I call Mayor of North York!Someone please deamalgamate Toronto and put an end to this failed experiment.
If Mel Lastman could do it, how hard could it be?
... I actually kinda miss Lastman now. Now there's a frightening thought.
I call Mayor of North York!Someone please deamalgamate Toronto and put an end to this failed experiment.
Crazy clown? Fuck yourself.
He should be given his day in court like every other citizen.
Someone please deamalgamate Toronto and put an end to this failed experiment.
Without knowing the full story, I think that TPS has actually handled this fairly well. Blair has conducted himself fairly and with integrity, not being pushed by the media, but not remotely covering for Ford either.
God damn this is going to make everyone forget the Senate stuff...Mayor Rob Fords lawyer agrees the headlines should be about somebody resigning.
But I was thinking the police chief resigning is what should be the headline, Dennis Morris said Thursday night. The mayor has been convicted in the public by the police chief.
God damn this is going to make everyone forget the Senate stuff...
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
I don't know if we know what the timing is on that event. The surveillance team may not have been able to follow Ford when he left that site in order to be in a position to retrieve the bottles, and when they found the bottles, Ford might have already been lost to the surveillance team. There are several possible variables there.
But in broad strokes, yes, they probably would have had grounds for an impaired arrest that day, and that is the one thing that I find somewhat concerning.
But that is an issue that has come up before, when police are conducting major investigations and see possible drinking and driving activity. There is obviously a serious public safety concern with that activity, but if you pull the trigger and so the impaired arrest, you may blow the larger investigation.
Is there a particular reason why the Detective who signed the, uh, affadavits (this might not be the technical term, sorry if I'm incorrect here) in the released court documents was a Homicide detective when the focus of the investigation seems at best peripheral to homicide and seems more like an organized crime, corruption, or narcotics investigation? Is it common for teams to be made up of police from varying divisions assigned temporarily for the investigation in question? Or is it because this is a bigger dragnet type thing?
Robin Doolittle watching the video with Siad.
I don't understand, don't corrupt politicians only meet face to face with mob kingpins in the movies? Why the fuck is Ford directly exchanging words, handshakes, money, and drugs with these kind of people in broad daylight? Does he just not give a shit?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
Robin Doolittle watching the video with Siad.
This is truly a live-cartoon.What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
Man I wish I was back living in Toronto. Rob Ford has brought the entertainment. If they ever make this whole thing into a movie, I want Larry Joe Cambell to play him.
Robin Doolittle watching the video with Siad.
It's not like they're sitting next to each other and sharing hotdogs
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
In a van, down by the RIVER!!
What the fuck? Now he's calling into a radio show under a false name?
Mayor Rob Ford's lawyer says Ford might not have been smoking "crack cocaine." Could have been "cigarettes or marijuana."
Mayor Rob Ford's lawyer: Toronto Star reporters aren't experts in watching crack-smoking.