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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
If you're talking about that boss fight, it gets easier after every attempt, but yeah rotating both sticks does make it go faster. The QTE recognizes either stick, so doing both means it recognizes twice as many rotations.

Yeah, it got annoying because I ran out of ammo so I basically did my best to avoid getting hit while my teammates shot it up, then I ran in for the QTE. The lack of ammo in this game started to grate on me at points.


I think it's unlocked from the start, someone even suggested that people spend a little time on Mercs before jumping to the campaign in order to get a hang of the combat.

Huh? I remember reading something like "Complete all campaigns to unlock" when hovering over Mercs mode.
Yeah, it got annoying because I ran out of ammo so I basically did my best to avoid getting hit while my teammates shot it up, then I ran in for the QTE. The lack of ammo in this game started to grate on me at points.

By the second half of Chris' campaign, you'll have more weapons and ammo then you know what to do with. That guy gets a LOT of guns.


Hmm. Well not too many comments on the brightness settings. I'd hate to play the game "wrong", but that calibration picture is basically useless.

20 was ok looking on my Plasma, but not acceptable on my LCD Monitor. I had to turn it up to 40 on that.
That was actually my first reaction to the game back when the demo was released.

As you learn how to play and make use of the systems provided (which, unfortunately, the game fails to inform you of) it all starts to make sense. There is some really entertaining combat in this game.

It certainly isn't perfect, of course, but it has enough unique elements and exciting enough pacing to make it work. It really doesn't play like any other shooter and, unfortunately, trying to play it like one isn't all that satisfying.

It's a flawed but deep and interesting system. I feel it was worth the effort to learn it.

I actually put some time into Mercenaries for just that purpose. It gives you an open playground in which to practice.

True. That was a completely different mechanic altogether, but you definitely got your stomping on.

The combat definitely 'clicks' more but its never great at least to me. It still feels cumbersome and there are situations where it flat out doesn't work well.


Well I'm
in front of the cathedral
in Leon's campaign so here's my two pesos:

-the very first thing I noticed when I started was that some (many) of the textures on objects are downright horrible. And I don't mean to use "horrible" like most of GAF does in some transparently hyperbolic way. We're talking Half-Life 1 textures here, a pixelated smear of color on a simple polygon.
Looking out onto the university football field was just embarrassing

-the frame rate is the jankiest I have ever seen in an RE title. It often struggles to hold a solid 30fps and the flow of movement/combat really takes a hit because of it.

-character and enemy models are pretty damn nice looking, the latter in particular. Complaints about bullet impacts are way overblown to me; a shot or two in the shoulder will spin a zombie around, in the legs will cause one to stumble and fall, etc. Each shot also blows meaty holes in the zombies which is something I've been waiting to see since RE4.

-NPC models look pretty bad and out-of-place for some reason. It looks like they went all out in designing the main characters and enemies then threw together much simpler models for the survivors you encounter and they stick out like a sore thumb as a result.

-Leon's HUD and item selection screen is a hot mess.

-it's nice that Helena is invincible and doesn't have to be armed from your ammo stores but she's still an annoying AI partner that really kills any sense of tension or desperation in Leon's campaign, which is a shame because...

- ...I got major RE2 vibes from the scenery of Leon's romp so far. There's some nice - although linear - set pieces where if you close your eyes you can almost pretend you're playing the REmake of RE2.

That's about it so far. I understand now why the reviews are so crazily polarized. Sure there's a race among some idiots to outdo one another with criticisms and bad scores but there's definitely a lot to be criticized in a game that was apparently Capcom's biggest, most expensive project to date. It completely lacks the polish one would expect from an RE title. It's by no means a terrible game, however.

I agree completely although the sheer monstrous size of the game helps explain the lack of polish on certain elements. I hate the lack of visual polish, it really is my biggest issue with the game.

It certainly has its moments though, it can look downright amazing in certain instances. But then you have that jeep section, HOLY SHIT it looks awful!


Started out in Veteran, I'm not dying that much, but it is a good challenge IMO.

Also yes, use the two sticks when the QTE waggling appears, I kept getting killed by some monster when I couldn't clear the QTE since it was moving too fast. When I noticed that it detected both sticks, I felt incredibly stupid.
I bought the game after Work/School yesterday, and started with Jake's campaign.
It took me 1:30h to beat the first chapter. It was like a rollercoaster, too many QTEs I agree but it was damn entertaining.
Finished chapter 2 with Chris and it was damn awful. It was really trying way too hard to be a Gears of War and just fails at every level. The game is just not meant to be a cover war shooter and the lack of ammo really sucks. Just frustrating and annoying. I will say that I did enjoy Chris's 1st chapter. The game is much better when the action is in more closed environments.


I've heard complaints about the AI getting distracted and abandoning you (including when you are waiting to go to the next idea), even with partner commands. Is this true? I prefer co-op, but it could come up.
Yeah, it got annoying because I ran out of ammo so I basically did my best to avoid getting hit while my teammates shot it up, then I ran in for the QTE. The lack of ammo in this game started to grate on me at points.

upgrade and equip the item drop increase skill.


