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Rob Ford: Still smoking crack. On video. Taking leave of absence.

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I think the stereotype of coke/crack addicts being thin comes from a lot of physical activity related to being stimulated. Also the stigma that crack, especially, is a 'low-class' drug and that if you're truly addicted you're spending most of your money on the drug and not food.

We know that neither of these are true for Robbie.


Canadians burned my passport
There is a guy in a banana suit at Ford's office who was let in.


Just for the record:

Retired wrestlers 0/2, Bananaman: 1/1


Canadians burned my passport
Oh wow

Jonathan Goldsbie ‏@goldsbie 1m

Our long, weekly nightmare is over. RT @StrashinCBC: 1010 cuts ties with Fords, The City will no longer air.

Major blow to the Fords


Just heard on CTV news that the Fords lost their radio show on 1010.

edit: Divvy, I'm gonna murder you, rip your eyes out, I'm a real motherfucker!


I reject the premise of the question because I don't view the relationship between elections and policy outcomes quite so instrumentally. I also typically dislike complete gridlock in government, although some people like it if it serves their aims to prevent changes that would likely occur in its absence. I am not confident that Doug Ford would make a good mayor, but I am confident that he would make a better mayor than Rob Ford. Obviously he's not who I would vote for were I a resident of Toronto, which I am not :p

That being said I am open to a broader discussion about whether Mayor in specific ought to have a larger or smaller role as distinct from Ford's performance of being mayor, and in general I've become pretty sour on large metropolitan amalgamations over the last 5 or 6 years because of many, many cases where I feel they've negatively impacted the downtown core's political clout (and I'm... not a very suburban guy.)

But to put this in a more important context: when people make removing Rob Ford about the policies they disagree with, they provide a framing that incentivizes Ford supporters to burrow in in order to defend the policies they agree with. That's a distraction from the broader problem. The people who voted for Rob Ford aren't going anywhere, but they can and should be encouraged to cut him loose instead of engaging in rationalizations like "Hey, why do I care if he drunkenly throws things at staffers or cavorts with organized criminals? Subways!"

For what it's worth based on what's come out over the past few days I've changed my mind and can no longer support Ford.


I'm not particularly enamored with the left, like the idea of Chow as mayor is loathsome, but I'd honestly would rather have Miller back than to go through Ford again. Hell, even Stintz or Tory... Ford doesn't know how to run a city for shit.


Canadians burned my passport
I still haven't heard a evidence-based argument against Chow. I don't particularly have a strong opinion of her either way, but every time I hear someone complain about her, there's never any reason. It's always "I just don't like her!"
I'm not particularly enamored with the left, like the idea of Chow as mayor is loathsome, but I'd honestly would rather have Miller back than to go through Ford again. Hell, even Stintz or Tory... Ford doesn't know how to run a city for shit.

I would totally support John Tory over Stintz and definitely over Ford. Chow vs Tory would be a good fight.


I still haven't heard a evidence-based argument against Chow. I don't particularly have a strong opinion of her either way, but every time I hear someone complain about her, there's never any reason. It's always "I just don't like her!"

The NDP's platform largely makes me throw up in my mouth, I extend that to her by association. Miller's very similar to Shelley Carrol imo- who I'd also support.


Yeah, but I never hear that kind of dislike extend towards Miller or Layton. Chow always gets the worst of it.

Oh, I extend it to Layton, fuck him too. Miller in practice doesn't seem that different from a liberal like Shelley.

edit- The absence of disgust for Layton might be because he's dead too fwiw.


Oh, I extend it to Layton, fuck him too. Miller in practice doesn't seem that different from a liberal like Shelley.

edit- The absence of disgust for Layton might be because he's dead too fwiw.

Miller implemented the vehicle registration and land transfer taxes as soon as he got the abilitity to do so, an ability he lobbied for long and hard from day one and got with the City of Toronto Act. (That is to say, he didn't have the power to implement these taxes so he went ahead and lobbied the provincial government for years to give him these powers and used them as soon as he got them!. That's a supreme will to tax right there.)

He increased funding for the arts and festivals, helped set up Waterfront Toronto, pushed for and got funding for LRT trains across the city, killed Porter's bridge to the Island Bridge, poured money into revitalizing Regent Park...

