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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
Oh man... 2020 is going to be fucking wild.
New Reeeee forum layout coming Jan 1, 2020.

After the changes occur, the new layout will be as follows:

1. I Am Special Forum (formerly Etcetera Forum)

2. I Am Special Hangout (formerly Etcetera Hangouts)

3. Etcetera Forum (formerly Gaming Forum)

4. Etcetera Hangouts (formerly Gaming Hangouts)

Read this nonsense. Wow. They're going all in!

Please, prominent LGBT+ members.. tell us who you want banned, we shall do your bidding.

I'd like to see Yoshi Yoshi defend that 🤷‍♀️🐧

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I’m generally in the room when issues like this are discussed, even though my position is not related to HR in any way.

I can guarantee you this: the second this child left the room, HR would have erupted in laughter 😂. What people like this don’t get is HR’s entire M.O is to protect people in senior leadership and make sure the cattle in lower positions are kept in check.

this retard thinks this is Twitter or RetardEra where you report someone and the mods are straight on it hahaha. What a shock he’s going to get when he realises that he’s just fucked up his entire career at this place.

While I do think the senior director's choice of words wasn't the best.... yeah, this guy is a clown and deserves whatever he gets. How difficult can it be to just let it go?


While I do think the senior director's choice of words wasn't the best.... yeah, this guy is a clown and deserves whatever he gets. How difficult can it be to just let it go?

my reaction is that the world has passed this guy by, he’s probably out of date and he’s gone shortly anyway. that’s as much head space as I’d let this guy occupy.

Omgmgmgmggg report him, fire him etc is an sjw reaction

Yeah, 'men' hated Ghostbusters 2016 because of women. Not because it is a shit movie ... 🙄🤦‍♀️

I hope the new movie turns out good, and reactions like the above will make it double as satisfying :[


advanced basic bitch
A portion of the autistic community has been trying to rebrand autism away from being a disorder to instead use words like "neurodivergent". Problem is that they now have a propensity to get angry at anyone implying that autism is a disorder. Some people with autism would rather be "neurotypical", are they just going to silence them? I get that autistic people can bring a different perspective and can do some amazing things contributing to mankind with advances to the sciences, math, and humanities (I'm not talking about the superhuman stereotype seen on TV/Movie). But there are low functioning people as well. For many it is a disability. It's like this a rebranding to get rid of any self perceived shame. "There isn't ANYTHING wrong with us".

They are acting like people advocating for a cure want to "kill" people with autism. Something something "Erasure".
These are the same people who think conservatives are stalking the streets waiting for a chance to kill them. So I'm never surprised when they think this kind of shit.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I mean hold the fuck up, they dont look at a picture, a profile, dont know your sexuality, sexual preference, they listen to your audio file of your recordings and if they feel your voice matches a character in their game then you get the job.....I mean what's the fucking problem with that. They choose they best voice they feel for the character without knowing anything about the person performing it. They are choosing the talent they want without being able to discriminate because they know nothing about the applicants.

Jesus people, however I do bet though that if it came out that they hired like 30-40% trans actors/actresses for the game without knowing reeee would be championing this game left and right as a win for them!

People, keep it 100, be consistent, its actually a smart way to hire because they don't know anything of the employee other than their talent. AND THIS IS COMING FROM A POC!!!
What disease does this bitch have?



B-Dubs again. I'm calling bullshit on this, because we've all seen or in some cases received bans within fucking minutes of a post. "Extensive discussion"my fucking ass, quit abusing your positions to lie you your users you fucking tools. This is the same forum that takes over a damn week to make "Official statements" but bans within minutes.

Kagey K


B-Dubs again. I'm calling bullshit on this, because we've all seen or in some cases received bans within fucking minutes of a post. "Extensive discussion"my fucking ass, quit abusing your positions to lie you your users you fucking tools. This is the same forum that takes over a damn week to make "Official statements" but bans within minutes.
With the amount of bans they hand out a day they must never stop deliberating. It’s like an endless cycle of reports that they deliberate over and over.

How would any of them have time to actually watch or read the forums themselves?


Gold Member

B-Dubs again. I'm calling bullshit on this, because we've all seen or in some cases received bans within fucking minutes of a post. "Extensive discussion"my fucking ass, quit abusing your positions to lie you your users you fucking tools. This is the same forum that takes over a damn week to make "Official statements" but bans within minutes.

