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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


So.... what are you guys hopes and fears for Resident Evil 7?

Hopes is that it has a good story and atmosphere and actually does move the series forward lore wise. Fears are that it'll get bogged down by puzzled and other things, and that the gameplay Wont be up to snuff.
I do have a fear actually, they tend to have a bad habit of introducing characters never to be seen again. I really don't want that to be the case here.


So.... what are you guys hopes and fears for Resident Evil 7?

none atm, i hope it adds more to the story. But i don't know if i'll be able to play it (i'm a complete chicken when it comes to first-person horror games).

I'm finally playing Resident Evil 3 again, I'm gonna beat it this time finally. How many shots does it usually take to kill Nemesis? I got the magnum from the locker and unloaded all six shots into him then used like 10-15 handgun shots before dying and he still wasn't dead. The dodge also seems so finicky.

You've never completed RE3? It's the shortest one by far. Don't bother with Nemesis during your first playthrough (except maybe in the restaurant), just run. I've only managed to dodge zombies, not the other monsters.
This was the first RE game I played and beat, the action is great and Nemesis alone provides the right amount of tension this game needs. And the mercenaries mode is the BEST.


Junior Member
So.... what are you guys hopes and fears for Resident Evil 7?

Fear that it will be dumbed down game design wise since it is VR ie that the game will just be a jump scare fest where you hide in closets from enemies and a story that takes itself too seriously. I hope that it is just RE1 in first person. I want enemies that you don't run away from but enemies you avoid to save ammo.


So.... what are you guys hopes and fears for Resident Evil 7?

- it's in FPP, so it won't have any well directed cut-scenes or an interesting protagonist
- it won't be as replayable as previous games
- it will lost the campiness, that "Japanese touch" of previous games
- it will be disconnected from previous games' story (a soft reboot)

- the guy responsible for Special Ops: The Line is working on the script, so there's hope for something interesting


I fear they're trying to be serious this time and will actually achieve it for once.

RE should be camp and silly, as it is at its best.

I personally agree with this. While that's not to say it should all be camp and silly. There's definitely a line that should be followed. That's one thing to me that all the RE's regardless of style have done so far.
Well, I mean, there are no enemies in the demo, so...?

But there are, they're just scripted in the demo. Presumably you'll encounter them during gameplay in the real game. A guy that looks like "Welcome to the family" guy in the demo can be seen walking during gameplay in the E3 trailer.
But there are, they're just scripted in the demo. Presumably you'll encounter them during gameplay in the real game. A guy that looks like "Welcome to the family" guy in the demo can be seen walking during gameplay in the E3 trailer.

Well, when I think enemies, I think stuff you have to fight. What you're talking are NPCs, and we don't even really know if they'll be in the final game or not.
So.... what are you guys hopes and fears for Resident Evil 7?

My hope is that they keep with the original tone as well as the overall hopeful message. It's cheesy as shit and over the top but we have plenty serious horror franchises as it is and there is nothing quite like what Resident Evil does. Granted, I hope they can add some of the tension from previous games back.

My fear is that I won't like the transition to first person. I'll just come out and admit I far prefer 3rd person over 1st. Then again, that's not to say that I hate FPS games. Deus Ex Human Revolution was one of my favorite gameplay experiences of the last generation and I really liked Left 4 Dead. So I just have to hope Capcom executes it well.

I do have a fear actually, they tend to have a bad habit of introducing characters never to be seen again. I really don't want that to be the case here.

It was obvious Helena, Jake, and Sherry were supposed to be much bigger figures storywise going forward... and then RE 6 got the reception it did. So RE 7 is introducing new characters and getting away from the old, RE 2 is a remake and they probably won't mess with the story too much (shit, they'd all be too young at that point anyway since Sherry is the oldest and she's a kid in RE2), and the movie is apparently about Leon/Rebecca/Chris. It's really too bad since I wanted to see where they would take them.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You guys are worried about RE7 being too serious? I think there was a pretty well done and intentional layer of cheese to what we've seen so far in the Beginning Hour teaser. Like literally almost line of dialogue in the demo is cheesy, from the talking between the 'Sewer Gator' ghost TV crew, and the now infamous, "Welcome to the Family, son!" line.

