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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


Sean said:
Fucking hell, you serious? :(

Guess I should've asked you guys in this thread before doing it. On the product page they make it seem like it gets sent via email. "Store Customers: Please provide a valid email address at time of reservation." , said nothing about a voucher there...

Guess I'll go back this week.

This is what I recieved


It has a code and instructions on how to register to get an e-mail with the beta code.
Everyone who preordered the game from GS must register to get in the beta. There is no magic that will let you in if you don't register your code.

I hope this thing starts soon, like tomorrow!


I played Resistance 2 today and here are some of my impressions

Resistance 2

- by far the game of the show, I was really hyped for this and it blew my expectations away
- the first level I played was the tutorial level in Iceland (or Greenland, forgot which) and what a way to start off the game.
- your making your way through this level following the Goliath trying to take it down and fight off the Chimeras
- the action was really intense with explosions all around and lots of enemies firing at you. The action kept me at the edge of my seat
- another thing that kept me at the edge of the seat is the sound, we were playing with headphones and wow, Insomniac is not joking when they talk about the emphasis they put on the sound
- at first, I was against the whole 2 weapon thing, but with the amount of action going on you will be always running out and it makes it feel more intense. I can't really explain it, but it didn't bother me at all during the gameplay
- The AI seams a lot smarter this time. I was playing on normal and they were giving me a run for my money. They seamed to work together and user cover a lot.
- The other level I played was Orick which was much more enjoyable and more intense
- At one point there was what seamed to be around 20-30 enemies rushing at me at once and jstevenson said there are moments that get more intense
- To the people who were worried about the stealth enemies being to easy to spot, I say don't worry about it. You hear them coming, but they revel themselves at the last moment. I got killed a couple of times and so did other people I saw playing the demo.
- If you liked the first Resistance you will love this one, Nov. 4th seems way to far away
- let me say this again, the sound is amazing. That and the action is so intense, shooter of the year, I think so :D
- I was talking to jstevenson for a while and asked him some question which I got answers for. Apparently the coop mode lasts longer then single player (15 hours) and that not counting the countless hours you will take replaying it. The beta will have clan support, but like with all betas the servers will be whipped after it ends. Also, there is a weapon that we still haven't seen yet. If you have any questions just shoot them

And also to all the doubters




DrPirate said:
This is what I recieved


It has a code and instructions on how to register to get an e-mail with the beta code.

Thanks man, I'll email GS right now and see if they can sort this out for me.

I hate my local Gamestop, I always have to print out the product pages just so they're even aware about their preorder bonuses. They pulled the same crap with my LBP pre-order, I had to point at the poster right behind the cash register (!!!) and tell him to look in the drawer for a voucher... argh.
Sean said:
Thanks man, I'll email GS right now and see if they can sort this out for me.

I hate my local Gamestop, I always have to print out the product pages just so they're even aware about their preorder bonuses. They pulled the same crap with my LBP pre-order, I had to point at the poster right behind the cash register (!!!) and tell him to look in the drawer for a voucher... argh.

That sucks ass. Guess I am lucky, my GS has always been good to me. Of course they know me by name, lol.


Sean said:
Thanks man, I'll email GS right now and see if they can sort this out for me.

I hate my local Gamestop, I always have to print out the product pages just so they're even aware about their preorder bonuses. They pulled the same crap with my LBP pre-order, I had to point at the poster right behind the cash register (!!!) and tell him to look in the drawer for a voucher... argh.
Don't feel bad man. I pre-ordered the CE today and the guy was like "there's a beta coming up?" I felt like slapping him. Guess no beta for me :( Oh well, game releases in less than a month! *Dances*


Sean said:
Thanks man, I'll email GS right now and see if they can sort this out for me.

I hate my local Gamestop, I always have to print out the product pages just so they're even aware about their preorder bonuses. They pulled the same crap with my LBP pre-order, I had to point at the poster right behind the cash register (!!!) and tell him to look in the drawer for a voucher... argh.

