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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


Omg Leon's chapter 2 was amazing! Just great everything, but good Lord, I loved all the environments. Whoever said RE4 was correct, it was basically a very souped up RE4, although some of the environments were evocative of REmake and RE5 too. Loved it. After having played the first two chapters of each character, I can safely say that I have absolutely no idea how this game got the scores it did (referring to the super low ones, like 3/10 etc). Based on the first two chapters, I'd say Leon > Jake > Chris, though this obviously may change. Cannot wait to play more!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't get the Vanquish comparisons at all. They're absolutely nothing a like.

They're not very similar but people like to try to compare things to help understand the general style, and atleast TPS wise Vanquish is the closest, even if RE6 is mostly its own unique thing.


When the boss shoots his three projectiles at you, they stick to either the floor or ceiling (whichever they hit), and in turn if you blow them up with a gunshot they drop random ammo. You probably just hit one by accident or ran into it and it blew up and gave you the random drop.
Yeah, thinking about that now makes sense. It wouldn't have helped me so much anyways as I didn't have any bullets to shoot them with.


God, RE.net has been a mess for me. Finally got linked up yesterday (but not up to date with everything I have done) and now I had to link up again today. But as soon as I try, I get a message saying that they are taking the service offline due to heavy traffic.


Some late impressions now as I've completed all the campaigns. The game is definitely all over the place. It feels like several different teams worked on it and they had different ideas for the game, and it's not exactly subtle that Uncharted was a huge influence on it. There's some things which are unfortunately kinda annoying in every campaign, which are QTEs, random moments where the game steals camera control and the game is honestly too linear most of the time.

That said, I still enjoyed the campaigns overall, especially Leon's and Jake's. And coop definitely makes the experience much more fun. Story-wise, I think they did a pretty good job with it. There's some odd dialogue here and there, and some scenes which just doesn't make sense (especially one late into Chris' campaign:
Why is Jake so angry about Chris killing his father? The only thing he knew about Wesker is that he tried to destroy the world, which makes him kinda evil.
), but besides that the cutscenes look great, the voice acting is generally very good and the story line is interesting. Jake is a very good new character and I hope they keep him for more RE games.

I think the highlight of the entire game is easily mercenaries mode. The best part of the game are the core game mechanics and they work extremely well in mercenaries mode.

Edit: Probably 20-30 pages ago someone mentioned interest in the unlockable files in the game. Is anyone still interested in getting those in text format?


lol, Jake 3. I love how over the top the game is.

When I played that in coop, me and my friend started joking about how that tank replaced ustanak's role in the game with following Jake and Sherry all over the place. It was just hilarious having the tank go through wall after wall.


I think the highlight of the entire game is easily mercenaries mode. The best part of the game are the core game mechanics and they work extremely well in mercenaries mode.

I can agree with that, but I'm concerned the amount of maps won't hold my interest for long. I need more :(


Junior Member
Just keep in mind a lot of the stuff people have said about the excess of bad QTEs and the inconsistent quality across the 4 campaigns. There's a ton of content, some is great, some is kinda awful.

That's what ultimately drags this game down though. I feel like if Capcom had just focused things more, they could've made one excellent campaign instead of four mediocre ones (mind you I've still only played one of them). Even then, it still wouldn't touch RE4. People here seem to forget that RE4's sole campaign was probably nearly as long as all four of RE6's put together (on the first run) and still managed to be a near perfectly-polished game. That's what makes RE4 stand out so much.


I have to say that I really like all the aesthetic choices in this game. It's neat how the menu looks different from campaign to campaign. My only complaint is that the characters have this weird sheen in Chris's campaign. Is that supposed to be sweat? It makes Piers look plastic.

When I played that in coop, me and my friend started joking about how that tank replaced ustanak's role in the game with following Jake and Sherry all over the place. It was just hilarious having the tank go through wall after wall.

A truly WTF moment. I love it.


benevolent sexism
I'm talking about the setting being a small village and its neighboring areas. Yes, it looks like it's expansive but the reality is, because it's a village, there's not much to see, you see the village, you see the surrounding valleys, lake, and later on castles. The environments are almost similar except when you're indoor or underground. I don't like the lack of variety. Maybe you enjoy it but don't expect others to do the same.

When was the last time you played RE4? This is a real question, not a rhetorical one.

You're entitled to feel however you want about the game, but you're making a factual claim about the environments in the game and it is way off base.


They're not very similar but people like to try to compare things to help understand the general style, and atleast TPS wise Vanquish is the closest, even if RE6 is mostly its own unique thing.

I pretty much agree with this. To say that "they're absolutely nothing alike" isn't true at all. RE6 is more melee focused than Vanquish and a fair bit more clunky. Those who think that Vanquish wasn't an influence on the combat design would be mistaken.