I'm excited the writer of Spec-Ops: The Line & F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point is working on it, but to anyone who played those, they telling multi-layered 'serous' stories, but with a BIG layer of cheese throughout. From the radio show host throughout Spec-Ops, the over-the-top deaths in F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point, the guy knows how to do some wonderful cheese while telling a still pretty serious story-line, and nothing in the RE7 Teaser lead me to think differently.

Just to give two examples of this for those who haven't played either of these:
Radioman from Spec-Ops: The Line and Another Scene With Him (Spoilers in this one)
The First Major Death in F.E.A.R. Extraction Point


Does his best thinking in the flying car
What do I want in RE7?

I want a feeling of overcoming dread, of making fight-or-flight decisions, of resource scarcity

I want a connection to the current franchise that is substantial rather than tangential

I want the shotgun to have a substantial, satisfying feel when used

I don't want forced stealth sections or hide-and-seek mechanics, this is my greatest fear

I want the blend of seriousness and schlock that I have come to love in the series

I want a magnum at the end--this is still Resident Evil

I am both nervous and excited for the title. The potential is enormous, and I hope they get it right. The tone of the demo was good, but now we need to see the combat.

and, of course, i expect to get family'd


What do I want in RE7?

I want a feeling of overcoming dread, of making fight-or-flight decisions, of resource scarcity

I want a connection to the current franchise that is substantial rather than tangential

I want the shotgun to have a substantial, satisfying feel when used

I don't want forced stealth sections or hide-and-seek mechanics, this is my greatest fear

I want the blend of seriousness and schlock that I have come to love in the series

I want a magnum at the end--this is still Resident Evil

I am both nervous and excited for the title. The potential is enormous, and I hope they get it right. The tone of the demo was good, but now we need to see the combat.

and, of course, i expect to get family'd

I think you mean Rocket Launcher
It was obvious Helena, Jake, and Sherry were supposed to be much bigger figures storywise going forward... and then RE 6 got the reception it did. So RE 7 is introducing new characters and getting away from the old, RE 2 is a remake and they probably won't mess with the story too much (shit, they'd all be too young at that point anyway since Sherry is the oldest and she's a kid in RE2), and the movie is apparently about Leon/Rebecca/Chris. It's really too bad since I wanted to see where they would take them.

Who's Rebecca? I'm coming up with a blank.

EDIT: Nevermind, total brainfart there. I was just talking about Zero, too.


I think we're both right



Looks like we didn't miss much from comic con. They posted the video they showed there and it wasn't much. Nothing even new for RE7. Though it was funny that they did numbered entries only. So no CVX or Revelations.


It was obvious Helena, Jake, and Sherry were supposed to be much bigger figures storywise going forward... and then RE 6 got the reception it did.

Jake and Sherry - yes. Helena - no. She was just a plot device for Leon's scenario, the reason to move on ("I can't tell you right now - let's go to the Cathedral!"). After the fight with Deborah, from chapter 3 on, she's basically useless as a character; she's nothing more than a co-op partner.


Jake and Sherry - yes. Helena - no. She was just a plot device for Leon's scenario, the reason to move on ("I can't tell you right now - let's go to the Cathedral!"). After the fight with Deborah, from chapter 3 on, she's basically useless as a character; she's nothing more than a co-op partner.

you shut your mouth! :(
Hey, I like her too but you can't hide the truth that she doesn't do anything significant after Deborah's death. During the fight with Simmons on the bridge she's stuck in a single small room while Leon and Ada do all the fighting.

So you're that crappy co-op partner I had that didn't snipe and cover us!


