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Rift: Planes of Telara |OT|



About RIft:

Mysterious rifts are tearing the world of Telara apart. A powerful magic explosion during the final days of the Shade War has left the veil between Telara and other planar dimensions fractured and torn.

Treacherous and powerful, these rifts occur when another plane of reality intersects with the magical Ward protecting Telara. Rifts create doorways for planar invasion, destroying the lands and people of Telara, but they may also grant otherworldly power to those brave enough to seize it.


In the final days of the Mathosian civil war, the Ward that protected Telara from planar convergence was severely weakened by a disaster known as the Shade. Since that time, rifts between Telara and the planes have been increasingly devastating the land, and old enemies held at bay by elemental prisons have begun actively clawing their way out.

Telara’s greatest enemy, the death god Regulos, pounds against the outside of the Ward, seeking re-entry into Telara to finish the job he once started. Meanwhile, Telara’s own pantheon of gods has suddenly grown silent, and the world is descending into total chaos.

The people of Telara are now convinced that the end of the world is at hand. In these desperate final days, two major factions have arisen to battle the coming apocalypse: the Guardians and the Defiant. Though each faction wants to save the world, their beliefs and methods differ, and they war upon each other as often as they do other enemies of Telara.

The Guardians



High Elves:




The Defiant







The Ascended Class System

In RIFT, players are one of the Ascended, a Telaran slain during the great Shade War and resurrected to combat the forces of Regulos. As an Ascended, players have access to special powers, the greatest of which is "Soul Attunement", the ability to commune with, and embrace, the souls of Telara's ancient fallen heroes.


Players choose an Ascended Soul from one of the four callings (Warrior, Cleric, Mage, and Rogue) at character creation. These initial souls, which grow in power as they become more specialized, are flexible and have well-rounded abilities that make them great for both solo and group experiences. Players can later choose to augment, or even replace, embraced souls with other souls from within their calling. The process of enabling souls that players discover in their adventures is called Soul Attunement.

Players will also gain more specialized "Heroic Souls" that open up a number of new and exciting gameplay experiences, offering special achievements and rewards for players who discover them all.

The Soul Tree

Each attuned soul grants players access to a unique "Soul Tree," which contains all of the traits and abilities that a soul had mastered during its life. As your character levels up, you earn soul points that can be used to improve that tree's soul level, granting players access to even more powerful traits and abilities.



Multiple Souls

As an Ascended grows in power, so does his or her ability to attune souls. Leveling a character will unlock the ability to attune additional souls. A maximum-level player will be able to attune up to three souls of their choosing!




Weapons, tactics, and combat are the mainstays of a Warrior’s life. Both the barbarian raiding a village and the knight commanding a column of troops adhere to the tenets of discipline, personal combat, and martial training. Every Warrior knows how to fight in close quarters, to take a blow and deliver a mortal wound in return. As the elemental forces have closed around Telara, a growing number of Warriors have incorporated magical techniques into their martial styles.

Warriors excel as lone combatants or within a larger force, depending upon what fighting styles they have mastered or choose to employ. Warriors as a Calling have no shared ethos or background, but their training, mastery of weapons, and enduring nature unite them in spirit. The noble barbarian and corrupt knight meet as equals on the battlefield.

Warrior Souls:


A Champion's legendary strength allows him or her to move with startling speed, closing with opponents to wreak destruction with their two-handed weapons.

Quick to answer the call to arms, Champions often rush into battle with reckless abandon, and can find themselves vulnerable to sneak attacks and well-organized assaults from multiple adversaries.


Reavers specialize in damage-over-time effects that weaken both the mind and body, crippling an opponent's ability to mount a successful offense.

Like death itself, Reavers grind down their opponents slowly; but as such they are not effective at quickly neutralizing a single opponent.


A Paladin excels in using a shield to turn aside incoming assaults and launch powerful counterattacks. This martial skill, and the divine blessings of their patron gods, allows Paladins to extend their protection to nearby allies.

Heavy arms and armor do not allow for quick movement, so Paladins have a hard time dealing with opponents at range, or with those who weave powerful magic, against which metal plates offer no protection.


