Bitmap Frogs
Mr. Community
Could've got the Lexus fixed but she was probably fed up with broken trannies.
I just lol’ed out loud.
Could've got the Lexus fixed but she was probably fed up with broken trannies.
Nepanthe meltdown post reposted so you don't have to look for it.
Pound sand.
ShironRedShift can't stand to see Nepenthe and Hexe get all the attention so here is his long form screed in response:
"Okay, I'll be honest about my feelings. This might come off as harsh, because really, I have no idea how in the world to say it without it sounding that way, despite not meaning to:
Oh shit the season finale of The Mandalorian just dropped!
I wonder how mad she's going to be when she finds out that going from a 5 year loan to a 7 year loan means she'll probably end up paying more.
Well he's getting banned.Oh ffs. Literally :
Admittedly a good idea but when you have someone focusing on the monthly payment they're probably not thinking long term.Gonna be honest, I figured the point behind getting such a huge loan was to then refinance it at a bank, then pay it off in one lump payment.
Okay, I'll be honest about my feelings. This might come off as harsh, because really, I have no idea how in the world to say it without it sounding that way, despite not meaning to:
But Nephenthe's post, while truly wonderful and heartfelt and it's easily to tell is genuine and so chocked full of so many emotions which are incredibly valid...
That's all 100% true and valid.
But at the same time, like how to put this? This is the where it's hard to say it without being insensitive part comes in, despite absolutely not meaning to.
It's odd to see so many people rush to give sympathies and concerns to Nepenthe's posts, even when they're absolutely valid and deserved, when so many concerns from so many others were outright dismissed if not banned by the staff (which I know Nepenthe in particular has nothing to do with in most of these cases and don't mean to imply otherwise), to see such an outpouring of emotion and sympathy for that post and those feelings when so many others got and continue to get little to none (though I suppose that isn't terribly surprising since many who would do that are either banned, threadbanned, or just too terrified to post in fear of one or the other happening to them at this point, so it's only natural things would be rather lopsided at this point, with the way things have gone and where we're currently at, even if that's just a completely unintentional after-effect, but still)...
I dunno, if it's a feeling of being wronged, or just jealousy and pettiness (which I'm fully willing to admit is almost certainly part of it, at least in my case, and I fully realize that and how ridiculous and completely insensitive that is even, but I can't help how I feel, as weird as it is to be "jealous" of such things, it's just feels like more attention is being paid towards some people being hurt than others, and I'm sure part of the problem in fact is that we all feel that way, and just disagree over who gets more attention or why, and that itself is part of the problem itself, focusing on such things instead of just addressing the hurt itself and what can be done about it), or some combination, but despite their being ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH IT ON THE SURFACE, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, it still FEELS wrong for those kinda reasons.
Like, I know that might make ABSOLUTELY no sense whatsoever, especially since that post was so clearly so heartfelt and full of emotion, but that's precisely the thing...
So many people have been doing the same thing, have been pouring their hearts out as well, and to see that utterly dismissed and the whole entire tone change as soon as Nepenthe posted... While her feelings might absolutely be genuine and valid and she's not saying anything wrong or anything, it still feels wrong, because while that may have in no way been her intention, far from it in fact, the entire discussion has shifted despite absolutely no problems being solved, whatsoever, or anything really changing.
And that itself is worrying to me.
Because it's just because giving their sympathies to a perfectly sympathetic situation, and there's nothing wrong with that. Far, far from it. It's the most natural thing in the world, in fact.
But at the same time, nothing is actually SOLVED by doing that either. Not that post is really meant to solve anything, and is fully honest about that. But still, we're still exactly where we were, just expressing sympathy to Nepenthe while all the same problems and issues still remain, completely unaddressed, just buried under the wave of sympathies.
Like, I know it's not really a fair comparison to Nepenthe's post, but I'm still nonetheless reminded of this post from earlier in the thread that kinda got lost in the shuffle:
Like, I don't want to say that Nepenthe was doing the same thing as Wonderment, because she certainly wasn't, definitely not intentionally anyway.
And I know she was only speaking for herself.
