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Rocksmith 2014 |OT| - Everything is improved, except the OT.


Man I'm having to "game" this game a lot. Full disclosure, I've played guitar for 10~ish years on and off. I'm not as good as that makes it sound, but I have been the bassist of a metal band that covered Iron Maiden and Lamb of God.

Obviously this game isn't geared toward me. Nevertheless I have some complaints.

While the game is great fun, years of reading tabs makes me feel like I'm relearning the guitar again. And playing through songs I actually KNOW, seems impossible. Say it ain't so is one of the first Weezer songs I learned I failed this one pretty much instantly. Yes my fingerings are exactly the same. I just haven't gamed it properly. Maybe I'm paying too much attention to the notes. I can play my guitars without looking at the neck.

The game scaling is iffy at best. I first booted up Iron Maiden The Trooper on bass since I've actually covered it live in concert. It took me like 5 playthroughs to get to something that sounds vaguely familiar to what I know to be the song. I ended up playing the actual song without following what's on screen and I passed with 80ish percent accuracy. Good on the game.
On the other hand, I've tried sight reading songs that I don't know and the difficulty scales mid-song. That's great that it scales, but I've never heard these songs before and the game knows it! A 0% learned song shouldn't scale to the hard level first try. Most songs aren't too demanding but a sight read is hard.

I know this game wasn't developed for me so I shouldn't really complain. I was hoping it could teach me some things but in the few hours I've played, it's not looking better. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy this game. It's a ton of fun and will surely scratch my rock band itch. I'm just gonna have to treat it as a game rather than a training tool.

One final thing: don't be afraid to change fingerings. I played through the Minus the Bear song and near the solo there's some funny B string work. I don't know the song as I was sight reading this, but it seemed like a REALLY strange way to play the phrases. It was something on the B string like 7-10-7-12-7-15-7-17.

Dumb. Nobody would realistically play the song at that tempo with those fingerings. It's possible for sure but just really unnecessary. I highly doubt they consulted the songwriters on their preferred fingerings and they likely just transposed notes to the fingerboard.

These are just my first impressions though after maybe 3 hours of gametime. I'm looking forward to diving in deep this weekend

LOL...kinda scary how close to what I was going to post but you nailed it. This is EXACTLY me. Classic metal bassist (I can play anything by Maiden for example, and have played many live). Playing through songs I actually KNOW, seems impossible.
I played through Fear of the Dark and got 90% without looking at the screen. Playing it looking at screen...23%. lol.

I've been (mentally) complaining about alot of the fingering choices.

Still I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Even though alot of the songs are just cringe-worthy to me. That terrible "Stay in, Stay out" hipster song by Jaws (is it about that guy's dog?). GAH.
I don't follow the fingering sequences they have for the songs note for note. The software is pitch based so you can play the same note in any position and it will be correct. Same goes with chords.

One thing that has been bugging me a bit about the game is that it punishes you for having your own voice on guitar. I can play almost all of the songs on it, and have been able to for some time but, I will never get above a 95% on any song. Over the years I've developed my own style to how I play things and since I'm not a note robot I get punished for it. Just a minor gripe though. It's something that really isn't able to be solved either and it's definitely not a game breaker or anything. Just an annoyance to see dudes who I know I can outshred IRL getting scores better than me.
I don't follow the fingering sequences they have for the songs note for note. The software is pitch based so you can play the same note in any position and it will be correct. Same goes with chords.

It takes a certain familiarity to re-arrange it on the fly, though. I would be much happier if I could tell it to move certain bits to certain strings and have it sort the rest out. I have to rewrite tabs (or use Capo).

Just an annoyance to see dudes who I know I can outshred IRL getting scores better than me.

Stop measuring your dick with guitars, as it were. ;)

I should buy more short-scale instruments.
Like ukuleles.


I have to say, after about 3 weeks with the the game, the bugs are starting to annoy me.

The biggest annoyance to date: my progress with certain songs (the bars) sometimes gets randomly reset to the initial "middle" position. What's up with that? Manually ramping it up again doesn't seem to work either. The game wants me to play those bars up again.


- tone switch sometimes stops working when interrupting a song with the riff repeater

- the volume of a song is sometimes unusually low (except for my guitar), mostly when I first start up the game. After exiting the song and starting it again, everything sounds like it is supposed to sound

I can deal with these bugs but the random resetting in "learn a song" mode annoys me to no end.

edit: Just bought a couple of more DLC songs. I still love you, Rocksmith. No matter how much you abuse me.

