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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Era vastly VASTLY overestimates it's importance to the gaming sphere and it's going to be hysterical when they either totally close down the gaming side or make it nearly unusable and realize literally no one goes there for anything but gaming chat and rumors.

At best they'll keep the hardcore members and a couple journos but they're gonna lose 85% of their userbase.


Neo Member
How is this clown not banned on ERA? I mean he is among the most toxic users i have seen on any forum period.



Holy shit, wtf is wrong with this guy??? I cant believe that i used to be on that forum...


Gold Member
I'm probably just too old for this shit, but I am old enough to remember when liberal actually meant liberal, not some really weird notion of having to fit into such a narrow slot.

When I got banned I had a sit down and had a think about what it is to be liberal, and Era just ain't it, it gives liberals a bad name, they are almost coming full circle.
I thought being liberal was being that chill free thinking dude smoking a doobie. The type of guy who'd go up to anyone saying.... Heyyyyy mannnn. What's up?

Even if confronted by an opposite end of the spectrum suit and tie guy who had a bad day at the office, the liberal thinker is still willing to chill, chat and smoke a joint with him.

Guess not.


Holy shit, I think CP2077 will actually be the game that ends Era.

Because he and his brother made fun of woke shit companies did, which in Eras eyes immediately meant he was a MAGA nazi, despite him living in australia and from what I remember actually being left leaning.

It's absurd, and is actually the thing that disappoints me the most about era. If you do something "they" disagree with once, you are written off forever. The finally got over GFR making a Pewdiepie reference once in a video from like a year ago. Every thread about them until very recently had multiple people calling for them to be banned and "reminders" that they "support" PDP for making a half-second joke in one video.

Now Karak criticized their hero of the week so he too is banned forever. You either agree with them on everything or you're a piece of shit.
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I thought being liberal was being that chill free thinking dude smoking a doobie. The type of guy who'd go up to anyone saying.... Heyyyyy mannnn. What's up?

Even if confronted by an opposite end of the spectrum suit and tie guy who had a bad day at the office, the liberal thinker is still willing to chill, chat and smoke a joint with him.

Guess not.
I certainly used to be, but the term has been completely beaten out of shape, just like socialism, heck, I'd probably be branded a communist now for my views!.

Everything is black and white now, no middle ground, no shades of grey, you either are or you aren't.

Weird world.
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Because he and his brother made fun of woke shit companies did, which in Eras eyes immediately meant he was a MAGA nazi, despite him living in australia and from what I remember actually being left leaning.

Fuck about. Hope he does look in here one day and see we're not what Era tries to make us out to be. I think his brand of humour and outlike would fit in nicely.


Anyone know how and why all their discussions and morals orbit around trans issues? Are the staff all trans?

I think it fluctuates based on which group is top of the era oppressive stack. During the blm riots, everything was systemic racism.

Now the election has been won (fraud lawsuits pending) and racism has been defeated it moved down the stack a bit and trans went back to the top.
They have lost their ever-loving minds!

Always leading with the "As a cis white dude..."


They have lost their ever-loving minds!

The first post, and subsequent edit shows just how lightly you have to tread on ERA.


Trans people are like half a percentage point yet they are in tons of media. We have long past reached inclusivity. That is bullshit they already have tons of media representation compared to real life numbers.

They just want over representation at this point.

Believe me if you only heard about this shit as much as you interact with real trans folk IRL we might have a trans President by now
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They have lost their ever-loving minds!

how can you lose something you never had though?


Anyone know how and why all their discussions and morals orbit around trans issues? Are the staff all trans?
It seems to be a few users who keep protesting by killing their accounts or asking for bans for a few months but one in particular that the rest follow like lemmings that goes by the username kyuuji, I've only been on the site for any longer than five minutes since last night though and reading stuff from the last six months so I could be getting it all wrong from only seeing a certain cross section from a certain period of time but since I'm speculating anyway, fuck it, I suspect Kyuuji is alt accounting en mass and somehow getting away with it, I also suspect they are either an industry insider or person high up in the journos space cause they get away with almost anything and the staff seem to bow down to them, either that or they've used the trans card so effectively that the staff are scared of them. It's like Kyuuji has become queen of enough of them and managed to get a hold of the strings of the right people and start tugging on them. There are a few others but some of them I suspect are Kyuuji just Alt'ing.

One thing is clear, the staff are terrified of the Kyuuji accoun...I mean, The trans accounts of martyring themselves and asking for bans to the point of doing anything to stop it happening.


Trans people are like half a percentage point yet they are in tons of media. We have long past reached inclusivity. That is bullshit they already have tons of media representation compared to real life numbers.

They just want over representation at this point.

