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Resident Evil HD Remaster |OT| Rediscover the evil.


Made it to the Cabin today. Outside of some fuck ups I'm doing pretty okay. 7 saves in right now. Though I get the sense that I skipped something important somewhere down the line.

Both this, and me recently playing Metal Gear Solid 2 HD, really make me miss the older days of game design.


Do people here consider skipping door animations as cheating? There seems to be a lot of dividing opinions on this based on the feedback I've received on the mod. There's also many speedrunners with different opinions about this (although from what I've heard, they all wish they could skip doors, they just wish it was an official feature so there'd be no reliance on modifying the game).

Some quick information about how doors work:
- Every single door, lift, and gate in the game lasts exactly 7 seconds. In a normal playthrough, this means you spend far more than one hour looking at door animations. In a good speedrun, around 30 minutes is spent looking at doors.
- I haven't experimented with doors on PS1, but I suspect back then they were necessary for loading.
- On GC, the real loading time is between 2-4 seconds, depending on the room.
- On Wii, the real loading time is practically instant, meaning the door animations weren't useful for hiding loading times at all.
- On PC, I suspect the real loading time is also virtually instant. The current mod doesn't actually remove the entire door animation, it'll show a black screen for a half second or so, and that's always enough time to load the room.

I've created a poll here if people wanna vote: http://strawpoll.me/3467643


I don't consider it as cheating per se but if you're going to be doing a ranking system or sorts I think it has to be clarified which have been done with and without doors.

No door animations would be hell for me, as I said before I use them during speed runs to take a sip of drink or read a message or something, haha.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If it makes you feel better, Jake and Chris's campaign both get a lot better starting with Chapter 3.

No they really don't.

Bio6's campaign should've been:

Leon 1-1/1-2, Ada 1-1, 1-2 and maybe 1-4, 1-5 with concluding Leon 5-5 or whatever where he meets up with Ada again against the big bad.

And maybe mayyyyyyyyyyyyyybe the
Simmon's fight on the train
. That's about it.

Chris' and Sherry's campaign is just irredeemably bad.

Resishade V1 (download links below)

Ew, that film grain filter. :(
- I haven't experimented with doors on PS1, but I suspect back then they were necessary for loading.

they absolutely were. my launch ps1 used to get locked up all the time loading rooms during the door animation. that's actually what prompted me to try the "flip the ps1 up-side-down" trick way back then

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I loved REmake on my first playthrough a few months ago, I think RE4 is fantastic, I thought RE5 was an awesome time playing co-op and Mercenaries is ace when I beat it for the first time about 6 months ago, and I really, really wanted to love RE6 but I've played two 6+ hour sessions co-op with my dad (same as I did with RE5) and MAN RE6 is way less fun of a game. Just so many design decisions that are incredibly frustrating and tedious. That snow level in Jakes campaign where periodically you are completely blind, and there is an ice ramp with snipers where if you get shot you just plummet down to the bottom, and there are enemies on snow mobiles where if they hit you it sends you allllll the way back down to the bottom again. Repeating long tedious boss fights. Ugh.

I've seen the Gaf thread teaching you the mechanics that aren't taught to you, and I think that Mercenaries for RE6 is really cool, but I am honestly kind of dreading continuing to play through RE6, even though I want us to finish it. We've done 3 chapters of Leon, followed by 2 chapters of Chris, followed by 2 chapters of Jake. It's really a not great game.

Someone did the math on it and found that door animations actually take up a pretty serious chunk of time on a playthrough. Something like 30+ minutes.

I never understood the snow ramp complaints since I've played that level multiple times (including professional) and I've never fallen down it. I generally just sprint up it and jump kick any enemies in my way. The snow level to me is a level you're supposed to run through, not fight through.