Warlords can draw upon vast tactical experience, empowering their allies and weakening their enemies to change the course of battle.

The Warlord’s focus on enhancing the capabilities of her allies leaves her vulnerable when isolated from friendly ranks.


With a finely tuned mind and body, the Paragon wields two weapons to perfection, devastating his enemies. Paragons specialize in dealing consistent damage, and can also hit their enemies from range.

Paragons suffer against healers who can outpace their steady damage output, and these methodical warriors tend to be weaker against opponents who specialize in burst damage.


Able to shoot lances of fire, stone, and wind at enemies, Riftblades possess stronger ranged capabilities than other Warriors. Furthermore, much of their damage is elemental, cutting through armor as if it were flesh.


Offensive specialists, Riftblades do not focus much of their discipline on protecting themselves and are vulnerable to concentrated attacks. Their magical damage, while devastating against physical defenses, is just as weak as any magic against the appropriate resistances.

Void Knight

Void Knights empower themselves by absorbing hostile spells, becoming terrifying foes for any wielder of the arcane.

Enemies using mundane weapons and force of arms can ignore a Void Knight’s enchanted defenses and give them no fuel with which to charge their attacks.


The warrior combines his strength with a pet from the deep wilds. They work together, improving upon one another's strengths. WIth an increased bond with nature beastmaster's also excel at detecting the presence of stealthed creatures.


Beastmaster's lack the pure offensive and defensive strengths of the other warrior souls. They have more utility, but are better suited for groups then individual play.



Telara’s original wielders of magic gained their powers through pacts with minor elemental spirits. Through devoted study, these Clerics reached out to ever-more-powerful beings, soon communing with demons, faeries, and gods. These holy men and women founded a number of spiritual disciplines: some focused tightly on a narrow ethos, while others retained more free-form theological allegiances.

Although those who take up this calling boast extensive knowledge and keen intellect, Clerics value wisdom and faith above all else. Intensely focused, a Cleric tackles any endeavor secure in the support of powerful beings incomprehensible to the layman. These beings’ exact nature depends upon each Cleric’s culture of origin and spiritual training regimen.

Cleric Souls


Purifiers dedicate themselves to mastering the healing properties of fire, and as such are potent support Clerics who can burn away disease and instantly cauterize the most horrific wounds.

Purifiers are not known for their offensive capabilities, and while they are capable of marshaling the fury of their ancestors to strike down foes, they rapidly lose ground against the focused assault of a determined melee combatant.


An Inquisitor is a potent one-on-one combatant who specializes in mixing life and death magic, stealing their opponent's greatest strengths and making it their own.

Because they stand between the threshold of life and death, Inquisitors give up the strength found in those who walk a pure path. For that reason, they cannot support their allies in battle as strongly as other, more specialized clerics.


Sentinels are defensive clerics who excel at group support. Their divine powers aid the weak and ensure that everyone in their group lives through the fray.

Sentinels sacrifice offense for a strong defense, and thus struggle to deal massive damage to their opponents.


A Justicar’s healing comes from damage dealt in close combat. Thus he can survive and thrive in the thick of the fighting while ensuring his allies do the same.

A Justicar’s divine magic depends upon his melee prowess, so foes are wise to try and keep the Justicar from the front lines.


A Shaman strikes hard and fast like the fury of a winter storm. He can quickly close into melee and unleash powerful blows fueled by muscle and magic.

Shamans lack other clerics’ abilities to bolster defenses and heal grievous wounds, so they fare poorly against foes with a strong defense of their own or those who can keep them at bay.


The Warden excels at slowly stacking powerful healing energies on their allies. Given sufficient time to lay down magic, a Warden can bolster their allies through even the most grueling struggles.

Unable to weave their protective spells quickly enough to overcome a concentrated attack, Wardens have little defense against a rapid or group assault.


Where fragile Mages force their minions to fight in their stead, the mighty Druid draws upon their bonded Fae to personally take the fight to their foes. Druids themselves are formidable combatants, using their pets more as conduits and sources of power than as direct attackers.

A Druid’s bond with their Fae Spirit is both the key to their power and their greatest weakness. Enemies who destroy a Druid’s companion greatly reduce the Druid’s prowess and endurance.


