CBC says that organized crime tried to get the video, threatened holders with "execution."
More of this stuff needs to come out. There's been too much focus lately on his "boohoo so sad I have a drinking problem and need help" bullshit.
CBC says that organized crime tried to get the video, threatened holders with "execution."
NIMBYism from the few hundred island residents didn`t sweep Miller into power. People didn`t like the idea of physical expansion of an airport into whats pretty much the only significant `downtown`park in Toronto.
And Im glad NeoGAF has finally come around on Miller. He was a great mayor for the city and would almost certainly have won if he had run again.
More of this stuff needs to come out. There's been too much focus lately on his "boohoo so sad I have a drinking problem and need help" bullshit.
Farah himself, who is known in the neighbourhood as a peacemaker, had been approached in January by Mohammed Siad, an alleged dealer of drugs and guns who had the now infamous video and asked Farah to help him sell it.
Siad would later be arrested as part of the Project Traveller raids targeting a suspected drug and gun ring operated by the Dixon City Bloods gang and was stabbed in jail soon after his arrest. He faces numerous charges, including participating in a criminal organization, conspiracy and trafficking guns and cocaine.
The "what he does on his own time" crowd are being so deluded. The dude was associated with criminals and due to his behaviour gave them an insane amount of leverage over him. You'd think that was a bad thing in a Mayor. But no he hates unions so all other sins are forgiven?
The "what he does on his own time" crowd are being so deluded. The dude was associated with criminals and due to his behaviour gave them an insane amount of leverage over him. You'd think that was a bad thing in a Mayor. But no he hates unions so all other sins are forgiven?
Honestly one group that should have the most cause to reflect in all this (aside from the entire Ford family) are unions. People hate you guys SO MUCH that they're still willing to stick with a guy FILMED SMOKING CRACK just to get back at you. Smarten the fuck up Unions. Damn.
Edit: Dr.Acula, you guys shoot yourselves in the foot and everybody else feels the pain when the right wing reaction comes smashing through.
And that's the OTHER thing dispaora. Miller killed the sick bank. The idea that he lost to the garbage workers is just plain wrong in the first damn place and that's the thing everybody hangs on him. Miller I know your own quality of life is important. But you shoulda fought to defend your legacy for one last term man.
Set him adrift on an ice floe and never hear from him again.
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
I'm probably going to head down to the rally on my lunch break next Wednesday. Anyone else going?
Jesus fuck these councilors are up their own asses
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
That can't be real, can it?Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
That's cute if it's real. lol
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
That's disturbingly American.
Can we amputate Ford Nation before they spread?
How can someone with no neck be a bobble head
There hasn't been any new scandal today, has there? I need my fix.
And Monday's a holiday! At least the Leafs are playing.
Hey, the funny part is, Rob Ford has a better chance of being Mayor again than the Leafs have of making the playoffs!good call. he may show up to the game and get completely shitfaced
Hey, the funny part is, Rob Ford has a better chance of being Mayor again than the Leafs have of making the playoffs!
Ford's office's Ford bobbleheads went on sale today and let's just say they cut a lot of corners
Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
I'm not familiar with Canadian law, why is this illegal?
I'm not familiar with Canadian law, why is this illegal?
isn't slinging rock what got him here in the first place?Illegal, misspelled billboards have made an appearance:
Ford's office's Ford bobbleheads went on sale today and let's just say they cut a lot of corners
See, when people ask "how can people vote for Ford"? I have to ask, "how can people be Leafs fans"?
They're using the city of Toronto's logo without actually getting permission to do so.
See, when people ask "how can people vote for Ford"? I have to ask, "how can people be Leafs fans"?