I realize some people dislike the campaign, and I'll be the first to admit that it has its share of idiotic design choices, but to me the combat system totally makes up for it. It's one of the most satisfying and solid TPS out there.
I never understood the snow ramp complaints since I've played that level multiple times (including professional) and I've never fallen down it. I generally just sprint up it and jump kick any enemies in my way. The snow level to me is a level you're supposed to run through, not fight through.

I realize some people dislike the campaign, and I'll be the first to admit that it has its share of idiotic design choices, but to me the combat system totally makes up for it. It's one of the most satisfying and solid TPS out there.

That's the problem though, It's fine as a TPS game but as a RE game? I don't know, the identity of the series for me got fucked to shreds. That problem though was way before RE6 even lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I am hoping this sells well enough to warrant Capcom to Port/Remaster (After 0 which I am sure is going to happen easily at this point) Outbreak File 1 and 2 and give that series the online treatment it deserves. That was a game too ahead of its time for consoles and bringing it now would be perfect.

I just hope they've not lost the damn source code or any of the resources to prevent this from happening.


That's the problem though, It's fine as a TPS game but as a RE game? I don't know, the identity of the series for me got fucked to shreds. That problem though was way before RE6 even lol.

RE4 turned 10 this month. I think it's kinda dumb to still talk about "true RE" at this point.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
That's the problem though, It's fine as a TPS game but as a RE game? I don't know, the identity of the series for me got fucked to shreds. That problem though was way before RE6 even lol.

But that's what I don't get - people seem to want to judge RE6 against the game they wish it were, rather than the game it is. It isn't a survival horror game, it's an action game. As a survival horro game it sucks ass, I agree with that. But it isn't a survival horror game, so people should judge it as an action game.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
lol warning to everyone:

DO NOT PUT THE RED GEM INTO THE TIGER THAT TAKES ONLY THE YELLOW AND BLUE GEMS! IT dropped like 100 snakes on me, and i was poisoned and didn't have any blue herbs!

Hahaha I did this in the GC version. I don't know about 100 snakes but yes I did get poisoned lol.
RE4 turned 10 this month. I think it's kinda dumb to still talk about "true RE" at this point.

You can say what you want but the series held it's identity all the way to Code Veronica(apart from spin-offs). Even at the time when I thought RE4 was great, I just kept thinking the entire time why did they ditch the abundance of atmosphere, puzzle solving, sense of satisfactory progression and the feel of a challenging survival horror all the way to the end for a fast paced shooter? If you play RE4 and then switch gears to any of the older titles, it becomes abundantly clear just how much moving forward you do in that game, it's faster than all the other RE's combined.

For me the signature thing about RE is how you, as a player grow onto your surroundings and get better at navigating the nightmare you're in by strategizing how you go through your surroundings while knowing where the next safe room is so you can plan out your next set of moves. There is nothing like the feeling when you find a safe room when you want one so badly, saving, getting locked and loaded then getting out because you know it's going to be a tense ride all the way till you find another safe room or get back to the one you know. When you leave the place you have been in and playing about for so long, you get the sense of a bittersweet feeling because you got so used to your surrounding, you kind of grew to love it by now and you'll have to go to a new place where you don't know what the fuck it holds because deep inside, you know it's going to be worse than what you faced previously.
Really ?

The door animations are like 2 seconds max. I think they're the fastest door animations in the pre-RE4 RE games.

I hope you've played Code: Veronica. If you haven't, then BOY that game has some long door animations.

Backtracking and having to sit through these animations over and over again kinda gets old. Just because it's worse in another game doesn't make them good here. I'm actually enjoying the game now, with almost-instant fades when transitioning between areas, so I'd say it's a good thing.



I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that at some point people should accept it's not coming back.

At that point you can continue to play the new games or not, but going to every RE thread to voice your disgust with the newer entries? A bit too much imo.

I'm not saying you do this specifically, it's just something that bothers me to no end as a fan of the whole series. It's like you're not even allowed to get hype anymore.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I never understood the snow ramp complaints since I've played that level multiple times (including professional) and I've never fallen down it. I generally just sprint up it and jump kick any enemies in my way. The snow level to me is a level you're supposed to run through, not fight through.