Reveling in the power of darkness and shadows, the cabalist relies on sigals and timing to trigger debilitating spells and skills. They have many area of effect abilities that will stop enemies in their tracks.

The cabalist lacks many of the offensive spells seen on other cleric souls, and is more fit for group and AOE combat rather then single target DPS or healing.



The history of martial combat stretches back to the earliest days of Telara, when war was a brutal, messy, simple affair. This, as any Rogue will tell you, was the heyday of the Warrior. Their own tradition began much later, after people learned to fight with their minds as well as their muscles.

The arts of the Rogue are handed down by many different masters, each of whom developed unique forms and techniques. All Rogues are sophisticated combatants and dynamic thinkers, who utilize every available tool to skew the battlefield to their advantage. In the cities, Rogues learned to use shadow and cover to catch their targets unaware. Other Rogues learned the secrets of the wild, taming savage beasts and brewing poisons from the flora. Still others gained mastery over the arcane to enhance their weapons and attacks.


A Nightblade’s stealth and proficiency with weapons can dispatch enemies quickly and silently, while their knowledge of arcane magic gives them versatility in dealing a wide variety of damage.

Preferring the element of surprise and precise, killing blows, the Nightblade has trouble enduring a lengthy battle. Wearing only lighter armor, the Nightblade is better suited to sneak attacks or hit-and-run tactics.


An expert woodsman and archer, the Ranger excels at striking from range, while their animal companion harries the opponent in close combat.


Without an animal companion, a Ranger is but a simple archer, and while still quite deadly, can no longer mount a strong defense in close combat.

Blade Dancer

The Blade Dancer's mastery of edged weapons allows them to unleash devastating close combat attacks in quick succession. Their honed skills and supernatural agility allow them to avoid incoming attacks for short periods of time and launch lethal sneak attacks on the unwary.

Once a Blade Dancer's fury is spent, their light armor offers scant protection. They must quickly overcome their opponent's defenses or face defeat themselves.


Assassins are trained to meld with the shadows, bypassing defenses and launching potent surprise attacks with their poisoned blades.

Assassins must choose their targets carefully, or wind up in desperate straits if they forfeit the element of surprise or attack a foe who can shrug off the venom from their blades.


A Riftstalker is an incredibly mobile fighter capable of shielding himself from harm and appearing in the ideal place and time in a fight.

Harnessing planar energies places Riftstalkers under tremendous strain, so while formidable in short engagements, they quickly lose ground as they exhaust their bag of tricks.


Marksmen are experts at hit-and-run tactics, surgically dismantling targets from a safe distance, then sprinting away before the enraged victims can close for melee.

The Marksman keeps foes at bay for a reason. The key to defeating a Marksman is reducing their mobility, exposing them to devastating melee counterattacks.


Saboteurs mold the battlefield to suit their needs, and with careful planning, a lone Saboteur can overcome the most formidable foes in one explosive instant.

A Saboteur requires significant preparation to launch each devastating assault, and is quickly overcome if confronted in direct combat before every trap is in place.


Bards are support specialists. They focus on group healing, buffing and heal their party and raid members while simultaneously doing damage.

Bards lack the offensive strength of other rogue souls and are best used when in a group.



Since the dawn of time, spirits, creatures, and eruptions of energy from the elemental planes have shaped Telara in profound ways. Mortals watched planewalkers call forth elemental power, and gleaned from their techniques the basics of arcane magic. Through research and experimentation, the ancient Mages learned to control the elements without pledging themselves to any gods or minor spirits. After mastering broad elemental incantations, Mages focused their studies on individual elements, tapping the potential of primal forces controlled by a skilled hand.

Magical study is no solitary affair. Mages gather to share their arts and research, and arcane schools have risen and fallen throughout Telara's history. The two greatest schools still in existence are Quicksilver College, where Mathosian students come to study under ancient elven masters; and the new academy in the stronghold of Meridian, where Defiant scholars accumulate the recovered knowledge of the Eth.


The will of an Elementalist is so powerful that it allows the mage to manifest the elements and bind them to physical form, ripping them from the planes and using them as allies in battle. Each elemental has its own strengths and weaknesses, making the Elementalist a flexible and potent force on the field of battle.