But nonetheless, how do I put this... There can be an army of posts from various communities, but as soon as there is one staff post full of emotion, even when there are countless posts full of emotion from various communities, seeing people huddle around the staff post...
I duno how to put it, but it feels bad.
Not because Nepenthe's feelings aren't genuine.
Not because there even should be sides in this to begin with.
But just seeing how the discussion completely shifted like after that, even if that was in no way her intention, that people rush to give sympathies, even if they are indeed well deserved, just the flow of the discussion and all the problems that were being addressed and still needing to be addressed feeling like they're being swept away just like that, even if that was in no way the intention, still seeing it happening and realizing indeed that even COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL, that just people pouring our their legitimate heartfelt emotions like that can have such an effect on the way things go...
It just gives me even less hope, to be honest.
Because everything Nepenthe saying may be true and may be from the heart and is perfectly valid.
But where does it leave us?
What does it change?
Not that the point of such posts are to change things per se anyway, but...
I duno.
The whole thing, the whole state of the thread after that, it just confirms to meet that this is doomed to repeat.
That I myself have tried my best, to no avail.
I'm just completely done.
I've given into the learned helplessness.
Nepenthe's feelings are perfectly valid, there's nothing wrong with them in any way.
But nonetheless her posting that and the reaction to that and how the thread has quickly shifted since....
It confirms to me that change is futile here.
So I give up.
I've tried so much, everything I can think of to get through.
But clearly none of it matters, and indeed, staff vs member divisions will remain, and we'll just keep going in circles, pouring out emotions until a combination of people get banned, others leave, others are too scared to speak up, until some other incident happens, where again there are various outpouring of emotions, various people are banned, various others leave, various others get too scared to do anything, and we all keep dong this and nothing changes.
Not for staff.
Not for normal members.
Not for anyone.
And indeed, it's quite clear from posts like Nepenthe's that that's just as bad for staff as anyone else.
But nothing changes, even after over a year of these discussions in various forms.
The clear point being that none of us trust each other, due to us all being hurt in our own own ways, for our own reasons, and thus are immediately suspicious of each other when even what might in fact turn out the to be the most innocuous thing in the end, nonetheless because of how we're hurt in the past, we can't take that chance, and assume the worst, assume someone is directly attacking US, assume people our leaking OUR private conversations, assume this, assume that, and in many cases, especially based on prior lived experience where exactly that happened, there are very valid reasons for that mistrust, but that doesn't mean that's what happened in every situations.
But precisely because we've all been hurt in our own ways, which is both tragic and perfectly understandable, because of those own forms of hurting, we'll never actually trust each other, not truly, and always be suspicious, the seeds of doubt will always be there and they won't go away because of that hurt.
So I just don't know what to do.
I don't know how to fight that.
I don't know how to make us able to trust each other and get along and actually fix this.
I'm not sure if it even is possible at all, precisely because that hurt is so incredibly real and runs so very, very deep sometimes.
I don't know.
But I'm stepping out from this particular conversation because I'm clearly way outside my depth at this point, that I've given it all from my perspective, and don't know what else to offer and my participating in it, my mental state has only become worse and I'm become more depressed and despondent over both the state of the site and the safety of those I'd like to consider friends, even if that's too strong a word and comes off as kinda creepy if anything as someone who's primarily a lurker, nonetheless even as such there are so many people who's posts I love reading that I'd hate to lose and I just have no hope that won't happen eventually, if not now, in some future controversy or some such, and nothing that's been said has given me reassurance on that front.
Like, people coming and going simply due to the passage of time and the realities of real life is one thing, but so many people leaving because they're afraid to post or what would happen to them or leaving because of what happened to other members... That's what terrifies me.
And nothing that's been said indicates to me that that will in fact get any better and anything will happen other than us continuing to lose members and communities.
And I've tried my best to argue my own perspective there.
But I've said my piece and don't know what else to say, especially this is hardly my forté to begin with, and honestly, I'm terrified myself about accidentally tripping on toes and have been fearful of that for some time and have been scared that I've been really living on borrowed time and that if I say anything, anything at all more than this, that I will be threadbanned if not outright banned, so that's just one more reason to go.
I just myself don't feel safe, at all.
I feel dismissed.