These are all incredibly lefty initiatives. I like all of them and I think Miller was amazing for pushing all of them through (especially Transit City and how he actually managed to start investing in the TTC after a long period of neglect) and a lot of the current strength of the city is because of these things. I don't know which of Miller's policy directions that Layton would have or Chow would differ in. He had infrastructure he wanted to invest in and so he got the funding tools he needed to raise the revenue for them and successfully lobbied the other levels of government to pitch in.

I think Pan AM 2015 will be a great thing for the city to boot as it freed up funding (taxpayer of course) to clean up the previously uninhabitable Portlands which is kinda what governments are supposed to be doing all the time to my mind.

Edit: I just think there's a kneejerk reaction from a lot of people against the left side of the spectrum. It seems like people respond to a caricature of what the left is painted to be rather than what lefty politicians are proposing to actually do which is usually just good governance that uses taxes to invest in infrastructure and services rather than cut them.


I remember the island airport expansion helped sweep Miller into power, and at the time I agreed with it.

But now that Porter has been expanding... I kind of like them. And all the doom and gloom about airports never really amounted to much. I guess it's bad for people that live on the island... but they're all a bunch of hippie squatters anyway. No, but seriously, I went to school with a few people from "the island" and they always complained about the ferry. There were always days where one of them would miss a whole class, and one of the other guys would be like, "well, he missed a ferry." Or they had to go home early and catch the last ferry.

I guess it's quaint and everything, and helps conserve the community, but that's the kind of logic that keeps street cars off roads, or windmills off the water.


Stupid, stupid shit like capping creditcard rates, banning bandwidth caps, increasing payroll taxes, cutting HST for heating off the top of my head.

So you don't like Andrea Horwath then. What does that have to do with Chow at the municipal level?


So you don't like Andrea Horwath then. What does that have to do with Chow?

These were all from the 2011 federal election. The one that she campaigned on you know?

edit- I guess being indistinguishable from Horwath's platform is a bit funny.


These were all from the 2011 federal election. The one that she campaigned on you know?

edit- I guess being indistinguishable from Horwath's platform is a bit funny.

Alright fair enough. I don't find those policies to be very objectionable myself (seems to be aimed at 1. greater regulations on corporations and 2. shifting the tax burden to those who are well off, neither of which offends me), but they still don't have much to do with what Chow would do as a mayor of a city that doesn't have jurisdiction over... any of that.

Edit: In any case this has gone OT, we can move this to the Toronto or canadian poligaf threads if you want.


Alright fair enough. I don't find those policies to be very objectionable myself, but they still don't have much to do with what Chow would do as a mayor of a city that doesn't have jurisdiction over... any of that.

My problem is that the only thing Chow has done is being an MP on a vapid platform. There as as many reasons for her being a good mayor as my broken toe. Miller, Carroll, and Stintz all at least have IMO positive records on city council to work from.


I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.


And ironic

Well the unions are also the ones who got Mike Harris elected.

I'm pretty damn lefty but some unions have absolutely moronic entitled pricks as leaders. They're just as bad as the "I got mine" Bay Streeters and for the same damn reasons.


Mammoliti used to be a union boss no?
Yeah guys like those aren't anywhere on the political spectrum, they just crave conflict and wedge issues so they can champion one side of it as a way to get into, and then stay in, power. They just need an enemy to rile a base against.


Canadians burned my passport
Well the unions are also the ones who got Mike Harris elected.

I'm pretty damn lefty but some unions have absolutely moronic entitled pricks as leaders. They're just as bad as the "I got mine" Bay Streeters and for the same damn reasons.

Yeah, a lot of the unions here are way too powerful for their own good, and to a degree that's wholly detrimental to their own members not to mention the rest of the city.

EDIT: Mammo is honourless corrupt, bride-taking hack. He's everyone's enemy even if you're on of his friends.


I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.

Yup. It was the garbage strike that tarnished Miller's image. (Myself, I'm ambivalent towards unions. They do good, but boy, do they let their own power go to their heads.)

But that doesn't mean Miller wouldn't have won if he had run again. Polls close to the end of the campaign showed he would have soundly beat Ford. Miller didn't run again just because he had a family and didn't get to spend nearly as much time with them as he wanted because of his duties. (Unlike Ford, who takes time off whenever he feels like it.)

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I remember the island airport expansion helped sweep Miller into power, and at the time I agreed with it.

But now that Porter has been expanding... I kind of like them. And all the doom and gloom about airports never really amounted to much. I guess it's bad for people that live on the island... but they're all a bunch of hippie squatters anyway. No, but seriously, I went to school with a few people from "the island" and they always complained about the ferry. There were always days where one of them would miss a whole class, and one of the other guys would be like, "well, he missed a ferry." Or they had to go home early and catch the last ferry.

