked is because it has a playable trans character, right? This people are insane. The majority of people don't give a fck if the playable character is trans, black, asian or whatever. Sure, shitty people exist that are racist as fck, but the fact that TLOU2 was so controversial is because most people just didn't like the story at all - and the way Druckmann has handled valid criticism, dismissing them as "trolls".
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Gold Member
wait, what ? you saying you can't play as Hermoine in the game ?

I can't believe they don't allow skillup on Resetera. Seriously all the fucking hoops and bullshit you have to be aware of with that board. If you need all that shit to make the place "safe" then perhaps you should be on a fucking forum.

Hermione will be retconned to Hermaphrodite Granger

I demand one thing. If Crossing Eden ever shows his face here, please ban him. I am not gonna call him names but I want to.

This gets my vote. For sure.
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With Corona and the election nonsense the last few months I've really neglected this thread and haven't really been keeping up with the crazies. It's been hilarious to see how far they've fallen in the last few months.

To all the REEturners, welcome and enjoy posting on a forum knowing that some dipshits isn't hammering the report button if you've slipped from the mind virus.

Sure, GoT only won the award, because the site got hacked. And the only reason it got hacked is because it has a playable trans character, right? This people are insane.The majority of people don't give a fck if the playable character is trans, black, asian or whatever. Sure, shitty people exist that are racist as fck, but the fact that TLOU2 was so controversial is because most people just didn't like the story at all.
lmao Abby is not even trans
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