Like I don't belong.
So I'll spend my energy elsewhere, helping members where I can where I see the opportunity, but that's clearly not here.
This thread is a lost cause that will change nothing, for anyone, on either "side," or any community, or anything. It will just keep going on in circles, as it has been for months.
Nonetheless, I hope I'm wrong about that. Dear god, do I hope I'm wrong.
And I wish everyone in this thread the absolute best.
But I myself can't keep doing this. It's just not good for me, at all, in any way.
So to everyone here.
To TransEra
To AsianEra
To MuslimEra
To BlackEra
To so many other communities
And indeed, to the staff as well, the moderators, admins, and everyone,
I leave you with the warmest of wishes and with the best for all of you, wish you happy holidays, hope you stay safe in these trying times that even ignoring everything that's happening on this site and in various Discords and whatever, with just the pandemic and all that alone, I hope you stay safe and all that, and I wish the best for your loved ones as well.
And I'm just rambling now, as I'm wont to do, so I'll leave it at.
Best wishes all, and stay safe.
Also though,
I myself am not a part of any Discords. I mean, I have access to stuff like the original PoliEra discord, but I never use it, because I just hate Discord in general. And anything more than that? Got nothing.
But again, that relates to people being hurt in very real ways, and that pain being perfectly valid, and precisely because of that pain, we lash out at not only those who deserve it, but those that don't as well, just as a defensive measure to avoid being hurt again. That's part of being human, especially when you're a minority and that's your daily lived experience.
But that being the case, that's what gives me so little hope of this being something that's being able to be solved.
So much jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, and just, well, assuming they're true without any communication or verification, and just letting oneself be further hurt by assuming worst case scenarios and conspiracies even when that wasn't what actually happened or was meant.
I just... don't know what to do about that.
I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done.
Just too many people, each hurt in their own ways, for their own unique reasons and situations, making conversation and reaching across that pain and prior hurt even harder than it already would be even in the best times.
I don't know what to do.
I'd like to help, because like I said, I'm an incredibly empathetic person to a fault and just can't help it, especially since on top of that, as someone who's also disabled, I have nothing but time on my hands.
But... there are some problems that can't be solved. Certainly not by any given individual anyway.
And I have to accept my own limits and indeed, look after my own mental health as well, and be careful I don't develop some kind of savior complex on top of everything else, which never fixes anything for anyone involved and just makes existing problems worse instead of better.
Especially since on top of everything else, while I am a minority, while I am bisexual/nonbinary, that really has nothing to do with any of these particular discussions and as such, as I'm not involved in any of these Discords or a part of those groups, that just feels like further reason I shouldn't have gotten involved at all to begin with, even if the empathetic part of me fights with the anxious side of me that makes me want to stick up for those who I feel are wronged or who I feel have gotten a raw deal, that empathetic part of me also tells me I'm not the person to do that even if I hate standing by the sidelines and seeing people both be hurt and hurting each other and feeling powerless to do anything about it, even if it's "not my fight," just wanting to jump in anyway, especially after year after years of lectures from schools about how stuff like "people who don't jump in when others are bullying each other are just as bad as the bullies themselves" resonating with me and stuff, nonetheless, I know that all the same because of all that I'm likely not someone who should be party to these discussions regardless.
But like I already said, just rambling at this point, and I don't know what else to say, other than discussion in this thread has been completely unproductive and in no way helpful to my mental health and I unfortunately can't see that changing, even as I try my best to be optimistic and a glass-half-full person, I just can't see that applying here, as much as I try and want to.
Nonetheless, since I did end up rambling some more, I once again wish everyone the best, happy holidays, and hope you all stay safe and healthy, especially in this trying year of all years, with pandemic and all on top of it all.
Timothy "ShironRedshift" Brown
Shiron ends this post by quoting the Hexe Report posted above, creating the Ultimate Wall O' Text.
"Well, just one final thing. I'm not a member of the Discord in question as I said, but I feel it deserves just as much exposure, so I'll give it a quote just to make sure this perspective isn't missed:"
SEE: Hexe's Manifesto
He just gave his real name (it's a pretty generic name since there are probably tons of guys that share the same name), not his address or anything. Still nothing but melodramatic tripe though.Did Shiron Dumbshit really just dox himself?
