Coke suppresses appetite.
Jonathan Goldsbie ‏@goldsbie 1m
Our long, weekly nightmare is over. RT @StrashinCBC: 1010 cuts ties with Fords, The City will no longer air.
Ford Family Fun Power Hour show on Newstalk 1010 has been canceled.
I reject the premise of the question because I don't view the relationship between elections and policy outcomes quite so instrumentally. I also typically dislike complete gridlock in government, although some people like it if it serves their aims to prevent changes that would likely occur in its absence. I am not confident that Doug Ford would make a good mayor, but I am confident that he would make a better mayor than Rob Ford. Obviously he's not who I would vote for were I a resident of Toronto, which I am not
That being said I am open to a broader discussion about whether Mayor in specific ought to have a larger or smaller role as distinct from Ford's performance of being mayor, and in general I've become pretty sour on large metropolitan amalgamations over the last 5 or 6 years because of many, many cases where I feel they've negatively impacted the downtown core's political clout (and I'm... not a very suburban guy.)
But to put this in a more important context: when people make removing Rob Ford about the policies they disagree with, they provide a framing that incentivizes Ford supporters to burrow in in order to defend the policies they agree with. That's a distraction from the broader problem. The people who voted for Rob Ford aren't going anywhere, but they can and should be encouraged to cut him loose instead of engaging in rationalizations like "Hey, why do I care if he drunkenly throws things at staffers or cavorts with organized criminals? Subways!"
I'm not particularly enamored with the left, like the idea of Chow as mayor is loathsome, but I'd honestly would rather have Miller back than to go through Ford again. Hell, even Stintz or Tory... Ford doesn't know how to run a city for shit.
I still haven't heard a evidence-based argument against Chow. I don't particularly have a strong opinion of her either way, but every time I hear someone complain about her, there's never any reason. It's always "I just don't like her!"
The NDP's platform largely makes me throw up in my mouth, I extend that to her by association.
Yeah, but I never hear that kind of dislike extend towards Miller or Layton. Chow always gets the worst of it.
Oh, I extend it to Layton, fuck him too. Miller in practice doesn't seem that different from a liberal like Shelley.
edit- The absence of disgust for Layton might be because he's dead too fwiw.
Oh? Do tell..The NDP's platform largely makes me throw up in my mouth
what is he even doing
Oh? Do tell..
Stupid, stupid shit like capping creditcard rates, banning bandwidth caps, increasing payroll taxes, cutting HST for heating off the top of my head.
So you don't like Andrea Horwath then. What does that have to do with Chow?
These were all from the 2011 federal election. The one that she campaigned on you know?
edit- I guess being indistinguishable from Horwath's platform is a bit funny.
Alright fair enough. I don't find those policies to be very objectionable myself, but they still don't have much to do with what Chow would do as a mayor of a city that doesn't have jurisdiction over... any of that.
I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.
And ironic
Mammoliti used to be a union boss no?
Yeah guys like those aren't anywhere on the political spectrum, they just crave conflict and wedge issues so they can champion one side of it as a way to get into, and then stay in, power. They just need an enemy to rile a base against.Mammoliti used to be a union boss no?
And NDP. He went full Genco.
Well the unions are also the ones who got Mike Harris elected.
I'm pretty damn lefty but some unions have absolutely moronic entitled pricks as leaders. They're just as bad as the "I got mine" Bay Streeters and for the same damn reasons.
I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.
Stupid, stupid shit like capping creditcard rates, banning bandwidth caps
I remember the island airport expansion helped sweep Miller into power, and at the time I agreed with it.
But now that Porter has been expanding... I kind of like them. And all the doom and gloom about airports never really amounted to much. I guess it's bad for people that live on the island... but they're all a bunch of hippie squatters anyway. No, but seriously, I went to school with a few people from "the island" and they always complained about the ferry. There were always days where one of them would miss a whole class, and one of the other guys would be like, "well, he missed a ferry." Or they had to go home early and catch the last ferry.
I guess it's quaint and everything, and helps conserve the community, but that's the kind of logic that keeps street cars off roads, or windmills off the water.
I still think wasting time trying to ruin the Toronto Island Airport was the worst thing that he did.I thought Miller was amazing and the garbage union effectively ruined him and elected Rob Ford, which is a shame.
Stupid, stupid shit like capping creditcard rates, banning bandwidth caps, increasing payroll taxes, cutting HST for heating off the top of my head.
The municipalities agreed to lobby the feds for money for infrastructure, and lo and behold, there will be $630 million for the Scarborough subway and many more to come. That's what I call getting results; Chow has done more for Toronto the past 3 years than Ford lol.
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, if you let your credit card debt go out of hand, it's really no ones fault but your own and you need to seriously re-manage your budgets. On the other hand, the interest rates on these fees are insane to the point where people are unable to realistically pull themselves out of debt so they're basically screwed.Credit card caps (I don't carry a balance either) is a regulation on finance companies. What's so bad about it?
I've been a Miller booster forever and yeah I'm glad that others are recognizing that the guy was a real leader unlike Ford.And Im glad NeoGAF has finally come around on Miller. He was a great mayor for the city and would almost certainly have won if he had run again.