At my local GameStop, the guys that work there really hate the PS3. The manager actually wears shirts with "Xbox 360" logos all over them. When I bought GT5 Prologue, they said "You know this is ripoff and is really just an overpriced, glorified demo, right?" What incredible salesmanship! :lol I assume they were telling all their customers that. Naturally they knew nothing about R2 or LBP or preorder bonuses.


AKS said:
At my local GameStop, the guys that work there really hate the PS3. The manager actually wears shirts with "Xbox 360" logos all over them. When I bought GT5 Prologue, they said "You know this is ripoff and is really just an overpriced, glorified demo, right?" What incredible salesmanship! :lol I assume they were telling all their customers that. Naturally they knew nothing about R2 or LBP or preorder bonuses.

And people still try to insist gaming is on the road to "growing up"....


Guled said:
I played Resistance 2 today and here are some of my impressions

Resistance 2

- by far the game of the show, I was really hyped for this and it blew my expectations away
- the first level I played was the tutorial level in Iceland (or Greenland, forgot which) and what a way to start off the game.
- your making your way through this level following the Goliath trying to take it down and fight off the Chimeras
- the action was really intense with explosions all around and lots of enemies firing at you. The action kept me at the edge of my seat
- another thing that kept me at the edge of the seat is the sound, we were playing with headphones and wow, Insomniac is not joking when they talk about the emphasis they put on the sound
- at first, I was against the whole 2 weapon thing, but with the amount of action going on you will be always running out and it makes it feel more intense. I can't really explain it, but it didn't bother me at all during the gameplay
- The AI seams a lot smarter this time. I was playing on normal and they were giving me a run for my money. They seamed to work together and user cover a lot.
- The other level I played was Orick which was much more enjoyable and more intense
- At one point there was what seamed to be around 20-30 enemies rushing at me at once and jstevenson said there are moments that get more intense
- To the people who were worried about the stealth enemies being to easy to spot, I say don't worry about it. You hear them coming, but they revel themselves at the last moment. I got killed a couple of times and so did other people I saw playing the demo.
- If you liked the first Resistance you will love this one, Nov. 4th seems way to far away
- let me say this again, the sound is amazing. That and the action is so intense, shooter of the year, I think so :D
- I was talking to jstevenson for a while and asked him some question which I got answers for. Apparently the coop mode lasts longer then single player (15 hours) and that not counting the countless hours you will take replaying it. The beta will have clan support, but like with all betas the servers will be whipped after it ends. Also, there is a weapon that we still haven't seen yet. If you have any questions just shoot them

And also to all the doubters

nice impressions thanks


BeeDog said:
I know this is a retarded question, but since I'm so unsure, I'll ask:

There is absolutely NO difference between the UK version and the other versions in Europe (like for example, the Swedish), right? No multiplayer/DLC differences etc.?

If no, I'll just preorder the game from play.com to have it rest alongside my Motorstorm 2 preorder. :D



RockmanWhore said:
This is very tempting for us european. Play.com have some very intersting price (for exemple in France a PS3 games cost 70€ brand new, in those fishy british online store they cost like 55€, 48€ in the case or R2)

Just preordered a few mins ago. I was starting to get nervous that nothing like this would happen for Europe. Glad I held out from preordering somewhere else :D


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Slamo said:
I had a feeling it was this friday.

One week later is not bad.

Is bad enough, we have to wait one more week !!!!
At least i can play some LBP until then.
Firewire said:
@ Shag_187

Can you please spoiler you're damn post!

Done. Removed completely. Happy?


Better? :)


cjtiger300 said:
I guess we need to get a mod to do it. Of course you know what happens to the poster then.

Yeah we all know what happens to backseat modders. Thank you for alerting me.

Ploid 3.0

I would go to my store and demand the voucher, but if they didn't mention it to me when I actually preordered the game, and then extensively inquired about the beta, they must not know anything about the vouchers. Guess I'm screwed out of this one. :lol
you didn't have to remove the whole thing, just the stuff that pertained to the story. Hell, I don't care that much but I know that a lot of people that are coming to this thread for Beta info that wouldn't want to see any spoilers of any kind, small or not. A lot of people are on a media blackout.