What a fucking retard.
I’m sorry if this makes me a bad person but I find it fucking hilarious that the mods over there are talking about how being a mod is affecting their mental health. Are you fucking serious? It’s a god damn message board and not a job. Who gives a shit if these people like you or not and if you do care that much, you should just step away and also reconsider your life choices
Remind me again, do ANY of these people get actual cash money to mod that hellscape? WHY do they do it????
honestly, if Hogwarts gets good reviews it will become too big to ignore, it looks pretty goodYeah, it's one big foul compromise.
"Ok, trans era, we didn't ban the big blockbuster game because click revenue, but now we'll ban that movie game that not that many people care about anyway. We good? We good, right?!"
Butt of the joke, you, trans era![]()
Did Shiron Dumbshit really just dox himself?
What a fucking retard.
Can somebody call up Netflix, so they can create a show based on this?
Remind me again, do ANY of these people get actual cash money to mod that hellscape? WHY do they do it????
The closest i have found is this one: honestly should make some type of Wiki.
So much has happened over the years that some posters will need their own pages.
And it keeps going and going and going ...
The closest i have found is this one:
Who is nepanth?
Weird. Try to access Rotten Websites and search for ResetEra - a lot of heavy stuff is listed, that i didn't even know about.Bad link, 502 error.
Weird. Try to access Rotten Websites and search for ResetEra - a lot of heavy stuff is listed, that i didn't even know about.
They should get the ones who did the Epstein documentary.Can somebody call up Netflix, so they can create a show based on this?
Perhaps they think that they are really changing the world (for better!) with their janny unpaid job.I’m sorry if this makes me a bad person but I find it fucking hilarious that the mods over there are talking about how being a mod is affecting their mental health. Are you fucking serious? It’s a god damn message board and not a job. Who gives a shit if these people like you or not and if you do care that much, you should just step away and also reconsider your life choices
Already exists.Can somebody call up Netflix, so they can create a show based on this?
Lol......Nepenthe is non binary now? I'm pretty sure that is to stop the trans members going after her. "Hey wait.....I am slightly non-commited Trans too!"
Did this really happen? I need to see those posts.I’m sorry if this makes me a bad person but I find it fucking hilarious that the mods over there are talking about how being a mod is affecting their mental health. Are you fucking serious? It’s a god damn message board and not a job. Who gives a shit if these people like you or not and if you do care that much, you should just step away and also reconsider your life choices
Even if it gets bad reviews it will sell like no tomorrow - last main console HP game came in 2013 for the PS3. They are going to make bank with this one.honestly, if Hogwarts gets good reviews it will become too big to ignore, it looks pretty goodhas the potential to morph into ResetERA's greatest enemy yet
Did this really happen? I need to see those posts.
Or just use thisSomeone should post wall of text and end it with the prince of bel air copypasta
Still relevant in 2020:I’m sorry if this makes me a bad person but I find it fucking hilarious that the mods over there are talking about how being a mod is affecting their mental health. Are you fucking serious? It’s a god damn message board and not a job. Who gives a shit if these people like you or not and if you do care that much, you should just step away and also reconsider your life choices
I'm guessing it's the same mentality of the people that think it's their job to enforce traffic law. The type that drives the speed limit or slower in the left lane because "You shouldn't be speeding." Also the type that will speed up when you try to pass them because "You're driving too fast and it's my job to stop you." and similar stuff.No they dont get paid lmao
And it’s the power trip
True, it ain't gonna go away. The hate will shift toward something new.With Trump almost out we predicted they will need to find a new lighting rod for their hate site.
I wonder how mad she's going to be when she finds out that going from a 5 year loan to a 7 year loan means she'll probably end up paying more.
Of course assuming Trump actually goes away which he probably won't. Then again there will always be a new popular politician that won't be left enough that can be their new bugbear.True, it ain't gonna go away. The hate will shift toward something new.
Nazi here
honestly, if Hogwarts gets good reviews it will become too big to ignore, it looks pretty goodhas the potential to morph into ResetERA's greatest enemy yet