Deleted member 17706
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muahahahahahaha they banned me for this post
Wargroove (Chucklefish) is receiving criticism for casting white actors for its POC characters(Dev respond, see threadmark)
If the VA is good i dont see a problem... Darth vader was voiced by a poc and he was a white guy. Who knows how many other times this happen before...www.resetera.com
Hilarious... You don't understand their logic, though. Of course it's OK for POC to voice white characters or play traditionally white roles. That's to be welcomed and encouraged. It's only a problem when a character is created as a POC and a white person gets the role.
Fuck Chucklefish for seriously apologizing to these maniacs and throwing their voice talent under the bus. Abasing themselves and groveling for giving people work simply because they had the wrong skin color. Disgusting.