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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Do I really need to repeat myself?

Take a step back and look at what you are trying to make an argument for. Just stop.
Question. If someone drew a person killing another person, would that be a crime? If someone drew someone fucking a child, would that be a crime? Tell me how you differentiate, since those two would depict a crime, and which is punishable, and which isn't, and why?
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Bruh. Just no. Drawings or not. Child pornography is child pornography. And that is fucking disgusting beyond words.

There is literally no defense for it.

And I respect that opinion.
I personally cant get too worked up about drawings of fictional people, but it's not a position I'm willing to die on a hill for.
Edit: Wanna clarify that I absolutely agree that CP is top tier bad, no question.
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What the fuck is this "One Winged Slayer Member" thing?
If you refer to what I believe that you are, there is a limited hard mode trial on Smash Brothers with Sephiroth. Era has a contest going for a tag for those that complete it.

RE: this
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If you refer to what I believe that you are, there is a limited hard mode trial on Smash Brothers with Sephiroth. Era has a contest going for a tag for those that complete it.

RE: this
I thought the loons were whining the other day how they’re NOT a video game forum
Keep being complete fuckfaces, mods. Keep perm banning anyone with a shred of reason/balance/rationality, and make sure you keep indulging in your most extreme, vitriolic users, which will then turn around and shred you to bits when you don't accommodate their every whim and bloodlust. This is why I don't have a fucking SHRED of sympathy for the modding team when they get harassed by TransEra etc. They deserve every ounce of abuse from those that they worship and infinitely validate.

What a disgustingly toxic environment for anyone who isn't a complete nut job. I feel bad for the naive shits that come into these threads thinking there's any actual "discussion" to be had or that they have the right to voice even the most benign opinion without being nuked.

You know, this horrifically transphobic game of which master troll Kyuuji is now on his 2nd play through, with hundreds of posts in the official thread sharing screenshots, impressions, tips, tricks, bugs, and having a great fucking time.

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"Lazy" has now become a problematic term

We all know that the people who make games are not lazy.

But there persists in gaming a feeling that things could be so much better, were the developers not “lazy.”

(We don’t see that criticism much on Era thankfully, but I think you will agree that it persists)

So we have these “lazy devs.”

But is it not the people (corporate, shareholders, etc.) who push for things to be shipped before they are finished, or for things to be shipped in the most mass-appealing state, who are the real cause for concern?

We shy away from using the term “lazy” because it is an insult to the many talented people who pour their work into a game, even if the final product ends up being sub-par.

But there is laziness happening there, I think.

Laziness at the level of marketing, or the number of people contracted to complete a task, or the time allotted to complete that task, and so on.

That shit is lazy. There’s no other word for it. And we should call it what it is. A lazy money grab.

So, I propose that we repurpose this term, and instead of “lazy devs,” we call out the lazy corporations and power structures that make the actually very hard-working game devs stay up late nights trying to make sure we have an enjoyable experience.

And that’s all I have to say.

“Lazy” - might it make sense to repurpose this term | ResetEra
Keep being complete fuckfaces, mods. Keep perm banning anyone with a shred of reason/balance/rationality, and make sure you keep indulging in your most extreme, vitriolic users, which will then turn around and shred you to bits when you don't accommodate their every whim and bloodlust. This is why I don't have a fucking SHRED of sympathy for the modding team when they get harassed by TransEra etc. They deserve every ounce of abuse from those that they worship and infinitely validate.

What a disgustingly toxic environment for anyone who isn't a complete nut job.

That's probably one of the most inoffensive comments that was permed. You really need to be in line with Kyuuji's extremist values and no less.
Why does Era genuinely think that CDPR's gonna be eviscerated by this class action lawsuit? At worst, they'll have to pay a multi-million dollar fine, and their stock price will drop more. I doubt a multi-billion dollar corporation will become bankrupt from a single lawsuit.


Why does Era genuinely think that CDPR's gonna be eviscerated by this class action lawsuit? At worst, they'll have to pay a multi-million dollar fine, and their stock price will drop more. I doubt a multi-billion dollar corporation will become bankrupt from a single lawsuit.
The key part in front of all of that, is that a suit is only being considered. There is no guarantee that it would even make it to court. Era is trying to create a narrative that does not exists elsewhere. In their mind CDPR are clearing out their offices and going to sell to Nintendo, and will be blacklisted forever and never make another game.
Some even are wondering if they will be around long enough to....I seriously have a hard time typing this with a straight face...long enough to make patches or updates.
They do not get it. Even the poll by Mr Game Awards Geoff says that most people are not even worrying about refunds. The "major news coverage" means nothing at all, they are getting their free clicks due to the controversy while they are there.
AGAIN I point to the Blizzard hates Chinese People fiasco that Era has forgotten about yet was the biggest cause ever (at that time)