I realize some people dislike the campaign, and I'll be the first to admit that it has its share of idiotic design choices, but to me the combat system totally makes up for it. It's one of the most satisfying and solid TPS out there.

It's great TPS shooter mechanics stuck inside a game that puts you through constant frustrating scenarios.

As an example, I do really enjoy utilizing the dodging and rolling and it's a pretty important part of my gameplay style. There were several times on that stupid ice ramp where I knew I was going to get shot and instinctively rolled to the side then had to sit there watching my player sliiiiiide all the way back down. And the enemies all have sniper rifles. If on the VERY first time you see the ramp you sprint up it - that works and you don't have to deal with it (that's how we ultimately beat that part) but you only learn that after multiple times experimenting it and getting stuck having to go through that shitty section. Once the snipers are in their positions, more times than not they'll shoot you while you run up, so you have to shoot them to kill them. Once you get to the position of the previous snipers, the next snipers are already set up and will shoot you next. This time you're sliding again, but it takes marginally longer to slide all the way back down, run all the way back up, kill them, and repeat with the next snipers. It's easy to say now that the Snow level is something you should just run through, but in a game where new weapons are found by exploring every inch of the environment, and where there are many encounters where it is usually ideal to kill as many enemies as possible to maximize points, most people aren't going to rush past that ramp part immediately.

But that's what I don't get - people seem to want to judge RE6 against the game they wish it were, rather than the game it is. It isn't a survival horror game, it's an action game. As a survival horro game it sucks ass, I agree with that. But it isn't a survival horror game, so people should judge it as an action game.

I think at this point there are very, very few people judging it as a survival horror game. It's an action game, but the action encounters it puts you through are frustrating and it gives you a fantastic toolset to utilize in really unfun scenarios. I think Mercenaries is GREAT in RE6! But the campaign, so far at least, isn't.


I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying that at some point people should accept it's not coming back.

At that point you can continue to play the new games or not, but going to every RE thread to voice your disgust with the newer entries? A bit too much imo.

I'm not saying you do this specifically, it's just something that bothers me to no end as a fan of the whole series. It's like you're not even allowed to get hype anymore.

This very much.

At this point there's more fans of action RE games than classic RE games, simply because they've been around longer and sold more copies. And it seems pointless that people keep complaining and saying "This is not survival horror!" when they've been action games for 10 years and they do a good job at it. I'm not saying anything negative about the classic RE games (REmake is one of my favourite RE games), but it's just not what the series is anymore.
This very much.

At this point there's more fans of action RE games than classic RE games, simply because they've been around longer and sold more copies. And it seems pointless that people keep complaining and saying "This is not survival horror!" when they've been action games for 10 years and they do a good job at it. I'm not saying anything negative about the classic RE games (REmake is one of my favourite RE games), but it's just not what the series is anymore.

Because it's sad, when you see the potential in the series and then it getting squandered away for something generic. Look no further to just what they achieved with REmake, who knows what they are able to do now with all the tech and utilities we have at the moment rather than what they had back in 2002. It's even more funnier that a new game done in this style would cost them probably half than what they're doing now lol.


Oh man people are saving alot, around 5-6 was normal for full playthrough in the 90s

On replays maybe, everyone playing it for the first time were and are just going to save basically every time they can. Really there's enough ribbons to save about every time you accomplish anything.
I think at this point there are very, very few people judging it as a survival horror game. It's an action game, but the action encounters it puts you through are frustrating and it gives you a fantastic toolset to utilize in really unfun scenarios. I think Mercenaries is GREAT in RE6! But the campaign, so far at least, isn't.


I did not like RE6, I accept that RE isn't the old school game it was pre 4, hell I loved 5, but 6 has a lot of issues as a game. Good ideas, sloppy in a lot of ways. It lacked that solid polish that the main line titles usually had no matter what mechanics they used.

