wtf, this game is hard. i dont remember being this hard back then.
wtf, this game is hard. i dont remember being this hard back then.
Couldn't handle it anymore. I started with Chris, but 6 inventory slots makes the game so goddamn tedious.
I started the game again with Jill, and I realise now why I never completed Resi 1 with Chris.
have been considering Resident Evil 4 after this... how is the PS3 version? Think it might be the only console I have that has a version available for it. (I have Xbox One, PS3, Vita, Vita TV, 3DS.)
Also, maybe I'm an idiot, but should I have theby now? I'm really afraid I missed it ...grenade launcher
Couldn't handle it anymore. I started with Chris, but 6 inventory slots makes the game so goddamn tedious.
I started the game again with Jill, and I realise now why I never completed Resi 1 with Chris.
Finished this for the first time with Chris yesterday. I finally got the hang of dodging around enemies and I started dying a lot less, thank god, haha. I got to say, I really loved this game. It was pretty creepy at times, and having low health all the time really made it feel like I was actually fighting to survive. I miss old survival horror games like this; I wish we could get some more modern games stuff that plays similar to this.
I started the game with Jill on easy to try to do a quick run of it before I get Dying Light, and man do I regret it. It's kind of boringly easy now, and the game gives you a crazy amount of health items. I have almost 10 first aid sprays and I'm about to finish up the Residence, it's insane.
Also, maybe I'm an idiot, but should I have theby now? I'm really afraid I missed it ...grenade launcher
And iirc a couple days ago someone linked a video of themselves in ceiling room and barry never came, not sure if there's a time limit or glitch or whatever though.[/SPOILER]
It's next to Forest's corpse.
Yep you can grab it once you have the armor key
It'sthrough one of the doors in the main hall, 2nd floor east side. Go outside and down some steps and there's a dead guy with it. You'll be back in the mansion soon enough though so just grab it then
I'm at theand just realized I missed theResidence. Worth it to head back now?crest for the magnum
Done it!
Thinking of doing the same.Couldn't handle it anymore. I started with Chris, but 6 inventory slots makes the game so goddamn tedious.
I started the game again with Jill, and I realise now why I never completed Resi 1 with Chris.
Rebecca is such a cutie, I wish we'd see her in another game again.
Well you're in luck because rumor is they're remastering RE0. Get ready for some HD Rebecca coming your way.
Did you find the?secret staircase behind the bookshelves in the dormitory, and the keys in the bathroom(s)
Yeah, I've seen the rumors about that happening, and I'll gladly pick it up again. I kinda meant that I'd like to see her all grown up in a new game though too. We've had enough of the Chris, Jill, and Leon for a while. Although I am happy that Claire is back too.
Can regular zombies turn into crimson heads? They're incredibly annoying as they basically run at you before the player has loaded into the view, at least on pc. How do I prevent them from turning into crimson heads?
I haven't played this game in so many years, but I still must remember it pretty well to be doing as good as I am. Not getting the amazing clear times that you guys have or anything, but I haven't died yet, and I'm still doing alright on ammo.
I usually always play as Jill, but I decided to do Chris this time for the extra challenge,and so I could see Rebecca again XD
Rebecca is such a cutie, I wish we'd see her in another game again.
Can regular zombies turn into crimson heads? They're incredibly annoying as they basically run at you before the player has loaded into the view, at least on pc. How do I prevent them from turning into crimson heads?
The closest you'll get is probably Mercs in RE5 which had her as a playable character.
I imagine Rebecca has a good chance of showing up in either RE7 or Revelations 3. Capcom have been pretty good lately with revisiting the B-grade characters, what with Sherry and Barry (and even his daughter) showing up.
Does anyone know how to fix "bhd.exe has stopped working" error? The game played fine earlier today and now I can't even launch the game.
The save system is fine and adds to the game. My god current gen gaming has people so soft.
I'm fine with the save system, I just don't like that it factors into rank or anything like that.
The save system is fine and adds to the game. My god current gen gaming has people so soft.
No, the ink ribbons suck. It's a very impractical system.
REmake 2 needs the same save and inventory system as RE4.
So Jill and the Shotgun:
My wife is struggling a bit with exploration and it's taking her longer than she'd like to admit on just finding shit. She's pretty late to the shotgun, in fact she already has the grenade launcher so that's kind of backwards. When she found the shotgun and then stepped out to the Jill Sandwich room, Barry did not save her! I'm trying not to spoil the game but I was stunned, so I told her to try it again without saying anything else. Again he did not save her but at least she was able to return to the room and place the shotgun back. She does not have the broken shotgun and I'm actually not sure where to find it. Is this even possible? Did she miss the window for Barry saving her from the ceiling trap? I'm bummed if she won't get to experience the Jill Sandwich line even if they did change it. She recognizes the line since it's quite infamous but I want her to live that moment
No, the ink ribbons suck. It's a very impractical system.
REmake 2 needs the same save and inventory system as RE4.
Picked this game up yesterday and enjoyed the short bit of it I played. Only got to the.back out to the main room, looking for the missing Wesker
I have what is probably a silly question, but I keep seeing reference to a difficulty level for the game, I don't remember choosing that. Was that the question that was asked before you started?
They could make it an option.
I personally can't stand the system anymore. I didn't mind it when I was at school because I had more free time back then. But now the ribbon system can't work because I sometimes have to leave the house for work or other private stuff, and I don't want to leave the console on. Meaning I have to turn off the game and maybe lose hours of progress.
The archaic save and inventory system are the reason why I haven't bought the remaster.
No thanks. I really like the ink ribbons.
They could make it an option.
I personally can't stand the system anymore. I didn't mind it when I was at school because I had more free time back then. But now the ribbon system can't work because I sometimes have to leave the house for work or other private stuff, and I don't want to leave the console on. Meaning I have to turn off the game and maybe lose hours of progress.
The archaic save and inventory system are the reason why I haven't bought the remaster.