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Rift: Planes of Telara |OT|

DeathNote said:
On wow there is 4 ways to heal, 4 ways to tank, 22 ways to DPS the game.

I don't know where to begin to analyze all the ways to tank, dps, and heal with Rift or which combination I'd like better.

Say I level up X calling but like the way another calling looks in action better with high end abilities and animations I didn't see in action.

And that's why you can have 4 specs.


Lotus Cross will be looking into late-night EST raids, particularly because yours truly has to work closing shifts often. More than likely I'll try to make them near the weekend so people can focus on "thursday - saturday" raid schedule or something similar.

And AWWWESOME OP El, go LC OPness!

Death to the Guardians and their Ignorance!

Oh and the subtitle for the OT should definitely be "We are Ascended"


For those that are worried about not being able to choose or regretting a choice - you can reset your souls at any time and you can have up to 4 different soul configurations that you can change between whenever you're not in combat with the click of a button.


1stStrike said:
For those that are worried about not being able to choose or regretting a choice - you can reset your souls at any time and you can have up to 4 different soul configurations that you can change between whenever you're not in combat with the click of a button.
How do you gain access to more souls to choose from?


Lebron said:
How do you gain access to more souls to choose from?

You do quests once you hit lvl 13 and you can then unlock each additional soul. The PvP soul is the only one you have to buy (using points earned in Pvp)


Maaaan I kinda don't want to get into MMO's again, but I've been playing the beta like crazy and loving every minute of it. I'll probably end up buying it - will be sure to hook up on the GAF server/faction when I do.


Delightful Oonsk said:
Maaaan I kinda don't want to get into MMO's again, but I've been playing the beta like crazy and loving every minute of it. I'll probably end up buying it - will be sure to hook up on the GAF server/faction when I do.

You might as well just give in and join us. Just set a timer or something and force yourself to stop playing when it goes off :p


AceBandage said:
And that's why you can have 4 specs.
Testing out every combo of one class isn't my concern really. I'm not partial to any class or role in WOW. When I hit near cap on one calling I just know that one of the other class combinations is going to interest me more than what I put effort into leveling. Less because of max potential and more because of how they look and their spell animations. I guess leveling up 4 characters to cap and getting 200+ combinations is awesome compared to 9 characters and 30. Maybe that's the point.


I'll probably be joining you guys come retail. Shame it's not a pvp server though, but given wow's world pvp. probably won't matter, everyone will migrate into warfronts anyways


jersoc said:
I'll probably be joining you guys come retail. Shame it's not a pvp server though, but given wow's world pvp. probably won't matter, everyone will migrate into warfronts anyways

Even on non-pvp servers there's still some open world pvp, and of course warfronts. While you can flag pvp off, most people don't so I've never had any issues ganking whoever was unlucky enough to be leveling in the same area as me.


Been playing since Beta 3 and love it. Seen the Lotus Cross guild you guys have set up, but has anyone set up a European guild? Being in the UK means i'd get a fair bit of lag connecting to a US server, and if raids may be taking place late night EST time as maxrpg says, it'll be well into the 2AM time over here! :(

Rad Agast

1stStrike, maybe I missed it in the OP but you might want to add that you can save up to 4 different specs for each character and change them on the fly while out of combat.


Nice OP...can`t wait for the head start...getting my new PC in a few days,can`t wait to finally see the Rifts attack and raids properly,on my P4 right now,it`s a slideshow hehe...


vehn said:
bleh do you have to preorder to get in the beta? Wanted to try it out this weekend

It's open beta right now. You don't have to pre-order to get into it. Just sign up on the Trion site and download the client. Beta ends on the 21st.


Yeah, I need to stop signing off in Sanctum Watch. This is the third time I logged in to a rift gank fest already dead lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
I'm interested in this game but...man I'm wary. Not sure why either. Should I jump in anyway? I usually play melee/tank.


First person to quote this post gets the code for that Rift hat that you can unlock in TF2. Please for the love of god someone take it, I'm tired of that ticket taking up a slot in my backpack.


Kintaro said:
I'm interested in this game but...man I'm wary. Not sure why either. Should I jump in anyway? I usually play melee/tank.

