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Reuters: U.S. to issue decree on transgender access to school restrooms

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Homeland Security Fail
From the Yahoo comments:

We are so sick and tired of the gay people wanting to be treated like normal people. My Pastor says the gay could so easily become normal again if they just started going to church and open their minds to The Word of God and open their hearts to Jesus Christ.

We continue to pray for the gay people because as Christians we are loving, humble, and we don't judge, that’s what sets us Christians apart and above from you non-Christians.


Fail out bailed
Love it. Awesome.

I'm afraid that it's gonna rally people behind Trump, but hopefully (lol) he'll stick to his guns for once and conti e not giving a shot about this supposed "issue"
This isn't really an attack on LGBTs but the concept of public education

This is the most telling line there.

Make no mistake: if Obama gets away with forcing this on public schools, social and religious conservatives will have to leave the public education system — not necessarily because transgender boys will be changing with girls, but because it is the first step — a major step — in redefining by state mandate what it means to be male and female, and a human being. Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who hold to tradition will be stigmatized as bigots.

This is a call for another flight from public schools and calls to cut funding. Same thing happened with intergration
i can see the Republicans cutting all funds to the Department of Education and pushing towards privatization instead.

Yup this is what's coming. Vouchers are going to be a dog whistle not only for white flight but "religious freedom"

I can see a liberal court slapping this stupidity down though and hopefully saying any public money is held to first amendment establishment restrictions.
Love it. Awesome.

I'm afraid that it's gonna rally people behind Trump, but hopefully (lol) he'll stick to his guns for once and conti e not giving a shot about this supposed "issue"

He wants to nominate Scalia-like Justices' to the Supreme Court, so he's on the wrong side regardless.


Holy shit these are incredible. How do people feel so strongly about an issue that does't impact their lives at all?

The answer to this is always obvious - gender identity is a huge part (maybe the biggest part) of a person's personal identity. When a person's definition of gender is threatened, their own self-identity is threatened and it feels like an attack on the self. Thus the strong feeling.

It's also why I've always thought the fight for trans rights is very different than the fight for gay rights. Accepting gay rights never meant forcing people to rethink their fundamental assumptions about one of the core pillars of their identity. (Because if you're straight, you can always 'other' gay people. When what it means to be a 'man' or a 'woman' is changing in front of your eyes, you can't do that.)


I'm honestly awestruck as to how strongly the federal govt. is coming in favor of trans rights. This is staggering.

I'm surprised by it as well, considering how long it took for a sitting US president to openly support gay marriage, I thought we'd have another decades worth of hand-wringing over the rights of transgender individuals. The fact that it's happening pretty much without delay in the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges is just fucking great.


Here's hoping Hillary's administration will be just as active with issues like these, it would be really great for us to stay so socially progressive. I'm tired of the past two decades of Republican boogymanism and claiming people to be lessor than what they are - regular people. Good man Obama.


Love it. Awesome.

I'm afraid that it's gonna rally people behind Trump, but hopefully (lol) he'll stick to his guns for once and conti e not giving a shot about this supposed "issue"

Trump said people should use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex they identify with.


Trump said people should use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex they identify with.

He likes to flip flop. There are and will be a lot of people pissed about this. It's easy points. I bet he says something contradictory. He'll probably say that he didn't mean children.

The federal government is going to mandate the teaching of gender theory

... oh no...?

in redefining by state mandate what it means to be [...] a human being.

... wat?

Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who hold to tradition will be stigmatized as bigots.

lol, we care about Muslims now, eh?

If you believe that these radicals are reasonable in any way, shape, or form, you are a fool.

But I thought Muslims were the radicals the we needed to protect everyone from?


Man, this country is definitely changing too fast for some people. I'm glad we're talking about this as a country and that we've managed to pivot
so quickly from same-sex marriage to another LGBT issue. Civil rights, y'all.

And not fast enough for some people. Personally care about the people who's lives are more likely to be actually endangered by living as they are than the people who are uncomfortable by those same people living as they are.
Are you kidding?

Everything Obama is doing is going to fit right in with the right wing rhetoric that he's a secret terrorist destroying this country.

At this point, I say who gives a fuck about what these assholes think. Liberals/progressives will regain the majority and shut them out of the political system altogether using any legal technicality necessary.

Their shit needs to stop. Like yesterday.

I'm tired of conservatives holding this country back 100+ years. Fuck them. We can play their bullshit, no-compromise game of politics. We'll just gain the majority during the GE and steam roll over them.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
He likes to flip flop. There are and will be a lot of people pissed about this. It's easy points. I bet he says something contradictory. He'll probably say that he didn't mean children.

