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Resident Evil 7 - New Gameplay Videos & Articles

They are bullet sponges in the sense that you can't take them out easily. I assume from what I saw you can only kill them at certain points in the game, where the story asks you to take them out (haven't read Gamesradar, but I assume they are actually talking about these fights?). You can't really take them out on a random encounter, you can just stall them. I think it took maybe 2 to 3 headshots to stagger one of them so I could run far away from them. But usually you can get away anyway, as they tend to walk towards you in stead of run. I only fired on them when they were to close to realistically be able to escape. You should really compare them to the Xeno in Alien: Isolation, whom you can't kill either.

I don't think the shots you fire into them make them easier to take out later on. I would advise against shooting them even, as your bullets are way more important against other enemies you can kill.

I understand. I am actually not a big fan of it either (it's the reason I didn't finish Alien: Isolation), but I found it very cool in Resident Evil VII and handled well too as you have ways to deal with it. It's just really tense and cool to backtrack to a place to solve a puzzle you finally got all the pieces for, and suddenly see a Baker shuffling down a hallway. It's very tense and cool to try and do your thing without them even noticing you are around too. Compared to the Xeno, it's less of a drag. He was to unpredictable at times. Combined with the terrible saving system there, it was a drag to go trough that game at times. Resident Evil 7 saves a lot, so I never had to replay big chunks. (This was normal mode)

Also, it's balanced in the sense that in certain parts of the demo you weren't stalked by one of the Bakers in any way, and I assume they never will in those parts. There were other enemies there though you needed to manage (and actually could kill, though running is often the best way to go about it, like it was in classic RE)

Since you mentioned there ARE save rooms and it also saves automatically, how do those two coexist?
I skimmed over the whole IGN video and didn't see anything but outlasty looking stuff. RE is the worst possible game to turn into Borelast. :(

From all the previews, it sounds the total opposite of boring and still very much Resident Evil, despite the new 1st person view.

Maze like location with puzzles and locked doors.

Tyrant / Nemesis style enemies (The Baker Family) that pursue you and seem to be unstoppable.

Item / Inventory management.

Safe rooms with save points.

Herbs for regaining health.

Classic weapons like the Pistol, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Magnum and limited ammo.

For me, its way more Resident Evil than 5 and 6 ever were.

RE7 isn't really about blindly running into locked doors at every turn.

The trailer was really dark. There's dark areas in RE7, particularly in the basement area where the Moulded are, but it makes it a bit confusing in what they were showing here.

Its doubtful many will appreciate the RE1 throwback, cheesy low budget angle of its presentation.

There's no real hook in there. Aimlessly running into locked doors and finally run into Sewer Gator co-host digging in a corner. If he turned around deranged/possessed looking, sure, that'd be a good payoff. But it's just a normal, scared looking character. I'm not sure what the audience is supposed to feel compelled by it. At best it continues that perception that this is some run and hide title.

RE5 and 6 had huge marketing campaigns, and were a cornerstone in their co.merciless success. So far it's been very lackluster in comparison, and this just seems odd with the timing, with Tape 3 tonight and this media event blowout.

I just hope this isnt what they waste much ad-space on and come up with a better executed concept.

Maybe it's like RE4. Lots of checkpoints, but you can only save in designated locations?

That was my impression, with Madhouse Mode possibly doing entirely away with the checkpoint and autosave system for the limited manual saves that we know are a part of the mode.


Since you mentioned there ARE save rooms and it also saves automatically, how do those two coexist?

Didn't dig into this, so I don't know if the checkpoints are soft saves or not. I assume there is an autosave after fixed points in the game. Save rooms allow you to save when you want and store items. I guess it helps to save during puzzling and backtracking when the autosave might nit zctivate


As somebody stressed before, I played the preview build on an event.

I can give an impression of losing an enemy. I was looking for a certain object which was in a room I had a key for. When I went to that room I crossed an enemy. He noticed me so he started following me. He keeps walking though, and I can run so I did. I broke the line of sight, which meant he went looking for me. I avoided him a bit, until I reached the room and felt safe opening it (he constantly shouts stuff like 'I'll find you!' or 'There you are!' so you can have an idea where they are and if they know where you are). I got into the room, closed the door behind me. As he didn't see me entering a 'closed' room, he didn't look in there and after a while he went away. I grabbed the item which I could use for a puzzle and went on my way. The locations are usually big enough, with enough rooms, shortcuts and such, to give you enough ways to get out.

Another moment I ran away and hid for a minute or so in a basement. He didn't look behind the closet I was behind, so he left after a while and I could relatively safely return to my 'quest'.

You can also always fight your way out of a pickle. Fire a few shots in the head of such an enemy, and he staggers, so you can get out. Once you break line of sight, and if you keep out of his sight, he will go away after a while.

