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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I don't get how they can't see that's happening.

It's getting so bad they are driving off even some of the social justice crowd who unfortunately are reeeturning.

You know things on Resetera have gone to shit when even


is returning to GAF.

Just proof yet again that freedom of speech will always win out over totalitarian dictatorships.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It's getting so bad they are driving off even some of the social justice crowd who unfortunately are reeeturning.

Just proof yet again that freedom of speech will always win out over totalitarian dictatorships.

Considering Trump is a goner and some of the pro-trump posts on politics read as very detached from reality, my guess is some of them at least are here for a victory tour and once Biden gets sworn in they'll go back laughing to reset.
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Just had my account deleted over there. That topic with the 41 old Republican who died was just too disgusting for me. It actually hit me hard personally considering the guy left behind two young kids.
They have no idea what the effect of that is. Reading comments like: "They'll get a better daddy" actually hurt...I instantly remembered my nephew crying when we walked away from my brothers grave.

Fuck that site.. Fuck it hard.

If any of you Reetard cunts are reading this now.... yeah I was the one who told you to go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty pipe.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just had my account deleted over there. That topic with the 41 old Republican who died was just too disgusting for me. It actually hit me hard personally considering the guy left behind two young kids.
They have no idea what the effect of that is. Reading comments like: "They'll get a better daddy" actually hurt...I instantly remembered my nephew crying when we walked away from my brothers grave.

Fuck that site.. Fuck it hard.

If any of you Reetard cunts are reading this now.... yeah I was the one who told you to go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty pipe.

paging nush nush code RED I repeat code RED this is an emergency.
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Considering Trump is a goner and some of the pro-trump posts on politics read as very detached from reality, my guess is some of them at least are here for a victory tour and once Biden gets sworn in they'll go back laughing to reset.
I know I could write some smart ass remark of "I wonder how they'll react when they find out Biden isn't their candidate, he's the candidate of the Googles, the Facebooks, et al." but I already know when that day comes they won't even notice him selling them out. If I was Trump at this point though I'd shut down Guantanamo Bay just to tweak a few noses.
Did something happen on REEE recently to accelerate the returns? It’s noticeable on politics the last week or so, a large number of new members.
The politics forum here is pretty good...very easy to spot them as they don’t realise it’s not an alt right forum and they come in sprouting insane right wing theory or attack people that lean towards the right....the mods do the rest

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I know I could write some smart ass remark of "I wonder how they'll react when they find out Biden isn't their candidate, he's the candidate of the Googles, the Facebooks, et al." but I already know when that day comes they won't even notice him selling them out. If I was Trump at this point though I'd shut down Guantanamo Bay just to tweak a few noses.

I'm not gonna get into a politics discussion with you here, but I disagree with you.

Biden will be a shit president just like Trump was.


I don't really get why people worry about GAF being overrun by RE types. The way I see it, hindsight is our antibody to that. Last time we got overrun there was no precedent for it, and the corruption was coming from positions of authority. With those no longer being the case, I really don't feel like there's anything to be worried about.

Also, I think all but the looniest of RE users can successfully be rehabilitated with a few months spent away from there and similar circles. Most of the views held over there are too absurd to last without constant reinforcement from peers.


Also, I think all but the looniest of RE users can successfully be rehabilitated with a few months spent away from there and similar circles. Most of the views held over there are too absurd to last without constant reinforcement from peers.

You haven't been paying attention. Decent ones are welcomed.

The ones that behave the same here are banned very quickly for that behaviour.

It's toxic, mods are right on the ball here.
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You haven't been paying attention. Decent ones are welcomed.

The ones that behave the same here are banned very quickly for that behaviour.

It's toxic, mods are right on the ball here.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we need to go out of our way to tolerate the ones who have not (or will not) reformed. I think it's often a mistake on their part to go directly from posting on Era to posting on here. They need to give themselves a cooling off period in between.


Let them reform themselves, they ain't children.

Reform a middle-aged man who spent years shit-posting?

Even Hobbes was welcomed back. Then said he didn't want to be here.

(in his first post)

EDIT: Hobbes was encouraged to take time off by even users here. Didn't work.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we need to go out of our way to tolerate the ones who have not (or will not) reformed. I think it's often a mistake on their part to go directly from posting on Era to posting on here. They need to give themselves a cooling off period in between.
Nah, they should be free to speak their minds. We’re not better than era if we feel that users need to be preventively banned because of off-site behaviour


Let them reform themselves, they ain't children.
That's all I'm talking about. I'm not saying we need to change anything we're doing, I was just commenting about the people who act like it's impossible for anyone from Era to come back a decent poster.
Nah, they should be free to speak their minds. We’re not better than era if we feel that users need to be preventively banned because of off-site behaviour
You misunderstand me; I'm not saying we need to take any action at all. That's just my advice to anyone who got in too deep at Era and is looking to come back. I feel like some of the recently banned returners might've turned out differently if they had given themselves time to drain out the Era bile and re-acclimate to sanity.

Maybe I have too much faith in people though?


Considering Trump is a goner and some of the pro-trump posts on politics read as very detached from reality, my guess is some of them at least are here for a victory tour and once Biden gets sworn in they'll go back laughing to reset.

its more than that although you may be right on some users ... I think a lot of people over there see the writing on the wall and are returning en masse. But many are facing uncomfortable truths about GAF and that certain discussions that are welcomed.

Certainly I have faced vitriolic character and ad hominem attacks in politics at a level and intensity far beyond regulars Ive been debating since 2017. Thats why I came over here to ask if something happened on REE that’s triggered not just people sick of the shit there, but maybe a mass exodus of EVERYONE back.