It‘s 100% bullshit because the ban message the banned see is often different than what the rest of the forum does.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Read this nonsense. Wow. They're going all in!

Please, prominent LGBT+ members.. tell us who you want banned, we shall do your bidding.

"Remember this might look like fascism but it's just fascism to be on the right side of history"

I have really heard this song before...


So new guidelines mean they are doubling down on protecting the LGBTQ2s+ ‘s and POCs and everyone else needs to dodge more traps and land mines to avoid the inevitable ban. Could almost make a game to see who could keep an account the longest and u have to post in one sensitive thread a day.


They really are a damn cult at this point.

- strict behaviour rules
- outsiders are bad
- try to convert infidels
- try to punish sinners

Like trying to fuck over a retiring dude over a word, that is brainwashed behaviour. And now they want to hide their insanity from the public?!

The only thing they are missing is a cult leader to worship. Maybe Feistyboots?


That seems to be a favorite over there, no matter how valid a comparison it is, mods be like “FALSE EQUIVALENCY!!! AH’BANNED BITCH MWAHAHAHAHAH EAT MY SOCIALLY JUSTICY LOAD YOU RACIST NAZI SCUM!!”

Lol just fucking wow man.

How will the ship finish sinking indeed...

I am sure the irony is lost on them... calling out people for false equivalency... then 5 mins later calling someone a nazi for eating a chicken fuckin sandwich.



An entire website summed up in one post.

If this is a real post and not a troll, then this actually managed to anger me. It's not enough that this asshole is unhappy, but he's angry that other people are happy. The fuck does he want? "ThErE aRe So MaNy BaD tHiNgS iN tHe WoRlD, iT's WrOnG fOr PeOpLe To Be HaPpY!" That's usually the reason people experience joy in the first place, there are a lot of bad things in the world and what little we have that brings us joy does a damn good job of it. Just because he hangs out in the most depressing forum on the net and doesn't try to find any form of happiness, doesn't mean others can't be. That's selfish and narcissistic (which REEEE usually is). This is saturday morning children's show super villain levels of petty. "HOW DARE THERE BE HAPPINESS IN THIS WORLD!? I, THE EVIL REEEE USER, WILL WIPE HAPPINESS OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!"

You can whine all you want about the terminology of the thread title but you're absolutely deflecting.
Do you think an attack is warranted on an indie developer for not having black people voice black characters?


Response from the developer explaining what happened. An apology if you will.

Welp, I hope they like their apology ignored and never having the freedom to make games their way and low sales, cause that's what giving into the loud minority does.
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I don't know how any normal people could want to post there. You have to be walking on egg shells constantly. You can't even be a normal person. It's a cult-like dictatorship.

It will eat itself alive eventually, but I think it'll take a while.
it totally is.
side note I still have nesbot on a list in my tweetdeck so I see their threads always popping up sometimes a news post like a game reveal pops up I go to it the top 15 comments in the thread is like the same thing as if robots are posting. its super weird.


Gold Member
Ok, if we are going to deliberately troll era (not that I support that kind if thing....) then we need some secret messages so we know who is a gaf troll and who is a legit oppressed minority.

So I propose we do the following things to mark ourselves

1. Use an anime avatar or one with pastel or rainbow colors in the background

2. If your cover is of a white cishet male, then the first three paragraphs of your post must include "priviledge", "I apologize for other white men", "I want to be an ally", and/or "I question my sexuality".

3. If your cover is of a POC or LGBT+ person, you must RABIDLY announce that fact in every post and actively blame cishet white people.

Follow these simple rules and we'll know who is a troll and who is legit :p


Ok, if we are going to deliberately troll era (not that I support that kind if thing....) then we need some secret messages so we know who is a gaf troll and who is a legit oppressed minority.

So I propose we do the following things to mark ourselves

1. Use an anime avatar or one with pastel or rainbow colors in the background

2. If your cover is of a white cishet male, then the first three paragraphs of your post must include "priviledge", "I apologize for other white men", "I want to be an ally", and/or "I question my sexuality".

3. If your cover is of a POC or LGBT+ person, you must RABIDLY announce that fact in every post and actively blame cishet white people.

Follow these simple rules and we'll know who is a troll and who is legit :p
Make ERA ban ERA.
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