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Resident Evil: Village - Review Thread



MC: 84
OC: 85

Embargo LIFTED!

Will update the thread as we go!
NEXT GEN BASE (9.5/10)


I don't think Resident Evil Village is going to be very divisive per se: I suspect the reaction will be generally positive. But it's going to definitely spark some conversations as to how it stacks up against the current darling of RE7, and it has a long hill to climb to match its success financially. As for me, I think it complements it quite well, and then some.

Village doesn't pull any punches when it comes to horror, but a consistent rollout of new weapons and tools makes it hard to walk away from these terrors.


PSU (9/10)

Resident Evil Village combines the best of the past 25 years of the franchise, bringing a compelling adventure that should appeal to action and horror fans alike. With massive locations offering a wealth of exploration and hidden goodies, a meaty campaign with some decent unlockables, Village is the franchise at the top of its game.

While the Resident Evil series has been on a high for a number of years now, Resident Evil Village sets an entirely new standard. Its cast of villains is up there with the very best, memorable sequences and gameplay sections beg to be played over and over again, and a sense of constant dread created by the atmosphere and soundtrack keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even the combat is solid this time around and the lengths Capcom has gone to take advantage of the PS5 pays off with impressive Ray-Tracing. Does it better Resident Evil 4? Maybe not, but it's damn close. Real damn close. Resident Evil Village is an essential playthrough for anyone with even a passing interest in the franchise.

Resident Evil Village is a wild, thrilling ride across seemingly every horror genre and idea that happened to pass through the mad minds at Capcom. Not every aspect of the game is perfect, but its highs are very high and solid core mechanics and excellent presentation hold the grisly patchwork together. You may survive Resident Evil Village, but your thoughts will linger there long after you’ve escaped.

VGC (4/5)
Resident Evil: Village is a powerful monster, bolting together parts from Resident Evils 7, 4 and more besides. It’s longer than recent games in the series, yet still feels trim and sculpted as it shifts between it wide range of locations and set pieces. The downside of its eclectic approach is some unevenness and less tension, especially in a relatively weak opening act. But its eventual blend of parts is gloriously big, daft and fuelled by the finest of nightmares.

METRO UK (7/10)
A competent but uninspired sequel that’s unwise to create so many obvious comparisons to Resident Evil 4, although it still manages to find some memorable moments of its own.

Resident Evil 7 was an excellent return to the horror underpinnings of the franchise, but cunningly altered with new ideas and a new perspective. Similarly, Village is an intelligent reintroduction of the best action elements of Resident Evil. Though it captures some of the same things that made RE7 such a breath of fresh air (or maybe rancid, stale, mold-filled air, but in a good way), Village evolves to become its own unique creature. It makes you wonder what beautifully twisted fiend Resident Evil might mutate into in the future.


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The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂

Where've you seen this?
The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂

Are you talking about the fact that RE7 was scary and they went with a different route this time or what have they changed about RE8? I mean even from the first trailer nothing looked scary in RE8. It's more of a gothic/atmospheric type rather than just scare/panic factor that 7th had which is disappointing but not really bad.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space

Kinda lame if they toned down the "overall scariness", although he's right in that something loses its scariness if it's just 100% at all times. Hopefully it's a change for the better, but we'll never know. I found RE7 great in that regard personally, was looking forward to something equally as spooky.


The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂
If the game scares you, then maybe you’re playing the wrong game. Scares are WHY we play these games. I’ll never forget the first time the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil on PS1.

I skipped my classes that day, drove 45 minutes to the nearest game store (they weren’t on every corner like they are now), drove 45 minutes back and played all day.

I was so excited to go pick it up that when I stopped for gas. I forgot to go in and pay afterwards. Got the the game store, and wondered why I had $10 more cash in my wallet than I expected. Realized what I did, and stopped at the gas station on the way back and paid.


If the game scares you, then maybe you’re playing the wrong game. Scares are WHY we play these games. I’ll never forget the first time the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil on PS1.

I skipped my classes that day, drove 45 minutes to the nearest game store (they weren’t on every corner like they are now), drove 45 minutes back and played all day.

I was so excited to go pick it up that when I stopped for gas. I forgot to go in and pay afterwards. Got the the game store, and wondered why I had $10 more cash in my wallet than I expected. Realized what I did, and stopped at the gas station on the way back and paid.
My thoughts exactly. Too scared? Dont play horror games ffs 😂😂

I played Resi 7 in VR and it was one of the most memorable game experiences of my life, and scared the crap outta me numerous times.


