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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Honestly the vast majority of people on Era seem like great people to me.

But yeah, unfortunately there is that small minority of probably no more than 5-10% of people there that constantly need to turn things into a purity test, and get hyper aggresive once someone engages with them but doesn't have the exact same view point. And unfortunately most of the people with power on Era are either part of that small group, or they simply don't dare to do something about them, hence why you end up with protected members like the ones you've mentioned.
It's true. It's why all their polls piss them off so much since they realize that they're really the minority on most of their views.


LOL the troon cosplayer Surfinn who isn't a cis white male has to have one of highest post counts in the OT. There's like 4-5 posts per page just shitting on random stuff.

It's not very impressive to run a game that looks like that at 60 FPS on next gen with almost no cars and like 2 pedestrians
Wait, wait. Someone with a Duke Nukem username and avatar (Mr. Shake it baby, digitised tiddies, I've got to stop playing with myself) is trying to dehumanise another person and claim the moral high ground.

I must have played different versions of Duke's games because I'm pretty sure those games were more toxic than all of CDPR's back catalogue

Literally the first thing I noticed after reading.

These people are hypocrites and cretins.



It’s a weird place with some really weird threads at times.

I looked through their CP2077 thread and I got bored quickly. Reset Era is over moderated and a lot of its members seem to genuinely think they’ve got this really important political and cultural status in the world. In reality we’re all similar - we post on a site about video games and we all have different thoughts about the world, you know, because we’re human. If a few of us aren’t offended by CPR or simply just want to talk about games, it doesn’t make us evil or transphobic. I just want to talk about video games with likeminded people when I join a forum about video games.

And I will say something for both here and over there. I find that place to be stuck up and very unfriendly. In the small amount of time I’ve been here I’ve actually had people reply to me and give likes to my posts.

Yet over there they’ll make out that this place is full of hate which is entirely untrue. They’re too wrapped up in themselves by trying to be loved by everyone else. It’s like a cult of sorts.
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Eventually, one of the canceled developers, gaming personalities, journalists will bite back when they get labeled as transphobes, racists or literal nazis for ridiculous shit like posting here or criticizing someone for unrelated reasons. Gonna be fun to witness. I stand with the values Era stands for on paper, but it's not throwing out all allies, insulting normal people and banning discussion of random products that they'll win.


Not yet, but there is a post on Era now that if anyone from there sees someone else from there posting here to report it to the mods.

So basically they're intending to keep anyone there hostage on fear of a perm ban? WTF next sending everyone Kool-aid for the 21st of December? Full-on Jonestown... :messenger_dizzy:
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Gold Member
Karak Karak there is a pretty good precedent for shutting down ResetEra slander using legal means. Having Shugga label you Nazi (non-ironically) there is certainly harmful enough to warrant a C&D from your legal.

I can’t remember who the precedent was but they were recently slandered by Era, took legal to them and as a result they wiped both the post and the user. And by wiped, I mean gave the user a fresh account and looked non-guilty in the process.
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The picture was a crappy shop someone made to make fun of it I think; can't remember the poster.
Hey, it was a good shop! 10 minutes well-spent if I may say so!

I do feel bad about it causing confusion, though. I blame Era for normalizing lunacy and making it seem believable. :messenger_pensive:

I'll try and "do better", as they say in some circles. :messenger_smirking:

EDIT: Ah, I thought you were referring to my fake staff post and not that nazi picture someone posted. Nevermind, then! (Point still stands about it fooling people, though.)

Send the lad a DM to apologise. I'd be more flustered myself than him if that mob tried to ruin my business.
It seems I had a brain fart and mixed up my own crappy photoshop with whatever the thing was that got deleted. Too much madness for one day...
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How fucking deluded do you have to be to think it is right to ban people for stuff they do completely seperate from the forum. That is just fucking sinister and plain evil. I have changed my mind it is true resetera needs safe places ........ for fucking normal users..

Lets not forget they specifically said "if you want to talk about cyberpunk fuck off somewhere else and do it". Now they are banning people for doing that. These guys really are not right in the head.
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Dick Jones

Hey, it was a good shop! 10 minutes well-spent if I may say so!

I do feel bad about it causing confusion, though. I blame Era for normalizing lunacy and making it seem believable. :messenger_pensive:

I'll try and "do better", as they say in some circles. :messenger_smirking:
Send the lad a DM to apologise. I'd be more flustered myself than him if that mob tried to ruin my business.


Karak Karak there is a pretty good precedent for shutting down ResetEra slander using legal means. Having Shugga label you Nazi (non-ironically) there is certainly harmful enough to warrant a C&D from your legal.