1 by default, 2 extra for the campaigns I think? So yeah...not many.

Yep only 3 with the game, and 3 with the pre-order DLC. I'm stupidly addicted to the Mercenaries mode now and will probably end up shelling out for some of the DLC stuff. It's one of those games that I'll keep in constant rotation, because I love the core combat mechanics.

That's what ultimately drags this game down though. I feel like if Capcom had just focused things more, they could've made one excellent campaign instead of four mediocre ones (mind you I've still only played one of them). Even then, it still wouldn't touch RE4. People here seem to forget that RE4's sole campaign was probably nearly as long as all four of RE6's put together (on the first run) and still managed to be a near perfectly-polished game. That's what makes RE4 stand out so much.

Totally agree.


Goddamn this game for not having enough ammo. Jesus. And those snipers that keep respawningggggggg.

Jake Chap 1 spoilers
Then I shoot a helicopter for 10min and miss a too fast QTE.
This game is the most inconsistent game this generation far and away. No other game comes close. Inconsistent graphics, gameplay, etc. Hell, the game is inconsistent from chapter to chapter. This isn't one of those "sum of the parts" type games either. I'd give it around a 6 or 7.
Leon's campaign is infinitely more entertaining than Chris. I really do hate these zombies that act like normal people and use guns. And the generic monsters. I used to hate going into rooms simply because there was a spider on the ceiling. Now its all cartoony monsters without any menacing attributes :-/


Leon's campaign is infinitely more entertaining than Chris. I really do hate these zombies that act like normal people and use guns. And the generic monsters. I used to hate going into rooms simply because there was a spider on the ceiling. Now its all cartoony monsters without any menacing attributes :-/

Speaking of which, whats with the spiders in the title intro? If thats answered via the story...then I can just wait to find out.


Need help with Chris chapter 2.

I am in the open area where you fight two giant bow:s (did not manage to kill the first one in the beginning). From what I have read I am supposed to activate a quicktime event to pull something from the spine of the remaining bow. The problem is that I constantly fail this QTE. It asks me to wiggle the analog nub really fast, I am trying my best but I am not close to fast enough. Am I missing some technical aspect of what I am supposed to do? Should the analog be moved in a specific way? Some button press at the same time?


Need help with Chris chapter 2.

I am in the open area where you fight two giant bow:s (did not manage to kill the first one in the beginning). From what I have read I am supposed to activate a quicktime event to pull something from the spine of the remaining bow. The problem is that I constantly fail this QTE. It asks me to wiggle the analog nub really fast, I am trying my best but I am not close to fast enough. Am I missing some technical aspect of what I am supposed to do? Should the analog be moved in a specific way? Some button press at the same time?

I had the same problem at first and this solved it: Wiggle both sticks at the same time.


Got done doing Jake/Sherry last night with a friend online using headsets. Story is like non-existent in it but Sherry is ridiculous hot/cute. It plays like RE3 though which is kind of amusing. I've only done Chapter 1 for Leon but it's basically RE2 which is really freaking awesome. I actually like the callback to it infact. The end of the chapter sequence was what I totally wanted in the first few RE games.

Worst thing is the QTEs for sure, the one towards the end of Jake and Sherry's was just stupid. but there are some that are decent here and there.

I kinda miss the adventure/long term campaign angle though. Upgrading weapons would've been nice and limited inventory is killer at times though abundant drops helps alleviate that. Melee is kind of woof though, I don't really like the stamina meter too much.


Goddamn this game for not having enough ammo. Jesus. And those snipers that keep respawningggggggg.

Jake Chap 1 spoilers
Then I shoot a helicopter for 10min and miss a too fast QTE.

I had the wrong (and empty) gun equipped during the machine gun helicopter segment so in that following QTE scene I'd have to switch to the smaller pistol, reload, and then shoot the explosive. Needless to say I had to redo that one QTE about ten times.

tl, dr: I know that feel bro
Just completed Jake's campaign, and I'm unsure if I want to play the other two. A mediocre experience throughout. I didn't think I would be this disappointed.

I provided my thoughts on the game several pages back, so if this post seems a bit lazy it's because I've already covered most of my grievances earlier.


Just completed Jake's campaign, and I'm unsure if I want to play the other two. A mediocre experience throughout. I didn't think I would be this disappointed.

I provided my thoughts on the game several pages back, so if this post seems a bit lazy it's because I've already covered most of my grievances earlier.

You should give Leon's campaign a shot. The first chapter is amazing.


Anyone else really love the
whole snow mountain part of Jake chapter 2? Really nice atmosphere in the heavy blizzard. I hate those crow enemies, they were extremely hard to see and distinguish, and even when I'd spot their eyes they'd move at a really fast pace."

