You can serve for a couple of terms and then itll be Robbies turn. 
Baron Harkkonen, indeed.
 You can serve for a couple of terms and then itll be Robbies turn. 
Justice Paul French said Scott MacIntyre "was viciously attacked and severely beaten" by inmates on March 12, 2012, in a "jail-house justice" episode after the former boyfriend of Ford's sister Kathy sent two letters.
French concluded that the beating "was visited upon MacIntyre because of his being a bother to (Mayor) Ford."
Speaking of Kathy Ford, her former common-law spouse was in court today. Details coming out that after he vowed to expose the Ford family, he was savagely beaten in court for "being a bother to the mayor"
He's now free. This has a chance to be good.
Ford's new staffer:
I think she looks thrilled to be there
I'm sure you guys already know but I heard on the radio a few hours ago their is ANOTHER tape of Ford. Apparently crack ford is tape 1 , the tape of the mayor swearing and cursing in his living room is tape 3...tape 2 remains a mystery.
It's the twerk tape."Tape 2" has been known for a week know.
Let us know when there's a "Tape 4".
The police are releasing more information tomorrow, right? I'm wringing my hands with anticipation.
Ford's new staffer:
I think she looks thrilled to be there
The police are releasing more information tomorrow, right? I'm wringing my hands with anticipation.
Judgment is tomorrow. Then they have to determine what to release and then prepare it.
I'd say Monday or Tuesday, if the judgment is in the media's favour.
'Chris Farley tribute mayor' is the single greatest label affixed to anybody I ever heard. It's been hours and I'm still chuckling.
Monday is Remembrance Day, courts closed
I forgot about that until I read your post. I can't handle this right now.
Wait, it is?! My birthday is on Monday then!Monday is Remembrance Day, courts closed
More on Jon Stewart tonight?
I'm pretty sure the statistic is that 90%+ of Hamilton residents live and work in Hamilton. That would make it pretty different from say, SF/SJ. Of course the region is -economically- interconnected, but culturally, I would say, they are very far apart. Each city feels very different and disconnected from the next. Saying Fort Erie is a part of Greater Toronto is like saying Gatineau is a part of Greater Montreal.
DopeyFish said it best I think. If the Golden Horseshoe were real real, Buffalo would be a part of Toronto.
Everyone was getting their digs in tonight, even the guestMore on Jon Stewart tonight?
Ford wins re-election because this is the most culturally relevant Toronto has been since the Joe Carter was hitting championship winning home runs for the Blue Jays.
Remember Vince Carter?
No. Why, did he win any trophies of note?
Slam Dunk Champion. Most popular NBA player 2000-2003.
One of those is unimportant and the other doesn't actually exist. And both are totally subjective.
I was being facetious.
So let's say we all get what we want, Ford is arrested and put away ending his chances of running for mayor next year, what's to stop Doug Ford from running?
So let's say we all get what we want, Ford is arrested and put away ending his chances of running for mayor next year, what's to stop Doug Ford from running?
So let's say we all get what we want, Ford is arrested and put away ending his chances of running for mayor next year, what's to stop Doug Ford from running?
I am not one to normally post political polemics (at all) ... and to add to that, I generally avoid Huffington Post as I find it pretty skeezy... that said: this piece by Braithwaite really nailed it on the head, I think. Here's a quote:
Debate with Ford Nation is a waste of time, because Ford Nation wins when you are distracted from getting anything done.
This is why the crack video debate is a massive waste of time! Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor does crack. Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor consorts with violent criminals. Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor rolls into work around noon. Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor used his staff for football duties. Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor looks the TV cameras in the face and lies. Ford Nation does not care that the Mayor cannot delegate or work with people.
When they pretend to be conducting a debate, Ford Nation will say that none of this matters, because it doesn't affect Mr. Ford doing his job as the Mayor. And people get their skirts in a tizzy, thinking that these things completely undermine Rob Ford doing his job as a Mayor. But it is a waste of energy debating this with Ford Nation.
Ford Nation cares if he disrupts City Hall. Ford Nation cares if he delays progress in Toronto. Ford Nation cares if he distracts the city from its work to focus on his behaviour...
Dear Toronto: You're Being Trolled By Ford Nation
Nothing really, but the substance of the push to remove Ford is not and should not be grounded in policy disagreements so IMHO replacing him with an exact policy clone would still be a massive, massive improvement.
Nothing really, but the substance of the push to remove Ford is not and should not be grounded in policy disagreements so IMHO replacing him with an exact policy clone would still be a massive, massive improvement.
From what I understand despite being run by a drunk, murderous, crack user Toronto is actually doing well under his policies. If that is true then it just makes this story even funnier.
From what I understand despite being run by a drunk, murderous, crack user Toronto is actually doing well under his policies. If that is true then it just makes this story even funnier.
Going off the Daily Show his approval rating went up after admitting crack. Dunno how true that is.From what you understand?
Well it makes the decision kicking him to the curb much easier. The nice clean curb.Beyond trash collection, it isn't. Revenue and transit was gutted for no reason beyond ideological bluster with the budget ballooning from Miller's.
From what I understand despite being run by a drunk, murderous, crack user Toronto is actually doing well under his policies. If that is true then it just makes this story even funnier.
So which is worse: a buffoon like Rob who is successful at derailing a progressive agenda or a 'competent' like Doug who would be successful at forcing through an actual conservative agenda?
Here's the problem with the outside view: Toronto, depending on who you ask, is doing decent, or is dysfunctional right now.Going off the Daily Show his approval rating went up after admitting crack. Dunno how true that is.
Doug: "If Rob goes away on a little vacation, a week or two weeks, comes back, loses 50-60 pounds," stays "straight," can win in 2014.
The people who voted for Rob Ford aren't going anywhere, but they can and should be encouraged to cut him loose instead of engaging in rationalizations like "Hey, why do I care if he drunkenly throws things at staffers or cavorts with organized criminals? Subways!"
Also, let's not pretend that Doug Ford is innocent in all of this. Half of the madness that is Ford was constructed by his brother.
Speaking of which:
What, is he going to chop off an arm or something?
Can someone explain the surprise at why Rob Ford is fat and also a crack addict? Are crack addicts typically thin? Why?