Their next game should be Dragon's Dogma.
Wait--this supports 3D? So if I plug my Surface Pro into my 3DTV I can play this in 3D??
Please say yes.
Less shooting and more melee. Always look for the opportunity to run in and finish em off.I'm so out of practice with this game. Finding myself out of ammo near constantly.
Less shooting and more melee. Always look for the opportunity to run in and finish em off.
Well I still don't know yet, because my UK VPN started unlocking the game, but also downloading a 500 megabyte patch verrrrrry slowly before I could play, that wasn't going to finish before midnight EST anyway, so I'm back off the VPN and waiting half an hour along with everyone else.
Your surface pro won't work unless you buy something like TriDef 3D, and then you'll have to use a side by side output. Because I'm nice and not planning on getting much sleep tonight, I'll check out how it works in TriDef after I check it out in 3D Vision on my HMZ.
Resident Evil Revelations worked fantastic with 3D Vision, even though the game wasn't specifically made to work that way. I never tried it with TriDef as a result. We shall know very soon anyways. The inventory might go a bit wacky, as might the Codex esque moments, but gameplay and cutscenes will probably work great, aside from aiming with the rifle scope.
I'll hammer out detailed impressions once I've played a decent amount of the game and found a few different effects that sometimes cause issues. I'm very optimistic this will be about perfect though, just as Revelations was. DX9 games tend to work better out of the box, too.
I have been, so I'm not really sure where all of my ammo is going. I may just be expecting more of it since the last RE I spent a lot of time with was Mercs on the 3DS.
Their next game should be Dragon's Dogma.
I'd pay full price d1 for that on PC.
The game will actually adjust how much ammo it gives you based on how much ammo you use, so keep that in mind.I have been, so I'm not really sure where all of my ammo is going. I may just be expecting more of it since the last RE I spent a lot of time with was Mercs on the 3DS.
I caved in and bought it, partly because of the pre-order bonuses. Looking forward to play mercenaries again after all these years.
Here is the 25% off code I used for greenmangaming:O61269-BIMBGU-JRDM3J
Still not unlocking.... ;_;
goddamnit you guys, i know what's gonna happen. i'm gonna get to the castle and i'm gonna get stuck in that one room with the shiny floor and the safe room in the middle. i'm gonna barricade myself in there like i always do and die a lot and stop playing.
I'm full on bass
Impossible to play at 60 FPS