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Resident Evil: Village - Review Thread

Well the reviews have told me all I needed to know.

This being the “Call of Duty” of Resident Evil is really off-putting. I wanted the same amount of scares, if not more than RE7.

I’ll be waiting for the inevitable $20 sale.
A member of a small RE dedicated discord said that there's a portion in RE8 that is the scariest thing the series has ever done. Says to definitely play it with headphones and in the dark.


To me, Resident Evil is all about the characters, the environments and the monsters. This game seems to have all of that, so I'm excited! I was expecting 8s and low 9s, so I'm not really phased by these reviews. I just hope the last act of the game isn't as tedious to me as it was for Sphere Hunter. RE7 had a rough final act, and I was hoping RE8 wouldn't repeat this.


Based on the demo its nowhere near as scary as 7, but i'm not gonna hold that against the game too much because its kind of a natural trade off for having a more grandiose, ambitious story and environment. Its hard to make being chased by hot vampiric chicks in a beautiful castle more unpleasant than being chased by a middle aged man with a shovel in some redneck shithole. Then again, maybe the Beneviento house and Heisenbergs factory are a lot scarier than those demo sections, theres definitely potential.

Its still tense and atmospheric enough for me regardless though, and I think it'll be a better overall game than 7. Its exactly what I wanted from a new Resi - the gameplay mechanics of 7 but on a bigger scale and with a wider variety of locations and enemies.


8 hour campaign sucks a bit for this day and age. I mean wasnt Resi 7 averaging about 10-12 hours on a first playthrough?.
REVII were 9 hours main campaign in average... 18 hours with extras.
So some will finish faster than 8 hours and others slower than 10 hours.

We need to know this guys that said 8 hours is the slower or faster type.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
8 hour campaign sucks a bit for this day and age. I mean wasnt Resi 7 averaging about 10-12 hours on a first playthrough?.
I find a lot of "playtime estimates" to be bullshit TBH. It will vary depending on how much you explore, die, etc. Some people beat Returnal in 10 hours, others are barely past the 1st of 6 Biomes in that amount of time.
So it didn’t quite reach the RE7 heights (2 points shy) but high enough to still be considered elite franchise.

It definitely sucks giving full price for something you can beat in two days but I encourage all you rich folks to do so and support the series, they deserve it.
Looks plenty good! Hopefully it's playable on a PS4 Amateur, or I might have to wait quite a long time to play this one lol.
A podcast host who I follow played his review copy on a base PS4 with HDR (not sure if HDR would affect performance). He said it was absolutely fine. Didn't notice any jarring issues or immersion breaking things.

I'm getting it for base PS4 also, I'll definitely be reporting how it plays as I'm sure there will be a thread for it.



I’ll wait until I’m done with Returnal. Sounds like this isn’t built to be the horror filled nightmare that 7 was, which loses my interest somewhat.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
So it didn’t quite reach the RE7 heights (2 points shy) but high enough to still be considered elite franchise.

It definitely sucks giving full price for something you can beat in two days but I encourage all you rich folks to do so and support the series, they deserve it.
For some people (the busier among us), that's like two weeks worth of entertainment. Nothing against those who blow through games in one-sitting, but the point is, there's a market for these types of game and not everyone has the same play habits. Personally I prefer 10 hours of quality to 100-hours of padding and fetch quests.


Great scores, almost there with Returnal. Great couple of games for people to enjoy.... I'm not really into the new RE game but I'll pick it up later. I preferred the RE2 style.

Hope everyone in for day 1 on this enjoys the f*** out of it.


The restera types have been heard and apparently the devs on this dumbed it down because it was too scary for the pussies. What has the world come too....everything is pansied down to accomodate everyone. Might as well say Fifa has too much football and introduce guns 😂😂
I would actually play FIFA more if it had a bonus 'gun mode' or a punch button. 😆
I think I beat Resident Evil 7 in like 6 hours and for some reason I never go back for a second playthrough in these kind of games. As good as Village is I will probably wait till its much cheaper before I get it.


9 hours main campaign in average... 18 hours with extras.
So some will finish faster than 8 hours and others slower than 9 hours.