Anywho, finished this on PC, fun times to go through the game again after all this time. Eventually will get to achievement and fun runs. Love the BSAA costumes too! Extra costume mods will keep this on my pc for a long time I'm sure.

As for ink ribbons, generally there is a pick up at almost every typewriter so there is no real need to hunt them down, unless you are saving every 5 minutes or something. There are less in this Remake, but since they come more than 3-6 a pickup there tends to not be an overt need to hoard them I find. But yeah, first playthroughs, use all you need.
The game gets much easier at that point. I struggled with the start of the game too, died a lot, then last night I played like two straight hours with no deaths and still have a bunch of bullets and full health.

I'm assuming that's to me - did you have issues trying to get a sense of direction?


Because it's sad, when you see the potential in the series and then it getting squandered away for something generic. Look no further to just what they achieved with REmake, who knows what they are able to do now with all the tech and utilities we have now rather than what they had back in 2002. It's even more funnier that a new game done in this style would cost them probably half than what they're doing now lol.

The thing is it no longer sell. That potential is not what the market want. Full stop. There is absolutely no horror game that sell enough to warrant AAA budge anymore.
The thing is it no longer sell. That potential is not what the market want. Full stop. There is absolutely no horror game that sell enough to warrant AAA budge anymore.

Exactly, which is a shame. However, thanks to streaming sites and Youtube there is a big interest in horror games right now. Not sure if it's enough though.


So how bad is the stutter on PS4 that I read about in the DF article?
How long are the door opening "loading" times? Do they occur often (only played RE1: DC)?

Haven't noticed the stutter a single time playing on my ST60 Plasma. Would not even know it existed if not for the DF article. Door "loading" times seem about as long as their animation takes to play, that's about it. They're as often as you go through a door.

Loving this game so far. I couldn't remember ANYTHING about it so I started off as Jill on Very Easy and took like 8:25 to beat it with clearing every single item and room and saving everyone. Then I did Jill on Normal in 2:48 quickly running through it, then Chris on Hard in 4:25 with finding everything and saving everyone again and also did the Chris-Hard with No Saves/Ink usage for that trophy, was pretty easy.

Now I need to do a CQC run, Real Survivor, Invisible Enemy, and some misc shit. I'm not sure if I can get the Bravo Rebecca trophy and save no one as Chris trophy in the CQC run, but I'm going to try.


Because it's sad, when you see the potential in the series and then it getting squandered away for something generic. Look no further to just what they achieved with REmake, who knows what they are able to do now with all the tech and utilities we have now rather than what they had back in 2002. It's even more funnier that a new game done in this style would cost them probably half than what they're doing now lol.

While I agree that it'd be neat to see a game like REmake be made today, it's really unfair to call the new games generic. We live in a world where most shooters end up having very similar gameplay (usually it's all about shooting enemies in the head, or hiding behind cover). I love how RE4, 5, and 6 instead are all about intricate melee systems. I think they lean more towards being action games than shooters.

Also, I'd say Capcom milked the series to death back in the day. RE1, 2, 3, REmake, 0, and Code Veronica all use extremely similar gameplay mechanics. The only big difference between them was the level design and puzzle design. I think that's a reason why RE4 was such a drastic change in gameplay style. Reviews and sales were reflecting how overused the formula had become.

I wouldn't be opposed to them going back to the style now, but it doesn't make any sense. REmaster proves that a lot of people just can't handle this style of gameplay, and if they went back, I think we'd see all the new RE fans complain about how they've completely switched gameplay style from action.


Low Poly Gynecologist
It says blue and yellow eyes right on the base.

In plenty of games, you would assume "Ah! Well I found the super secret red gem so the statue is gonna come to life and I'll have a tiger pet companion or something!"

But nah, you just get poisonous snakes.
Joining the platinum club.