Their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness, for an Elementalist without their summoned minions is just a frail scholar with minor magic at their disposal.


Warlocks specialize in destructive curses that eat away at an opponent’s body and soul. A Warlock is capable of rapidly spreading their blight across the battlefield, or focusing all of their entropic power to eradicate a single target in mere moments.

Warlocks can cast their lethal curses with but a word, but like death itself, they are slow and inexorable. This gives enemies a small window of opportunity to overcome them with a rapid and brutal assault.


Pyromancers keep their enemies at bay with well-placed fire spells, until they can be immolated at the Pyromancer’s leisure.

Pyromancers excel at roasting their enemies from afar, and so must be wary of foes able to charge into melee quickly or defend themselves against searing flames.


Stormcallers weave Air and Water magic together, their spells reaching heights of devastation in concert they could not achieve individually.

Just as a storm cannot be wind or rain alone, the Stormcaller must combine spells to reach peak devastation. They thus take longer to warm up than other mages and are vulnerable to foes who know how to interrupt their rotation.


Archons draw upon an enemy’s strength to empower their friends and unleash potent spells, helping their allies face down seemingly insurmountable odds.

An Archon is weakest when caught between transfers. Having expended their own life force to gain access to their enemy’s, they must feed on the energy of others to regain strength. During this time a strategic assault can quickly overcome the Archon’s meager defenses.


Together with their undead servitors, a Necromancer can inflict serious sustained damage and survive adversity better than most Mages. Using different minions, the Necromancer can handle various combat situations, and is as comfortable ending one life as he is covering a whole area with necrotic energy.

Since much of a Necromancer’s damage comes from their pet, they become vulnerable when caught on their own. These minions also require help from the Necromancer to reach peak performance, or they will do only a fraction of their potential damage.


With mind-altering abilities that easily disrupt focus, Dominators are the bane of enemy casters, especially healers. Dominators also excel at sending enemy ranks into disarray, making isolated, terrified individuals prey for the Mage’s allies.

Like many who thrive on terror, Dominators are themselves fragile and require a solid screen of companions to shield them from the wrath of those they torment.


A support class, the Chloromancer focuses on using the power of life to shield himself and his allies, revitalizing their health by the use of spores and plants.


The Chloromancer is not an offensive based class and does not fair well in solo combat.

PvP Souls

Each class has a PvP soul which, once you've earned enough points in PvP, you can purchase and use. Each of these souls have skills and abilities which enhance your effectiveness in PvP situations.

Disclaimer: This is Rift, not WoW. The WoW OT is here. Please feel free to post about WoW there.


The World of Telara

Thousands of years ago, the gods created the world of Telara and an abundance of living creatures to fill its mountains, forests, plains and oceans. The civilized territories currently explored by the players of RIFT are but one sample of its vast expanse. These territories are surrounded in the north and west by colossal mountain ranges, and to the east and south by seas that have become impassable in the wake of the Shade.

Although much of Telara is currently unreachable, the continent on which players of Rift: Planes of Telara begin is the largest in the world. It hosts a diverse and colorful geography. Its reaches host deserts of shimmering sand and vibrant oases, immense mountain ranges, lush old-growth forests, colorful fairy woods, boggy swamps, sparse rocky highlands, wildly overgrown grasslands, and wind-swept savannas.

Telara’s world of natural wonders is a perfect host for gripping adventures that challenge even the most dedicated explorers.









Cinematic Trailer

Build Your Class: Warrior

Insight into the Game

The Ascended Class System

PvP Trailer

Level 50 Raid Content Preview

The Nitty Gritty:

Release Date: March 1st
Pre-Order Headstart: February 24th (anyone who pre-orders gets to begin the game early with all of their pre-order in-game items).

The Collector's Edition: $79.99

What's inside?

Game disc and Rift CD soundtrack
Exclusive digital content
Ancient Tartagon Mount: Available at level 20, this turtle mount increases player speed by 60%
Collector's Satchel - Increases the size of your primary backpack to 24 slots
Bogling Wastrel - This unique pet sets you apart from the other Ascended
8GB RIFT USB drive
SteelSeries gaming mouse pad
128-page hardcover comic
Unique collector's box
Double-sided poster and quickstart guide/reference card

If I pre-order the digital copy will I get access to the head-start?