We need to know this guys that said 8 hours is the slower or faster type.
I find a lot of "playtime estimates" to be bullshit TBH. It will vary depending on how much you explore, die, etc. Some people beat Returnal in 10 hours, others are barely past the 1st of 6 Biomes in that amount of time.
Well i just watched the Easy Allies review, and they said 15 hours lol.
Maybe the length will be just fine.


RE7 was shit after the second area. The third area was okay ish perhaps, but the ship and mines were awful. If RE 8 is consistent throughout I don't mind it being a tad shorter. But we'll see. I think it will be fine.


Reading reviews and the ones with videos makes me want to drop the game, i know almost everything after i watch 2 video reviews of a game
For some people (the busier among us), that's like two weeks worth of entertainment. Nothing against those who blow through games in one-sitting, but the point is, there's a market for these types of game and not everyone has the same play habits. Personally I prefer 10 hours of quality to 100-hours of padding and fetch quests.
Right. Multiple reviews have mentioned finishing the game with key items still in their inventory, they didn't figure out where these items were used. That's kind of unheard of with prior entries. Will help with replay value and I like that it isn't a 20+ hour slog.

RE games can be as long or as short as you want them to be. I expect to put in probably 12-15 hours for my first playthrough based on things I've read. I highly doubt I'll finish it within 10 hours my first time through. I think REmake3 took me 8-9 hours first time in and that game is incredibly short compared to other titles in the series.

It just floors me that this happens every time a game is released. Some people just bitch and claim that it's "not for them", "too short", "wait for a sale", blah blah blah. Just play the damn game if you want and if you don't, shut up and move on to something else.

Maybe I'll hate the game with every fibre of my being? Maybe I'll love it? The only way to know for certain is for me to actually play the game.
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Is there a NG+ to possibly find out where they are used?
I don't think so, or at least my RE outlet hasn't mentioned it. They're really good with maintaining zero spoilers. They did say though that you can access like 95% of earlier areas though, even when you're at the end game. So looting/exploration seems wide open until you decide to actually finish the game.

I do think that certain things carry over though, like recipes that you've unlocked. I'm trying to go in completely green so I'm definitely not the best resource at the moment, lol.
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Gold Member
So it didn’t quite reach the RE7 heights (2 points shy) but high enough to still be considered elite franchise.

It definitely sucks giving full price for something you can beat in two days but I encourage all you rich folks to do so and support the series, they deserve it.
RE games always have amazing replay value.

Depends on the kind of gamer you are I guess.


Can’t Git Gud
Fuck I gotta finish return of Obra dinn until 7th! It was suppose to take me 10 hours and I am already 20h ... Try took me 11h.

I am perfectly fine with 8h length. Don't care. As long as game is great it can be 2 hours (like inside or far lone sail)


Lol. All of these great reviews, and your takeaway is "its like call of duty ill wait for sale"


LOL yup! I’m glad you liked it enough to quote.

It’ll be just as “good” at $20 as it is at $60.

Reviews will never be the end-all-be-all for a definitive sale for me. But you go ahead and have fun with your ~10hr $60 Call of Duty: Resident Evil edition. /opinion 🙄



Hopefully VILLAGE has better story than VII and varied with enemy designs and locales. It looks like I'm not cancelling my preorder.
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Astral Dog

Lame CoD shooter section aside(ugh) VILLAGE is winner:exploration, puzzles, charismatic villains, item managment, cool horror atmosphere, really its Capcom insisting on making CoD RE again chasing the glory of RE4 island section that makes me worried, RE VILLAGE sounds like it would be even better if it was more consistent on the VII side and not 4/5/6 🤨

Still gonna be amazing though 🐺🧛🏻‍♀️🏰🧟‍♂️


Lol. All of these great reviews, and your takeaway is "its like call of duty ill wait for sale"

He was quoting from one of the reviews. Easy Allies (I think it was them but I might be wrong; I've watched a few reviews), used those exact words. Things go a little COD towards the end.


The eighth entry in the Resident Evil saga features werewolves, vampires, and a lot of nods to Resident Evil 4 – but is it any good?

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