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Resident Evil HD Remaster |OT| Rediscover the evil.


the man who sold the world
A lot of people consider the Wii version of RE4 the best. People are crazy.

Video games are about gameplay and control. The Wii version gave you more control.

Look, I understand how restriction can induce fear and ambience (I love the camera angles in this one, for instance) and yes, certain games are built around certain control restrictions, but I would lie if I said that I didn't feel a huge relief when certain restrictions were lifted.

In the Wii version of the RE4, I was blasting axes and sickles out of the sky like a boss. It may not have been "survival horror" but it sure as hell was awesome gameplay, and that's what mattered to me.

RE4 Wii > everything else


fucking crimson heads

Anyway, it's a great game, but I now remember why I used to dislike it a bit: the inventory system. Six slots as Chris? Really? With things like a fucking fishing lure taking up as much space as a grenade launcher? it really boggles the mind. It's hard going back after RE4 and 6.

And, I know, I know: Jill gets eight slots, and the MASTER OF UNLOCKING set, etc. She's essentially easy mode.

But still. Even with eight slots, I can't help but get pissed off that a room key takes up as much space as a gigantic golden emblem. It gets even weirder when you consider that defense items take up no space at all.

I love the rest, though, even stuff I used to dislike, like the ink ribbons, the contrived Myst puzzles and the fixed camera angles. But the inventory... aaargh. Backtrack hell.

I'm almost done with my first playthrough (I've triggered the hunters and I've defeated Yawn; I'm like, 70% in, right? Or does my memory fool me?) and I'm loving it, but RE4 is still the daddy.

Think of it as a blessing the big items take up as much as the smaller ones, not a curse that the small ones take up as much as a big one. :)


How does it look? I thought there were some people upset at how the remaster went, some weird stuff about scaling etc. Thoughts?
Normal is kicking my ass a bit. I'm enjoying the challenge but I don't remember having this much trouble with the GC version, although it was over a decade ago so I could be misremembering.


Normal is kicking my ass a bit. I'm enjoying the challenge but I don't remember having this much trouble with the GC version, although it was over a decade ago so I could be misremembering.

I'm playing as Chris right now on Normal and messing up so often.
I know what to do, but i'm not good at avoiding zombies and I don't want to waste ammo.
So I keep restarting a lot.
I just picked up a battery pack and a minute later it disappeared from my inventory so now it's gone. Is that supposed to happen? I don't need it do I?

Edit: figured it out its a defensive item for stun gun


I know what my problem is now. I started a few times to experiment. What happened is I learned where items were, but didn't bother to examine them.

No wonder it didn't cross my mind to check out the dog whistle. It's an example of how the game doesn't out right tell you what to do, but leaves you bread crumbs.

Ignore those crumbs, and you're lost.
I know what my problem is now. I started a few times to experiment. What happened is I learned where items were, but didn't bother to examine them.

No wonder it didn't cross my mind to check out the dog whistle. It's an example of how the game doesn't out right tell you what to do, but leaves you bread crumbs.

Ignore those crumbs, and you're lost.
Yes there's quite a few of those in the game too, better look at everything :)


For people asking, it apparently took me 18 hours to finish the game completely in terms of achievements and trophies, but I'm not sure if that's an overexaggeration or not.

Here were the stats the Xbox was tracking too

Deaths: 1 | Defensive Items Used: 42 | Games Cleared with Chris: 4 | Games Cleared with Jill: 2 | Ink Ribbons Used: 18 | Recovery Items Used: 99 | Shots Fired: 390 | Total Kills: 200 | Zombie Kills: 60

I've also noticed that some of you are struggling to evade zombies properly. But I thought I'd just mention that depending on your difficulty, the harder it is. I've noticed on a Very Easy run that they generally lunge and then wait a few seconds before they attempt things again. On Hard, their recovery is very swift and it's much harder to do so.

Not impossible but just something you've got to be aware of.

The best thing to do if you can and are not in a rush is just to lure them onto stairs - they won't attack you on stairs and their acid vomit is very easy to dodge. Where that's not possible, lure them through a corridor / hallway into an open area where it'll be much easier to evade them than in one.

Similarly, don't be afraid to "drop" zombies. This means shooting them until they slump and then running past them. This uses less ammo, it prolongs the activation of the V-ACT process (aka crimson heads) and by the time you get around to actually killing one of the zombies you'll either have to leave for the next area or return where they've been cleared out for the next "enemy".


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

What's your tip for a knife-only run? Obviously "run from all enemies as well as you can" but obviously that isn't going to be the best thing ever if you're eating herbs left right and center from attacks being taken.


Okay just reading some comments in this thread, apparently this game is no walk in the park.
I explained last night I never played it as at the time I was attending college in NYC and it was the only 4 years of my life I did not play video games.
Because I never played 1, I never played any of them until RE4.

Now that I am older, my time is very limited, so truth be told, if a game is really frustrating, I will move on for something else. My backlog right now is insane, but I really want to play this game since it is considered one of the greats.

So for someone who is completely new to the series, but does not mind a challenge, please provide me with as spoiler free as possible tips for assuring I stick it out.

I already know..
  • Conserve Ammo
  • If the head is not blown off, burn their ass if possible
  • You can avoid fighting all together

Anything else that people can suggest for a first timer?