The beta is the best time to "jump in" as you can test it out without forking out any money. You've got until 1 pm EST on the 21st to try it out. The best way to see if you'll like it or not is to give it a shot :)

Forkball said:
First person to quote this post gets the code for that Rift hat that you can unlock in TF2. Please for the love of god someone take it, I'm tired of that ticket taking up a slot in my backpack.

I'll gladly take it :S


1stStrike said:
The beta is the best time to "jump in" as you can test it out without forking out any money. You've got until 1 pm EST on the 21st to try it out. The best way to see if you'll like it or not is to give it a shot :)

I'll gladly take it :S
PM sent.


I love that Candace skill for Bard with max invigorated soul. I literally healed our whole group with that in a raid, just spammed it. All you saw where green numbers all over the place lol


1stStrike said:
The beta is the best time to "jump in" as you can test it out without forking out any money. You've got until 1 pm EST on the 21st to try it out. The best way to see if you'll like it or not is to give it a shot :)

I'll gladly take it :S

Really? Shit. Now I need to split this weekend between Rift and MvC3. Weird since I just had a dream last night that I somehow got hold of my old WoW account. :lol


Anyone else notice their FPS go down with this beta? I can't seem to get above 30 FPS anymore when I was hitting 40-45 a lot. I've even seen it drop down to 18-20 pretty often when just running around not in or near rifts.

Lebron said:
I love that Candace skill for Bard with max invigorated soul. I literally healed our whole group with that in a raid, just spammed it. All you saw where green numbers all over the place lol

I wish I had an interest in any of the other rogue souls, because bard seems like it would be a lot of fun based on me getting one to 10 so far. Seems like it has a really neat EQ1 bard feel to it.


I am usually a fan of MMOS, but this does not really click. I love the Rifts, Classes and the flow between the hub, but the animation and engine is really meh to me.

Imagine if this had Aions animations/engine...Would be the best MMO ever.


nataku said:
I wish I had an interest in any of the other rogue souls, because bard seems like it would be a lot of fun based on me getting one to 10 so far. Seems like it has a really neat EQ1 bard feel to it.
Doooo eeeit. Bard is awesome. It's a great complement to whatever you're rolling with.


Well having put some considerable amount of time into this last night, I'll post my impressions for those on the fence etc.

The Good

The class system is amazing, really well thought out and implemented, the diversity you can achieve in what you wanna play and roles you can fulfill is great, naturally there are more efficient combos for doing a single role then others but unless your looking into min maxing this isn't a problem.

The Rift mechanic is cool, I wasn't expecting it to take off the way it did because of player apathy, but I logged into people calling out rift positions on maps for high level rifts that they needed assistance in closing. Also they happen frequently enough that you don't have to go looking for them if you don't want to, and the big invasion style rifts, are an excellent touch. Here's an example of my map during on of these invasions, took about an hour and 20 minutes to get everything cleared up, was insanely fun.

Invasion Map

I haven't had the chance to venture into the dungeons and such yet, so I can't comment on that but judging from what people have been talking about in general chat it seems like the standard fare.

The Bad

I'm not sure what it is about the character models, but they just don't look good, I can't really put my finger on it but something about them just seems very unpolished, and it applies to the general graphical quality in the game as well. It isn't really a horrible thing but, it just comes off to me as not being very fluid, in movements to the clay like environments. I'm playing with everything on ultra and maintaining around 60fps but again just comes off to me as not right, however I do enjoy the art style of WoW quite a bit which may be it.

In any case the game is fun, despite being very similar to a certain other MMO it has a unique enough spin to differentiate itself, would definitely recommend trying it out if your least bit interested in MMOs


Sebulon3k said:
Well having put some considerable amount of time into this last night, I'll post my impressions for those on the fence etc.

The Good

The class system is amazing, really well thought out and implemented, the diversity you can achieve in what you wanna play and roles you can fulfill is great, naturally there are more efficient combos for doing a single role then others but unless your looking into min maxing this isn't a problem.

The Rift mechanic is cool, I wasn't expecting it to take off the way it did because of player apathy, but I logged into people calling out rift positions on maps for high level rifts that they needed assistance in closing. Also they happen frequently enough that you don't have to go looking for them if you don't want to, and the big invasion style rifts, are an excellent touch. Here's an example of my map during on of these invasions, took about an hour and 20 minutes to get everything cleared up, was insanely fun.

