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Retrieving files from busted-ass Xbox drive: How?


Sasquatch of 1000 (hairy) colons
So, my old Xbox, is fucked. Error 12 when I try to boot it up, and I swapped IDE cables, and concluded that the DVD drive was the culpret, but my HD was safe. So, I got a brand new Xbox yesterday, and swapped out the HD from my old, with the new, thinking things would be okay...

Not so. The new Xbox wouldn't boot with the old hard drive in it.

Is this because the bios or something is set to look for that certain HD? I dunno.

So, if I can't use my old HD in my new Xbox, how can I get the files off of it to put on my new HD. Mind you, I can't get into the dashboard.

So, ideas?



Don't know if it'd work, but maybe you could create a bootable CD/DVD using an exploit (check out xbox-scene.com). That might let you install an FTP server on your Xbox, then you can connect from your PC and suck the save games off.

Having said that, I have no idea if they'll still work when you copy them back - they might be tied to your xbox ID
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