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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Are you REALLY trying to equate forced slave labor in china to the massive suffering that the TransERA community has to endure on a DAILY basis in this country, ESPECIALLY when they ARE FORCED to play MASSIVELY TRANSPHOBIC GAMES on a routine basis and they get NO SUPPORT or RESPECT from the RESETERA COMMUNITY OR MODERATION TEAM?



It is pretty safe to say that everyone on era was born after Witcher 3 came out because everyone is really pushing the narrative that the game will not somehow be tweaked and amazing before long. The Witcher 3 was a mess when it first launched. I would normally be rather impressed with the disinformation and FUD work being done in that thread if I was not actually a huge fan of the game and the company and like to think I have some ability to use my brain.


I'm not sure they're lunatics - there are some great people over there, after all, but the "real issue" I was trying (and perhaps failing) to get at is how the site will function moving forward. If ResetERA wants to be a platform for social change first and foremost, instead of being the mainstay forum for the gaming industry, then fine. I applaud that. People taking a stand is a positive for me because at least they're doing something. But they better decide if they're a political platform or a gaming forum sooner rather than later.

Because, to me, having trans issues become the announcer in the echo-chamber is bad only because it drowns out so many other issues. I'll defend to the death those user's rights to articulate their case (and often they have a really good one!), but god we have so many larger fish to fry than CDPR in this industry. I wasn't asking to spite people; I was asking to try and provoke a response which obviously just ... got me banned instead of instigating some communication. When a minority voice drowns out all others, to me, that is dangerous. Beware the man who has read but one book etc., etc.

So why was there no upheaval over Ubisoft games? Seems to me to be a fair question but the only people responding took the acid tab long ago, I suppose.

When I said "those people are lunatics" I was referring to Kyuuji and the other handful of fanatics.. everyone else is just rallying behind them without using an ounce of critical thought. Noone seems to recognize there are extremists in every group of people (and trans are no different). These people are looking for things to be offended by, will twist thing around inorder to be offended and if you actually analyze what they're complaining about you can clearly see that it's not rational.

Again CDPR has done nothing transphobic. There have been other trans on twitter saying the same thing. They don't agree with anything Kyuuji has complaining about.

Here's a new thread from our favorite self-appointed white knight. Not surprisingly, much of the thread is blaming the harassment on CDPR themselves and anyone hyping the game who's not explicitly making a statement on this.

And loooooooots of "fucking gamers" self-loathing about their hobby.


Some real gems in here.
Ironic since they have been harassing their own members in regards to the game.


I mean of course, but I know a lot of trans and non-trans people (myself included) that find JK's views and endorsements as transphobic. But yeah, people, no matter what they identify as, are going to have a diversity of opinions.
One of her views that I thought was ridiculous that people were calling her transphobic over is the “women menstruate”. If you menstruate you are biologically a woman even if you identify as a man or a two spirit rabbit. She’s right. That’s a fact. It’s not transphobic.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

Indeed, it has.

Question: Why the fuck do so many people here make claims like "99% of resetera users are great, it's the tiny handful minority that ruins things"?

I mean look at the below thread. 8 pages of people blaming CDPR for all mean social media comments reviewers, and demanding they need to make a "statement". Not a SINGLE fucking post of pushback or mentioning how absolutely absurd this concept is. Every single person agrees that its all on CDPR's head. Na, it's not a minority. And the rest are cowards.
Yes, era has a huge problem and it's not just the trans community or the trigger happy mods. it's the actual userbase that loves misery and wants to inflict it upon other users. I had the misfortune of getting on the wrong side of both MS and Sony fans on the site and I later found out that both sides had their discords mass reporting all of my posts criticizing either company. it's like they got off on getting people banned. Mods there have admitted that they get so many reports that they only moderate stuff that got reported instead of actually engaging in discussion and learning the posters. so when they see the same guy get reported all the time, they pull the hammer down fast.

You see the OT and its full of people posting truly god awful feel bad stories all the time. it's typically the same guys all the time but the threads wouldnt get any traction if a large part of the forum didnt engage in that kind of collective misery. they hate everyone and they hate that other folks have the capacity to have fun. I have some experience with bipolar and borderline people who suffer from depression, and they cannot stand that normal folks can find happiness in dumb things like sports, games and just hanging out with friends. they hate you for it and they actively engage in sabotaging your relationship with them. it's a sickness.

i would not be surprised if a large portion of era is suffering from severe depression or some kind of bad case of bipolar or borderline disorders. the way these people react to things also suggest adjustment disorders. every post in a trump thread or a politics thread is WHAT THE FUCK or some other kind of overreaction as if they have never heard trump say something stupid.