I guess it's quaint and everything, and helps conserve the community, but that's the kind of logic that keeps street cars off roads, or windmills off the water.

NIMBYism from the few hundred island residents didn`t sweep Miller into power. People didn`t like the idea of physical expansion of an airport into whats pretty much the only significant `downtown`park in Toronto.

And Im glad NeoGAF has finally come around on Miller. He was a great mayor for the city and would almost certainly have won if he had run again.


Subete no aware
I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.
I still think wasting time trying to ruin the Toronto Island Airport was the worst thing that he did.

I guess as someone who doesn't live on Front Street or on the islands, I really can't see how a bridge to the islands would necessarily be a bad thing. If the fear is that people start congesting the islands with their cars, then just make it a toll bridge or a service vehicle only bridge or something.
Stupid, stupid shit like capping creditcard rates, banning bandwidth caps, increasing payroll taxes, cutting HST for heating off the top of my head.

Canada is one of the few countries in the world where bandwidth caps is a thing. And it is just a profit earning mechanism, it makes next to zero sense in terms of how bandwidth is produced. It's like putting a cap on how much air you can breathe, as if you breathed too much, there wouldn't be enough left. It's putting a price on an almost unlimited resource.

There was no PST on electricity before the HST was introduced, since it is a government service. So when the HST was implemented, people saw their hydro bills go up by 10%+. That really hurts people on fixed income and living paycheque to paycheque. Let's not forget how Ontario's manufacturing sector has been decimated thanks to those electricity prices. Removing HST off of it would be going back to the status quo, I'm not sure how it is "stupid".

By increasing payroll taxes, I hope you don't mean you want to see continued cuts to EI or you don't want to see a bigger pension plan, both things which your own Liberal Party supports. If you're talking about something else, then I am not aware of it.

I agree with you on the credit card interest rate though. But that's probably 'cause I don't use my credit card and it looks like unnecessary intervention lol.

Chow has been pressuring the Feds for federal funding of municipal transit funding for a long time. She was at the FCM in Vancouver just this past summer representing Toronto and federal transporation critic (which Ford didn't bother attending because flying to Vancouver was a "waste of taxpayer's money"). The municipalities agreed to lobby the feds for money for infrastructure, and lo and behold, there will be $630 million for the Scarborough subway and many more to come. That's what I call getting results; Chow has done more for Toronto the past 3 years than Ford lol.


The municipalities agreed to lobby the feds for money for infrastructure, and lo and behold, there will be $630 million for the Scarborough subway and many more to come. That's what I call getting results; Chow has done more for Toronto the past 3 years than Ford lol.

I... think that has more to do with Harper trying to make inroads into the FORDNATION inner burbs. But yeah one of the biggest problems municipalities in Canada is archaic funding mechanisms and a lack of consistent and reliable support from the feds unlike every other developed nation on the planet. Chow recognizes this and is doing something about it unlike dumbass Ford and his complete inability to recognize the revenue problem that the city has and that Miller went a long way towards fixing with the vehicle and land transfer taxes. One of which Ford rolled back like a moron and the other which he is unable to due to common fiscal sense thus breaking one of his idiot promises.

I agree with the rest though.

Credit card caps (I don't carry a balance either) is a regulation on finance companies. What's so bad about it?


Canadians burned my passport
Uhhh so news tonight will have interviews with the guy who tried to see the crack video. City news and Fifth Estate

Credit card caps (I don't carry a balance either) is a regulation on finance companies. What's so bad about it?
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, if you let your credit card debt go out of hand, it's really no ones fault but your own and you need to seriously re-manage your budgets. On the other hand, the interest rates on these fees are insane to the point where people are unable to realistically pull themselves out of debt so they're basically screwed.


And Im glad NeoGAF has finally come around on Miller. He was a great mayor for the city and would almost certainly have won if he had run again.
I've been a Miller booster forever and yeah I'm glad that others are recognizing that the guy was a real leader unlike Ford.


Miller was great. I met him a few times, and he was quite a gentleman. It also helps that he was educated on issues like planning, unlike Rob "my daddy was a politician so I know everything I need to know" Ford.


Subete no aware
I had no idea that anyone considered credit card rate caps a bad thing... or supported bandwidth caps on broadband.

But I guess there's a first time for everything?
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