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Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all same-sex married couples if he's elected

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I still don't get this rampant conception in the US that marriage is some sort of sacred innocent institution. Historically, marriage is one of the least sacred institutions around. It's been used to gain power, money, abused over and over again. Not to mention divorce rates these days.

I just don't get it.
The American electorate is small and largely stupid. That's really all there is to it.


Obsidian fan
I eagerly await the day he's found with his tongue buried in the ass of some 13 year old rent boy behind a dumpster in the alley out back of the local gay dive.
When a supervillain can become president, you know the system is fucked up.

Dick Cheney is a supervillain. Santorum is just a joke.

If the Repubs nominate him they will get annihilated in the general election. Remember that he lost his Senate seat by a 16-point landslide- and PA isn't even a very liberal state.


To his credit, he seems like one of the few politicians that earnestly believes in his own words.

nope, he's just trying to round up all the overly-religious voters.

The guy went to college, and he criticized Obama for wanting people to go to college....all the evidence you need.
Ok, so, what exactly does this guy have against gay marriage? How does it affect him in the least?

Is it because it's an offense to "god"?

Is he god's personal protector? Can't god, you know, take care of these things himself?
I know he is not going to be, but the fact that he is actually in the running to be a presidential nominee is shameful.
Rick Santorum isn't the problem. Rick Santorum is just a symptom.

The fact he won primaries in 4 states already put him far closer than he had any right to be.
Missouri doesn't count and Newt Gingrich didn't even make the ballot, so he likely overperformed there; Mike Huckabee won Iowa in 2008, and all it got him was a television show; He took about 50 delegates total from MN and CO, so I wouldn't say he got close at all.


That would be Herman Cain, the guy with the Sim City tax plan who sang the Pokemon movie song at his speeches.

Yeah when you take it all into account, his campaign was almost approaching meta-genius. A black man as the Republican presidential candidate, and not just any primary, but that primary.

and the thing about Santorum, he screams of 'she doth protest too much'. He's supercharged-anti-gay, to the point where you kind of start thinking there is a point.


Will Eat Your Children
Yeah, 200,000 plus people being "unmarried" would be so funny.

Among the other crazy shit he'd pull.
I'm not the smartest guy on politics, but pretty sure president powers are limited. And if he did pull it off via via, shit would hit the fan, fast

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Santorum is like a walking talking cartoon caricature of everything the most backwards, ignorant, vengeful, hateful social conservatives would love to see in a leader. He is to socially retrograde bigots what Palin is to gun loving hillbillies.


The primary electorate is pretty small.

I bet if you polled every republican in the United States he would be geting a similar percentage that he gets in some of these primaries. While the primary electorate is pretty small it provides a pretty good random sample of the country as a whole.
I really hope he winds up the Republican nominee. Right wingers really need to get this toxic shit out of their system and seeing Santorum go down in flames would be good for them.


Rick Santorum: "Yeaaaaah, down with big government! We can't let them control our lives! Obamacare is the end of us all! They want to control how they live!"

... well, except for homosexuals in same-sex marriages. We can't have that and nobody should have that kind of right."

How can these candidates be such huge hypocrites? It's ridiculous. It scares me that people like that can run for office and be so closed-minded of their constituents.


Rick Santorum: "Yeaaaaah, down with big government! We can't let them control our lives! Obamacare is the end of us all! They want to control how they live!"

... well, except for homosexuals in same-sex marriages. We can't have that and nobody should have that kind of right."

How can these candidates be such huge hypocrites? It's ridiculous. It scares me that people like that can run for office and be so closed-minded of their constituents.

It's called politics. Gotta love it.
This guy's got to be a puppet by the Democrats so their candidates looks better. It's the only way it could make any sense.


Kills Photobucket
Oh right not yet. Still he's won some primaries no? Lemme just go stick my head in an oven.

He won some worthless caucuses to get momentum. Was a smart move for his campaign, but he has yet to win anything where there's real voting.

An upset in Ohio is really the only chance there is for Romney to lose the nomination.


He won some worthless caucuses to get momentum. Was a smart move for his campaign, but he has yet to win anything where there's real voting.

An upset in Ohio is really the only chance there is for Romney to lose the nomination.

He has a real chance to win in Ohio, a winner take all state of 66 delegates.


So what is more depressing?
That this guy believes this. Or that he's doing this because he thinks it will GAIN him support.
How does a guy like this get anywhere close to being even considered for election?

Some one like this would be ridiculed and removed from politics if it were the UK
I don't think a single enlightening thing has been said in this entire thread. There's nothing intelligent to say about Santorum. You just sort of shake your head and move on.

Exactly. Santorum is like a dog who pisses itself and rolls around in it. How can we possibly have an enlightening conversation on something like that?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I showed this to my father. Who is a Repub. Just looks at me and says "If that fucking idiot wins I am voting for Obama." Which I find funny because he said the same thing about Mitt. So I guess the GOP has hurt itself so much that a 73 year old life long rep is going to vote for the other team.

Yep. I have a lot of Republicans in my extended family. They used to be all over the debates and news, now silence.

However the primary turnout isn't that much different than 2008, and Santorum is getting 1/3 the vote.
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