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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I was listening to a podcast earlier convinced that Sony pulled cyber punk because it wasn’t woke enough and I kind of agree. I know we laugh and mock resetera posters like zeromvg or whatever his name is but people like him essentially run businesses like Sony now days.
Nah while Sony have been pandering to the woke crowd and virtue signalling a lot lately, I think the truth is that they just don’t want to deal with the refund requests since their digital refund policy is basically “no refunds” and that won’t fly with people these days for a situation like this.


Gold Member
How much of a moron can people at REERA be? Lets find out!

Thread Title: Are dreads on white people okay?


I just can't comprehend how these people live, i just cant describe how much of a loser ... ugh. But is not only the thread title and the premise, Guy starts with a gem:
"My sister, who passes for white but is half Mexican"

LOL, is Mexican a race now?
Mexico is composed by: 20% Indigenous people, 30% White people and like 40% of Mixed race, the rest are Black people and Asians.

But for this guy her sister can't be Mexican because she is white, XDDDDDDDDDDDD
As for the dreads:

Ethnicities have no monopoly regarding hairstyles FFS.

And of course you have the lunatic with the cat profile pic (the one that called GAF a nazi site)

This is like comedy writing itself, its like watching an episode of The Office (just not even half as good)

EDIT: I hope these lunatics are just some of you having fun, i can't accept this is real.

I have a feeling that thread is going to become essentially another "Space Buns". That thread was a ban graveyard.


Last time I checked Astro was saying he deleted the game from his non-binary wife friend account after playing for less than 1 day.

Now, he just made a post saying he collects and crafts lots of items in the game? Did I caught him in a lie or he already made up another story that made him reinstall Cyberpunk?



No, these are totally not the words of an unhinged racist with deep-seated inferiority complex issues! No, this is completely reasonable commentary from someone who's supposed to be a neutral arbiter of a discussion forum!

My favorite part is her bullshit getting summarily shut down: https://www.resetera.com/threads/are-dreads-on-white-people-okay.347830/page-3#post-54509329

Ah, classic Nepenthe.
The exodus continues.


Too much time on Resetera and it's common for people to lose their minds.

I never understand these idiotic, polite "please ban me" messages. If you're gonna go out, at least go out with a fucking bang, and state your reasons for doing so to create some awareness of why people are leaving, instead of keeping it unknowable. Otherwise, what's even the point? Why bother asking to be banned if it's not to make a statement about something?
Last time I checked Astro was saying he deleted the game from his non-binary wife friend account after playing for less than 1 day.

Now, he just made a post saying he collects and crafts lots of items in the game? Did I caught him in a lie or he already made up another story that made him reinstall Cyberpunk?

The guy's completely full of shit, a hypocritical liar with zero willpower, a piece of trash who wants to have his cake and eat it too (ie. shitting on it, virtue signalling about how he's too good to play it and whoever plays it is a piece of shit, and playing it anyway).


The cultural appropriation argument is another one i absolutely detest.

These people act like cultures are a monolithic entity that never evolved or meshed with each other, which is absurdly ignorant.

Keep separating people and spreading hate i guess, good job you assholes.

PS: that said, people that put pineapple on pizza, in my book are terrorists XD
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Dreads became fashionable in the west via the Rastas, whose religion is based on spiritual concepts from India - dreads, smoking ganja (which is a sanskrit word), ITAL diet (vegetarianism), etc. which they then mixed with Christianity. There are more people in Asia with dreadlocks than Europe and Africa combined and they've been there for thousands of years. The idea that anyone "owns" the rights to dreads is laughable.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Why does Era genuinely think that CDPR's gonna be eviscerated by this class action lawsuit? At worst, they'll have to pay a multi-million dollar fine, and their stock price will drop more. I doubt a multi-billion dollar corporation will become bankrupt from a single lawsuit.
Someone needs to go to era and start saying that treatment of CDPR is their thier inner nazi, because same as Poland being fucked back in WW2, they are acting like that now. I am not exactly serious, but it would be worth a shot.

Also I got suspended for mentioning that I don't like "lol white people" and they we are not the same. But that was waaay back then.
This is really, really pedantic and silly, but I actually cannot stand that Falus guy who calls it “Serie X” in EVERY SINGLE BLOODY POST. You’d swear he’d eventually realise it’s Series X in English, the language he is using on the forum, from reading threads, posts, replies to his own posts etc all with Series X in them.

I’m aware this is incredibly pedantic but it has become a serious pet peeve of mine because I am constantly seeing him do it there.
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Yeah I don't get the dread thing it doesn't matter who wears them. My issue is when hairstyles are damned as unprofessional/dirty (now I've seen some dirty ass fucking dreads but I've also seen some beautiful/clean ones. It's the person not the style) but otherwise whatever do what you want to your hair. Long as the shit isn't a hazard/smelly I don't care.
Nepenthe is such a racist piece of shit. Doesn't even try to hide it anymore.