Loudninja said:
Man you guys way over act with the spoiler stuff. :lol
He had some story details, all he had to do is spoiler that part and maybe give some warning. Guess I should go on a media blackout if people in this thread want to read story details.
Firewire said:
He had some story details, all he had to do is spoiler that part and maybe give some warning. Guess I should go on a media blackout if people in this thread want to read story details.

Well... in my defense, the demo has been shown to everyone in the media and other blogs/websites and they have talked about it and shown it alot of times. I just described my experience. Everyone knows Resistance 2 continues where Resistance: Fall of Man ends. I don't think i need to spoiler that. Everyone knows where the first map takes place and everyone will know where the second map that i played takes place for that map is in the online beta that pretty much everyone has seen. Everyone knows what creatures are in the games as they are shown in the trailer and I haven't seen any gameplay clips of Resistance 2 recently but I'm sure the other Chimeran creatures that i mentioned are mentioned here before (i remember seeing them in online beta gameplay videos with I'm sure everyone complaining here have seen). If it wasn't mean to be shown to me or anyone else, Jstevenson would've told me not to photograph or take videos or talk about it.

I care about the story as much as everyone else do. Here, let me elaborate what I was talking about incase people wonder WTF is happening. I'll post pictures from websites like IGN.

I talked about seeing these creature and playing these maps:





patsu said:
Argh, shagg, where is your impression ? You removed the entire whole thing ? Just spoiler tag the story part.

I kept the entire impressions in it's original entity here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13121718&postcount=38. I don't think it deserves any spoilers for everyone has seen and talked about it. You can't spoiler it without talking about the details. If anyone else thinks it should be, feel free to do it for me and i'll tag them accordingly :)

To simplify the impressions. Here it goes: Resistance 2 - Game of the Year! Loved it the moment i picked up the controller. Sony will advertise it like crazy in a few weeks. It had 4 booths dedicated to it with 5.1 surround headphones (game features 7.1 uncompressed surround sound so that speaks alot!). Visuals are GREATER in action than in picture. Weapons are far better and much more fun to use in this game compared to the first one (loved the weapons in the first game btw). Once again, every weapon has it's own advantage and disadvantage and using it properly can make you or break you. I died a couple of times in the game for using the wrong weapon. Also, i love the fact that if you get lost (very open ended game compared to the previous title), you will see a little blip in a few minutes telling you where to go or how far are you from the destination, making the gameplay less about running like an idiot and more about kicking some ass. The new chimeran creatures (as shown in those pictures, even the ones that are hard to "spot" in those screens) are much more diverse than the previous game. In the previous game, The classes of Chimerans for me were these: Human, Animal, Flying Creatures, Crawling creatures. In this game, they look, act and feel different. This time it's not just "Hey! Chimeran with a different weapon! Lets name them something else".


Some of use have been avoiding videos, images and story details at all cost. Anyways you're actual game play impressions where great!


Firewire said:
Some of use have been avoiding videos, images and story details at all cost. Anyways you're actual game play impressions where great!

Your, not you're. Sorry for being a douche, but you're = you are.

I still love you Firewire! No hard feelings?
Oh and i asked Jstevenson about the beta and he said they will be starting it SOON and that he has received all the emails/applications and he will be looking over them in a day or two (or maybe three) and sorting them out to see who qualifies, etc etc.
shagg_187 said:
Oh and i asked Jstevenson about the beta and he said they will be starting it SOON and that he has received all the emails/applications and he will be looking over them in a day or two (or maybe three) and sorting them out to see who qualifies, etc etc.

Mid-October confirmed. :(

Ah well, a few days or so after LBP ends won't be too hard to bear.


I was hoping the beta would start on the Friday so I can play some R2 on the weekend. Don't really have the time to play games on the weekdays anymore.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

We believe that we have listed most of the usable weapons in Resistance 2. Lets hope that more weapons are added.