I do see jake coming back in the future in some form though. If they brought sherry back, who knows what they'll bring.

I'm still surprised with how they took the RE6 reception though. Makes me wonder what they would do if say RE7 got a similar reception.
I'm still surprised with how they took the RE6 reception though. Makes me wonder what they would do if say RE7 got a similar reception.

Probably go full mobile :p

"You didn't like it when we went full action, yet now you hate this too? Fuck! It's touchscreen-only mobile games from now on."

Oh wait, I think their mobile games haven't done too great either. Outbreak Survivor was shutdown after only 4 years.


I have neither atm, just in a wait and see phase at this point. I wont write it off but not really hyped either until I see something substantial.

I imagine it will be a heavily refined take on what they tried to do with Survivor.

Hopes is that it has a good story and atmosphere and actually does move the series forward lore wise. Fears are that it'll get bogged down by puzzled and other things, and that the gameplay Wont be up to snuff.

I do have a fear actually, they tend to have a bad habit of introducing characters never to be seen again. I really don't want that to be the case here.

none atm, i hope it adds more to the story. But i don't know if i'll be able to play it (i'm a complete chicken when it comes to first-person horror games).

You've never completed RE3? It's the shortest one by far. Don't bother with Nemesis during your first playthrough (except maybe in the restaurant), just run. I've only managed to dodge zombies, not the other monsters.
This was the first RE game I played and beat, the action is great and Nemesis alone provides the right amount of tension this game needs. And the mercenaries mode is the BEST.

Fear that it will be dumbed down game design wise since it is VR ie that the game will just be a jump scare fest where you hide in closets from enemies and a story that takes itself too seriously. I hope that it is just RE1 in first person. I want enemies that you don't run away from but enemies you avoid to save ammo.

- it's in FPP, so it won't have any well directed cut-scenes or an interesting protagonist
- it won't be as replayable as previous games
- it will lost the campiness, that "Japanese touch" of previous games
- it will be disconnected from previous games' story (a soft reboot)

- the guy responsible for Special Ops: The Line is working on the script, so there's hope for something interesting

You mean before or after they announced it?There's is a big difference.

I fear they're trying to be serious this time and will actually achieve it for once.

RE should be camp and silly, as it is at its best.

I'm afraid that the enemies will be just like the ones in the demo. Boring.

If there are zombies they better not speak human language, nor wield weapons.

My hope is that they keep with the original tone as well as the overall hopeful message. It's cheesy as shit and over the top but we have plenty serious horror franchises as it is and there is nothing quite like what Resident Evil does. Granted, I hope they can add some of the tension from previous games back.

My fear is that I won't like the transition to first person. I'll just come out and admit I far prefer 3rd person over 1st. Then again, that's not to say that I hate FPS games. Deus Ex Human Revolution was one of my favorite gameplay experiences of the last generation and I really liked Left 4 Dead. So I just have to hope Capcom executes it well.

It was obvious Helena, Jake, and Sherry were supposed to be much bigger figures storywise going forward... and then RE 6 got the reception it did. So RE 7 is introducing new characters and getting away from the old, RE 2 is a remake and they probably won't mess with the story too much (shit, they'd all be too young at that point anyway since Sherry is the oldest and she's a kid in RE2), and the movie is apparently about Leon/Rebecca/Chris. It's really too bad since I wanted to see where they would take them.

What do I want in RE7?

I want a feeling of overcoming dread, of making fight-or-flight decisions, of resource scarcity

I want a connection to the current franchise that is substantial rather than tangential

I want the shotgun to have a substantial, satisfying feel when used

I don't want forced stealth sections or hide-and-seek mechanics, this is my greatest fear

I want the blend of seriousness and schlock that I have come to love in the series

I want a magnum at the end--this is still Resident Evil

I am both nervous and excited for the title. The potential is enormous, and I hope they get it right. The tone of the demo was good, but now we need to see the combat.

and, of course, i expect to get family'd

Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate it. I'm just wondering... why not just do a cool Leon and Ada campaign or Jake and Jill campaign or just a cool duo campaign that would be fun to see on screen?
Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate it. I'm just wondering... why not just do a cool Leon and Ada campaign or Jake and Jill campaign or just a cool duo campaign that would be fun to see on screen?

