Blow the zombie head off with the shotgun. Sometimes you can retrieve them twice.
I didn't know that. Is it possible to retrieve it from dead zombies at all or you just have to blow their heads off?
Blow the zombie head off with the shotgun. Sometimes you can retrieve them twice.
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
Its the highest selling single Capcom game last I read.
Its very fun to play online and the extra modes are so good.
Only by people who's first RE game was RE4 and write Leon fanfiction in their every waking moment.
Nyet, it's there. Just played it last year and the full swipe is in.I think the Dr. Salvador chainsaw decapitation in RE4 was gone in the recent PC port, too.
Well, it's not scary at all so there's that? I mean.... Just play RE4 and skip the other two. Seriously.Interesting. I haven't played RE4 yet either but I had largely ruled out ever playing 5/6. Maybe I should reconsider.
I didn't know that. Is it possible to retrieve it from dead zombies at all or you just have to blow their heads off?
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
Well, it's not scary at all so there's that? I mean.... Just play RE4 and skip the other two. Seriously.
I think the "errmmm" is referring to the fact the article is solely talking about the REmaster but the screenshots they used are from RE4. Probably just a mistake.
I wan't to buy this badly for my collection, but DLCs have no collection value.
Anyone knows how much of the Asian Retail PS4 version is actually in English?
If only the box is in Japanese, then there is no problem. I'll just print my own.
I will buy RE 4 for the PS4 if it's 1080p 60fps and they redo the trophies to make them varied, plentiful and interesting.
Otherwise, I'm good with just the GC, PS2, Wii, 360, and PC versions.
Damn. Well, what's the point in playing a non-scary RE game?
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
Interesting. I haven't played RE4 yet either but I had largely ruled out ever playing 5/6. Maybe I should reconsider.
It's a great action game. You'll enjoy playing through it with a friend.
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
If you're using the classic control method, d-pad is the way to go rather than stick, trust me.
I don't really like playing co-op....mostly just in games for the SP experience.
I'll give it a look if it comes to PS4, I guess.
Completed the game with Jill and now I'm playing with Chris. Wow playing as Chris is so boring and just not that fun. There's no Barry, even less inventory slots, no lockpick....
And I think I'm stuck : (
As ChrisWhat now ?I encountered the zombie/mutant plant and I can't create the poison. As Jill I could do this but Chris can't ?
Help ?
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
No. A lot of folks criticise it due to it largely abandoning much of RE's traditional motifs and aesthetics in favour of pure action and the desolate African setting, but it's also largely regarded as one of the most enjoyed co-op games of last generation, in addition to being the best-selling Capcom game ever, initially carried by the RE brand, but given great legs by good word of mouth.
It's a really, really good game.
No. A lot of folks criticise it due to it largely abandoning much of RE's traditional motifs and aesthetics in favour of pure action and the desolate African setting.
Played through the residence section today and had so much fun.
Revisiting this game has been fantastic.
Went to fight thearmed to my teeth and thenplant, felt like an idiot lol, I completely forgot that could comes Barry and kills it with the flame-thrower
It can't be said enough, door skip mod is a godsend.
You can say the same for RE4 and people cream their panties for that game. I just don't get the RE5 hate.
I personally love this game. Just talking about the game makes me want to get it on PC to play it in 1080p60. Definitely check the game out if you haven't played it yet.
You can say the same for RE4 and people cream their panties for that game. I just don't get the RE5 hate.
I'm really hoping for PS4/XO ports of RE4/5/6 myself.
I think RE4 adheres to more traditional RE elements than 5 does, such as the night-time gothic settings, eccentric puzzles and rewards for exploring or backtracking. RE5 eschews much of RE4's characteristics as a means of streamlining its co-op experience.
If RE4 was a grand departure, RE5 is far from home, but no lesser for it imo.
I'm really hoping for PS4/XO ports of RE4/5/6 myself.
I love RE5, it's fairly short but still has that great RE4 gameplay, doesn't overstay its welcome and has a more fulfilling plot. RE4 has better level design and atmosphere, but it really does drag on longer than it should. RE5 is so much easier to replay.
Isn't RE5 largely considered trash?
Genuine question as I haven't played any RE since CVX
My 7 year old cousin played the game for a bit and said "it was stupid" and went back to watching PewDiePie videos.
What puzzles and backtracking? I mean, yeah, there's somehow puzzles but those are like grade school level. And the game is fairly lineal.
Off-topic, but we really need a RE series OT for those of us who like all the games where we can discuss them without it turning into a hatefest.
RE4 does at least have puzzles, even if they are easy
Like that puzzle where you combine two items found literally right next to the locked door you need to insert it into? That's a real mindbender.
Like that puzzle where you combine two items found literally right next to the locked door you need to insert it into? That's a real mindbender.
Having played about halfway through Chris' campaign on real survivor, I can say in comparison Jill's campaign sucks.
The concept of survival really hammers in more strongly in Chris' campaign. No lock pick, limited inventory slots, fewer ammo pick ups, Barry not babysitting your ass with more ammo than Rambo can carry through the early parts.
It almost seems as if Chris' campaign is what Mikami originally wanted, but pressure from higher ups worried the game would be too hard asked to him to use Jill's campaign as a pseudo-easy mode.
Fuck it, I'll say it. I'm gonna say it. Right here right now:
If you haven't played Chris' campaign on normal or higher....than you haven't played Resident Evil Remake.
Bam, mic drop and stuff.