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Resident Evil: Revival Selection |OT| RE4 and REC:VX now in HD!

cvxfreak said:
Someone tell me that my PS3 system settings are wrong.

There are some settings like RGB Range : limited or full - and others in your display settings for your PS3 you should play around with - but nothing would cause that kind of disparity between the versions.

Are you sure it wasn't one of those graphical glitches - that seem to occur in one specific part of an area. Or does the PS3 version look like that on the entire length of that hallway?
Gonna have to wait on getting CVX now until a concrete 'superior' version emerges - platform graphical differences, CVX controls on an analog stick, and whether Europe gets the PS+ offer are all big factors.
luka said:
I really hope so. Maybe try setting RGB range to limited in the XMB display settings?

The blacks look more crushed on the PS3 version - but setting the RGB range to limited shouldn't fix it. It almost looks like there is no visual data to be shown (i.e, at the stairs)


lowhighkang_LHK said:
There are some settings like RGB Range : limited or full - and others in your display settings for your PS3 you should play around with - but nothing would cause that kind of disparity between the versions.

Are you sure it wasn't one of those graphical glitches - that seem to occur in one specific part of an area. Or does the PS3 version look like that on the entire length of that hallway?
The PS3 version looked funny to me from the very beginning - in the main menu, I couldn't tell which option was highlighted, likely due to some incorrect display setting. I thought it also might've been my TV. Upon starting the game, I thought the PS3 version looked much darker and dirtier than the 360 version - and a comparison verified that.

Didn't have any problems with RE5, for the record.


Loves Robotech S1
lowhighkang_LHK said:
The blacks look more crushed on the PS3 version - but setting the RGB range to limited shouldn't fix it. It almost looks like there is no visual data to be shown (i.e, at the stairs)
Well that depends on what the HDMI black level setting of the TV is as well. Also you have to consider that this is an offscreen shot: if the blacks are being crushed and the contrast is too extreme the camera wouldn't pick it up.
Given how differently the 360 handles black levels and gamma there are a lot of things that could cause differences between the two systems and the TV settings.


cvxfreak said:
The PS3 version looked funny to me from the very beginning - in the main menu, I couldn't tell which option was highlighted, likely due to some incorrect display setting. I thought it also might've been my TV. Upon starting the game, I thought the PS3 version looked much darker and dirtier than the 360 version - and a comparison verified that.
Did you try swapping HDMI ports? Because I could understand significant color differences between the two versions (quick and lazy port without color correction) but to be lazy enough to screw up a main menu to that extent sounds way too lazy.


Loves Robotech S1
jackdoe said:
Did you try swapping HDMI ports? Because I could understand significant color differences between the two versions (quick and lazy port without color correction) but to be lazy enough to screw up a main menu to that extent sounds way too lazy.
Yeah, that part definitely makes it sound like improper calibration on cvx's part or the TV. There is no way something like that could get past QC, even Capcom's.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Weird, can onken also verify this disparity?


I only have the PS3 version but CV does NOT look like that. I'll do some pics/video in a few minutes.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
By the way, how bad is the slowdown in RE4? Is it still bearable?


ULTROS! said:
By the way, how bad is the slowdown in RE4? Is it still bearable?

It was really jarring. I'll have to see if this is present in the 360 version.

I'm getting this weird feeling this was in the Wii version too, but no one else on Twitter has recognized slowdown in this area from a previous version, so I can't say for sure.


Bleh, it's really hard to take a photo of it because that spot of light on the left looks fine in person but turns into a giant white hallogen spot under camera for some bizarre reason. For example I can see the wall texture perfectly fine under the light in person, but in the picture it's just a solid white block. Anyway I'm going to do a video in a minute, might come out a bit better then.



onken said:
Bleh, it's really hard to take a photo of it because that spot of light on the left looks fine in person but turns into a giant white hallogen spot under camera for some bizarre reason. For example I can see the wall texture perfectly fine under the light in person, but in the picture it's just a solid white block. Anyway I'm going to do a video in a minute, might come out a bit better then.

Could just be that the light sources are stronger in the ps3 version and ends up looking bad in offscreen grabs.