Believe me if you only heard about this shit as much as you interact with real trans folk IRL we might have a trans President by now
I don't agree, I don't think it's a case of inclusion, it's just a case of a minority group not wanting to be derided.


You beat me to it, he's always been an asshole that baited people.

Got banned a few times but was purely token bans.
I wonder what most of these people are like in real life? Are they mean and angry and hateful or are they like that because it's anonymous mostly.

Are they ideologically pure in real life with their friends and family? Does that make them lonely and sad?


Gold Member
let me preface this with saying I am a cis gendered white dirty old pervert but I get what you mean about polish women

Hottest women for my tastes. Those sexy blonde hair blue eyed Russian/eastern European women. They act princessy, feminine and can expect men do pay for bills and act like a guy. I'm good with that.

Probably Reeee's most hated female demographic.
Inclusion is a great thing, trying to be helpful, kind and welcoming is wonderful. The problem is deeply miserable and angry people have co-opted these ideals and points as a way to rage and scream as much as they want while pretending they are making a difference.

If the same people having turbo meltdowns and demanding blanket bans of a sci fi video game with perhaps middling trans representation would put that effort into learning new ideas, trying to better themselves and their world the world would be a better place.

It's slactavism in it's purest form. They act like they are on the fucking battlefield, saying "OH STAY SAFE, OH WOW PLEASE STAY STRONG, WE WILL BE HERE FOR YOU" because a fucking video game got good reviews while real people are dying in the cold, dying of COVID, losing their homes and trying their fucking best. Will they give money or work hard to help? Fuck no, they're too busy doxxing GAMERGUY420XXX to see if he liked a TheQuatering video 5 years back.


They seek to control because they have no control in real life whether that's on others or over themselves.
Feminism has robbed them of the only practical future as fathers. The concept of starting a family is repellant to them. To them having a family is the ultimate sin. You should not raise children. You are supposed to sacrifice your future for the planet. It’s all part of their pagan anti human shit.

Add to that infantilisation via Corporate nostalgia and there is no future for the soy Male. They regress into their adolescent years of guilt free consumption and self centered hedonism.

With no future and no legacy, they know they will die leaving nothing behind. This is why they are so adamant about controlling everything. It’s instinctual compensation for the fact they are committing genealogical and cultural suicide.

Where do they get the energy for all this? Well having kids and working full time takes a ton of energy, and these losers do neither. So reeeing is a full time job and basically how they will spend the rest of their lives.

The funny thing is they are full time shilling for corporations by doing all this and don’t even know it. They think the opposite! The morons.
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Does this mean we banned Taysan too early? He's also going into the whole disappointed nazi thing but he also posted here until we banned him very recently lol

Funny how he's so disappointed for exactly what he did for years

If the act of posting on here is ban worthy there must be hundreds of ERA accounts ripe for grassing up


It seems to be a few users who keep protesting by killing their accounts or asking for bans for a few months but one in particular that the rest follow like lemmings that goes by the username kyuuji, I've only been on the site for any longer than five minutes since last night though and reading stuff from the last six months so I could be getting it all wrong from only seeing a certain cross section from a certain period of time but since I'm speculating anyway, fuck it, I suspect Kyuuji is alt accounting en mass and somehow getting away with it, I also suspect they are either an industry insider or person high up in the journos space cause they get away with almost anything and the staff seem to bow down to them, either that or they've used the trans card so effectively that the staff are scared of them. It's like Kyuuji has become queen of enough of them and managed to get a hold of the strings of the right people and start tugging on them. There are a few others but some of them I suspect are Kyuuji just Alt'ing.

One thing is clear, the staff are terrified of the Kyuuji accoun...I mean, The trans accounts of martyring themselves and asking for bans to the point of doing anything to stop it happening.

Kyuuji is absolutely the ring leader of the whole thing. The staff there are scared to death of losing their social justice warrior credibility so she has them by the balls.

The sad thing is they take any and everything she says as fact without an ounce of critical thought. As if she speaks for the entire Trans community. There are a lot of trans and lgbt that don't share her views but because she holds so much sway they are scared to speak up and/or banned if they do.
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Gold Member
so hang on, they are literally banning anyone that posts here now?

if that's what I go down for then be it, what an incredibly stupid reasoning.

Someone with a Reeee ID publicly post all the developers who post on both forums.

I want to see how much punishment b-dubs does to them.


Anyone know how and why all their discussions and morals orbit around trans issues? Are the staff all trans?

That's just the natural progression of the forum sadly, TransEra started off with their incessant whining and the mods caved in banning people left and right to appease them. The more people get banned, the more power they hold, the more power they hold the more people get banned, the cycle never stops.

They are getting Something Awful'd in real time and none of them realise it (or they probably do but are afraid to speak out.)
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