But seriously, Ubisoft. Fix this shit.
It's never going to get fixed.


Gold Member
I played guitar in college but put it aside after due to all the "real life" stuff that came my way. One day not too long ago I realized if I stuck with it I would have nearly 10 years under my belt and would probably be pretty awesome!

Oh well. That time is gone but I got RS2014 and a cheap Squier for Christmas and this thing is awesome! I can't wait to dig in more. I really wish this thing was around when I was in college.

Anyone know a cheap way to get RS2013 and a song import?
Stop measuring your dick with guitars, as it were. ;)

Everyone knows that as the number of notes you can apply on a beat increases, your junk grows as well. :)

Anyone know a cheap way to get RS2013 and a song import?

I would check on Amazon if you're going to get it for PC. They have deals on the digital version of the game frequently. I got the PC version for $15 from there.
I have to say, after about 3 weeks with the the game, the bugs are starting to annoy me.

The biggest annoyance to date: my progress with certain songs (the bars) sometimes gets randomly reset to the initial "middle" position. What's up with that? Manually ramping it up again doesn't seem to work either. The game wants me to play those bars up again.


- tone switch sometimes stops working when interrupting a song with the riff repeater

- the volume of a song is sometimes unusually low (except for my guitar), mostly when I first start up the game. After exiting the song and starting it again, everything sounds like it is supposed to sound

I can deal with these bugs but the random resetting in "learn a song" mode annoys me to no end.

edit: Just bought a couple of more DLC songs. I still love you, Rocksmith. No matter how much you abuse me.

But seriously, Ubisoft. Fix this shit.
It's never going to get fixed.

Hopefully the next patch will fix the "mastery reset" glitch once and for all.
Aerosmith Song Pack – $11.99

Aerosmith – Dream On (E Standard: A444)
Aerosmith – Legendary Child (E Standard)
Aerosmith – Oh Yeah (E Standard)
Aerosmith – Same Old Song and Dance (E Standard)
Aerosmith – Sweet Emotion (E Standard)
Oasis next week!



I think the concept behind the arcade mini games is utter shit. How is your brain supposed to learn anything when it's constantly disctracted? You probably learn 50% slower that way. Not touching those.

Anyway...I'm playing the PC version and I always get connection errors on start. Any idea there that might come from?


Oh man, I decided to buy the original RockSmith so I could import the songs... well worth the money to do so.

Having access to Pixies 'Where is My Mind?' alone justifies the cost for me, considering its one of my favourites. Only had to a couple of days and just got my mastery of it to 73.2%... my second highest song. Considering I started playing in November these are way better results than I was expecting, I thought it would take a year to get to this basic level. Of course I am still crap and need to learn a whole heap load to get to an acceptable level but can't recommend this game enough.

Btw, if anyone with experience could answer the below question it would be appreciated. Cheers :D

*SNIP*Using an Acoustic Guitar*SNIP*

Is it recommended in the long term to use a pick?
I am playing with an acoustic guitar and been using my thumb to strum, I thought the pick I had sucked so ordered a wallet of them with different sizes. Turns out, I just suck with a pick... I mean the difference is night and day. Not being able to 'feel' the string seems impossible to me, maybe I just need to start from scratch though. Is it recommended in the long term to use a pick?

IMO, if you aspire to play shred/metal or bluegrass lead guitar, you will need to learn to flat pick. Otherwise it's almost entirely to your preference. I play acoustic guitar 100% with my fingers and electric guitar 80% with my fingers.

The majority of guitarists use picks.


IMO, if you aspire to play shred/metal or bluegrass lead guitar, you will need to learn to flat pick. Otherwise it's almost entirely to your preference. I play acoustic guitar 100% with my fingers and electric guitar 80% with my fingers.

The majority of guitarists use picks.

Thanks very much, only really want to learn my favourite songs and to play acoustic at home. Need to build up the callous on my thumb for the heavier songs still but may get an entry level electric guitar later this year. As it seems some songs need it more than others, really trying hard with Paint it Black but trying to do the bends kills me every time. So think I will stick to fingers/thumb for now, at least until my muscle memory is down.

I know this has been touched upon already, but I wanted to wait a while for the game to really sink in with players before really asking:

Guys is this worth buying if I already own the first one? I don't care about streamlined menus or the new tracklist. The deal closer (or breaker) for me is whether the new interface when playing and learning the songs and new guitarcade exercises are substantially better learning tools.