Why does Era genuinely think that CDPR's gonna be eviscerated by this class action lawsuit? At worst, they'll have to pay a multi-million dollar fine, and their stock price will drop more. I doubt a multi-billion dollar corporation will become bankrupt from a single lawsuit.
its just wishful thinking. CDred already made their money back.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Why does Era genuinely think that CDPR's gonna be eviscerated by this class action lawsuit? At worst, they'll have to pay a multi-million dollar fine, and their stock price will drop more. I doubt a multi-billion dollar corporation will become bankrupt from a single lawsuit.

Nothing will happen from that suit because it isn’t exactly the first time a product has been released with issues and was fixed later. Nor is it the first time a software company has hyped up a release to investors only for it to release with issues.

They very clearly intend to offer free patches and will continue to work on updating the game.


Question. If someone drew a person killing another person, would that be a crime? If someone drew someone fucking a child, would that be a crime? Tell me how you differentiate, since those two would depict a crime, and which is punishable, and which isn't, and why?
JFC give it a rest you twonk.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
the lawsuit is good because that means the CEO is gonna have some sleepless nights, but its nonsense. every single corporation rushes their products out before fiscal year deadlines. EA has done it with Mass effect 3, andromeda and anthem literally three times in a row. all launched in march and feb a few weeks before their fiscal year ends.

movie studios do this too. ubisoft does it every holiday season to get some of that christmas and black friday money. investors want that money. they dont give a shit about bugs. they want games out during that holiday season.


AGAIN I point to the Blizzard hates Chinese People fiasco that Era has forgotten about yet was the biggest cause ever (at that time)
As some that doesn't generally follow Restera I got to ask, did they say anything when Angela Merkel said Germany was going to take a more hardline stance against China? You know since something something something racism.


I do so love some juicy hypocrisy. These warriors of virtue and all that is right blatantly encouraging people to exploit the Cyberpunk 2077 refund policy. Even better is that in the same thread they are saying that these companies need to be more lenient on their return policies.
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Just wanted to say that this thread is entertaining and just reinforces the fact that it was a good idea to close my account at Era a few weeks ago. Didn't want to go crazy or anything. Just simply requested an account closure because I no longer wished to be associated with a place like that. To their staff credit, the complied, so I'm grateful for that.

There are good people there and I have no-ill will towards those. However the mods and particular users that are highlighted in this thread? What's the term they use so often there?

Ah yes.


This. 💯

Glad I wasn't foolish back in 2017 and kept my account in good standing here. Much, much saner here these days. GAF has become part of my daily routine again. All the better for it.


I was listening to a podcast earlier convinced that Sony pulled cyber punk because it wasn’t woke enough and I kind of agree. I know we laugh and mock resetera posters like zeromvg or whatever his name is but people like him essentially run businesses like Sony now days.


Just wanted to say that this thread is entertaining and just reinforces the fact that it was a good idea to close my account at Era a few weeks ago. Didn't want to go crazy or anything. Just simply requested an account closure because I no longer wished to be associated with a place like that. To their staff credit, the complied, so I'm grateful for that.

There are good people there and I have no-ill will towards those. However the mods and particular users that are highlighted in this thread? What's the term they use so often there?

Ah yes.


This. 💯

Glad I wasn't foolish back in 2017 and kept my account in good standing here. Much, much saner here these days. GAF has become part of my daily routine again. All the better for it.

Whoa - you left NHL Era Discord too? What happened, mate?


Whoa - you left NHL Era Discord too? What happened, mate?

Need a break sometimes. Not good for me to spend so much time in one place. I'll hit one of them up for an invite at some point next year. Once hockey returns, I'll likely get the urge to return. Just better for me to focus on other stuff. All the group there are good people, whether I agree with some of them or not on things.
I guess TransEra is gonna all play and beat this game for free now, which I'm thinking was their fantasy all along.

I find people who abuse and exploit like this, so fucking gross. Have a shred of ethics.


Era: "Let's defend the workers who keep getting abused by crunch! Fuck piracy!"
Also Era: "Here's a trick to play all games for free. Oh, also game x finally got Denuvo cracked, about fucking time! Let's hope companies like CDPR go bankrupt for not pandering to my tastes enough."


