So many SEEM to be on the brink of self awareness, in a fucked up reverse parody kind of way.
Pathetic indeed.
Pathetic indeed.

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Hey thanksnush - probably driving the coffin nail deeper by responding here but it is what it is. I have (had?
) some good friends over there but it's getting a little scary. I wish everyone the best.
Guess I messed up and actually posted my honest feedback in a public space.
Whatabout that, eh?
Bend for me fucking self-centered you can be?So do i!
better go out and buy a new TV and PS5 to make myself feel better.
i would love for someone to shitpost and post a poll just to see the result about what people think about the game there. kyuuji would have a damn heart attack over the results.So many SEEM to be on the brink of self awareness, in a fucked up reverse parody kind of way.
Pathetic indeed.
i saw on the ps5 stock watch thread. He bought one from walmart recently i don’t know what he is talking about here.Bend for me fucking self-centered you can be?
Remember, that is not counting GOG.
The women who reviewed Cyberpunk 2077 for GameSpot and Polygon are being harassed and threatened on social media
Some people are pretty stupid. However, this thread might just fan the flames even more so I'm not sure what's the point at the end?
Welcome back, you crazy cats!
I was the guy who said it was a "bit too grandiose" and to be honest I didn't expect you to come here, but after your explanation, it makes more sense. While it's still pretty dramatized, it's a very eloquently written piece and you make some great points!might as well post what I got the ban for:
" So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.
Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.
One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans' rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.
If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, WhatsApp, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.
I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.
And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.
I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.
So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?
I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.
Much love to every single one of you. "
Yeah, its "whatabouttism" at its finest, but I think its also a valid criticism of the double-standard they have over there.
Saw someone here mention I'm a "bit too grandiose" ... fair - very fair. But I was trying to go toe-to-toe with the crazy dissertations already posted so ... this feels tame!
Cyberpunk 2077 now has 2nd highest Steam concurrent player record for a paid game (+1 million concurrent players) News This is crazy. Could be one of the biggest game launches in
I was the guy who said it was a "bit too grandiose" and to be honest I didn't expect you to come here, but after your explanation, it makes more sense. While it's still pretty dramatized, it's a very eloquently written piece and you make some great points!
Can we all agree that the "whataboutism" bannable offence over there is ridiculous?
So you can't prose in the form of a question an answer if someone says "I dislike this company for [*] reason - but I like this other company for [*] reason." You're not allowed to say "But what about the fact that they've done [*], that the other company you said you disliked has also done?"
That seems like a pretty reasonable way to answer a question by probing with your own query to me.
But what would I know? Trojan Horses can't think for themselves![]()
No doubt. They can't refute shit, so just scream whataboutism (or insert some other buzzword) and go on a banning spree. It's not a forum where you can have a real discussion. It's not a forum where you can have fun, which btw that's the whole point of posting on a message board (especially a gaming forum) is supposed to be about it. It's not a gaming forum. It's a miserable hellhole looking to spread their misery on to you.
That's the magic of the internet. None of that IRL shyness stuff matters one iota. You can be whatever you want to be
Unfortunately, for some that means they think they get to be assholes with little repercussions, but I like to think that it can and should be used for good instead.
Now there is a thread about the representation of prisoners in a fucking comic book videogame, i mean I simply have no words
So no one could actually respond to that poster other than "whataboutism"?
They hate gaming so much, they should probably stop.
What's the saying, Go woke go broke. We can only hope that shithole burns down soon.
Banned permanently for whataboutism and transphobia and xenophobia and trollingSomeone needs to post a variation of this on reee
Someone needs to post a variation of this on reee
So what does everyone think will be the bigger dumpster fire in terms of the chaos it creates and drama.
Cyberpunk - imagery and content considered to contain trans phobic material. However the game is inclusive. Too most its taken tongue in cheek, but to some it's offensive. Game developed in Poland, by people with different beliefs and culture.
Harry Potter - The creator is hated for her views. Which appear to be backed by science and biology, supporting her statements. But the game itself will most likely be fairly void of any controversial content. Considering it's aimed at kids and young adults. I doubt it will be edgy and deal with any real world issues. Is it a problem with no inclusion? Overall the game should come off as very safe.
Did Keanu get cancelled yet? John Wick still being developed? Matrix 4?
Did Alana Pearce get cancelled for being in Cyberpunk and heavily covering it whilst sitting in her fancy yellow chair?
Serious questions.
Most importantly, how will this all affect the Spider-Man sequel going forward. I really have no desire to beat up good police officers or defend rapists and mass murders during escort missions.
Good post but the real issue is that the things they are proclaming to be transphobic are not transphobic... even to other trans. That's the real problem that's not being addressed. There are no trans slurs or hate in the game. If anything that ad they have so much issue with is promoting trans! Its a handful of people at that place deciding for an entire group of people what's offensive or not. And then they go and slander an entire company for not bowing down to them. CDPR has done nothing transphobic. A bad joke doesn't make an entire company transphobic. Those people are lunatics.might as well post what I got the ban for:
" So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.
Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.
One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans' rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.
If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, WhatsApp, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.
I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.
And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.
I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.
So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?
I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.
Much love to every single one of you. "
Yeah, its "whatabouttism" at its finest, but I think its also a valid criticism of the double-standard they have over there.
Saw someone here mention I'm a "bit too grandiose" ... fair - very fair. But I was trying to go toe-to-toe with the crazy dissertations already posted so ... this feels tame!
Agreed. The options within the character creator are pretty damn robust. I would've thought this to be a positive in terms of representation.In Cyberpunk 2077 you can literally play as a trans main character, which is more representation than any other AAA game in history, yet it’s the most transphobic video game of all time because of a poster for a soft drink.
Dammit GAF, now you got me contemplating on buying it soon or waiting for another version later. Wish Xbox version had smart delivery.
In TLOU2 trans representation amounted to a minor side character who was a trans guy that ended up getting relentlessly tortured.
In Cyberpunk 2077 you can literally play as a trans main character, which is more representation than any other AAA game in history, yet it’s the most transphobic video game of all time because of a poster for a soft drink.
This is a great fucking post and clearly shows their hypocrisy. You've got literal slave labor in china right now and they are actually making PS5s and other consoles. No one cares over there. I mean even I dont care considering i bought three PS5s. and thats just the men. the women are getting married off to chinese men outside of their religion. literally forced rape, and again, no one cares.might as well post what I got the ban for:
" So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.
Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.
One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans' rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.
If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, WhatsApp, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.
I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.
And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.
I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.
So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?
I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.
Much love to every single one of you. "
Yeah, its "whatabouttism" at its finest, but I think its also a valid criticism of the double-standard they have over there.
Saw someone here mention I'm a "bit too grandiose" ... fair - very fair. But I was trying to go toe-to-toe with the crazy dissertations already posted so ... this feels tame!
So my saves carry over and I get 9th gen version when it’s ready?It does have smart delivery.
Good post but the real issue is that the things they are proclaming to be transphobic are not transphobic... even to other trans. That's the real problem that's not being addressed. There are no trans slurs or hate in the game. If anything that ad they have so much issue with is promoting trans! Its a handful of people at that place deciding for an entire group of people what's offensive or not. And then they go and slander an entire company for not bowing down to them. CDPR has done nothing transphobic. A bad joke doesn't make an entire company transphobic. Those people are lunatics.
It's a free update if you have purchased the base game.Dammit GAF, now you got me contemplating on buying it soon or waiting for another version later. Wish Xbox version had smart delivery.
A Polish games developer turned out to be more progressive than a bunch of ResetEra moderators.Not only that but CDPR resides in a very homophobic and transphobic country.
So my saves carry over and I get 9th gen version when it’s ready?
Fuck, I’m buying. Thanks NeoGAF, and ResetEra too I guess; gonna make a punk me.
This is a great fucking post and clearly shows their hypocrisy. You've got literal slave labor in china right now and they are actually making PS5s and other consoles. No one cares over there. I mean even I dont care considering i bought three PS5s. and thats just the men. the women are getting married off to chinese men outside of their religion. literally forced rape, and again, no one cares.
everyone gets it. you cannot get outraged over every bad thing that happens on this planet. we have to keep going or we will never be happy. the problem with era is that the trans community has turned into hateful bullies. they dont give a fuck about anything other than cancelling people. cancelling games. cancelling fun. i have never seen a minority be so toxic. we went through decades of civil rights in the u.s, decades of anti-gay sentiment as well as anti-muslim fervor after 9/11, but I did not see any of these minorities behave the way these people have done.
What they did to JK rowlings is awful. All she said was that kids shouldnt be allowed to change their sex before they even hit puberty and that was apparently blasphemy. that young lesbians girls being recruited and brainwashed into getting a sex surgery is something we should look into because actual women who have done that regret ever getting a sex change.
LGBT rights in this country have never been better. their biggest fight is that people are making did you assume my gender jokes. i wonder if they have even read up on how poorly the gay community was treated after the aids epidemic.
The women who reviewed Cyberpunk 2077 for GameSpot and Polygon are being harassed and threatened on social media
I believe this is worthy of its own thread rather than being drowned out in other Cyberpunk threads, as it already was in the OT yesterday. For context, the GameSpot and Polygon reviews, written by Kallie Plagge and Carolyn Petit respectively, both shine a spotlight on the representation
Here's a new thread from our favorite self-appointed white knight. Not surprisingly, much of the thread is blaming the harassment on CDPR themselves and anyone hyping the game who's not explicitly making a statement on this.
And loooooooots of "fucking gamers" self-loathing about their hobby.
Some real gems in here.