I have an amazon gift card and I'm stuck whether I should spend it on this or SMT Overclocked+Soul Hackers.

Thanks for the input.
Guys is this worth buying if I already own the first one? I don't care about streamlined menus or the new tracklist. The deal closer (or breaker) for me is whether the new interface when playing and learning the songs and new guitarcade exercises are substantially better learning tools.

Yes, you should buy Rocksmith 2014.


Guys is this worth buying if I already own the first one? I don't care about streamlined menus or the new tracklist. The deal closer (or breaker) for me is whether the new interface when playing and learning the songs and new guitarcade exercises are substantially better learning tools..

While you might think that you don't care about the better menus, that and the almost non-existent load times makes playing the game so much better. Much less waiting around and more actual playing. Then you have all the new techniques, session mode and the improved guitarcade.

It's worth upgrading from the first one.


The arcade games build muscle memory in a way that isn't boring. Not sure that isn't a positive.

Because it is less effective. And boring is relative. It's not like those mini games are exciting. When I want to play videogames, I play videogames. It seems a bit artificial to use your guitar as a game controll. That's pretty far off from "making music", tbh. It's a waste of time.
Because it is less effective. And boring is relative. It's not like those mini games are exciting. When I want to play videogames, I play videogames. It seems a bit artificial to use your guitar as a game controll. That's pretty far off from "making music", tbh. It's a waste of time.

Maybe for you, but other people don't find practicing rudimentary guitar skills enjoyable so the mini-games are a welcome gamification.


Maybe for you, but other people don't find practicing rudimentary guitar skills enjoyable so the mini-games are a welcome gamification.

If you can't take the rudiments serious and have a will to learn them by your heart, then you might not even start guitar at all. It's an instrument, not a game controller.
If you can't take the rudiments serious and have a will to learn them by your heart, then you might not even start guitar at all. It's an instrument, not a game controller.

I like the guitarcade approach because it helps to get my hand to competently move around the strings and frets. So what if it omits theory and understanding? Rocksmith as a whole should be considered a supplementary tool anyway so you should get that covered elsewhere.

I agree that picking up the guitar requires endurance and dedication, but just cause someone would prefer something like the guitarcade as opposed to doing the normal exercises ad nauseum, doesn't mean they shouldn't approach the guitar.


I like the guitarcade approach because it helps to get my hand to competently move around the strings and frets. So what if it omits theory and understanding? Rocksmith as a whole should be considered a supplementary tool anyway so you should get that covered elsewhere.

I agree that picking up the guitar requires endurance and dedication, but just cause someone would prefer something like the guitarcade as opposed to doing the normal exercises ad nauseum, doesn't mean they shouldn't approach the guitar.

I do believe that he/she is willingly sacrificing learning speed and success for playing some sort of (pretty shitty) minigame. That doesn't sound like dedication to me. If it's this boring for you to get your scales, bends or chords down, when guitar might just not be the right instrument for you. Concentrating on an additional visual experience and a game concept while training your guitar skills will take away from your learining experience. Not to mention that you should be cocentrated how your chord, bend or singular note SOUNDS instead of trying to break a highscore.

It's a waste of time. If you want to play a game, play a game. If you want to learn guitar, learn guitar.


RS2014 was my GOTY. I had never played guitar prior to playing it. I can now play a small handful of songs, almost unaided, almost at full speed due to it. I'm certain a couple lessons with a (very) patient instructor would provide me the final bits of the puzzle to get me over the line (strumming neatly and cleanly still trips me up, though I've got to remember that I've only put a few days' worth of hours into this).

Those guitarcade things are terrific, immeasurably better than almost everything on YT and demonstrably better than books, apps or tabs I've looked at.

If it's this boring for you to get your scales, bends or chords down, when guitar might just not be the right instrument for you.

Could not disagree more. Horrible sentence, poor attitude, not dissimilar to the "if you're not playing it on hard you're not playing it right" BS that is spouted elsewhere.

Why not embrace the fact that more people, more than ever probably, are getting to enjoy a hobby you are so fond of? Pat them on the back and say 'back in my day we had to learn bends and chords with our fingers rubberbanded together and blindfolded, you guys have got it so easy!' and have a chuckle with them about it? Why instead take the approach that you're just going shit on our parade? It sucks man, I just want to learn to play a few Rage licks, ideally without all the haughty-taughtyness.

Not to mention that you should be cocentrated how your chord, bend or singular note SOUNDS instead of trying to break a highscore.