Yeah I think the camera is dropping the light level to pick up the shadow detail but in doing so it's making the light sources a fuckton brighter than normal.


benevolent sexism
onken said:

I'm watching your RE4 video right now and despite the heads staying in tact the head explosion sound effect and blood splatter are still present, which is a funny approach to censorship. At least that's the case when kicking heads.

Does the same apply to critical headshots?

edit: kept watching, the answer is yes. that's nice that the censorship doesn't really change the fantastic audio/visual feedback in any important way.


Loves Robotech S1
hey_it's_that_dog said:
I'm watching your RE4 video right now and despite the heads staying in tact the head explosion sound effect and blood splatter are still present, which is a funny approach to censorship. At least that's the case when kicking heads.

Does the same apply to critical headshots?

edit: kept watching, the answer is yes. that's nice that the censorship doesn't really change the fantastic audio/visual feedback in any important way.
Yeah, I wasn't too fussed about it. The heads still explode when a parasite pops out though.

EDIT: I can't say I'm loving the lighting "improvements" in CV though. The intensity of light projected from such a small flame looks ridiculous.


Ladyboy101 said:
according Mikeeb, adding AA, 60fps, move support, platinum trophy is rebuilding RE4 from ground up. seriously, which department of capcom you working at? human resource??


Company shill, he must've learned it from Sven. I can live with no 60fps, no platinum trophy, no move(well maybe can't), but no AA just screams LAZY. I love how he tried to justify it by saying it would cost the consumers more money had they added in those *features*. Hey mikeeb, HD =/= REmake. And you're not even saving us any money by going the digital route.


benevolent sexism
Persona7 said:
RE4 HD sounds like a hack job.

This post sounds a bit hyperbolic. It looks quite nice in the youtubes. If you are mortally offended by lack of AA and a platinum trophy then maybe this game isn't really for you in the first place.

I agree, however, that the guy speaking for Capcom about why these things were omitted isn't doing them any favors.


luka said:
EDIT: I can't say I'm loving the lighting "improvements" in CV though. The intensity of light projected from such a small flame looks ridiculous.

As I say, it looks all off in the vid due to camera auto-adjusting the light levels, check the screenshot in post 519 for the best example of what it actually looks like.
It's really disappointing to hear that the HUD is upscaled, especially so when PC modders managed to do it and Konami are doing it in the MGS HD collection.


Dai101 said:
The last "scary" RE game was the REmake.

This doesn't really explain anything because CVX came out before it!


Loves Robotech S1
Andrefpvs said:
Pardon my simple question, but is REC:VX scary? Do you guys find it scary?
Honestly the series has never been scary. It's more of a horror game in name only...like Castlevania. :p

onken said:
As I say, it looks all off in the vid due to camera auto-adjusting the light levels, check the screenshot in post 519 for the best example of what it actually looks like.
Yeah, I understand as much. I've seen the direct feed pics too. It's still seems a bit overdone for a small lighter.

It's really disappointing to hear that the HUD is upscaled, especially so when PC modders managed to do it and Konami are doing it in the MGS HD collection.
The HUD isn't upscaled though.



luka said:
Honestly the series has never been scary. It's more of a horror game in name only...like Castlevania. :p.

You clearly never had a Licker jump in at you from a window when you were 10.

<- traumatized for life
hey_it's_that_dog said:
This post sounds a bit hyperbolic. It looks quite nice in the youtubes. If you are mortally offended by lack of AA and a platinum trophy then maybe this game isn't really for you in the first place.

Did the GC/Wii version even have AA? Because I never noticed jaggies.

Personally, I'm buying the HD version simply because the game (Wii version) looks like shit on both my 42'' plasma and 27'' LCD. Backgrounds are blurry and everything is a dithered mess. RE4HD appears to have fixed these problems so my money is on the table.


Loves Robotech S1
Andrefpvs said:
You clearly never had a Licker jump in at you from a window when you were 10.

<- traumatized for life
Oh yeah, I've been there since the beginning, when it was dogs jumping in giving my 12-year-old self a panic attack. :p
Those moments are few and far between though, and by the second game it wasn't doing it for me anymore. Stuff like Silent Hill made me see Biohazard in a totally different light.


It's just that I'd like to play a classic RE to get over my "trauma", but I'd prefer one that is not flooding with cheap jump scares like the one I mentioned. I tried this with RE5, but was disappointed to find that it was simply an action game, not scary at all. So probably re4 is the same.