It sounds like people are really digging Chris's campaign, which is a good sign for me. I know I sure as hell am enjoying Leon's so far. I'll be going with Chris next and will save Jake for last.


The cut scene at the end of Chris' Chapter 4 (as well as Leon's Chapter 4) is sooooo good. It's probably my favorite of them all. It's basically my nightmare coming to life on screen. Let's hope no one is crazy enough to do that IRL. *shudder*


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
-the frame rate is the jankiest I have ever seen in an RE title. It often struggles to hold a solid 30fps and the flow of movement/combat really takes a hit because of it.
The weird thing is that the camera movement when running forward actually manages to exacerbate the situation quite a bit. The way it lurches forward with each step gives the impression of an unstable framerate even during moments when you have a perfect 30 fps.

When you COMBINE this issue with segments where the framerate drops things feel even worse.
It sounds like people are really digging Chris's campaign, which is a good sign for me. I know I sure as hell am enjoying Leon's so far. I'll be going with Chris next and will save Jake for last.

I actually like Chris's more than Leon's which is pretty crazy as I despised his in the demo.


Having skills unlocked really is key, perhaps the game should have allocated the player a certain amount of points to spend before even starting a campaign, it would have helped.

Playing the 2nd time through is far more enjoyable.

Chris's campaign is awesome apart from chapter 2.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Having skills unlocked really is key, perhaps the game should have allocated the player a certain amount of points to spend before even starting a campign, it would have helped.

Playing the 2nd time through is far more enjoyable.

Chris's campaign is awesome apart from chapter 2.

Great to hear, since I just beat Chapter 2 yesterday. It wasn't terrible, but the lack of ammo soured me on the latter half of it.


The cut scene at the end of Chris' Chapter 4 (as well as Leon's Chapter 4) is sooooo good. It's probably my favorite of them all. It's basically my nightmare coming to life on screen. Let's hope no one is crazy enough to do that IRL. *shudder*

Yeah I love seeing that scene. The
car sequence
further on from that really highlights the terror as you
slowly go through the city's streets seeing what the virus cloud is doing to people
. Great bit there.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
At one moment both Leon and me said
"holy shit"
at the same time. pretty funny, and awesome.
So, capcom was right doing the tri-campaign, or so it seems.

I mean sure there's gonna be places that are not as good as one would expect. But come on, there's a lot of content! And we're seeing people that likes leon campaign the most, others like chris, and some others jake.

It's really something. I don't think anyone was expecting 10s on this, because if you like one campaign best, maybe the other two let you down (double edged blade), but come on.... 3? 4.5? jesus.
So, capcom was right doing the tri-campaign, or so it seems.

I mean sure there's gonna be places that are not as good as one would expect. But come on, there's a lot of content! And we're seeing people that likes leon campaign the most, others like chris, and some others jake.

It's really something. I don't think anyone was expecting 10s on this, because if you like one campaign best, maybe the other two let you down (double edged blade), but come on.... 3? 4.5? jesus.

Yeah those scores are nuts. 7 seems pretty perfect at this point for me. Its still entertaining.
Jus got my copy and started to play now. I've ignored all RE6 media, news, reviews, etc since E3 so I don't know/remember much going into the game. With that said the prologue was awful. Through my own fault I died about 15 times because I thought you needed to tap a fast instead of hold it down to dash. The qte and the ridiculousness of outrunning an explosion that shouldn't even be that big. Not too mention the guy who jumps out of the plane into an explosion. However, I know Leons campaign will be a lot better.


*chuckles* I just killed 2 Leons in Agent Hunt. One by hitting him with a shovel as a zombie. Another by face-raping him using


Something I've noted replaying Leon's sections again (doing it right now), is that when you're constantly dashing, the FOV is much more tolerable (camera zooms out when dashing). This is what the game want's you to do, so I can see how the devs could have overlooked how the close camera might be such a problem. The faster and more proficient your play style the better the game seems, like any game, but the difference is remarkably noticable to me here.


Seriously, fuck snipers. Most annoying bastards in the whole game. Their one shot knock down is ridiculous. You never really know when they're going to fire either so dodging doesn't help that much.


So, capcom was right doing the tri-campaign, or so it seems.

I mean sure there's gonna be places that are not as good as one would expect. But come on, there's a lot of content! And we're seeing people that likes leon campaign the most, others like chris, and some others jake.

It's really something. I don't think anyone was expecting 10s on this, because if you like one campaign best, maybe the other two let you down (double edged blade), but come on.... 3? 4.5? jesus.

