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Resident Evil: Village - Review Thread


Gold Member
Forming your own opinion should be standard. We're in 2021, you can easily get a refund if you do not like the product. Stop relying on others, its dumb as shit, not to mention it gives people who should not have power, power.

Why do you even care that some people listen to word of mouth before making a decision? How about you do you, and let others do them?


Not sure what is "restera" but Im a fucking pussy and couldnt finished REVII lol
"Restera" is a vocal minority collection of pussies without pussies (or sometimes with) crying like babies for nothing and everything. They don't even know if they have pussies since they are "non binary" and more quantic apparently traveling from a multiverse worm to new universe to spread the truth. (A little bit like "ORI" race from Stargate SG1 old TV series: "Join us or die")

Hope it helps. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

By the way I'm so dissapointed that the game has been made "less scary". That was exactly the selling point for me, especially in VR.
I really hate this... era.
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Hopefully it's more meaty than VII. The first chapter was incredible, second chapter serviceable, last chapter an afterthought - Plus it didn't take all that long to get through it. Hoping for a decent 15-20 hour quest.


It didn’t... or at least, the 3PM GMT was correct, it’s now 2:35pm in GMT. People often get confused, UK and Ireland are currently on BST as daylight savings time is active. So the embargo drops at 3PM GMT or 4PM BST. It’s currently 2:35pm in GMT and 3:35pm in BST.
I totallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy knew that.....

Reaction GIF by reactionseditor


VII balanced campy southern gothic horror will some genuinely thrilling scares and dread atmosphere. I only played Maiden but VIII seems to already be leaning hard into camp over scares which is fine, I suppose though I prefer VII's approach.
Why do you even care that some people listen to word of mouth before making a decision? How about you do you, and let others do them?

The more I convince ppl to rely less on critics scores the better. It's one thing to be like eh w/e its got a 70 MC/OC but I'll play dont care and its another to be like OMG IF IT DOESNT HAVE 90 IM GOING TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK. I cringe when ppl say they are excited as hell or nervous about scores. But sure yeah, I may be mean about their feelings but it's ridiculous to rely on sites like IGN or Kotaku or w/e. Also in case you didnt know, most companies pay more or less their employees based on those critic scores. If that's not a reason to stop sucking critics dick, then I dont know what to tell you dude.
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The last RE I played was 4 lol. I'm thinking I should jump into this. Really dumb question...will this be really gory?


I'm glad they toned down the depressing ugliness of RE7. Hell, I told them to do that, in that questionnaire they had up on their website. I specifically wrote "more Alfred Hitchcock, less Eli Roth". Did they listen?


I loved VII, I wasn't convinced by the demo or the first person perspective, got it for like $17 and God damn, had a blast.
Will wait for this too. I want to play it on ps5, and I think won't get one for a while.


Easy Allies calling it one of the scariest entries in the series... the overreaction to the director saying they just rebalanced the fear curve to not be claustrophobic all the time was a bit much.


Gold Member
Easy Allies calling it one of the scariest entries in the series... the overreaction to the director saying they just rebalanced the fear curve to not be claustrophobic all the time was a bit much.
IDK man, aesthetically it doesn't seem as scary.

We have Mrs. D which is the new Mister X following you around, werewolves that look out of Underworld/TheOrder1886, etc.. Maybe a lot of jump scares, but so far nothing psychological. But maybe there is more deeper in the game, but the aesthetics seem Van Helsing like.


Kinda lame if they toned down the "overall scariness", although he's right in that something loses its scariness if it's just 100% at all times. Hopefully it's a change for the better, but we'll never know. I found RE7 great in that regard personally, was looking forward to something equally as spooky.

For me there are 2 types of horror. I'm not into movies like SAW, it's not even scary for me, but self mutilation just makes me cringe. In RE7 when
the girl is stabbing you or cutting your hand off
, that's not scary, it just grosses me the hell out and I rather a more atmospheric horror type of scariness, not sure if I'm expressing that correctly.


I seem to be in the minority that didn't find RE7 scary? I'll grant the first hour or so maybe until you leave the house, but you get very OP quick

This seems like it's going more RE4 ish, where there is a bigger focus on combat over scares, not always a bad thing, worked for Remake 2 as well


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Better than RE7 but doesn’t reach the heights of RE2R and RE4?


I haven't really been keeping up with reviews lately, but do most outlets still use the PS5 as their main console?

Astral Dog

Hmm, well i wasn't expecting the exact same score as RE7, reading the reviews it seems like the action focus of RE4 took a little out of the atmospheric RE7 and the result is a late game portion that is just CoD (UGH last time i heard that on Resident Evil was 6 i expect RE7 last part again),but, overall its still a winner.

Fuck it makes me start to dislike action RE again.
The last RE I played was 4 lol. I'm thinking I should jump into this. Really dumb question...will this be really gory?
Yes, it'll be gory. This game is a mix of RE4 & 7's gameplay, good time to jump back in. One review mentioned a recap video of the events in 7 being included so you'll be all caught up. 5&6 story are probably irrelevant to RE8.


Watched the Easy Allies review. Looks pretty good, at least based on their review it seems to be a nice blend of creepy atmosphere, exploration, scares and action.
Guess it might be disappointing for those who wanted a slower horror based game like the first half of Re7, but I'm personally more into the horror action mix of Re4 so this seems like it will be more to my taste.


I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the Maiden demo, so I'm sold on that, but as I expected from some of the following trailers this looks quite more action oriented than RE7 which is a shame. I'll wait for this one to drop in price as it still looks like great fun but no real interest in mercenary mode etc.


hmmm. The demo bored me to death but this is reviewing better than I thought. I loved 7 so I might actually get this....


Well the reviews have told me all I needed to know.

This being the “Call of Duty” of Resident Evil is really off-putting. I wanted the same amount of scares, if not more than RE7.

I’ll be waiting for the inevitable $20 sale.


Well the reviews have told me all I needed to know.

This being the “Call of Duty” of Resident Evil is really off-putting. I wanted the same amount of scares, if not more than RE7.

I’ll be waiting for the inevitable $20 sale.

I cant even do that anymore, genre is a dime a dozen.
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