Medic Gun
Fare Eye Sniper
Scout Gun: Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
Rossmore Shotgun
Mini Gun
Bellock Grenade Launcher
Air Fuel Grenade
Normal Grenade

Weapons Revealed in Trophies List
Bellok Semi-Automatic
Spider Grenade
Environmental Hazard


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Yeah, the air fuel grenades are back,my favourite weapon on R:FoM
shagg_187 said:
Well... in my defense, the demo has been shown to everyone in the media and other blogs/websites and they have talked about it and shown it alot of times. I just described my experience. Everyone knows Resistance 2 continues where Resistance: Fall of Man ends. I don't think i need to spoiler that. Everyone knows where the first map takes place and everyone will know where the second map that i played takes place for that map is in the online beta that pretty much everyone has seen. Everyone knows what creatures are in the games as they are shown in the trailer and I haven't seen any gameplay clips of Resistance 2 recently but I'm sure the other Chimeran creatures that i mentioned are mentioned here before (i remember seeing them in online beta gameplay videos with I'm sure everyone complaining here have seen). If it wasn't mean to be shown to me or anyone else, Jstevenson would've told me not to photograph or take videos or talk about it.

I care about the story as much as everyone else do. Here, let me elaborate what I was talking about incase people wonder WTF is happening. I'll post pictures from websites like IGN.

I talked about seeing these creature and playing these maps:

Its done, its over with. Just remember,
spoiler is your friend. when in doubt do this (if you don't know how, quote my post and look at the codes).
Scout Gun: Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle

If this is what i think this is then that's not the name of the weapon. It's actually called Marksman. I can talk about the gun without being shot at, right?

cjtiger300 said:
Its done, its over with. Just remember,
spoiler is your friend. when in doubt do this (if you don't know how, quote my post and look at the codes).

lol... I know how to use spoilers (check post history)!. Guess I'll use it for Marksman:

Marksman, as the description above says, is a semi-auto sniper rifle. I think it's a human's weapon and not a chimeran weapon. It's alternate fire shoots a slow ball of lightning that floats slowly towards the direction you shoot at. As soon as it reaches the target, it shoots lightning at any creature in it's radius and takes them down. Works great when there's loads of them and you feel like laying low

I'll also speak about the other new weapons that i used, most of them you people already know.

Bullseye, dubbed Bullseye Mark III (Where was Mark II? Good Question. It was available at the end of Resistance: Fall of Man) is the current basic weapon of Chimera. Looks like they have upgraded their weapons real quick and are ready for an all out assault. The alternate fire, once again, is tagging. This time, the tagging is more user friendly to the eyes i.e. When you tag, the enemy glows yellow. The crosshair has changed and the weapon itself is quite different from previous reincarnations of bullseye. The weapon has three pendulums on top of it which i sorta named "stabilizer". I asked Jstevenson for the use of it. He gave me 3 uses:

1. Chimerans have 6 eyes so these help them focus better
2. It shows how stable the gun is (i.e. when you shoot, it swings back and forth giving a real cool effect)
3. It looks cool~! :p

Mangum works just like any regular magnum, but it's big, bulky and very useful. As presented in any other shooter, Magnum is one shot kill if shot on the upper body. Reload is also fast so it can, at times, replace any convenient weapon though it shouldn't be used for smaller creatures as there's a bigger probability of missing. Suck at shooting? Magnum has the solution! It's alternate fire is a mini-explosive detonator so you can play with it very intelligently. Lets say there's waves of chimerans coming at you. Best way out is shoot at the one closest to you. As he falls and others start walking his path, blow up the bullet and watch them fly. You can also use it as a C4. Shoot at the walls and wait for the chimerans to follow, blow em out as they reach.
So... I haven't followed this thread in some time. I acquired a gamestop beta code today and registered it. Is the beta up and running, or if not, when can we expect to be getting the e-mail with the actual code?
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