And all these people getting triggered over hairstyles - your life must be really boring huh? Instead of actually discussing about something meaningful, or hell actually do fucking something, they discuss which hairstyles white people can't use. What's next? Brands that only black people can use? Languages? Cars? Clothes? Ffs
This is really, really pedantic and silly, but I actually cannot stand that Falus guy who calls it “Serie X” in EVERY SINGLE BLOODY POST. You’d swear he’d eventually realise it’s Series X in English, the language he is using on the forum, from reading threads, posts, replies to his own posts etc all with Series X in them.

I’m aware this is incredibly pedantic but it has become a serious pet peeve of mine because I am constantly seeing him do it there.

Don't feel too bad, I've noticed this too. You assume it's a typo once, then you realize it isn't. I'll never understand misspellings of something that is so widely marketed, even if English isn't your first language.

That being said, pretty sure English is the ONLY language that most on resetera speak, yet they're mostly shit at it.
Don't feel too bad, I've noticed this too. You assume it's a typo once, then you realize it isn't. I'll never understand misspellings of something that is so widely marketed, even if English isn't your first language.

That being said, pretty sure English is the ONLY language that most on resetera speak, yet they're mostly shit at it.
They suck at basic human things, let alone languages. I bet they eat ice cream with their foreheads.
2021 Resetera spoliers dude!
I think I already spoiled the next three years.

Fuck, that ShironRedShift guy got banned? Where will I find inspiration for my uni essays? Ffs Era
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I never understand these idiotic, polite "please ban me" messages. If you're gonna go out, at least go out with a fucking bang, and state your reasons for doing so to create some awareness of why people are leaving, instead of keeping it unknowable. Otherwise, what's even the point? Why bother asking to be banned if it's not to make a statement about something?
It’s the same reason for all the “virtue signalling”, outrage, suicide posts, fake trans people, and ultra woke posts - attention whoring. That’s all these losers care about, attention, because they get none in real life. If you want your account banned a normal person would just use the form and be done with it. Not the reeeeee attention seekers though.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I do like to believe that the average Era browser is actually sane. It's just most people are probably smart enough not to post, as anything you say can get you banned or dogpiled on.

I mean, I was afraid to really post an actual opinion on there... so I stuck with mainly generally inoffensive statements, even in the games side. It wasn't until Cyberpunk 2077 that I realized that even that was now really off-limits and people were expected to say something about perceived social issues regarding the game and its developer. That's kind of where I draw the line personally, as I don't want to ever be in a situation where I just want to talk about a game, but now I'm being questioned on social issues I probably don't agree with (most of Reset had opinions that were very much the opposite of mine). I don't need to be given any purity tests on a gaming forum. Some of their opinions on the political side/social justice side really disgusted me though, so I've gained a lot by just declaring this my gaming forum home again where people from both spectrums of political thought can discuss freely without feeling like one side is silenced.

But yes, I think most typically don't respond all that much and just read the forum.
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I do like to believe that the average Era browser is actually sane. It's just most people are probably smart enough not to post, as anything you say can get you banned or dogpiled on.
Yeah and I'm one of them. I just don't want to waste time arguing with them all day. I have better things to do like shitpost on Twitter or share my real opinions here. I still plan on keeping my account there, and I'll post occasionally. But man, I can't wait until the psychos are let out of the asylum, because I just wanna talk about some video games with strangers godfuckingdammit.


Power tripping like middle management who's ass kissing through the ranks.
She's whining in that thread about stuff she doesn't know and is purposefully making up and defending herself by saying "they were meant to be snarky remarks". So you now have an admin admitting to just continually shitposting in a thread like Morrigan does. Much discussion much intelligence.

Also the pancakes moron from before is screeching into the void about white people again. Is this just a Nep alt or something? Also Mist had a name change to hide themselves and are now "Aerith"

SeductivePancakes said:
Aerith said:
On topic: I don't know why people bother asking these types of questions in majority white communities. You're going to get an uninformed opinion at best, if not offensive.
Once in a while we even get a "my best friend is _____" and "My wife is _____", "so that makes my an expert".


LOL Nepenthe getting a ton of pushback in that dreads thread is hilarious. Shockingly she seems really uneducated and bigoted.
Everything that they are, everything they have is in that whole "angry black person in power" gimmick. They have nothing without it. The moment that starts to crack it will be an explosion.


She's whining in that thread about stuff she doesn't know and is purposefully making up and defending herself by saying "they were meant to be snarky remarks". So you now have an admin admitting to just continually shitposting in a thread like Morrigan does. Much discussion much intelligence.