the asian community thread was embarrassing to follow. the mods were bending over backwards for these people but they wanted blood. they wanted everyone banned for even criticizing china's response for the covid 19 fiasco. they would not let up. dozens and dozens of posts were made over the course of a month and a half by various different mods to try and meet them in the middle, but they would not have it. after the discussion ended, they acted like the world had ended and openly tore the mods a new one and of course got away with it because you cannot ban or reprimand a minority community even if they are acting like entitled jackasses.

i still think the silent majority isnt cowardly, they are just the silent majority. not everyone wants to be an activist or a hero and put their account on the line. you make friends and develop a sense of community over the course of few years and being afraid of losing that is not cowardly, it's normal.


Gold Member
When I said "those people are lunatics" I was referring to Kyuuji and the other handful of fanatics.. everyone else is just rallying behind them without using an ounce of critical thought. Noone seems to recognize there are extremists in every group of people (and trans are no different). These people are looking for things to be offended by, will twist thing around inorder to be offended and if you actually analyze what they're complaining about you can clearly see that it's not rational.

Again CDPR has done nothing transphobic. There have been other trans on twitter saying the same thing. They don't agree with anything Kyuuji has complaining about.

Fair. There is definitely a handful of vocal individuals who seem more interested in making the website a platform for social justice rather than a gaming forum. Which is fine! Do that! Just make it clear to your user-base which you are because you can't be both while still calling yourself an inclusive community.

As both a game-enthusiast and an NRA member, I have no place there by the unwritten rules and this applies to so many others whether they divulge that info or not. Those are called "trolls" I believe.


Neo Member
Gamers amirite...


Dphex is a person who nonstop shits on everything in the world yet surrounds himself with things that he hates. He lives a sad hateful existence and i almost feel bad for the dude. I remember him constantly bitching and moaning about Sekiro yet he continued to play it and post in the OT. Then that carried over to Nioh 2, same story. People call him out but he just ignores it and bitches.

Kinda sad really.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Are you REALLY trying to equate forced slave labor in china to the massive suffering that the TransERA community has to endure on a DAILY basis in this country, ESPECIALLY when they ARE FORCED to play MASSIVELY TRANSPHOBIC GAMES on a routine basis and they get NO SUPPORT or RESPECT from the RESETERA COMMUNITY OR MODERATION TEAM?



Come on guys if you're going to make a parody and mock ResetEra then you actually have to exaggerate a little.

You're just saying stuff they'd say word for word!


LOL the transphobic OT is now almost 20 pages more than their whining thread in 2 days. Took the whining thread 2 months to reach 100 pages, took the OT less than 2 days.

Transphobia has been successfully eradicated by these brave soldiers!
A bit on/off topic I guess..

Why does the new Nintendo OT also come with a trans warning?
Is this a new trend? Every thread or OT has to have a trans intro?


My question is, how does this actually help trans rights? What does writing a thread about a gaming company and randomly inserting that trans bit do? Everyone just talks about Nintendo stuff anyway.

And why trans specifically? Why not also gay, lesbian, black?
And why trans specifically? Why not also gay, lesbian, black?

The honest answer is that trans people are easier to notice in a crowd and therefore easier to target. But sure, let's fight that by putting up A BIG ASS NEON SIGN TO BE KIND TO THE WEIRD ONES.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This is a great fucking post and clearly shows their hypocrisy. You've got literal slave labor in china right now and they are actually making PS5s and other consoles. No one cares over there. I mean even I dont care considering i bought three PS5s. and thats just the men. the women are getting married off to chinese men outside of their religion. literally forced rape, and again, no one cares.

everyone gets it. you cannot get outraged over every bad thing that happens on this planet. we have to keep going or we will never be happy. the problem with era is that the trans community has turned into hateful bullies. they dont give a fuck about anything other than cancelling people. cancelling games. cancelling fun. i have never seen a minority be so toxic. we went through decades of civil rights in the u.s, decades of anti-gay sentiment as well as anti-muslim fervor after 9/11, but I did not see any of these minorities behave the way these people have done.

What they did to JK rowlings is awful. All she said was that kids shouldnt be allowed to change their sex before they even hit puberty and that was apparently blasphemy. that young lesbians girls being recruited and brainwashed into getting a sex surgery is something we should look into because actual women who have done that regret ever getting a sex change.

LGBT rights in this country have never been better. their biggest fight is that people are making did you assume my gender jokes. i wonder if they have even read up on how poorly the gay community was treated after the aids epidemic.