I think RS does a decent job of providing feedback on how your technique sounds, but you are right. I've taken to playing RS a lot with just one side of my headphones on, so I can hear how it sounds in game but also hear the strings and the notes naturally. This was pretty invaluable in discovering that I was pressing down much too hard sometimes, and I adjusted accordingly.

Concentrating on an additional visual experience and a game concept while training your guitar skills will take away from your learining experience.

In the broader context of 'gaming', this is nonsense. In the narrower jurisdiction of just RS minigames, there is some merit but I don't agree. The Chords of The Dead is a great, great example of how everything is tied together to provide a solid learning experience, while also providing almost instant feedback on how you're improving, or perhaps flatlining.

I was amazed at how quickly I improved at that minigame across just several play sessions across several days. This is in part due to learning how the game works (though there is enough randomisation of chords to stop you from learning from rote memorisation), but also out of improved muscle memory. In turn, I progressively got better at the song that recommended I go and spend time in the Chords of The Dead minigame.

Some of the other minigames are still too tough for me to progress very far, but I'll get there eventually I'm sure of it!

If you want to play a game, play a game. If you want to learn guitar, learn guitar.

whynotboth.gif Dismissive tone aside, this is the one part of your post that I agree with, as it aligns with my only real criticism I have of RS2014. It is an abstract one that may not come to fruition, but time will tell.

The criticism is that RS2014 is excellent at teaching you how to play songs. I have learned to play one or two Offspring songs and am quite decent at playing the components (the chords, the strumming pattern and technique, for example) that make up those songs. However, I cannot apply those fundamental skills to anything outside of those couple songs - yet. And this is where time will tell. I am certain that with further practice, further learning, further understanding, that will come in time, but we will see.

That will be the true measure of the value of RS. However I am certain that the creators of RS would say that if they inspire a number of people to pick up and learn to play a few songs on guitar well, than of that group there will be people who go on to seek further education and skills and become fair dinkum guitarists.
Oasis Song Pack - $11.99

Oasis “Champagne Supernova” (E Standard: A443)
Oasis “Live Forever” (E Standard: A449)
Oasis “Some Might Say” (E Standard: A450)
Oasis “Supersonic” (E Standard)
Oasis “Wonderwall” (Capo Required)


RS2014 was my GOTY. I had never played guitar prior to playing it. I can now play a small handful of songs, almost unaided, almost at full speed due to it. I'm certain a couple lessons with a (very) patient instructor would provide me the final bits of the puzzle to get me over the line (strumming neatly and cleanly still trips me up, though I've got to remember that I've only put a few days' worth of hours into this).

Those guitarcade things are terrific, immeasurably better than almost everything on YT and demonstrably better than books, apps or tabs I've looked at.

Could not disagree more. Horrible sentence, poor attitude, not dissimilar to the "if you're not playing it on hard you're not playing it right" BS that is spouted elsewhere.

Why not embrace the fact that more people, more than ever probably, are getting to enjoy a hobby you are so fond of? Pat them on the back and say 'back in my day we had to learn bends and chords with our fingers rubberbanded together and blindfolded, you guys have got it so easy!' and have a chuckle with them about it? Why instead take the approach that you're just going shit on our parade? It sucks man, I just want to learn to play a few Rage licks, ideally without all the haughty-taughtyness.

I think RS does a decent job of providing feedback on how your technique sounds, but you are right. I've taken to playing RS a lot with just one side of my headphones on, so I can hear how it sounds in game but also hear the strings and the notes naturally. This was pretty invaluable in discovering that I was pressing down much too hard sometimes, and I adjusted accordingly.

In the broader context of 'gaming', this is nonsense. In the narrower jurisdiction of just RS minigames, there is some merit but I don't agree. The Chords of The Dead is a great, great example of how everything is tied together to provide a solid learning experience, while also providing almost instant feedback on how you're improving, or perhaps flatlining.

I was amazed at how quickly I improved at that minigame across just several play sessions across several days. This is in part due to learning how the game works (though there is enough randomisation of chords to stop you from learning from rote memorisation), but also out of improved muscle memory. In turn, I progressively got better at the song that recommended I go and spend time in the Chords of The Dead minigame.

Some of the other minigames are still too tough for me to progress very far, but I'll get there eventually I'm sure of it!

whynotboth.gif Dismissive tone aside, this is the one part of your post that I agree with, as it aligns with my only real criticism I have of RS2014. It is an abstract one that may not come to fruition, but time will tell.