Don't these people have lives?



Don't these people have lives?

So women shouldn't be portrayed as soft in games, but its offensive that black women aren't portrayed as soft in games?

Uh Huh Writing GIF by thepanozzoteam



Don't these people have lives?


Geez it's like a theology paper. Complete insanity
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got an invite?
I don’t give out invites as it would compromise one of my well established troll accounts but if you lurk in one of the community threads you can score a link by asking...from there you can get invites to other discord very easily but just be aware they are a paranoid bunch of fuckers so always use a VPN and different username to anything you have here or in the real world

Kenji Ramon


Don't these people have lives?

Nadine is “too” angry? I mean, colorism is a thing but using Nadine as one of the examples is pathetic :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I’m checking out of GAF for good, sick of the constant harassment and fanboy attacks from SonyGAF (and one of the mods now joined in with the tag as you can see, taken from a comment that wasn’t even attacking Sony) so have requested account deletion. New Years resolution is just to not engage with that sort of rubbish. I’ll keep checking this thread only anonymously so please keep up posting all the hilarious things Reee does haha.

Have a happy new year everyone!
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I’m checking out of GAF for good, sick of the constant harassment and fanboy attacks from SonyGAF (and one of the mods now joined in with the tag as you can see, taken from a comment that wasn’t even attacking Sony) so have requested account deletion. New Years resolution is just to not engage with that sort of rubbish. I’ll keep checking this thread only anonymously so please keep up posting all the hilarious things Reee does haha.

Have a happy new year everyone!

You don’t sound Fun, MrSadSocks.


I’m checking out of GAF for good, sick of the constant harassment and fanboy attacks from SonyGAF (and one of the mods now joined in with the tag as you can see, taken from a comment that wasn’t even attacking Sony) so have requested account deletion. New Years resolution is just to not engage with that sort of rubbish. I’ll keep checking this thread only anonymously so please keep up posting all the hilarious things Reee does haha.

Have a happy new year everyone!
But that's giving Jim Ryan exactly what he wants!


I’m checking out of GAF for good, sick of the constant harassment and fanboy attacks from SonyGAF (and one of the mods now joined in with the tag as you can see, taken from a comment that wasn’t even attacking Sony) so have requested account deletion. New Years resolution is just to not engage with that sort of rubbish. I’ll keep checking this thread only anonymously so please keep up posting all the hilarious things Reee does haha.

Have a happy new year everyone!
Happy new Year cunt.



Don't these people have lives?
They're still too broken to not be able to separate race from literally everything. Lightness and darkness have been tropes for ages but not ANY time you use light or dark you're clearly just showing white supremacy and racism against blacks. If you're that mentally unbalanced then there's not much anyone can do to help you.


Darkness no more
I’m checking out of GAF for good, sick of the constant harassment and fanboy attacks from SonyGAF (and one of the mods now joined in with the tag as you can see, taken from a comment that wasn’t even attacking Sony) so have requested account deletion. New Years resolution is just to not engage with that sort of rubbish. I’ll keep checking this thread only anonymously so please keep up posting all the hilarious things Reee does haha.

Have a happy new year everyone!

SonyGAF actually is pretty annoying. Best to not take them seriously or scroll past/ignore the half dozen or so usual doofuses.



There is no way this isnt going to blow up in his face when she enviably finds "Another womans" makeup in the house. Sneaking around your house being trans when locked down with your wife.
Holy shit. That's one hell of a Matzah ball to spring on your wife.


dude is almost having orgasms while shaving his upper legs, im sorry this is just a straight married man getting off on his own (very light) pretend humiliation in front of internet strangers. dude is performatively trying to be fashionable to the death cult lunatics. he is a spineless fuck so he is trying to virtue signal in the only way he knows how.

also lol hes going to tell a therapist but not his wife, he doesn't trust her? so he's not only a pathetic liar but a coward as well. dude thinks he is a woman when he can't even talk to the one he is married to lol.

also goddamn why are all these soyfucks married? how the fuck do these pieces of shit get all the luck?
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Gold Member
PlanetSmasher is the most obnoxious motherfucker. It pisses me off that he's a mod now.
LoL, I had that one on ignore for long time. Only noticed when someone linked to a thread a month ago where he was complaining about being on Ree too much. Sure enough one of the first posts was pointing out he had like 55k posts at the time. He's at 57k now. Likely had him ignored early on because of the high volume spam.
Remember how woe is me ExhaustedWalrus was supposed to be poor? Well check this out.

Has anyone called him on that yet? Got a link to the thread?
Nope and here:
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Astral Dog


Don't these people have lives?
To give them the benefit of the doubt,a few of her examples are pretty good, but honestly, what is exactly the harm that apparently happens to real(!) people? Are those games made for white kids only? do they make people act racist because Cia is tanned and sexy or Xehanort dark skinned?are the companies racist,or maybe all of japan?

idk because its all so vague rambling :^S, i can agree that having a brown kid protagonist in Kingdom Hearts would be nice while still thinking Ansem is cool

its not like gaming in general lacks white villains either.or does it? 🤔
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This thread is pretty good, the way they described the game in other threads made it sound pretty bad but it's hilariously mild.
I was expecting something far lewder from Vanillaware based on Dragon's Crown (my wife has a statue of the big titty witch chick on her desk)


Lol if his wife is one of the wokes (I assume so since she married this guy) she is gonna have to be fully supportive of him, not angry otherwise she is a transphobic bigot.
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