They always swipe with the same claw, I forget if it's left or right. In any case just figure that out and then always run past them on their other side. Works like a charm.
They always swipe with the same claw, I forget if it's left or right. In any case just figure that out and then always run past them on their other side. Works like a charm.
Waaaaaaait a second. Is this true?
In terms of calendar sure, but it was horror for 1, 2, 3, RE:0, CVX, and if you include RE4 then that's 6 unique games of survival horror for the mainline.
It's only been true "action" for RE5 and 6.
Is it a bad idea for me to restart my play through if I've burned through 10 saves and I haven't reached the first boss yet? I think I can be a lot more efficient on a replay. I fired a ton of bullets and now realize I can get away with just running away most of the time.
Wasn't the hunter's leaping one-hit kill move a decapitation in the original? Happened to me yesterday but Jill's head was still firmly attached.
Wasn't the hunter's leaping one-hit kill move a decapitation in the original? Happened to me yesterday but Jill's head was still firmly attached.
I don't like using ammo.
Is there anyway to kill a zombie with just the knife, without it eating my face for brunch?
Only if you were in Caution or below. It didn't kill you at full health.
Bout to start this. How hard is hard in this version? Should i go medium or hard?
He means that it actually cut your head off, not the circunstantes where it happens.
ThanksThere are plenty of guides on YouTube. I'm at work, otherwise I'd link you, lol.
Google "Resident Evil REmake knifing guide"
It was. Oddly they removed those in this game. I guess it was too graphic to show that in Hi-res and not in box like characters in the PSX.
I could've sworn there was decapitation in the original GameCube release, too. Someone correct me if wrong. D:
Somehow I remember this too. I feel like I got Ms. Valentine's head lopped off back in the day.
I'm positive decapitation was in the GC version. I don't know why they would remove it from this one
I could've sworn there was decapitation in the original GameCube release, too. Someone correct me if wrong. D:
Somehow I remember this too. I feel like I got Ms. Valentine's head lopped off back in the day.
I'm truly 100% sure it wasn't, there was blood, a lot but your character head was still intact
Did you watch the video I just posted above?
While I agree that it'd be neat to see a game like REmake be made today, it's really unfair to call the new games generic. We live in a world where most shooters end up having very similar gameplay (usually it's all about shooting enemies in the head, or hiding behind cover). I love how RE4, 5, and 6 instead are all about intricate melee systems. I think they lean more towards being action games than shooters.
Also, I'd say Capcom milked the series to death back in the day. RE1, 2, 3, REmake, 0, and Code Veronica all use extremely similar gameplay mechanics. The only big difference between them was the level design and puzzle design. I think that's a reason why RE4 was such a drastic change in gameplay style. Reviews and sales were reflecting how overused the formula had become.
I wouldn't be opposed to them going back to the style now, but it doesn't make any sense. REmaster proves that a lot of people just can't handle this style of gameplay, and if they went back, I think we'd see all the new RE fans complain about how they've completely switched gameplay style from action.
Uh yes? you can still see the head attached to the body.
There is no longer survival game because it does not sell. Not the other way around. We are talking business here. There is no point for game company not to push horror game out if it still sell.
And third best selling game of A month doesn't prove AAA title budget dude.
Are you blind? Head is clearly off.Uh yes? you can still see the head attached to the body.
Uh yes? you can still see the head attached to the body.
So are we sure they removed the decapitation from this version then?
Kind of a shame as that means it's not really the "definitive" version since it's censored.
Wouldn't surprise me at all.
We all know it's coming, it's only a matter of when.
There was no way the put all that work on the PC version for ONLY PC.
So are we sure they removed the decapitation from this version then?
Kind of a shame as that means it's not really the "definitive" version since it's censored.
I think the Dr. Salvador chainsaw decapitation in RE4 was gone in the recent PC port, too.
Reading the comments someone said it didn't make it into the full game.
Did you watch the video I just posted above?
At 1:10 it is most definitely gone.
Are you blind? Head is clearly off.
You should probably rewatch it then, because it is most definitely gone.
Huh. As others had said I swear I remembered seeing Jill lose her noggin....but maybe I'm just misremembering.
Anyone's else left stick too sensitive?
Like gun twitches up and down while trying to turn while aiming for better shots. Annoying.
PS3 version.
Maybe it's just mine but I don't remember aim being so sensitive on GameCube.
If you're using the classic control method, d-pad is the way to go rather than stick, trust me.
Shit if I knew little earlier I can get the daggers back.
The fuck? You can get them back? How?
LMFAOOOOOO. Wrong photos and all. But this would not even surprise me, another Resident Evil 4 port. I won't double dip for this though.
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition on PS4/XO would be more interesting than this tbh.