A Leon and Ada campaign needs to happen just so they get together at last but it wouldn't even if it got made lol.

And Mr_Zombie is right, I forgot about her after we reached the church lol she had zero purpose.


I'm guessing that one of the RE franchise main characters will show up in RE7 as an NPC, most likely in the second half of the game to tie the game into the overall series. I'm just hoping that if they go that route, its done tastefully and not in an overtly "See, we TOLD YOU this is a real RE game!" way.

Also, I want Revelations 3, so we can followup on that awesome cliffhanger.


I'm guessing that one of the RE franchise main characters will show up in RE7 as an NPC, most likely in the second half of the game to tie the game into the overall series. I'm just hoping that if they go that route, its done tastefully and not in an overtly "See, we TOLD YOU this is a real RE game!" way.

Also, I want Revelations 3, so we can followup on that awesome cliffhanger.

That cliffhanger is probably going to get told during a mainline game.
Jake and Sherry - yes. Helena - no. She was just a plot device for Leon's scenario, the reason to move on ("I can't tell you right now - let's go to the Cathedral!"). After the fight with Deborah, from chapter 3 on, she's basically useless as a character; she's nothing more than a co-op partner.

She has her arc. She's manipulated, makes a mistake, and fails to save her sister and then get her revenge, takes responsibility, and gets a second chance to make a difference. I would have liked to see what they would have done with her if they brought her back in the future.

That cliffhanger is probably going to get told during a mainline game.

Let's hope it's this one that takes care of it then, because with Capcom's pace we might only get a single mainline RE title this gen.


She has her arc. She's manipulated, makes a mistake, and fails to save her sister and then get her revenge, takes responsibility, and gets a second chance to make a difference. I would have liked to see what they would have done with her if they brought her back in the future.

Let's hope it's this one that takes care of it then, because with Capcom's pace we might only get a single mainline RE title this gen.

It's a possibility. The character on the box art depending on age could fit.
Who knows. Still rather odd that EU was the only region excluded from physical copies.

Because they were budget releases and prices tank over here pretty fast, what little profit margin would shrink even smaller quickly. A collection would suffer the same issue. I guess it depends how they've sold digitally though, if sales are small enough they may see demand for physical, good enough and no reason for it.

Also depending on RE4s file size I'm not sure they'd even fit on one disc.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Grabbed RE6 for £3.23, I know most people seem to hate it but I didn't like RE4 and you all loved that soooo :D

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member

jk different tastes are a thing. Hope you enjoy 6, if anything it's really fun for co-op.

Basically it came down to the "tank controls", I just hated them so much I couldn't enjoy the game. I tried with both controller and KB+M but I just couldn't get past the movement and aiming. I know RE6 and Revelations 2 both have modern controls which is the reason I went for it at that price. I think it's mainly due to the fact I hadn't played RE since I was a kid, so the controls were just so foreign to me and they felt clunky.

Playfield.io are having a huge RE sale if anyone wants to grab something: https://playfield.io/discover/?keyword[]=resident evil&sort=-science

(BTW if you use my referrer link we both get 10% off, if this isn't allowed please just edit my post MODs, don't ban me please)


Hey guys, I just finished RE6 for the first time and I'm looking to get started on RE5 (PS4). Was wondering if anyone would like to play through with me? I finished the game last gen, but it's been awhile since I played through and I remember it being a lot better with a co-op partner. Hoping to do a first run on Veteran which could prove to be challenging but I know we could do it.

I'm usually available week nights after 6:00PM until 11:00PM EST and weekends vary. Let me know if you wanna play through with me! My PSN is aka-lilty.
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