Also the pancakes moron from before is screeching into the void about white people again. Is this just a Nep alt or something? Also Mist had a name change to hide themselves and are now "Aerith"

Mist had a name change? hahahahaha

What a great ex-mod

These people ain't 'slick'.

Funny one was the mod that was 2B, they got banned, brought back and tagged with something like '2B or not to be'. Openly welcomed as well by another mod.

Complete and utter nonsense, not seen them in a while so I reckon name changed again.

Hilarious shit, who is running this place at this stage? haha
Hilarious shit, who is running this place at this stage? haha

Power hungry vindicative assholes who really don't believe in half of the stances Era takes, considering they gladly let all kinds of racism and bigotry fly in communities they're not involved with. I reported several posts of such cases in OTs that are not that much in sight, nobody moved a finger, in fact it's the people who pointed out said issue are the ones who got warned/banned. Mod and admin team is full of people openly posting racist shit that regular users would and do get banned for, meanwhile they pretend that they aren't saying the same shit people they mock do.

Let's not forget the fact they have an openly islamophobic staff member who's insulted the community on Discord a variety of times. Or that they openly allowed COVID-19 conspiracy theories until the community called them out on it, now the folks that do it are seen as lunatics. And of course how certain staff members can get away with insulting, bullying members, how they allow their users to doxx "problematic" people, how they like to mark folks for a single error to forever hold above their head that they're supposedly racist/homophobic/transphobic, and how they do not give a rat's ass about the integrity of the community, considering they have 0 care for reports and suggestions, they only pretend to do so when a major incident happens like now with TransEra. Oh, and almost forgot how they happily permaban folks who leak Discord stuff on the forum, but they happily leak said convos to the rest of the staff when they need a reason to ban you.

Respect to the few that may be trying to change this from the inside, I'm sure not all of that staff is like that. But at least the one's that are operative and vocal, this seems to be the normality. A place ran by such folks can not prosper, and in fact it's shrinking, with a major drama like once per month stemming from their complete inability to handle a discussion forum. They aren't even necessarily terrible people in itself (some are though, frankly), they are simply not up to the task and it shows.


Power hungry vindicative assholes who really don't believe in half of the stances Era takes, considering they gladly let all kinds of racism and bigotry fly in communities they're not involved with. I reported several posts of such cases in OTs that are not that much in sight, nobody moved a finger, in fact it's the people who pointed out said issue are the ones who got warned/banned. Mod and admin team is full of people openly posting racist shit that regular users would and do get banned for, meanwhile they pretend that they aren't saying the same shit people they mock do.

Let's not forget the fact they have an openly islamophobic staff member who's insulted the community on Discord a variety of times. Or that they openly allowed COVID-19 conspiracy theories until the community called them out on it, now the folks that do it are seen as lunatics. And of course how certain staff members can get away with insulting, bullying members, how they allow their users to doxx "problematic" people, how they like to mark folks for a single error to forever hold above their head that they're supposedly racist/homophobic/transphobic, and how they do not give a rat's ass about the integrity of the community, considering they have 0 care for reports and suggestions, they only pretend to do so when a major incident happens like now with TransEra. Oh, and almost forgot how they happily permaban folks who leak Discord stuff on the forum, but they happily leak said convos to the rest of the staff when they need a reason to ban you.

Respect to the few that may be trying to change this from the inside, I'm sure not all of that staff is like that. But at least the one's that are operative and vocal, this seems to be the normality. A place ran by such folks can not prosper, and in fact it's shrinking, with a major drama like once per month stemming from their complete inability to handle a discussion forum. They aren't even necessarily terrible people in itself (some are though, frankly), they are simply not up to the task and it shows.

Sorry, timed out after you said "I reported several posts of such cases in OTs that are not that much in sight, nobody moved a finger"

Will read a summary though, not a chapter.

One thing I don't understand is how they keep touting being anti-capitalist while feeding the fucking machine like there's no other.

What a lot of users there are saying is basically what China is. A socialist country (Socialism with chinese characteristics like they say) with a economy connected to capitalism but with government regulations... but they hate that country. Not talking about the human rights abuses btw.

A change of politics like that would not be easy to implement, especially in the US. Not criticizing, just giving an observation.
Sorry, timed out after you said "I reported several posts of such cases in OTs that are not that much in sight, nobody moved a finger"

Will read a summary though, not a chapter.

See, this is one thing that I don't like here. I do write walls of texts when I have lots to say, but 2 small and a medium paragraph is no unreadable wall of text that people should brag about not reading imho. But to each their own.


See, this is one thing that I don't like here. I do write walls of texts when I have lots to say, but 2 small and a medium paragraph is no unreadable wall of text that people should brag about not reading imho. But to each their own.

Read what I quoted again.
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