I can’t remember who the precedent was but they were recently slandered by Era, took legal to them and as a result they wiped both the post and the user. And by wiped, I mean gave the user a fresh account and looked non-guilty in the process.
Well, he's not only called Karak that, but in fact everyone who posts here. It would definitely be interesting if a couple hundred users took legal action about it altogether.
How do they ban you for posts on here though? Have you got the same usernames over there?
I do yes. I'm not concerned though. Funny thing is I've probably done more for the people on there than most mods there. I'm probably responsible for 20+ getting legit orders in for 3080s. Even sold a few to members for MSRP. But yeah, I'm just a terrible person for posting on Gaf.


All this concern about epilepsy, plastering disclaimers everywhere and making threads about it lol. How much do you bet they don't give a fuck about this and are just desperate because their trans shit poster is not getting any traction?

I hope they all get epilepsy from playing the game.


Neo Member
Omg I was banned for posting on here! Hahahahaha

"You have been banned for the following reason: User banned (permanent): Off site inflammatory content."
Holy shit, lol. I wonder how many REEEEs are lurking this thread, copy-pasting every username that posts on here into Era looking for matches to rat out. This whole fiasco is something a social-psychology student could write a dissertation on.


"They could have easily delayed it again"
Amazing how short term memory works. People on Era, on Reddit and countless other places were threatening devs with violence and shitting all over every little hint of delay.
And the game has not even officially released.
I need to take a break from even looking for a while.
IT is literally insane the steering of the narrative that goes on there, and even worse that everyone is either too fucking stupid or too scared of the ban hammer to call people out. The bias is like nothing I have ever seen before about a video game. The flat out misrepresentation of reality is absolutely insane, and in an ironic twist that makes my cyber demon-cock 2077 oh so hard it is so much almost a mirror of the Trump side show that they rally against so much.
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How fucking deluded do you have to be to think it is right to ban people for stuff they do completely seperate from the forum. That is just fucking sinister and plain evil. I have changed my mind it is true resetera needs safe places ........ for fucking normal users..

Lets not forget they specifically said "if you want to talk about cyberpunk fuck off somewhere else and do it". Now they are banning people for doing that. These guys really are not right in the head.

"Cyberpunk is a problematic game, don't you dare discuss it here, do it somewhere else!"
*literally does that*
"That's offensive, banned!"
I can't express enough how much better I feel mentally not even looking at that place, or interacting with it's members.

Not everyone there is bad - actually there are some wonderful people there. It's the baiters, the harassers and the bullies that make it such a chore to be a part of that place.

I'm looking at you ZEOvgm, messofanego, Kyuuji, Banshee McSpook, Surfinn, Purseowner and Khrn.

Despicable individuals🤮

Purseowner is an interesting one because if he's who I think he is, he was super adamant against Era having a banned game list (as he should be to be fair). IIRC he's also a regular in the Why Women Criticize Sexualization or whatever thread, a place that would consider him a pedophile if they were aware of the kinds of games he likes.


Karak Karak there is a pretty good precedent for shutting down ResetEra slander using legal means. Having Shugga label you Nazi (non-ironically) there is certainly harmful enough to warrant a C&D from your legal.

I can’t remember who the precedent was but they were recently slandered by Era, took legal to them and as a result they wiped both the post and the user. And by wiped, I mean gave the user a fresh account and looked non-guilty in the process.

Yeah it's possible but would cost the dude a fortune and will probably still lose.

A very sad but honest truth.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it's possible but would cost the dude a fortune and will probably still lose.

A very sad but honest truth.

It sounds like threatening letters did the trick, not an actual lawsuit (which a public figure would likely lose)


"Cyberpunk is a problematic game, don't you dare discuss it here, do it somewhere else!"
*literally does that*
"That's offensive, banned!"
Nonono, you only get to discuss it on approved websites. We decide where you go while you're a member here.

It's like a job trying to limit things you can do in your spare time, except no one is getting paid.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Anyone banned for having the audacity of posting on forums that aren't Ree should screenshot it and send their ban messages to the @ReseteraTakes Twitter account for the amusement of many.
If just posting/visiting here makes someone a Nazi and is a bannable offense on Era, how do they feel about the Digital Foundry people that still visit/post?
Did it have anything to do with posting here or any where? Because it seems to be all about Cyberpunk. It isn't like people posting on both sites was just found out, it has been that way since the split right.


How fucking deluded do you have to be to think it is right to ban people for stuff they do completely seperate from the forum. That is just fucking sinister and plain evil. I have changed my mind it is true resetera needs safe places ........ for fucking normal users..

Lets not forget they specifically said "if you want to talk about cyberpunk fuck off somewhere else and do it". Now they are banning people for doing that. These guys really are not right in the head.

they sound like that old teacher, close to retirement, who tells you something last week but in the current week he claims he didn't / never said that
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