Un Rama
GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end when
I had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.

That was a few hours wasted D:


GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end when
I had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.

That was a few hours wasted D:
I'd be livid.

I was just coming in here to say I wasted 30 minutes because I was doing a speed run as Jill, on very easy no less, and when I blew the dog whistle the dog jumped on me once, wouldn't let go, and killed me (while I had 100% health). What the hell?!


GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end when
I had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.

That was a few hours wasted D:

The GL has splash damage?
I don't remember that.


What's your tip for a knife-only run? Obviously "run from all enemies as well as you can" but obviously that isn't going to be the best thing ever if you're eating herbs left right and center from attacks being taken.

You just really need to understand how the game works and nail down your path as early as possible.

First of all, you should be using Chris for any of these difficult runs. He has more health (1400 points as opposed to Jill's 960) and handles the knife better than Jill. He can recover more from each swing of the knife. He also gets healed by Rebecca twice throughout the game so you can easily use that to heal and save yourself items. Similalry, there's a pot of herbs on the balcony where you use the dog whistle. Feel free to use and abuse that and save your healing items for something more pressing.

Secondly, you shouldn't be killing anything except for bosses. You don't even need to kill the Black Tiger if you're good enough at manoeuvring. This removes the Crimson Head problem from the equation - you'll only ever encounter one (two if you count a boss) and it's very easy to avoid.

Thirdly, don't try and compound the knife playthrough with anything else because it just makes things unnecessarily stressful. Allow yourself to save before and after each major encounter. It'll make my fourth point potentially more pallateable.

Fourth(ly?) if you're not very good with moving you can simply load up on First Aid Sprays and Herb Mixes and run into a boss battle and just attack the enemy, healing whenever you need to. You'll inevitably take damage, but by the time you get to the end of your healing items you should've defeated the boss.

Don't save anybody. It just adds a second Tyrant battle to the game and complicates matters even more.

For Plant 42, just go underneath his core and slash at each tentacle. They'll slowly wither and the whole thing will just die.

For Yawn, just chase after his tale and hack at it as much as you can. Don't be greedy, and you'll be able to finish this battle without getting hit.

The Elder is a bit harder and the biggest struggle for me. I just had to brute force it and waste a few healing items during the battle. He'll eventually fall.

And don't be afraid to cut unnecessary stuff from your path. You don't need the Wind Crest in a Knife-only run, nor the broken shotgun.

I've got to head to work but I'll be on in about eight or so hours so I can chat more about it then if anything else I've missed comes up.


Digging for my Gamecube strategy guide.
Gonna use that to beat Chris' campaign. I was following a speed run video and that was doing more harm than good.
GODFUCKING DAMMIT! I was doing my RE no save 3 hour run and I got near the end when
I had to move the fuel cell, I forgot I had my Grenade Launcher equipped when a Chimera attacked me and BOOM.

That was a few hours wasted D:

I used the GL there as well and didn't blow up.


Agreed. Makes replays much more fun as well.

basics. they need to patch all versions to allow this

I would much prefer the option to skip doors if I feel like while keeping the animations in for the original experience. I believe the Gamecube versions of 2 and 3 allow this.


If someone at Capcom its reading this please let us to skip the loading animaitons on console versions too.
Just beat it with Jill, everyone saved. I spent too much time idling/paused.
I was also way too stingy with my ammo. Ended the game with a shit ton of revolver and grenade rounds. Tyrant had no chance.

Oh and OG live action ending > this one

Still, great game. Looking forward to a Chris run in the near future.
Thank you to those that watched my stream. That was a lot of fun and got scared at some random turns. I also popped off at the random headshot with the pistol. That is so hype. Lol. Tomorrow I'll continue from the guard house, looking forward to more surprises.


Loves Robotech S1
Yup! Everything that could be considered to be "fucked up" can be reverted to the original anyway :)

Except the backgrounds. Seeing how the graveyard leading up to the crypt is now completely static was incredibly upsetting. The discrepancy in effort and quality between rooms can be shocking.


How do I get rid of the mouse pointer in fullscreen?

Also in general, playing the game for the first time, the biggest thing I find about it is that everything just feels so clunky - lining up to pick up objects or open doors, moving around, scanning the environment for what I can/can't pick up, fumbling with the inventory, etc. Definitely reminds me of playing Tomb Raider so I guess that's just what games were like back then


Damn, I am getting terrible at games in my old age of 38. I had no issues with the Playstation version years ago. Now I'm playing this and struggling to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do next.

I guess I have gotten used to games holding my hand more. :) Having fun though. Besides the annoying door animations as I go back constantly to safe rooms.
perhaps, but i think the gc's octagonal gate analog stick is best suited for the game by far.
Still waiting for someone, anyone, to set up a good control scheme or hack or something to allow a Gamecube controller via USB adapter.

As it stands the Wii U pro controller feels so right.


Damn, I am getting terrible at games in my old age of 38. I had no issues with the Playstation version years ago. Now I'm playing this and struggling to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do next.

I guess I have gotten used to games holding my hand more. :) Having fun though. Besides the annoying door animations as I go back constantly to safe rooms.

Door animation skip mod. You can thank me later.
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