Yeah, I agree, mostly a Brad issue. Which sucks, cuz I think he's a cool guy, but his inability to figure out the controls after dozens of hours with them is baffling to me.
Yeah, he generally seems to struggle with this kind of thing even in modern games which hold your hand throughout. So, when faced with a game which fails to offer ANY sort of aid, it's clear that he simply isn't up to the task.
Most people reviewing these games have deadlines to worry about and RE6 is definitely a game that is going to stand in the way of that deadline.
The controls are complex and nuanced but the game fails to explain them to you instead relying on player experimentation. It's kind of old school in that sense, but for those used to modern games, it's a kick to the head. On top of that, failing to make full use of the controls can result in a LOT of deaths in this case and increase frustration. When you're facing mobs of enemies without understanding the best way to approach the scenario while dying constantly I could see the frustration build. On top of THAT the game is long as hell.
When you couple a lengthy, difficult to learn game with a moderately high level of difficulty (for some) and a review deadline I could see some serious frustration resulting from that.
Knowing Brad's history I can very easily see how he could get find this game infuriating and his opinion is not invalid. There is no doubt that, for a certain subset of gamers, RE6 is going to be a frustrating game that isn't any fun to play. That doesn't mean there is something rewarding in there for those that learn how to play.