Era: "Let's defend the workers who keep getting abused by crunch! Fuck piracy!"
Also Era: "Here's a trick to play all games for free. Oh, also game x finally got Denuvo cracked, about fucking time! Let's hope companies like CDPR go bankrupt for not pandering to my tastes enough."
But how can we punish evil corporate leaders and protect workers from crunch if we don't make them go out of business???

Boss Mog

Keep being complete fuckfaces, mods. Keep perm banning anyone with a shred of reason/balance/rationality, and make sure you keep indulging in your most extreme, vitriolic users, which will then turn around and shred you to bits when you don't accommodate their every whim and bloodlust. This is why I don't have a fucking SHRED of sympathy for the modding team when they get harassed by TransEra etc. They deserve every ounce of abuse from those that they worship and infinitely validate.

What a disgustingly toxic environment for anyone who isn't a complete nut job. I feel bad for the naive shits that come into these threads thinking there's any actual "discussion" to be had or that they have the right to voice even the most benign opinion without being nuked.

You know, this horrifically transphobic game of which master troll Kyuuji is now on his 2nd play through, with hundreds of posts in the official thread sharing screenshots, impressions, tips, tricks, bugs, and having a great fucking time.

This dude was spitting too much common sense for the asylum. That's like the worst thing you can do over there.


the lawsuit is good because that means the CEO is gonna have some sleepless nights, but its nonsense. every single corporation rushes their products out before fiscal year deadlines. EA has done it with Mass effect 3, andromeda and anthem literally three times in a row. all launched in march and feb a few weeks before their fiscal year ends.

movie studios do this too. ubisoft does it every holiday season to get some of that christmas and black friday money. investors want that money. they dont give a shit about bugs. they want games out during that holiday season.
If you have a trans character and an anti male message then it’s ok you can abuse workers and get a free pass

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The arrogance of Banshee never ceases to amaze. "I'm still a relatively new account and nobody gives a fuck about what I have to say, but let me constantly backseat mod and try to drive the site's policy."
They are an irritating twat, do not get me wrong but they wear their trolling right out in the open and era is too stupid to see it for what it is so you kind of have to appreciate it.
the lawsuit is good because that means the CEO is gonna have some sleepless nights, but its nonsense. every single corporation rushes their products out before fiscal year deadlines. EA has done it with Mass effect 3, andromeda and anthem literally three times in a row. all launched in march and feb a few weeks before their fiscal year ends.

movie studios do this too. ubisoft does it every holiday season to get some of that christmas and black friday money. investors want that money. they dont give a shit about bugs. they want games out during that holiday season.

Yeah, but there is a fine line between something like AC:V getting rushed a bit with a few bugs but nothing egregious, and a game being flat out unplayable on certain consoles.

CDPR pushed it to the limits and basically forced out a product that required a future patch to be playable for many.

This is good because it will scare investors into doing anything like this in the future. Short term profit taking can have disastrous implications like we are seeing now.


How much of a moron can people at REERA be? Lets find out!

Thread Title: Are dreads on white people okay?


I just can't comprehend how these people live, i just cant describe how much of a loser ... ugh. But is not only the thread title and the premise, Guy starts with a gem:
"My sister, who passes for white but is half Mexican"

LOL, is Mexican a race now?
Mexico is composed by: 20% Indigenous people, 30% White people and like 40% of Mixed race, the rest are Black people and Asians.

But for this guy her sister can't be Mexican because she is white, XDDDDDDDDDDDD
As for the dreads:

Ethnicities have no monopoly regarding hairstyles FFS.

And of course you have the lunatic with the cat profile pic (the one that called GAF a nazi site)

This is like comedy writing itself, its like watching an episode of The Office (just not even half as good)

EDIT: I hope these lunatics are just some of you having fun, i can't accept this is real.
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How much of a moron can people at REERA be? Lets find out!

Thread Title: Are dreads on white people okay?


I just can't comprehend how these people live, i just cant describe how much of a loser ... ugh. But is not only the thread title and the premise, Guy starts with a gem:
"My sister, who passes for white but is half Mexican"

LOL, is Mexican a race now?
Mexico is composed by: 20% Indigenous people, 30% White people and like 40% of Mixed race, the rest are Black people and Asians.

But for this guy her sister can't be Mexican because she is white, XDDDDDDDDDDDD
As for the dreads:

Ethnicities have no monopoly regarding hairstyles FFS.

And of course you have the lunatic with the cat profile pic (the one that called GAF a nazi site)

This is like comedy writing itself, its like watching an episode of The Office (just not even half as good)
I have been laughing about that thread all day, but at least the poll is somewhat sane
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