This morning I found an early review that went up:

Review: Resident Evil Village
Patrick Meurs
58 seconds ago

Resident Evil has served us quite a bit of twisted and sickly trade since the very first game's launch in 1996. Starting with the good old zombie, in all its fucked up variants. Let's not forget mutant pets such as Dobermans and fuzzy fluffy spiders. Bring in a giant person with a personal vendetta, and Resident Evil is where it was pretty much until Part 7.

Since Part 7, Resident Evil has been on a revamped first-person path that Part 8 called Village trudges on. Ethan Winters has not suffered enough at the hands of the hospitable Baker family and is single-handedly thrown back into the misery by Chris Redfield. Because the franchise has now reached a big milestone, Capcom is pulling everything out of the Resident Evil closet to make it a hit. All very nice, but sometimes wanting too much can also lead to disappointment.

Winters is coming to town
So check, Resident Evil Village continues to build on Resident Evil 7, in which Ethan Winters and his chick Mia barely managed to deal with the Bakertjes and their moldy toco. Ethan and Mia have been doing pretty well since then, as long as Ethan keeps his mouth shut about that shit in Louisiana. Their happiness has since been sealed with a child, Rosemary. This happiness is allowed to last for about three years, because Chris Redfield - who made them move to stay out of the spotlight - is breaking domestic peace in the crudest way ever.

And then Ethan suddenly wakes up at the border of a completely rotten village. The local tourist office is nowhere to be found and only an elderly lady with a skull obsession babbles some nonsense about a Mother Miranda. Oh, and your daughter comes up too. Mother Miranda has her own reasons for taking a closer look at your daughter, so she turns out to be somewhere in that village. Ethan wouldn't be a proud daddy if he didn't turn everything upside down to find Rose, so the search begins. Unfortunately, the village is also on alert, as “monsters” rage through the hamlet like hooligans during El Classico.

Where this takes us is no longer a secret, since everyone has already seen the trailers and some demos have been released. Still, Capcom has pulled the wool over our eyes here, because the village square and Castle Dimitrescu are only a fraction of Resident Evil Village's playing field. The whole thing is four times bigger than expected, given Lady Dimitrescu and her three daughters make up only a quarter of the story. Village houses another three “family members” who each play a vital role in the whole plot, which is unfortunately enormously predictable.

Dazzlingly frugal
This predictability ruined Resident Evil Village a bit for me, despite trying to generate some “oh wow” moments through twists at the end. During my eight hours of playing time I already knew after an hour and a half to predict where this was going. Even the twists are spilled early in the game. Nevertheless, the biggest twist still works out at the end, but I would have preferred Resident Evil Village to really provide me with a mindblowing revelation.

Anyway, so be it. Fortunately, the ride there is a very nice one, with some exceptions. During Resident Evil 7, Capcom already showed what it wants to do with the series, namely, be cinematic, atmospheric and as realistic as possible. I would be lying to say this is not the case in Village. The storytelling is almost spot on. There are plenty of interesting characters and all have been worked out to perfection, including a superb voice cast. The environment also looks like a ring. Castle Dimitrescu in particular shines like a mofo thanks to the utilized ray tracing. The village - no matter how rotten it may be - is also bursting with detail. An excellent use of ambient sound often also adds the creepy factor that we want, so there is also a good atmosphere.

The graphic spectacle in particular fascinated me for eight hours, because I hardly found Village really scary. And I personally find that a shame. In Resident Evil 7 I spent much of the game on the edge of my seat because I really got the feeling that danger could lurk around every corner. Village almost never gave me this feeling. The only ones you try to hunt down are Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters, but that won't last forever either. As soon as you close the castle doors behind your ass, that feeling of being hunted doesn't really return. A mere scene in a house full of cliché - but extremely effective - porcelain dolls really triggered my horror senses.

Can it be an ounce less?
It doesn't help that the last quarter of the game is really too absurd for words. Lycans, zombies and vampires, I can live with that, even though none of them instill the fear that Resident Evil 7's Molded did. But Acte 4 from Village comes up with something that I think has nothing to do with Resident Evil anymore. I don't want to give too much away, but biomechanically engineered bullet sponges in an underground mass production facility… I don't know. In my opinion, the accompanying boss fight had more to do with Transformers than with Resident Evil.

"Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself with Resident Evil Village for about eight hours, despite its shortcomings. Part two in a trilogy often wants to be seen as a filler, a low-key connection between a suspicious first part and the ultimate denouement. In that respect, Resident Evil Village can also be categorized a bit under that. In terms of scariness, Village barely touches on part 7 and what part 9 will bring, I can only guess after seeing the post-credits cut scene, but I hope that the closing piece in the Winters trilogy will give me an oppressive feeling again."

