way too soon
totally shocking to me..
nothing constructive i could say comes to mind so i'll just say go listen to Mudcrutch - Dreams of Flying. one of the best songs by him and his bandmates.. it was my jam in summer 2016 and one of the best songs of the year IMO. it's also proof he never fell off. we will miss out on many great rock songs with him gone, and there's really no replacement like there wasn't for Prince or Bowie or Lemmy and many other legends we've lost.
nothing constructive i could say comes to mind so i'll just say go listen to Mudcrutch - Dreams of Flying. one of the best songs by him and his bandmates.. it was my jam in summer 2016 and one of the best songs of the year IMO. it's also proof he never fell off. we will miss out on many great rock songs with him gone, and there's really no replacement like there wasn't for Prince or Bowie or Lemmy and many other legends we've lost.