Now bring on a PROPER REmake 2 ;-;

Resident evil 6 at 1%. LOL...the quality.


In plenty of games, you would assume "Ah! Well I found the super secret red gem so the statue is gonna come to life and I'll have a tiger pet companion or something!"

But nah, you just get poisonous snakes.

They are sneaky.

I got lucky and was trying to figure out what to put into the jewelry box at The time.


You can say what you want but the series held it's identity all the way to Code Veronica(apart from spin-offs). Even at the time when I thought RE4 was great, I just kept thinking the entire time why did they ditch the abundance of atmosphere, puzzle solving, sense of satisfactory progression and the feel of a challenging survival horror all the way to the end for a fast paced shooter? If you play RE4 and then switch gears to any of the older titles, it becomes abundantly clear just how much moving forward you do in that game, it's faster than all the other RE's combined.

I remember thinking at the time the original style of games was getting pretty stale with Code Veronica and Zero. Honestly I though RE3 already kind of felt like a more of the same sequel, and not nearly as impressive as RE2.
I think it's pretty telling that (again IMO) REmake totally holds up nowadays while, say, Code Veronica just feels tedious.

It's even more funnier that a new game done in this style would cost them probably half than what they're doing now lol.

Yeah, but it would also sell way less. :p


As much as I'm still enjoying playing the game again after all these years...man, this game shows its age. And not in a fun, nostalgic way. The inventory system, door transitions and fixed camera angles are pushing my patience to the brink. lol
While I agree that it'd be neat to see a game like REmake be made today, it's really unfair to call the new games generic. We live in a world where most shooters end up having very similar gameplay (usually it's all about shooting enemies in the head, or hiding behind cover). I love how RE4, 5, and 6 instead are all about intricate melee systems. I think they lean more towards being action games than shooters.

Also, I'd say Capcom milked the series to death back in the day. RE1, 2, 3, REmake, 0, and Code Veronica all use extremely similar gameplay mechanics. The only big difference between them was the level design and puzzle design. I think that's a reason why RE4 was such a drastic change in gameplay style. Reviews and sales were reflecting how overused the formula had become.

I wouldn't be opposed to them going back to the style now, but it doesn't make any sense. REmaster proves that a lot of people just can't handle this style of gameplay, and if they went back, I think we'd see all the new RE fans complain about how they've completely switched gameplay style from action.

I'm a huge fan of the old games (specially RE2), but after playing the REmaster for the last couple of days I don't think the main series could return to this style. I would still really like for them to try this with today's technology and much better assets for their characters and backgrounds, as it's very easy to create really impressive atmospheric scenes like this. But it definitely shouldn't be RE7.


If I remember right its only the Blue and Red in the PS1 game though. The
jewelry box the red goes into
was added in this game.

In the original game it was red XD

As much as I'm still enjoying playing the game again after all these years...man, this game shows its age. And not in a fun, nostalgic way. The inventory system, door transitions and fixed camera angles are pushing my patience to the brink. lol

You can turn off the door transitions with a PC mod.

I find the fixed camera angles to be an excellent way to experience the game. Though there are probably some easy ways to modernize the inventory system. Maybe drop it down a couple of slots and decouple keys, save ribbons, and various random objects you find in the mansion from the main inventory, so they are available at all times. This could cut down on some of the frivolous backtracking.


As much as I'm still enjoying playing the game again after all these years...man, this game shows its age. And not in a fun, nostalgic way. The inventory system, door transitions and fixed camera angles are pushing my patience to the brink. lol

I think that's just design choices you don't like and not really the game showing it's age.


I think that's just design choices you don't like and not really the game showing it's age.

I suppose it could be looked at that way, too. The main thing driving me nuts, though, is the inventory system. Having limited space is driving me insane. It causes endless backtracking and having to try to remember what room has what. Call it a design choice, I call it antiquated. Either way, I don't seem to have the patience for it anymore. lol
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