isn't this a straight jab at the user in the era thread yesterday?
isn't this a straight jab at the user in the era thread yesterday?
One thing is clear, the staff are terrified of the Kyuuji accoun...I mean, The trans accounts of martyring themselves and asking for bans to the point of doing anything to stop it happening.
As if she speaks for the entire Trans community. There are a lot of trans and lgbt that don't share her views but because she holds so much sway they are scared to speak up and/or banned if they do.
It's an edit I made of their Black Chamber hang on, they are literally banning anyone that posts here now?
if that's what I go down for then be it, what an incredibly stupid reasoning.
Ah gotcha! Thanks for clarifying, haha.Means just acting woke basically. In this context, although's fake
Kyuuji is absolutely the ring leader of the whole thing. The staff there are scared to death of losing their social justice warrior credibility so she has them by the balls.
The sad thing is they take any and everything she says as fact without an ounce of critical thought. As if she speaks for the entire Trans community. There are a lot of trans and lgbt that don't share her views but because she holds so much sway they are scared to speak up and/or banned if they do.
Holy shit that's amazing. I love whoever wrote that.
isn't this a straight jab at the user in the era thread yesterday?
You got me. I had to go see if it was real
It's a shopisn't this a straight jab at the user in the era thread yesterday?
yeh, just realized. hate when people do that.It's a shop
let me preface this with saying I am a cis gendered white dirty old pervert but I get what you mean about polish women
Uh, why wasn't I informed of my new status as a nazi when I joined this forum earlier today? Should I expect an armband in the mail or do I have to supply it myself?
Since tweets embed automatically, most of the time a screenshot of a tweet isn't real (unless it's a deleted tweet)yeh, just realized. hate when people do that.
They still post thousands of times a day because they have no fucking life outside of the echo chamber. Desperately begs to be made a mod all the time too.Yeah she has the crown right now. Used to be KetKat until she got banned, then Excelwhatever but I don't know what happened to them.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to miss that meeting. Kinda already made plans to promote transphobia via Cyberpunk 2077.You'll get your starter pack on Wednesday night. Make sure to use the side door. Bring a trusted friend if you can.
What the fuck are you even talking about, Nepenthe?!![]()
off-site drama that you banned him for lmfao
Don't ask fucking questions you little cyberpunk chuds, he's banned that's all you need to know
Can you give me a hint, I've done google searching and combinations but i can't find it. i just keep coming up with Japanese translations and directions to ERA posts and back here.They continually change who they are. I won't link but if you Google the username it will tell you how unhinged they are.
Uh, why wasn't I informed of my new status as a nazi when I joined this forum earlier today? Should I expect an armband in the mail or do I have to supply it myself?
Fake or deleted? Edit: meh, don't do that.
Thinking that a single person of a certain group of people represents the whole group is definitely problematic, not sure quite why everyone seems to want to fit themselves in neat little pidgeon holes anyway, isn't it boring as fuck if everyone is the same?
Uh, why wasn't I informed of my new status as a nazi when I joined this forum earlier today? Should I expect an armband in the mail or do I have to supply it myself?
Woke will set you free.
You up for invading Poland this weekend ?
I was just thinking Resetera loves nothing better than a good "Karen" topic to make fun of. You know the kind of thing unhinged woman usual blonde hair screaming right wing shit. What Era doesn't realise is they have become the left wing version of "Karen".
Can you give me a hint, I've done google searching and combinations but i can't find it. i just keep coming up with Japanese translations and directions to ERA posts and back here.
He deleted the tweet shitting on the polygon review btw. Lol.
edit: yep that one, couldn't find maybe didn't look hard enough
It’s clearly a coup at this point. Small part of the mod team? They want the whole damn thing.
Thinking that a single person of a certain group of people represents the whole group is definitely problematic, not sure quite why everyone seems to want to fit themselves in neat little pidgeon holes anyway, isn't it boring as fuck if everyone is the same?
Got banned for transfobia awhile ago in Resetera. Was really surprised of myself considering how left-leaning i am but I'm thankful for them for opening my eyes. Maybe i too, am a NAZI?
What a miserable human being.Shugga still trying to cancel Karak by just making up stuff now
Can we stop posting fake "CPDR shitting on resetera" garbage, which gets quoted 50 times pretending its real? No, its never real, even if you want to believe it is, and I doubt they would ever give enough of a shit to even acknowledge resetter's existence, nor should they. There's more than enough entertaining shit from that place, we don't need to photoshop stuff and make things up.
I was just thinking Resetera loves nothing better than a good "Karen" topic to make fun of. You know the kind of thing unhinged woman usual blonde hair screaming right wing shit. What Era doesn't realise is they have become the left wing version of "Karen".
You sound upset. It's ok, take a deep breath.