I did not see a score. The website was gamersnet. After reading that review and hearing from others that said this review has merit to it, I think this game will get an 85 on metacritic.
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They hyped this as the greatest survival horror game of all time. They also hyped the length. It better be scary, and It better be more than 12 hours. Deliver on your hype, Capcom.


I didn't find the demo particularly frightening. Atmospheric, yes, frightening no. That and the enemy hitboxes were annoying as Hell.

I can see this hitting mid-80s on metacritic.


My thoughts exactly. Too scared? Dont play horror games ffs 😂😂

I played Resi 7 in VR and it was one of the most memorable game experiences of my life, and scared the crap outta me numerous times.

Same here, RE7 in VR was absolutely brilliant. I remember the bit where the woman (Marguerite) with the long arms jumps down that hole and you have to jump down to follow her and hope many times I noped out. Took me at least 10 minutes to psych myself up enough to jump down.

Games like this thrive off being scary or at least extremely suspenseful, which hopefully RE Villlage still is. I can remember almost every location in these games because these scary moments heighten my awareness of the level design, the sound-effects, the music, everything. If the game is just passively 'kinda' scary then I'll just run through the areas trying to get from point A to point B with little care about the bits between. Thats why I also find you get more out of games like the Last of Us (1 & 2) if you play on higher difficulties because you are required to actually immerse yourself in the game and end up appreciating all the work the level designers, sound designers, etc put into it.

That is just my take though..I know people like to play their games their own way and that is fine but I do think games lose a lot by catering to those that want them toned down.


Loved the gameplay in 7 and has immaculate polish, the RE engine is really impressive so really looking forward to this.

Astral Dog

Im so nervous 😅 loved RE7 and expect great things about this sequel, we will see how it goes i hope to see a 90+! 🤞


Gold Member
You're nervous about some random peoples opinion of the game...instead of your own? Jesus fuck people.

Why is that hard to accept? It’s not as simple as forming your own opinion, when you have to spend $60-70 dollars before you can do so. Of course a lot of people are going to care about the word of mouth of what the game’s quality is.


You're nervous about some random peoples opinion of the game...instead of your own? Jesus fuck people.
My heart felt like it was going to explode a few minutes before tlou2 reviews dropped. I can't imagine how the developers for any game feel moments prior


My heart felt like it was going to explode a few minutes before tlou2 reviews dropped. I can't imagine how the developers for any game feel moments prior
Definitely way worse!

A lot of companies base bonuses and sequel opportunities off Meta scores.


The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂
Just wait the PSVR2 Director Cut Edition.


I felt comfortable playing the demo and I'm a fucking wuss so that's saying something. At least as far as the demo goes, it wasn't even remotely scary. Plus the whole being chased around just got boring.


This is one of those games I'm not really going to trust reviews on.

I didn't really get on with Resident Evil 7. It was the scariest it's been but I also like decent gameplay as well and 7 didn't have that to me.


The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂

Not sure what is "restera" but Im a fucking pussy and couldnt finished REVII lol
Why is that hard to accept? It’s not as simple as forming your own opinion, when you have to spend $60-70 dollars before you can do so. Of course a lot of people are going to care about the word of mouth of what the game’s quality is.

Forming your own opinion should be standard. We're in 2021, you can easily get a refund if you do not like the product. Stop relying on others, its dumb as shit, not to mention it gives people who should not have power, power.


always chasing the next thrill
Forming your own opinion should be standard. We're in 2021, you can easily get a refund if you do not like the product. Stop relying on others, its dumb as shit, not to mention it gives people who should not have power, power.
:pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: on consoles?

i hope it's 88+

NGL i will mainly be playing mercenaries if it's anything like revelations 1 or 2
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Only thing hard about finishing REVII was to go through the fucking boring waves of molded enemies and the cliff the story fell from as soon as the tanker is introduced. God what a wasted potential. The intro in the house is so much better than the later parts of the game.

If capcom interpreted that peoples did not like the molded monsters as “being too scary”, this might be a win.
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1 more hour, open critic gave wrong embargo time.
It didn’t... or at least, the 3PM GMT was correct, it’s now 2:35pm in GMT. People often get confused, UK and Ireland are currently on BST as daylight savings time is active. So the embargo drops at 3PM GMT or 4PM BST. It’s currently 2:35pm in GMT and 3:35pm in BST.
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I’ll never forget the first time the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil on PS1.
Haha that was awesome, I was a wreck, and of course I made sure all my friends went through that part as well, unknowingly 😈
Probably the first time I got really scared by a game. I used to be nervous playing Elvira on the Amiga and Last Ninja had one scary level too but nothing had managed to get me as scared as the RE1 dogs 😱
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