Yes x1000!

System Requirements:


Operating System - Windows XP, Vista or 7
Processor - Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
RAM - 2 GB
Hard Disc Space - 15.0 GB available
Video Card - Nvidia GeForce FX 5900, ATI/AMD Radeon X300, Intel GMA X4500 or better
Sound Card - DirectX 8.1 compliant card
DirectX - 9.0c, June 2010 update
Other - Broadband Internet connection (DSL, cable modem or other high speed connection); subscription fee required for play

Operating System - Windows XP, Vista or 7
Processor - Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or better
RAM - 4 GB
Hard Disc Space - 15.0 GB available
Desktop Video Card - Nvidia GTS 250 or better
Notebook Video Card - Nvidia GTX 200M series or better
Sound Card - DirectX 8.1 compliant card
DirectX - 9.0c, June 2010 update
Other - Broadband Internet connection (DSL, cable modem or other high speed connection); subscription fee required for play


What's the game play progression like?

In wow it's like... level to 10, choose a spec, do dungeons(in your level range)/professions/zone to zone quests/pvp until 85. At 85 you do random or pre-made dungeons, pvp, and raids for gear.


I've been playing MMOs since Everquest 1 but whenever I take a look at Rift I can't help but feel this game is far more complicated then it should to be. To complicated with it's class system. It might not even be the case but that's my initial, at a glance, impression of the game.


Effect said:
I've been playing MMOs since Everquest 1 but whenever I take a look at Rift I can't help but feel this game is far more complicated then it should to be. To complicated with it's class system. It might not even be the case but that's my initial, at a glance, impression of the game.

The class system is actually not that difficult. It'll take you a few hours to get used to more then likely, but it's actually not that bad if you think of the 3 souls as one class that you're building. You just get to pick and choose which abilities and perks you'd like to add in rather then being stuck with a select few.

My rogue has a riftstalker / bladedancer / bard build which allows me to not only tank, but I can warp to my enemies, I have high dodge, and I can buff myself and my allies.
Great game. Is there any RvR planned for this game? I'd love some WAR style fighting.

Its the only thing holding me back from buying it.


Effect said:
I've been playing MMOs since Everquest 1 but whenever I take a look at Rift I can't help but feel this game is far more complicated then it should to be. To complicated with it's class system. It might not even be the case but that's my initial, at a glance, impression of the game.
It is for me. ..

On wow a new player probably should level the 9 classes to level 10 then read each specs special ability. That's technically 27 combinations, but it feels like 9 since the one special ability per spec is straight forward and you mastered all the other abilities.

On Rift I'm pretty sure each soul has different abilities. So, in the first 2 levels, there's 28 combination possible? Then when you add the second soul in the next few levels... 84? Then when you add the 3rd soul and pvp soul, holy shit, how do you even balance that?


Great OT 1st. Really looking forward to this when servers open up for good. Haven't had time to play much OB so far, but that should change with retail.

Also - you may want to put a disclaimer about comparisons and such to WoW. Would be great to not have that garbage in the thread.
DeathNote said:
It is for me. ..

On wow a new player probably should level the 9 classes to level 10 then read each specs special ability. That's technically 27 combinations, but it feels like 9 since the one special ability per spec is straight forward and you mastered all the other abilities.

On Rift I'm pretty sure each soul has different abilities. So, in the first 2 levels, there's 28 combination possible? Then when you add the second soul in the next few levels... 84? Then when you add the 3rd soul and pvp soul, holy shit, how do you even balance that?

Honestly, who cares about true balance?
Balance lead to the watering down of WoW classes and specs so that any class could replace another, basically.
Variety is going to be the life blood of this game.
And it really isn't complicated.
You have points. You spend points wherever you want. You get skills and attributes.


Got this bad boy pre-ordered. I'm looking forward to a more artistically realistic WoW clone. Belmont Defiant siiiiiiide!!!!!!!!