What was really funny was how all of the crybullies in that thread paraded out the tired and disingenuous "whataboutism" rebuke - their goto when someone has made an analogy (in this case a litany of them) that roundly pointed out that they are and have been wrong. And, additionally in this case, unfairly moderating comments/users and squelching discussion in absurd and uneven ways. And of course, that their toxicity not only goes unchecked but it's being encouraged by the moderators. Even encouraged to leave the confines of the forum and seek to dox and harass on Discord, other forums, and social media.

What a bunch of toxic scrotes.


TayTay looking to sign some petitions in blood against Ubisoft

Taysan said:
Hilarious_Bearious said:
I can't speak for others here, but personally I'd love it if this site did a similar treatment for Ubisoft game threads. Limit to one OT, giant ass warnings at the top of every page, link to a well-written OP about the issues at hand. I'd sign that petition in blood right now.
I'd be down for that too that's a great idea actually.


Gold Member
So ... got banned from ERA ... and after a nice (kiiiinda deserved) lambasting posters are actually agreeing with my whole point ... what is this?


For context: the kinda-stupid 800 words I posted to get banned:

So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.

Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.

One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.

If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from Amazon.com? This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.

I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.

And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.

I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.

So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?

I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.

Much love to every single one of you.
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So ... got banned from ERA ... and after a nice (kiiiinda deserved) lambasting posters are actually agreeing with my whole point ... what is this?


For context: the kinda-stupid 800 words I posted to get banned:

So, I have been reading and reading. Damn, near a week now.

Cyberpunk 2077 is problematic and is nigh on banned from approved discussion and this situation (the polite term) has been begging the question: Has there been any discourse on how future releases are to be treated moving forward? Surely, if this CD Projekt Red game deserves this amount of scrutiny, most of the upcoming major releases should be treated the same, right? Logic would dictate. Is this enthusiast games forum open to banning discussion of, say, GTA VI? You know that game is going to be a powder keg for this community. Why hasn't discussion of Ubisoft products been banned as well for so, so, so many reasons? Fallout '76 also seemed to be problematic. Shouldn't that have been a prohibited title along with other Bethesda releases? Or on that note should not all Microsoft-published games be banned from discourse what with the ZeniMax acquisition? Guilt by association is convenient; the guillotine silences all.

One interpretation for Cyberpunk 2077 necessitating thousand-word mod posts (and lord knows how much effort and back-and-forth from the poor moderation staff) would be that trans rights seem to trump misogyny and good, old-fashioned racism on this website, though that is not my take, I see the argument and I see the debate team hats coming out. Isn’t Ubisoft an equally hateful company when compared to CD Projekt Red? More so? Harry Potter games are just a given for the ban-pile, I assume, probably releasing with a promised "text-only," mod-written thread, if at all. God forbid we get a Kingdom Come sequel.

If these numerous releases are even approved for discussion, what about the users who play them and comment? Did they happen to get a copy from Amazon.com? This is a company that openly exploits its workers to the point of suicide. This is a company that uses forced-labor camps in Uighur China. Literal slave labor. Surely users who use Amazon, WalMart, Cost Co., Best Buy, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, Apple, TCL, Sony, Microsoft, Ford, Corsair, MSI, Valve, Intuit, FIS, Google, Razer, Qualcomm, Alphabet, Facebook, Instagram, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, GE, Adobe, Netflix, nVidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Samsung, Insignia, General Motors, Philips, Oculus, Hewlett-Packard, or IMB products deserve a permanent ban because using these problematic company's products condones these problematic company's practices? These transgressions should surely be more prominent on this forum than say, a Mix It Up ad, the treatment of prisoner stereotypes, or sexual character designs, right? These are companies who actually make money from slave labor, yet this forum is writing 7,000-word posts about the lack of inclusiveness in a microcosm of a pass-time that requires users to throw money at the companies listed above (though, to be fair, I may have left one or two off that list but surely you get the point). This seems like a double-standard and this seems like hypocrisy and this seems like bullshit.

I guess my question is this: is equality important to the folks who frequent this website? I appreciate the political ramifications of this site's treatment of the year's biggest game release, but it needs to do the same for all titles moving forward or this becomes a hollow, one-note hill to die on, and, congratulations, people here picked a hill to die on, but it was the wrong damn hill.

And I guess my point is this: why does the opinion of a minority group get carte-blanche to dictate policy on this site, when there are issues in play that affect every single person here, not just a percentage? Where are the torches and pitchforks for the death toll a release like the PlayStation 5 induced? If you want to take a stance, good; take that stance, believe in something; fight the power. Good for you. Remember though, there are often much larger issues at play, and your time could be better spent on a street corner protesting the things you believe in rather than cross-checking which ResetERA users cross-post on NeoGAF. Set the bar a bit higher for yourself.