The criticism is that RS2014 is excellent at teaching you how to play songs. I have learned to play one or two Offspring songs and am quite decent at playing the components (the chords, the strumming pattern and technique, for example) that make up those songs. However, I cannot apply those fundamental skills to anything outside of those couple songs - yet. And this is where time will tell. I am certain that with further practice, further learning, further understanding, that will come in time, but we will see.

That will be the true measure of the value of RS. However I am certain that the creators of RS would say that if they inspire a number of people to pick up and learn to play a few songs on guitar well, than of that group there will be people who go on to seek further education and skills and become fair dinkum guitarists.

Elfinke, the one and solely reason you are arguing against my arguments is, that you did not try it for yourself. You are saying that you have problems applying your RS skills outside of RS - that would not be the case if you would train your rudiments outside of RS. Naturally you would start improvising and exploring the guitar instead of sticking to the rules of some minigame. Another issue is that these minigames put artificial pressure on you, taking the time away you need to correct yourself after you made a mistake. Sure you can measure how many chords you got right or how quick you are, but what is that worth if you don' get a feel for the actual sound of each indvidual note in that chord, because you are focused just on delivering the cord on time so that it fits the game.

Of course you will learn something by using these minigames, that is out of question. The question is: How much more will you learn if you actually get outside of these boundaries? I suspect that it's a whole lot more.

Also, instead of playing these minigames, try the session mode instead. This mode is actually great and makes a lot of sense and will teach you a lot. Getting these patterns down will help you.

Hitting tones, chords, bends etc...please, try practicing those without a game attached to it. You will learn faster and better.
So I have Rocksmith set up for my electric guitar that I normally use which has all six tuning knobs on one side but every now and then I switch to my acoustic which is 3 on each side. Is there any way to change this setting? Does it actually effect gameplay in any way besides the tuning screen?
So I have Rocksmith set up for my electric guitar that I normally use which has all six tuning knobs on one side but every now and then I switch to my acoustic which is 3 on each side. Is there any way to change this setting? Does it actually effect gameplay in any way besides the tuning screen?

Is it in options? Or perhaps "My Path" I'll look into this.


So I have the problem with that System of a Down Song. I don't know if the riff is really a bitch or I just have an issue with the timing. But the way how I "feel" to play that main riff I get so many mistakes. It has to be something with the rythm, not the actuall notes. It's just giving me a lot of "miss" for the chords and sometimes I don't know. I played around with that lag compensation tool but it's really hard to tell what is the correct setting. I got a normal IPS LG Display. Setting it to 0 seems like the correct setting but 50ms seems also fine but it doesn't impact my performance that much I think.

Can anyone share experiences on that song/riff? Thanks!


So I have the problem with that System of a Down Song. I don't know if the riff is really a bitch or I just have an issue with the timing. But the way how I "feel" to play that main riff I get so many mistakes. It has to be something with the rythm, not the actuall notes. It's just giving me a lot of "miss" for the chords and sometimes I don't know. I played around with that lag compensation tool but it's really hard to tell what is the correct setting. I got a normal IPS LG Display. Setting it to 0 seems like the correct setting but 50ms seems also fine but it doesn't impact my performance that much I think.

Can anyone share experiences on that song/riff? Thanks!

Do you get notes that drop on random in the middle of a chain of chords like the power chord on 5th fret? Or in the part where you jump to 6th fret on A for those chords? You might be seeing misses from the open strings you should play while changing chords.

Don't know if this video will help you out anything, but here's one of my runs I did way back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDq9P1rSHpU Was my third run of the song, so most of the misses I got there was my own fault and not the games.
Weezer Song Pack – $11.99

Weezer “Island In The Sun”
Weezer “Buddy Holly” Eb Standard
Weezer “My Name Is Jonas” Eb Standard
Weezer “Undone (The Sweater Song)” Eb Standard
Weezer “Hash Pipe”


Tried out Bandfuse.
Was able to pick up a used copy from Amazon for $27.

Was as unimpressed as I expected to be.

Interface looks very amateurish, the videos are distracting, not a great use of space, tones are hugely inferior, and it just doesn't seem to be as easy to read on the fly as Rocksmith ... and I've been reading tab for 30 years, so am already fairly familiar with the basis of the presentation.

The only things I saw that I wished RS had is :
polyphonic tuner (this is really quite handy), true 'career' mode, and some licenses I'm really really really disappointed RS doesn't have : Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Yes, Jane's Addiction and Faith No More in particular.

5 years ago I mighta happily put some time into it, but RS just blows it away, imo.

carry on
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