Concept17 said:
Great OT 1st. Really looking forward to this when servers open up for good. Haven't had time to play much OB so far, but that should change with retail.

Also - you may want to put a disclaimer about comparisons and such to WoW. Would be great to not have that garbage in the thread.

Good point. Added.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Started playing the Open Beta today and ordered the game. Can't wait for the 24th.

Trion Worlds wouldn't be able to come up with a better release date for their game than now, with many players getting bored with WoW.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I think it's pretty clear by now that Defiant will outnumber Guardian in every server available.


Gaz Pwnage said:
Great game. Is there any RvR planned for this game? I'd love some WAR style fighting.

Its the only thing holding me back from buying it.

The max level anyone has been able to get up to is 42 right now, so we're not quite sure 100% of the end-game content for PvP. I do not believe there will be castles and the like to raid (at least not at launch) but there are shared areas (lvl 30~ is the first shared questing area between races) and you can mount up a team of people and assault anywhere in the other races part of the world at any time.

It's fully open world PvP, but there's also the warfronts as well with things like like capture the flag, holding bases, etc. which is kind of fun - it's cross server and you can bring a party or solo it. There's 3 different maps open right now.

As for large war fronts with 3 raids going at each other at the same time... not sure if we'll see that or not in this game.


I just started playing the open beta like 5 min ago. But I have to ask, does the character models look weird to anyone else? The dudes in the screen shots look tall and slim, but the models look short and oddly proportioned when I'm playing the game. Maybe it's because I'm playing an Eth?


Quagm1r3 said:
Yeah so I pre-ordered the game a month ago and never got a beta invite. Am cry...

You should probably contact Trion support then. But, even so, the beta is open right now... so you can just download the client and play regardless o_0


Concept17 said:
Ohhh been meaning to ask since I actually haven't pre-ordered yet..

If you pre-order on Steam do you get early access?

Yes. All pre-orders, whether digital or boxed, get early access. The difference is that digital pre-orders get ALL of their pre-order items on the 24th. The boxed people get all of their pre-order items MINUS the 24 slot inventory bag - that'll be given out on the 1st once they enter the key from their boxed edition.


Concept17 said:
Ohhh been meaning to ask since I actually haven't pre-ordered yet..

If you pre-order on Steam do you get early access?

Don't see why not. Steam hasn't failed yet in that respect.


I may come and jump in with ya GAF. I got 2 - 3 others who will join up. We're still raiding with WoW but gonna be playing this on our raid off days.


CcrooK said:
I may come and jump in with ya GAF. I got 2 - 3 others who will join up. We're still raiding with WoW but gonna be playing this on our raid off days.

Sure thing. We'll be raiding too, which may overlap with your raid days in WoW though.


1stStrike said:
Sure thing. We'll be raiding too, which may overlap with your raid days in WoW though.

No biggy. We may focus more on PvP but we're usually on both the PvP and PvE aspects of MMOs. If we can't make actual raid days, we'll probably get groups together on our own with any other guildies who can't make those days.


AceBandage said:
Honestly, who cares about true balance?
Balance lead to the watering down of WoW classes and specs so that any class could replace another, basically.
Variety is going to be the life blood of this game.
And it really isn't complicated.
You have points. You spend points wherever you want. You get skills and attributes.
You kind of have to choose a play style before you spend points yanno.

On wow there's 30 different play styles to choose between, on Rift there are 224

How is that not a complicated choice?
DeathNote said:
You kind of have to choose a play style before you spend points yanno.

On wow there's 30 different play styles to choose between, on Rift there are 224

In a sense, kind of.
You choose what you want to major in, and go from there.
But that's the beauty of it. Everyone is going to be different and still effective.


AceBandage said:
In a sense, kind of.
You choose what you want to major in, and go from there.
But that's the beauty of it. Everyone is going to be different and still effective.
On wow there is 4 ways to heal, 4 ways to tank, 22 ways to DPS the game.

I don't know where to begin to analyze all the ways to tank, dps, and heal with Rift or which combination I'd like better.

I'm not really talking about min/max. Say I level up X calling but like the way another calling looks in action better with their high end abilities and animations I couldn't foreshadow in action.
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