I mean not to belittle the politics of this community but more-so the manner in which it chooses to push them.

So. What do we do about upcoming games? Is there a discussion about this? And more importantly for the average ResetERA user: is there a transparent discussion – perhaps a sticky? - between moderation staff and the general users about what this website is rapidly devolving into that does not involve "trials by Discord," doxxing, or behind the scenes chicanery?

I'd like to know. Maybe a few others would, too.

Much love to every single one of you.

holy crap

don’t give them any more ideas :LOL:


I'm not a huge TaySan fan

I kinda get why some of y'all were going after him so hard now
Dude was utter torture. I was amazed he was so active on this board and almost want to give him props for that alone and being open minded.

But knowing he is now openly shitting on us now like a coward to fit in (like all the other NPCs desperate to fit in) and joining in witch hunts and crusades makes me say yeah fuck that.

That he turned into a massive SJW cuck is no surprise.
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Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I was thinking what are the chances that many threads in REra are just well crafted trolling?
I seriously can't believe that they're discussing about representation of prisoners in Spiderman.
I mean sure, many replies are real and honest (as dumb), but the guy that started it all? I'm sure is laughing hard now seeing how easily he can troll everyone. Lol.
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It’s the ignorance of the extremely privileged. Just like white liberals wanting to end the police because they never need them in their security system guarded house in their gated communities. The concept that police would help a community in need would never occur to these anti cop fanatics.

In pursuing an ideology that is shaped by ignorant privilege, they actually harm the POCs who live in these needy communities.

But helping POCs isn’t the point on Era. Looking like you are helping POCs is.
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The GameSpot girl literally said she didn't upgrade weapons, buy outfits, or do side quests because she didn't want to help the cops. Wtf? If you don't like RPGs, why the fuck are you reviewing one.

That's just fucking stupid, why must they ram their political agenda into *everything* ? - Politics is important, yes but it doesn't need to make up EVERY PART OF YOUR LIFE & definitely doesn't need ramming into a video game review.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
A legitimate question I never got to fire off over there: how many of you have actually been in prison?

I have. And people are really fucked up in there for the most part.

Also a decent question: does anyone in here known the difference between prison and jail? This separates some people.

It's the assumption that I should care about this while playing that dumb game which is wrong here.


That's just fucking stupid, why must they ram their political agenda into *everything* ? - Politics is important, yes but it doesn't need to make up EVERY PART OF YOUR LIFE & definitely doesn't need ramming into a video game review.
If politics prevents you from doing your job then it is a problem.

Imagine if someone said they wouldn’t play a game and gave it a subpar review because they are conservative or a Christian. People would go nuts on them calling them all kinds of shit. This Gamespot reviewer and her SJW friends would be right there doing so! They would calling them fat and stupid and dangerous and in need of deplatforming just like “professionals” are doing to the Quartering right now.

Ive no sympathy for these pro censorship attention seeking hacks.
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A bit on/off topic I guess..

Why does the new Nintendo OT also come with a trans warning?
Is this a new trend? Every thread or OT has to have a trans intro?


Oh fuck off with that oppression olympics bullshit.

Yes, trans people are ABSOLUTELY a highly marginalized group, but their visibility is also relatively new even if they've existed as long as gender has. Their suffering has been far more internal than external because dysphoria of any kind fucking sucks. This is not to downplay mental health issues, they need to be taken seriously, but when you talk about the most marginalized group out there, there's some SUPER stiff competition. Yes, it sucks that trans rights are not at the place they should be, but their right to life hasn't been threatened in the same way so many other groups have, at least not on a legislative level to any great degree. My extended family has dealt with pogrom after pogrom, and this was AFTER a few of them survived the Holocaust. And even if they want to talk about the modern day, there is an ACTIVE genocide happening in China this very instant, which is to say nothing of other global conflicts on a lesser scale.

I hate that I even have to make these comparisons because I still want progress, but when you say shit like "the most marginalized group", you gotta back that shit up. And half the time they aren't even conforming to their own alleged commitment to intersectionality and they just go "look at how oppressed this white trans trust fund kid is with a good job and large following!" That's not being progressive, it's covering your eyes and finding the easiest way to appear as so while not having to think about things too much.
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Gold Member
It's the assumption that I should care about this while playing that dumb game which is wrong here.

Yeah it is. Absolutely why people have been watching John Wayne movies or reading comic books since before their parent's generation. Good point. If at the end of the day all you want is to beat up some "bad guys" then yeah, have at 'em. This should should be a no-brainer for any critic.
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