So I wondered if I should start with Veronica...?


Loves Robotech S1
Andrefpvs said:
It's just that I'd like to play a classic RE to get over my "trauma", but I'd prefer one that is not flooding with cheap jump scares like the one I mentioned. I tried this with RE5, but was disappointed to find that it was simply an action game, not scary at all. So probably re4 is the same.

So I wondered if I should start with Veronica...?
4 has several fairly creepy areas and jump scares, plus one enemy in particular late in the game that is unnerving and repulsive as hell. The scares are actually more effective because they're, well, kind of unexpected. Veronica is consistently moody and is very similar to the original in style, but it's a little too by-the-numbers and I"m not sure it would do much for you to that end.
I'm officially getting my RE anniversary series playthrough underway, starting with Resident Evil Deadly Silence which I just ordered. Figured it's the best OG version out there at this point besides PSX original.

Also, props to CVX for your 8-4 RE podcast. Completely motivated me to move forward with this endeavour (^___^)


AgentOtaku said:
I'm officially getting my RE anniversary series playthrough underway, starting with Resident Evil Deadly Silence which I just ordered. Figured it's the best OG version out there at this point besides PSX original.

Also, props to CVX for your 8-4 RE podcast. Completely motivated me to move forward with this endeavour (^___^)
<3 this one, didn't try the stabbing bits, but a great version nonetheless


benevolent sexism
The Xtortionist said:
Did the GC/Wii version even have AA? Because I never noticed jaggies.

Personally, I'm buying the HD version simply because the game (Wii version) looks like shit on both my 42'' plasma and 27'' LCD. Backgrounds are blurry and everything is a dithered mess. RE4HD appears to have fixed these problems so my money is on the table.

I don't know if they originally had AA but that stuff was a little less noticeable on CRT TVs. People are mad now because added AA is pretty much a standard part of the HD remaster process.

I also don't care at all and will be buying RE4 as soon as it's available.


If adding FXAA to ANY PC GAME is a matter of putting a standardized DLL in the .exe folder, I'm sure Capcoms programmer could come up with an easy-to-implement solution if they weren't so lazy.
Truant said:
If adding FXAA to ANY PC GAME is a matter of putting a standardized DLL in the .exe folder, I'm sure Capcoms programmer could come up with an easy-to-implement solution if they weren't so lazy.

I believe MLAA is now part of the PS3 SDK, so yeah, they do have code that they can just mooch off. It's in MGS HD collection after all and a few other recent third party games.


AgentOtaku said:
I'm officially getting my RE anniversary series playthrough underway, starting with Resident Evil Deadly Silence which I just ordered. Figured it's the best OG version out there at this point besides PSX original.

Also, props to CVX for your 8-4 RE podcast. Completely motivated me to move forward with this endeavour (^___^)

So far i've got REmake Wii version, RE2 and 3 DC version, waiting for RE4 and CVX HD (still undecided for PS3 or 360) RE 0 cube version, and RE5 PS3. Thinking about doing something similar, but I always end up stopping halfway.
Teknoman said:
So far i've got REmake Wii version, RE2 and 3 DC version, waiting for RE4 and CVX HD (still undecided for PS3 or 360) RE 0 cube version, and RE5 PS3. Thinking about doing something similar, but I always end up stopping halfway.

Big motivating factor for me is doing it on the go with RE1,2, and 3 (handheld horror!),
cause yeah, I don't think I could find the time otherwise. It helps that the they're not that long if you know what you're doing.


demigod said:
Company shill, he must've learned it from Sven. I can live with no 60fps, no platinum trophy, no move(well maybe can't), but no AA just screams LAZY. I love how he tried to justify it by saying it would cost the consumers more money had they added in those *features*. Hey mikeeb, HD =/= REmake. And you're not even saving us any money by going the digital route.
Haha. $40 for two games entitles you to at least two of those features. GoW Origins collection goes far and beyond what RE4 and CVX HD did and they cost the same!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I rarely do this but I went ahead and sent an e-mail to Capcom about the PS3 trophy set issue. In the modern gaming era it really is a very silly and lazy oversight. And no Move support really stings. Even with my Plus discount I'll probably avoid these.
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