Trump has actually tried really hard not to step on the LGBT rights landmine.
I still remember all the cries and news articles about how gay marriage was a great thing, but that the focus on just that issue and that part of the LGBT community was actually a bad thing for transgender people, because the general public would start thinking 'discrimination is over', while the reality for transgender people is anything but.

I am absolutely delighted by the Obama administration how it so quickly jumped on the next pressing issue instead of considering gay marriage their end game.

Half the country has to be brought to modern times, kicking and screaming, and the federal government is not afraid to take on that task. Good on them.
Why would there be transgenders in schools anyway? Isn't it too early an age for this stuff? Is it even legal to do those operations before 18?

Unless they mean teachers.

Beth Cyra

Why would there be transgenders in schools anyway? Isn't it too early an age for this stuff? Is it even legal to do those operations before 18?

No. Many trans people are aware at a very early age and it gets so much worse because puberty wrecks their body.

You aren't transgender thanks to surgery. You can be on hormone blockers and fully presenting at or even before the onset of puberty.
Why would there be transgenders in schools anyway? Isn't it too early an age for this stuff? Is it even legal to do those operations before 18?

Unless they mean teachers.

You don't need to go through any operations to be transgender. Nor is there any minimum age to have a gender identity that conflicts with your biological sex.
Why would there be transgenders in schools anyway? Isn't it too early an age for this stuff? Is it even legal to do those operations before 18?

Unless they mean teachers.
You don't need surgery to be transgender.

Hell, I realized I was trans when I was around 14 (of course, still in the closet, but still)
I'm honestly awestruck as to how strongly the federal govt. is coming in favor of trans rights. This is staggering.

I know. I expected them to say something, criticize North Carolina to some degree.. but not like this.

They are dropping the hammer and it is fucking glorious.


99.9999999% of people can behave themselves and keep to themselves in a public bathroom.

Even if every bathroom in the world was open to all genders, ages and sexual orientations most people would act perfectly normal. after all you don't know who is in the stall next to you unless you're spying.

If it wasn't so tragic it would be absurd how out of proportion this has been blown up.

Let trans people use whichever they want. It honestly shouldn't matter to anyone else.


Can we just make an exception for Obama to have a third term? Pretty please 22nd amendment, just this once?

In all seriousness though, this is a good move. No doubt people will fight it, and I'm sure we will have some Kim Davis-esque shenanigans pop up. This needed to be done, given stuff going on in states like North Carolina or Texas.


"This guidance gives administrators, teachers, and parents the tools they need to protect transgender students from peer harassment and to identify and address unjust school policies," she said.

They should be giving the kids tools to deal with harassment from administrators, teachers, and parents.


As one would expect, Rod Dreher is taking this well.

Make no mistake: if Obama gets away with forcing this on public schools, social and religious conservatives will have to leave the public education system — not necessarily because transgender boys will be changing with girls, but because it is the first step — a major step — in redefining by state mandate what it means to be male and female, and a human being. Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who hold to tradition will be stigmatized as bigots.

From where I'm looking, it looks to be more like correcting by state mandate what it means to be male and female. Because... tradition didn't quite get it right.

From the Yahoo comments:
We are so sick and tired of the gay people wanting to be treated like normal people. My Pastor says the gay could so easily become normal again if they just started going to church and open their minds to The Word of God and open their hearts to Jesus Christ.

We continue to pray for the gay people because as Christians we are loving, humble, and we don't judge, that’s what sets us Christians apart and above from you non-Christians.

Poe's Law, but I'm going to stick my flag in the 'satire' camp.

Trump has actually tried really hard not to step on the LGBT rights landmine.

He'll be equally misogynistic to every woman, no matter what their birth gender might be!

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
watch as hundreds of southern schools lose federal aid and blame it on Obama.


Why would there be transgenders in schools anyway? Isn't it too early an age for this stuff? Is it even legal to do those operations before 18?

Unless they mean teachers.

Watch this


Transgender Kids
Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux travels to San Francisco where a group of pioneering medical professionals help children who say they were born in the wrong body transition from boy to girl or girl to boy at ever younger ages.

Will probably be on YT.


people going to be salty over this!

I really don't understand the issue over this at all - its a bathroom, people use it to pass excrement or urine, to me gender is irrelevant in any sense, but if there are non unisex bath rooms equally it shouldn't matter to anyone if a trans woman goes in the bathroom she wants.

I utterly fail to understand the concerns anyone has over this, the claims of molestation and rapes? I just despair! there aren't armed guards on bathrooms you could get molested in one now, nothing will change, what should it matter if you are in a cubicle and in the next is a trans woman? same with a trans man next to you at the urinal! what exactly do you think you're going to have occur? walk in to find wall to wall rape?

So all in all good on Obama administration! it should go a hell of a lot further - thankfully I'm not in power otherwise I'd be considering castrating bigots so they can't breed the stupid
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