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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

Now you know the pain of the old ass fans

I was happy with both classic and over the shoulder but....first person....


Good goooooooood



Shocked at the negativity in this thread, but the fan base has been divided for a long time now.

Please remember that the last time Resident Evil tried something completely new, we got Resident Evil 4.

Different can be the best thing you ever played. Have faith.

I'm trying to have faith. The game looks good to me so far.


This is going to be like Silent Hill 4 where the game started off as something else, will have Resident Evil shoe horned into it, and then won't be anywhere near as good as the games that came before it.

I'd love to be wrong


I have absolutely no words. Like I'm speechless. I don't even know what to think. I should probably just wait for more info.


Resident Evil finally completes its metamorphosis to a full on shooter.

Honestly I'd rather this than another hotbutton finisher-fest. Let's see how it is.
So it's a reboot... but it's still continuing as the main series? And it has noboy of the main cast? And it's first person?

How? Why?


After RE6 I think I was done with another third person action game from Capcom. At least this is a departure from that kind of stale formula like RE4 was back in 2004.


So it's a reboot... but it's still continuing as the main series? And it has noboy of the main cast? And it's first person?

How? Why?

We don't know if it's a reboot. With a title like RE7, it's probably not. I feel like this trailer is maybe going to be end up being very deceiving, like they're baiting us into thinking it's one thing when it's actually something else entirely. Just a gut feeling on my part really.


Well, this is hot garbage. This was my most anticipated game for E3, and it's a P.T clone!? Are you kidding me!? I'm absolutely disgusted by this, and it couldn't be any further from survival horror. I'll give the demo a chance, but if all you do is run and hide from enemies, count me out. That's NOT Resident Evil.


I like More Badass got heavy condemned vibes, almost thought that was what we were going to see.

Hope it plays as well as it looks, definitley the most interested I have been in the series in years.


Shocked at the negativity in this thread, but the fan base has been divided for a long time now.

I'm a huge fan of old/new RE, and I was pumped for any RE tonight, but I didn't see anything in this trailer besides a general sense of mystery and decay which says RE to me.

And making it a niche VR first person game (assuming it is entirely first person)? It sounds a very risky move on Capcom's part. We'll see.
Yeah now that I think back about it, I think the trailer was misdirection.
In the montage you can see the game being third person, and it's clearly labled as RE7, this is not a reboot.
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