Let's burn down our own gaming forum that'll teach all the transphobes!!
I love seeing the self-inflicted destruction.
The day when they switch on the member-viewable only mode is when ERA's transformation into cyber-cult / extremist group is complete.
Why cancel Black Chamber over old posts when B-Dubs has even worse that were posted there? They will never ban the mods/staff but will happily get rid of anyone else.Why ban Karak but not Shinobi then?
B-Dubs, could you stop by and explain the details of your Stasi policy?
Why ban Karak but not Shinobi then?
I don't even know what 'transphobia' means anymore. The CP2077 ad was sexualized, and sure you can object to sexualizing / fetishising trans people, but that doesn't make it transphobic.
Not sure whoKarak is exactly but enjoyed "gaming equivalent of stormfront" and "transphobic hate swarm".
Little bit of hyperbole there
Indeed, Gotta wonder if it is a cohesive and organised effort. It's easy to spot meat bots on more trasparent places like twitter, you can notice them outright most often by looking at their name, they're recent posts and how they spread themselves so thin while they fan out to make a winder, more shallow splash but on ERA the ability to see this is blocked for someone who doesn't have an account but one stat is shown, these people have thousands if not tens of thousands of posts, that's one hell of a time investment but then again they do martyr themselves for bans, months at a time which would be the perfect way to let an account sit while you build up others. I dunno man, we've seen whole Governments do crazier things to their own people over periods of time and not even disclose what they were doing til years later. Here on the internet you have an easy reach right into someone else country, no need to infiltrate at all cause the door is right open and you only need to put your feet up and scratch the fuck out of the inner social fabrics until it eventually rips and tears. Like you said, it pop culture sites, or at least that is where it started to get crazy and that's where societies heart is located these days.Asnush said there's definite collusion, to what end or scale we can't be sure but there is a concerted effort to consolidate power on the pop culture sites of moderator positions. People have been probing various subs, urban dictionary, wikipedia etc. and noting the censorship against specific topics, redactions, submission rejections etc. There's no way to obviously prove all this because it's all surface level stuff, veneer style, but the signs are subtle and there.
Era is fun from a gaf history point of view, but it's a little view to what's happening across other communities on the web.
Great idea you absolute freaks, ban one of the most trustworthy and straight-shooting reviewers online. If the asylum is still standing after the dust settles on this remember that it'll all happen again with Harry Potter. That's arguably going to be even more crazy since it's based on such a huge property that so many of the members probably already love. This has all been very entertaining but I genuinely feel sorry for Karak, I hope he doesn't draw too much traffic from that shithole so it won't impact his views.
Are they this demented?In that post they say "he is dogpiling journalists on twitter and feeding the transphobic swarm"
A) who is he? Karak? Or some other un-named protagonist?
B) Where is the transphobic storm here? I can't see one...
In that post they say "he is dogpiling journalists on twitter and feeding the transphobic swarm"
A) who is he? Karak? Or some other un-named protagonist?
B) Where is the transphobic storm here? I can't see one...
Right Side Of History means they are going to have some blind spots. They are a cult at this point, in every sense of the term.I do wonder if they will ever figure out that they do way way way more harm than good doing the shit they do, for the trans community overall. Not the transera trolls.
In that post they say "he is dogpiling journalists on twitter and feeding the transphobic swarm"
A) who is he? Karak? Or some other un-named protagonist?
B) Where is the transphobic storm here? I can't see one...
Everyone do the man a favour and give this video a like:
I've been trying to find why that guy got banned on ERA. Any chance you got the scoop?Should beBlack Chamber 's tag haha
How long until the baiting starts?
Here's EL's summaryI've been trying to find why that guy got banned on ERA. Any chance you got the scoop?
Black Chamber had been working on an epic Cyberpunk official thread for Reset. The activists there have decided that even looking forward to Cyberpunk is Problematic, however, and that he needed to insert a bunch of activist language into his thread and should be publicly shamed for putting in that effort on behalf of their community, as they've decided for no reason that Cyberpunk and CDPR are transphobic. They pressured him into volunteering for a one month ban as penance for authoring the official thread, and all the while became increasingly hostile toward him. The lunatics there started scouring through his social media and found a silly political joke from years ago, decided on their own that this joke proved that he was a secret Trump supporter (and therefore an evil Nazi bastard). All this after three years of making official threads for them.
He has since defected to the land of freedom and sanity. Reset's general manager literally posted an official staff communication calling him names and another post promising to scour the social media history of anyone contributing to their site in the future to search for thought crimes. I shit you not.
They may shit on the game, but that doesn't stop the owners from wanting that sweet Cyberpunk ad money (literally the first ad on the OT):
So he got banned for
1) Not agreeing with polygon (on twitter)
2) posting "it will happen" on NeoGaf when asked if he is reviewing the game.
Now an 'alt-right chud' because of these actions
Why is NEOGAF the "gaming equivalent of Stormfront"? I don't recall ever reading a single racist post here - occasionally transphobic stuff, yes, which we point out when we see it, but racist? And it's not like I am blind to the subject - I am an immigrant myself.
Btw, after 35 hours in the game, Cyberpunk of course, I couldn't find a single example of transphobia.
They really explode for nothing.
Everyone do the man a favour and give this video a like:
So he got banned for
1) Not agreeing with polygon (on twitter)
2) posting "it will happen" on NeoGaf when asked if he is reviewing the game.
Now an 'alt-right chud' because of these actions