Speaking of Jake, his hand-to-hand is amazing. It's pretty much what I use exclusively unless there are a lot of gun wielding enemies.

You should give Leon's campaign a shot. The first chapter is amazing.

The second chapter is even better!
Got done playing Leon Chapter 1 (Split) last night. We're having a fun time, but I definitely noticed some clunk (getting impaled by a pipe clipping through a wall), and how bad the other survivors look and animate.


Anyone else really love the
whole snow mountain part of Jake chapter 2? Really nice atmosphere in the heavy blizzard. I hate those crow enemies, they were extremely hard to see and distinguish, and even when I'd spot their eyes they'd move at a really fast pace."

Speaking of Jake, his hand-to-hand is amazing. It's pretty much what I use exclusively unless there are a lot of gun wielding enemies.

The second chapter is even better!

Dem spoiler tags brah!

Fuck that snow level tho. I couldn't see shit.


Got done playing Leon Chapter 1 (Split) last night. We're having a fun time, but I definitely noticed some clunk (getting impaled by a pipe clipping through a wall), and how bad the other survivors look and animate.

I didn't pay too much attention to them, but they did indeed seem to be pretty crappy in the visual department.

Speaking of that though,
I loved the whole sequence in the gun store, felt like Dawn of the Dead lite. And it was a really cool shoutout that the cop was on his first day. Too bad he ain't becoming the next Leon Scott Kennedy. The survivors in the cathedral were a nice touch, and it's kinda strange to think they all died because of Leon and Helena (moreso Helena, if indirectly).

Dem spoiler tags brah!

Fuck that snow level tho. I couldn't see shit.

Fuck me, I hate when I forget the last part, haha.
Anyone else really love the
whole snow mountain part of Jake chapter 2? Really nice atmosphere in the heavy blizzard. I hate those crow enemies, they were extremely hard to see and distinguish, and even when I'd spot their eyes they'd move at a really fast pace."

Speaking of Jake, his hand-to-hand is amazing. It's pretty much what I use exclusively unless there are a lot of gun wielding enemies.

The second chapter is even better!

Ugh, thanks for reminding me about chapter 2. It was damn near impossible to make out anything during heavy
, and being followed by the equally awful
section. Melee works better for Jake than firearms through the first four chapters, and in the fifth it's pretty much useless.
Just completed Jake's campaign, and I'm unsure if I want to play the other two. A mediocre experience throughout. I didn't think I would be this disappointed.

Definitely give the other two a shot. I did Chris+Leon's first and really enjoyed them. I haven't finished Jake's yet(Decided to replay the other campaigns co-op first) but so far I hate it. Jake Chapter 2 was comically bad.


So I am enjoying this game a LOT more now I've turned it down to easy. Is that just me? I was finding the health system very frustrating on normal because of the dumbass QTEs and the zombie dives.


Leon 1 and 2 related:
But damn I felt awful for all those poor people. I genuinely thought I could save them.

Leon's campaign def. has a high civilian body count. Best part though is how neither Leon nor Helena gave a single fuck about them. Its pretty much their fault they all died, since they opened the door to that basement.


This game is the most inconsistent game this generation far and away. No other game comes close. Inconsistent graphics, gameplay, etc. Hell, the game is inconsistent from chapter to chapter. This isn't one of those "sum of the parts" type games either. I'd give it around a 6 or 7.

About sums up my feeling so far. The game has so many highs and lows that it is really just plain bipolar. It bounces up and down from good to bad and back to good again... rinse and repeat. But no way in hell is it a 3 or a 4. Despite the drops in quality, I am still having fun.


Leon 1 and 2 related:
But damn I felt awful for all those poor people. I genuinely thought I could save them.

You are becoming Leon. lol =P

Though I thought it was funny how at that one part where Leon and Helena
were watching a couple of people on the monitor waving signs and then watching as zombies chewed them up. And they wait until the zombies are already eating them before Leon is like ....OKAY LET'S GO HELP THEM! LOL!

I seriously think I should draw that out when I have time...

And whoever mentioned laying on the ground refills your stamina meter faster is awesome. I'd run out of stamina and be like OKAY TIME TO DIVE ON MY BACK. Just lay on my back until I'm recharged and stand up. So quick. Def helps if you want to conserve ammo.

I liked Chris' first campaign despite the crowdedness of the buildings. I didn't like his 2nd chapter as much. The
place that looked like the mansion from RE was awesome though. It was like the detail jumped. I liked the area behind the staircase that had a blue medallion. I was wondering if there'd be a door behind it but no. I freak'n hate fighting those gorilla like things though. Gotta break off their armor and then shoot the crap out of their face.