Other times I fled into a safe room (which aren't too far away usually) and when I came out the enemy was gone. Sometimes I died in the hands of such an enemy, and after loading a checkpoint the enemy was gone because it was randomised (which might not have been stressed yet, but apart from the safe rooms, the game saves automaticaly after certain points, and it's quite often)

Thanks for taking the time to answer everyone's questions, Osahi. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it's appreciated.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I've seen a few people say that this will be the first game they play in VR ... yeah, I wouldn't do that.

Your play sessions will probably be a bit longer than the typical VR experience, so play some stuff for a week or two to get your VR legs. It's not unlike getting used to being on a boat ... it'll make it so that you're getting sick from the terrifying game, not your body's reaction to the headset.

I 100% BACK THIS! As a VR owner, DON'T let this be your first VR game!!!

You've been warned.
Man, I cant wait for this. Looks so good. And I hope we get the update to the demo at least at PSX

getting back in the mood to play some resident evil. I have never touched 6 before. It is the only resident evil game I have not beaten. Is it at least worth it for the story?


From all the previews, it sounds the total opposite of boring and still very much Resident Evil, despite the new 1st person view.

Maze like location with puzzles and locked doors.

Tyrant / Nemesis style enemies (The Baker Family) that pursue you and seem to be unstoppable.

Item / Inventory management.

Safe rooms with save points.

Herbs for regaining health.

Classic weapons like the Pistol, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Magnum and limited ammo.

For me, its way more Resident Evil than 5 and 6 ever were.

Yeah this has me really excited. It's like a 1st person RE1
Man, I cant wait for this. Looks so good. And I hope we get the update to the demo at least at PSX

getting back in the mood to play some resident evil. I have never touched 6 before. It is the only resident evil game I have not beaten. Is it at least worth it for the story?

Depends on what you want out of a RE story. I found it a bit disjointed and containing the worst motivations of the parties involved out of the series. Worst villains (yes, worse than 0). Worst lore/documents.

However, there's lots of Ada, Chris' campaign ends on a really high note (Easily a top 10 moment in RE), and there are interesting elements to Jake and Sherry. And while it's not exactly story related, there arexist some great enemy designs that are worth checking out.

I'd still recommend the game for Mercs. For however sloppy and bloated the campaigns are, Mercs is damn near perfect.


Man, I cant wait for this. Looks so good. And I hope we get the update to the demo at least at PSX

getting back in the mood to play some resident evil. I have never touched 6 before. It is the only resident evil game I have not beaten. Is it at least worth it for the story?

The opposite.

In terms of story, 6 is basically gobshite.

But it is 100% worth it for the gameplay which is remarkably deep and awesome. Especially if you replay it with more skills unlocked.
The impressions sound great and it seems like exactly what the series needs, but...just one thing has me a little nervous.

In 4-5 hours of gameplay they encounter exactly one monster type not including the rednecks. I really hope the game has a bunch more variety later on. Sounds like that could get pretty old beyond the amount of time that they demoed.


The impressions sound great and it seems like exactly what the series needs, but...just one thing has me a little nervous.

In 4-5 hours of gameplay they encounter exactly one monster type not including the rednecks. I really hope the game has a bunch more variety later on. Sounds like that could get pretty old beyond the amount of time that they demoed.

It's pretty standard to get a while into a resi game before truly new enemy types show up isn't it? I mean not just variations.

it sounds like they're pacing this more like resi 1 - zombies for ages, then loads of weird shit when you get to the "labs"


Man, I cant wait for this. Looks so good. And I hope we get the update to the demo at least at PSX

getting back in the mood to play some resident evil. I have never touched 6 before. It is the only resident evil game I have not beaten. Is it at least worth it for the story?

Hmm, well, as someone who loves the RE story, the crazy characters, the cheesy dialogue, the lore and all the different viruses and mutations etc. I though RE6's story was probably the worst in the series. Without spoiling anything, it mainly has to do with the plot being disjointed and incredibly convoluted, as well as featuring the worst villains in the series history. That said, it is kind of cool how the different campaigns intersect and interact with each other, and it is awesome to see some of the long time characters of the series finally interact with each other on screen. Also, Jake X Sherry = awesome, Imo. I wouldn't play the game just for the story, personally, but the game is only $20 on PS4 and X1 (great ports too), and probably cheaper elsewhere, plus the core gameplay itself and Mercenaries is really great stuff. I'd say it's worth giving a chance at that price, I think.