Invasion Map

I haven't had the chance to venture into the dungeons and such yet, so I can't comment on that but judging from what people have been talking about in general chat it seems like the standard fare.

The Bad

I'm not sure what it is about the character models, but they just don't look good, I can't really put my finger on it but something about them just seems very unpolished, and it applies to the general graphical quality in the game as well. It isn't really a horrible thing but, it just comes off to me as not being very fluid, in movements to the clay like environments. I'm playing with everything on ultra and maintaining around 60fps but again just comes off to me as not right, however I do enjoy the art style of WoW quite a bit which may be it.

In any case the game is fun, despite being very similar to a certain other MMO it has a unique enough spin to differentiate itself, would definitely recommend trying it out if your least bit interested in MMOs

Iron Tombs is a lot of fun. Once you hit lvl 17 give it a whirl. Everyone I've taken through it has had a lot of fun with it and the others show promise too. There are some "open" dungeons too.

Good feedback, though. I really don't have an issue with the graphics (I turned off bloom and put it on edge as I think that makes things look better) but I realize it's no Crysis.


I'll probably play a chick in live since I've played a male for 3 beta's now up to lvl 41. Give me something different to look at :p

I hit lvl 41 last night just doing pvp arenas for the most part. Most of them involved the defiants getting stomped in whitesteppes, with a couple wins in codex and quite a few wins in black (apparently, we're the zerg and most defiants are brainless and can't fathom actually achieving objectives).

Big rhino mount!


I'm now completely torn on what to play at launch. Messed around with a warrior today and really like the feel of the Paladin, Riftblade, and Void Night. It also seems like tanks seem to be fairly lacking so far in game. I see mostly rogues and clerics running around.

If the guild [needs] anything in particular, I would probly play it as I'm completely uncertain what to play atm.


1stStrike said:
Iron Tombs is a lot of fun. Once you hit lvl 17 give it a whirl. Everyone I've taken through it has had a lot of fun with it and the others show promise too. There are some "open" dungeons too.

Good feedback, though. I really don't have an issue with the graphics (I turned off bloom and put it on edge as I think that makes things look better) but I realize it's no Crysis.
I also turned bloom off. Makes the game look like you're playing through vaseline.

Also, I looked at the PVP vid. Some sick stuff, especially how only the raid rift openers get the phat lootz.


Concept17 said:
I'm now completely torn on what to play at launch. Messed around with a warrior today and really like the feel of the Paladin, Riftblade, and Void Night. It also seems like tanks seem to be fairly lacking so far in game. I see mostly rogues and clerics running around.

If the guild [needs] anything in particular, I would probly play it as I'm completely uncertain what to play atm.

We actually have enough tanks. A couple more healers would be nice, though. I plan on playing a rogue again and as I've proven thus far I can tank any instance.



It's bad enough that female dwarves have no beard in WoW.

Now Rift has MALE dwarves where I can see the neck? GTFO. Game sucks.


There is something about the voice acting in this game that sounds like they got their old D&D buddies to do the voice overs. The game is really good so far.


1stStrike said:
I'm not sure whether to take you seriously or not.
Dwarves should always have huge, flowing beards of might and glory.

It's fucking shameful if they do not.
Shanadeus said:
Oh, is it the lvl 40 mount?
Will try to get one too.

Nah, it's the low level alternate Guardian mount.
Horses suck.

Also, where are Death Rifts? I'm trying to get my bard soul, but all the rifts in Silverwood are Life and Fire.


Has problems recognising girls
Twig said:
Dwarves should always have huge, flowing beards of might and glory.

It's fucking shameful if they do not.
They do.

In fact Rift (outside of WAR) seems to be the only MMO that has got Dwarves right.


speedpop said:
They do.

In fact Rift (outside of WAR) seems to be the only MMO that has got Dwarves right.
Then what's up with the horrendous image that labels a non-dwarf as a dwarf!


Has problems recognising girls
So the devs can find that one person who will take a stupid offense to it and ridicule them within their offices.
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