Hopefully it gets better. And man finding herbs and stuff is so hard. It's like OMG when you find some now. And I complained about how you got an insane amount of ammo in RE4/5 but now I'm like "damn, bullets. why you so scarce?!"


RE: Vanquish parallels: For me, RE6 is Vanquish-esque in how it's most fun when you throw yourself into combat. If you play Vanquish like a cover shooter, it's boring. If you, on the other hand, boost-slide into every encounter and flip-kick enemies and such, it's fun! Same with RE6: Cover is for taking out the occasional turret-fortified enemy and quickly replenishing your stamina meter. Otherwise you should be running, dashing, sliding, dodging, rolling, shooting while sliding, spinning around while sliding, kicking people in front of you, elbowing people behind you, running and gunning, stopping and popping, etc. You should almost always be in the thick of the fray, cozying up to mutants and monsters. :)
So I am enjoying this game a LOT more now I've turned it down to easy. Is that just me? I was finding the health system very frustrating on normal because of the dumbass QTEs and the zombie dives.
I feel I'll enjoy it more if I turn it to easy, but I'm too deep now. Unless, of course, it gets too frustrating near the end of each story...


Leon's campaign def. has a high civilian body count. Best part though is how neither Leon nor Helena gave a single fuck about them. Its pretty much their fault they all died, since they opened the door to that basement.

Bwahaha.. that never even occurred to me, what a couple o' jerks. I could certainly stand for RE7 to be a Jake only game. Epic Wesker battle would be awesome.

RE: Vanquish parallels: For me, RE6 is Vanquish-esque in how it's most fun when you throw yourself into combat. If you play Vanquish like a cover shooter, it's boring. If you, on the other hand, boost-slide into every encounter and flip-kick enemies and such, it's fun! Same with RE6: Cover is for taking out the occasional turret-fortified enemy and quickly replenishing your stamina meter. Otherwise you should be running, dashing, sliding, dodging, rolling, shooting while sliding, spinning around while sliding, kicking people in front of you, elbowing people behind you, running and gunning, stopping and popping, etc. You should almost always be in the thick of the fray, cozying up to mutants and monsters. :)

This. Very nicely put.
Definitely give the other two a shot. I did Chris+Leon's first and really enjoyed them. I haven't finished Jake's yet(Decided to replay the other campaigns co-op first) but so far I hate it. Jake Chapter 2 was comically bad.

Jake's chapter ratings:

Chapter 1 - Alright.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to play this anymore.
Chapter 3 - Well, it's better than the last two.
Chapter 4 - Alright.
Chapter 5 - I think I'm done with this game.
Hahahahaha, is the credits song the same for all characters? I couldn't stop laughing at how fucking corny it was. Should've signed Whitesnake to do the soundtrack.

I wanted to knock out Jake's campaign first because he's a new character that I was sure I wouldn't care much for, and that was certainly the case by the time I finished up. In doing so I may have destroyed any desire to play through Chris and Leon's campaigns. If I do decide to play another, I'll do Chris first because Leon is my favorite RE character. Chris is dead to me after RE5.


Bought this today. Had originally been turned off by the demo, but had a chance to get it for 99p by getting rid of two games I was done with and having seen some positive impressions about it on here, mainly that the camera and aiming when tweaked worked out right, decided why not.. Just played the first level of Jake's Campaign and I enjoyed it more than the demo levels, the slower pace allowed me to get more accustomed to the controls so that was good. Was just wondering what's the 'In Order' way of playing the game? I know you can do the campaign in any order from start to finish, but would rather do the story in order jumping between campaigns. Unless there is a reason that this is a bad idea?


Bought this today. Had originally been turned off by the demo, but had a chance to get it for 99p by getting rid of two games I was done with and having seen some positive impressions about it on here, mainly that the camera and aiming when tweaked worked out right, decided why not. Just played the first level of Jake's Campaign and I enjoyed it more than the demo levels, the slower pace allowed me to get more accustomed to the controls so that was good. Was just wondering what's the 'In Order' way of playing the game? I know you can do the campaign in any order from start to finish, but would rather do the story in order jumping between campaigns. Unless there is a reason that this is a bad idea?

Prelude Chapter
Chris Chapter 1
Chris Chapter 2
Jake Chapter 1
Jake Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 1
Leon Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 3
Chris Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 4
Leon Chapter 4
Chris Chapter 4
Jake Chapter 5
Chris Chapter 5
Leon Chapter 5
Ada's Campaign

From Dusk Golem's suggestions.

Only complaint I hear is that there may be times where you fight same bosses back to back because of the points where 4 characters meet.


From Dusk Golem's suggestions.

Only complaint I hear is that there may be times where you fight same bosses back to back because of the points where 4 characters meet.

I'm at chapter 3 for Chris following this list and I have no complaints thus far. The locations do repeat, but the characters play differently enough.
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