It's pretty standard to get a while into a resi game before truly new enemy types show up isn't it? I mean not just variations.

it sounds like they're pacing this more like resi 1 - zombies for ages, then loads of weird shit when you get to the "labs"

Ehh, even if we're going by RE1's standards, it introduces enemies pretty quick. You get introduced to zombies almost immediately, dogs and crows come fairly quickly after that, and you're onto Yawn (a.k.a that giant snake with a dumb name and wired hotboxes) before you're even out of the mansion. RE has always had alot of variety in enemies, and introduced new ones pretty quickly.
I'll be disappointed if we don't at least see doggos at some point. I mean there are forest sections and you'd be able to finally reenact the RE1 intro in real time

But I'd be more disappointed if the black goopy monsters later forms started firing projectiles despite being gross monsters


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
To mention this, there was a Game Informer podcast where they had their old Game Informer podcast member who joined Capcom on to talk about their thoughts of RE7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jjWYkZNP8g

Some new info and clarified things from that.
-This was kind of already known, but the RE7 has a Save Room Theme. I'm betting it's this.
-Randomized elements confirmed. He talks about how certain events in the game are somewhat randomized between playthroughs, ie there are certain walls Jack can break through that are randomized per playthrough, won't see them all in a single playthrough, and certain events that may trigger, etc. Also the way the Baker's move around the house is through AI and not scripted.
-There's a decently elaborate crafting system in RE7 involving chemicals, which you can use to craft different types of ammo, health items, and other things. Have to make the choice of what you want the most.
-The Game Informer guys who played (three of them had played the RE7 demo) also confirm that different playstyles is one of the big appeals of RE7. One of them talks about how much they stealthed to get by, another one talks how they saw how the first guy played so they tried booking it and running instead of hiding and it was liable as well, and comment how the game allows for different approaches to its situations.
-The Game Informer guys also jump around a topic a bit, they talk about how you pass by different themed doors needing a key through the game and wondering what might be behind it, only for a few hours later to finally get the key and see what's inside. They bring up one specific door yoy pass near the beginning who's key you get in the second building, and if you decide to backtrack to open the door there was something "really nice" inside, but they can't say what.
To mention this, there was a Game Informer podcast where they had their old Game Informer podcast member who joined Capcom on to talk about their thoughts of RE7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jjWYkZNP8g

Some new info and clarified things from that.
-This was kind of already known, but the RE7 has a Save Room Theme. I'm betting it's this.
-Randomized elements confirmed. He talks about how certain events in the game are somewhat randomized between playthrough, ie there are certain walls Jack can break through that are randomized per playthrough, won't see them all in a single playthrough.
-There's a decently elaborate crafting system in RE7 involving chemicals, which you can use to craft different types of ammo, health items, and other things. Have to make the choice of what you want the most.
-The Game Informer guys who played (three of them had played the RE7 demo) also confirm that different playstyles is one of the big appeals of RE7. One of them talks about how much they stealthed to get by, another one talks how they saw how the first guy played so they tried booking it and running instead of hiding and it was liable as well, and comment how the game allows for different approaches to its situations.
-The Game Informer guys also jump around a topic a bit, they talk about how you pass by different themed doors needing a key through the game and wondering what might be behind it, only for a few hours later to finally get the key and see what's inside. They bring up one specific door yoy pass near the beginning who's key you get in the second building, and if you decide to backtrack to open the door there was something "really nice" inside, but they can't say what.

*Loud Sweating*

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Been a legit loooong time since i've been excited about a Resident Evil game...

Wut are these feels?



-There's a decently elaborate crafting system in RE7 involving chemicals, which you can use to craft different types of ammo, health items, and other things. Have to make the choice of what you want the most.
Now we're talking. Been wanting that back since RE3.
To mention this, there was a Game Informer podcast where they had their old Game Informer podcast member who joined Capcom on to talk about their thoughts of RE7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jjWYkZNP8g

Some new info and clarified things from that.
-This was kind of already known, but the RE7 has a Save Room Theme. I'm betting it's this.
-Randomized elements confirmed. He talks about how certain events in the game are somewhat randomized between playthroughs, ie there are certain walls Jack can break through that are randomized per playthrough, won't see them all in a single playthrough, and certain events that may trigger, etc. Also the way the Baker's move around the house is through AI and not scripted.
-There's a decently elaborate crafting system in RE7 involving chemicals, which you can use to craft different types of ammo, health items, and other things. Have to make the choice of what you want the most.
-The Game Informer guys who played (three of them had played the RE7 demo) also confirm that different playstyles is one of the big appeals of RE7. One of them talks about how much they stealthed to get by, another one talks how they saw how the first guy played so they tried booking it and running instead of hiding and it was liable as well, and comment how the game allows for different approaches to its situations.
-The Game Informer guys also jump around a topic a bit, they talk about how you pass by different themed doors needing a key through the game and wondering what might be behind it, only for a few hours later to finally get the key and see what's inside. They bring up one specific door yoy pass near the beginning who's key you get in the second building, and if you decide to backtrack to open the door there was something "really nice" inside, but they can't say what.


And with the random events and crafting this is pretty much the sequel to RE3
I fucking loved my first playthrough of REmake recently, and I love that this sounds like a throwback to that. But I don't think something this fucking scary is for me.
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