Indeed, some of the reviews are grossly exaggerated. I kind of went in with my guard up expecting the worst, but came to find what I think is a great game that at worst has some quick time events, deaths that some may consider cheap from not knowing how to dodge and roll properly and/or fast enough, and some low resolution textures in spots. On the whole, stuff like this is easily overshadowed by the gameplay mechanics and being forced to use the tools given, enemy variety and encounters, long boss battles, some awesome effects and just an excellent overall presentation when you consider the sheer amount of content on offer. Other huge games often get free passes on some warts and niggles because of how much content they have, but this game is getting slammed for it. Shameful really, as there is nothing broken here that I have seen. Like some of the reviews would have you believe.


Quite honestly, from what I've played, this game is no higher than a 6 and that's being generous. Between the lack of graphical polish, the obtuse mechanics, and the HORRENDOUS level design, I'd be hard pressed to give this a 5.
A what now? :lol

When you're either victim of an explosion, or you're about to fall from a shot, I press L1 (dunno if it's necessary + tap X (a few times, since there seems to be no punishment if you dont time it right)+back, and I do an immediate roll to recover my standing position.

It's amazing how I did it naturally as if I was expecting a recover to happen, and it happened. I dunno, it feels very intuitive to me despite the total lack of info.


Jus got my copy and started to play now. I've ignored all RE6 media, news, reviews, etc since E3 so I don't know/remember much going into the game. With that said the prologue was awful. Through my own fault I died about 15 times because I thought you needed to tap a fast instead of hold it down to dash. The qte and the ridiculousness of outrunning an explosion that shouldn't even be that big. Not too mention the guy who jumps out of the plane into an explosion. However, I know Leons campaign will be a lot better.

That opening is the true test... either you're on the same page with the game's ridiculousness, or it turns you off completely. I went in with an open mind and embraced the crazy, and it's been fun so far.


When you're either victim of an explosion, or you're about to fall from a shot, I press L1 (dunno if it's necessary + tap X (a few times, since there seems to be no punishment if you dont time it right)+back, and I do an immediate roll to recover my standing position.

It's amazing how I did it naturally as if I was expecting a recover to happen, and it happened. I dunno, it feels very intuitive to me despite the total lack of info.

FUUUUU How did I not know this? :lol

Will definitely keep that in mind. Thanks!


That opening is the true test... either you're on the same page with the game's ridiculousness, or it turns you off completely. I went in with an open mind and embraced the crazy, and it's been fun so far.

Yeah, the prologue was no more offensive to me than something like Heavy Rain, which I had some fun with. Thankfully after that they let you go and you can actually play the game. Now the stick wiggle and vehicle QTE's are something I could do without, but the other quick time events sprinkled in regular gameplay are such that they just keep me on my toes and are not that bad.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
When you're either victim of an explosion, or you're about to fall from a shot, I press L1 (dunno if it's necessary + tap X (a few times, since there seems to be no punishment if you dont time it right)+back, and I do an immediate roll to recover my standing position.

It's amazing how I did it naturally as if I was expecting a recover to happen, and it happened. I dunno, it feels very intuitive to me despite the total lack of info.

I don't think you have to hit L1... just the analog and action button iirc.


I'm playing normal. I always start on normal... if the game seems too easy then I will bump it up, but I've had a few close calls. Actually throughout most of the chapter I just played, I was protecting the last two blocks of health I had for what seemed like forever. But I haven't even come close to running low on ammo. They just shower ammo on you, even for the shotgun. Or remote bombs, these dang things are everywhere. I've had 4-5 throughout Chapter 1. I do use melee quite a bit and conserve ammo, but I've been killing pretty much everything and still not running low. I think enemies drop too much ammo. Maybe that's just normal though.

My sole complaint so far is that the shotgun blast doesn't cancel their zeddy leap attack... my handgun shoots them out of midair, but the close range shotgun blast gets shrugged off, and I get chewed on. This seems like an oversight.

Otherwise... no complaints. Game is awesome as hell. It;s dark, but after DD, and considering the setting, I love the "too dark to see" sometimes. Adds tension.

Controls are a little wonky in tight quarters, but there are ways to circumvent a lot of the jank, which I'm trying to get used to again.

Sweet. On veteran I ran out of ammo for a bit early on which in not normal for me. I switched to knife and started practicing melee and have been ok since. Just got a taste of it last night and itching to play more. Should be able to put some heavy hours into it this weekend.


played through chapter 2 of leon. Its not that bad. It was getting 3s and 4s for fuck sake. Sure its flawed, like the graphics are pretty meh like they've recycled stuff resi 4 and 5 (ironically giantbomb liked the graphics). And hate that weird gloss over the characters.
Its a 6, 7, 8 title based on what i have played not a 3.

I enjoyed the college setting too.
Let me say first that I've only played the demo on PS3, however:

Is it just me, or does the result of this game's framerate make it look worse than RE5?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Let me say first that I've only played the demo on PS3, however:

Is it just me, or does the result of this game's framerate make it look worse than RE5?
The framerate is actually better than RE5 on PS3.

Of course, RE5 on 360 was much smoother than either version of RE6.

As I've noted before, the way the camera lurches behind the character while running can actually give the impression of a lower framerate than what you're actually seeing.
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